You continue this conversation with a respectful

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Marc-Anthony
Date: Aug 20, 2006 8:24 PM
What do you think that the original intention of religion was?
----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Aug 23, 2006 5:22 AM
I'm not the best guy to answer this, but I think at first it was created to try and give people an understanding of what we didn't know. It was a way to explain away anything we didn't understand. As we started to learn more about the way the world works, religion adapted and became more about controlling people.
In the following section RRS is in bold, and all of the other thoughts are his. His original words, then our bolded statement, then his retort preceeded by ">>>>>." This was the body of three emails.
All im sayin is that you guys shouldnt go downing something 100% and promote something else 100% if you your self do not know for a FACT that some sort of GOD does not exist. I dont know if you ever read the bible but its not as bad as people want it to be.
We are as sure that god doesn't exist as we are that flying space monkeys don't exist. You have a problem with us asking the Flying Space Monkey believers to start being honest with themselves?
>>>>>Alright there mr. rational response, that is an irrational statement. Honestly, I really really dont think flying space monkeys exist but I have never been in space and I know you havent either so we really will never know if monkeys fly around there.
>>>>>Anyway, you are doing the same thing as all the christians and catholics and that is, Interperting religion a little to litterly. Granted we have prooven evolution, for the most part, that still dosent answer the question as to what is the universe and why are we here? Instead of GOD being an actual guy, GOD is exactly what the bible says in revealations, "I am alpha and omega, the beginning and the end".
I dont know if you ever read the bible but its not as bad as people want it to be. It makes alotta sense and is actually a pretty good book, but its just a book.
Yeah, I've read the whole thing. The first half was one of the most vile, contradictory horrific things I'd ever read. How you could think it's "good" is beyond me. It commands stoning your son to death if he disobeys you, as a father, it's disgusting.
>>>>>>Again, your interperting the meaning too litterly.
As far as the book to live your life by, the bible sucks. As far as being a good book that helps you question your self to help make yourself a better person, its good. But like I said before, ITS JUST A BOOK, the second anyone takes it past that then they start fuckin shit up for everyone. I guarentee that every time your child acts up hardcore you think about it not being a good idea to use physical punishment that much more because of what the bible said about stoning your son.Lets face it though, many many people are very very dumb and religion brings them to peace.
But reality doesn't bring people peace?
>>>>>Not in all cases, most people are far too intimadated to grasp the concept of reality. So many people have been in a state of disillusion for so long that the very thought of anything else would make em freak out. Have you ever read "Allegory of the cave"?
Most people will never see the light.
In our current society, I agree.
>>>>>>Thats why I believe its the responsability of the people that "see the light" to gain control of the people in the dark and to make decisions in their best interest.
>>>>>>I believe its possible for 2 people with clashing views to have an intelligent conversation about a controversal topic and still have respect for each other at the end of the day. So I just wanted to let you know that, even though I dont agree with your opinion, I understand it and I intend no disrespect to you but I am prepared to proove my point, as are you.
Just remember, eventhough ideas collide were still on the same side of the revolution and thats prooven by the very fact that we have ideas.
With that said, feel free to openly bash and trash anything I have to say. Im a big boy, I can handle it.
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Marc Anthony recently took a turn for the worse, maybe it's drunk night. You see the entire email exchange above, and my initial impression of him was that he was a respectful person. He left the following comment on our myspace page.
We didn't respond to you Marc because we didn't have the time, and you weren't worth it, considering all of the answers to everything you discussed were readily available on our site.
His comment was removed, he was blocked, and informed of this post that obviously nobody gave a shit about... or maybe you all just realized how right he was and were too scared to respond. lol
Still it's... in the forums hands should you guys choose to respond to anything Marc-Anthony said.
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He seemed like a moderate with the initial post. Your replies were right on the point. Who knew it would turn that ugly?
He admitted to evolution.
He admitted the bible's fallacy.
He's one of the militant 'none, but spiritual' believer brigade. I absolutely don't understand them. At least with the extremists you know they'll have the courage of their convictions.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Wow. What a personality shift. I think that the second one showed his true colors.
Jeckle and Hyde. Too bad he and others who take offense can't see that RRS is just here to help with answers for those questioning their beliefs. As well as setting up a network for freethinkers. And letting people debate religion. I hardly know any other place that does this. Even with some of my friends, this topic is left alone.
Letter to Marc:
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
What an idiot. He actually thinks those e mails countered anything?
also I don't think he got the idea that RRS owns their website...
... or that we don't exist to entertain EVERY question ever posed to us.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
that's quite a combination. stupid ghetto kid-turned-existentialist.
speaking of which, what's the deal with all the fucking existentialists on this board lately, and why do they get so offended? they don't really believe in god, per se....they just believe that everything is god, which is totally inconsequential.
whatever. this is my united states of whatever.
Fear is the mindkiller.
Existentialists believe god is everything? I dabble in Philosophy, and I thought that there were various types of existentialism, one of which being atheistic. Which is what I would be, we exist and make our own purpose and that is it.
ok, cool. i'll cop to not being well versed in existentialism. i think i can bandage this up pretty easily though. just don't read it as a broad statement anymore, instead let it pertain only to existentialists that believe in a "higher power". that works, right? i think so. yeah.

Fear is the mindkiller.
So I guess this is what kind of 'respectful' behavior he was talking about is what we all should be like, heh? I love it how WE take the bible too are we supposed to interpret stoning your child to death? Beats me, heh. He wasn't seeking answers, he wanted to try to prove his superiority to us, and looked for anything he could get his hands on. He's a kid, maybe he will learn, and maybe he won't.