You don't get Christmas you selfesh bastards!

From:i have a qustion. how can you have a blastfiem challange prize and then say " if ya already got one its a good gift." if you done belive in god you dont get christmas. its ours. its for people who share the beliefs of
jesus. thats why jews dont get christmas. so thats why muslums dont either. i am not super bible thumper. but i thin k you people are fucked up for cramming this and then saying its a good gift, i bet you love
christmas. thats cool so do i. but the differance is i believe in it. i dont just do it for presents you selfesh bastards.
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Do some research. Christmas was stolen from pagans. And you might want to use spellcheck. It's your friend. Unfortunately there is no grammar check or intelligent-statement check.
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YOU HAVE NO FREEDOM IN A FREE COUNTRY! Only Jesus believers are allowed to put up pagan trees Chrisitains incoprerated into their religion. YOU HAVE NO FREEDOM. It is our holiday GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!
Only CHRISTIANS can demand WAL MART sell them cheap junk while exploiting the hype putting the buyer needlessly in dept. After we shop you see then we eat dinner at Chick Fill Barf!
Ladies and gents. He's got us. Capitalism and the free market is a patent pending owned by Jesus H. Christ. We better back off because he owns it here is the document number:
(Office of United States Patents)
"Christmas" and all immages thereof, from Santa to missle toe to the tinsle and tree are hereby decreed the sole property of the Christian religion. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized reproduction, discriptions or reinactments of the Christian holiday without their express written permission is strictly prohibited.
"Christmas" Patent Pending United States Patent Office Number:
123456789.72345 (Yea we know, other people filed their religious patents before, but dont tell them)
(End Patent)
GET OVER IT! Your religion is not the only in America or on the face of the planet. Grow the fuck up!
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Hmm....christian, illiterate and juggalo. Bad combination.
I don't really know, since that sentence makes no sense. I guess you've got me there.
Christmas is a pagan holiday. If christians can celebrate it, then everyone can. Don't agree with that? Then I'm afraid you don't get christmas.
Actually, they have their own holidays, they don't particularly want yours. You seem to have the idea that a long time ago, all the world's religions got to together and decided who got what holiday. That's pretty funny.
That's good, because he is the lamest superhero ever. Batman is way cooler, though I've always been partial to Ghost Rider.
Knowledge is a great gift for anyone who is brave enough to accept it.
Yeah, it is pretty fun
I believe christmas exists. I don't believe god exists and I don't believe christians understand the origins of christmas, but as for the concept that there is a holiday and people celebrate it, I believe that.
You should. Ask for a dictionary next year.
Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine
super bible thumper is the lamest superhero ever. LMMFAO! :
I'm still wondering what a "blastfiem challange" is.
And "ask for a dictionary next year" was another classic.
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I have uppercase lettering skills.
But I digress.
Nope, Seeing how it was taken from pagen sources it didn't start as yours.
And seeing as how christmas could mean just Santa Clause, and the spirit of GIVING TO SOMEONE. If doesn't neceserally have to be for xians.
And now, it's just a consumer thing, christmas is a title.
Just a specific day of the holiday season, no one really cares about JUST christmas anymore. And it's been that way ever since Montgomery ward invented rudolph the red nosed reindeer, it's not just for xians, but for consermers as a whole.
They have their own holidays. I don't, but seeing as how I live in America, I celebrate the BIG AMERICAN holidays.
i... um- I don't go around claiming chistmas is mine and only mine. And what about only doing for presents, why don't actually get to know someone before you judge 'em? No, you'd rather feel justified with a lie than learn something about some one, you selfish bastard!
Sounds German.
Probably because we like the movie and would like people to watch it. Have you seen it?
Hmm I don't think you know the history very well. Why don't you check out this.
If you look at that link a lot of christians didn't "get" christmas either.
Well there is a reason people refer to christmas morning when comparing an event suggesting it is a good one.
What do you mean believe in it? Jesus? Check out that link. Older versions resemble an interesting mix of Mardi Gras and Halloween so the fun secular stuff isn’t such a bad reason to like a holiday. The difference is I know the name is a product of the church stealing other people’s holidays. Really man what the fuck does a tree have to do with Jesus?
Oh read this page, it will tell you what our war on christmas is about...
Susan's Theory proven correct once again. *sigh*
The word "blastfiem" made me laugh out loud and scare the cats.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
I'd like to suggest a study for college freshmen - how many Christians vs atheists have to take remedial English. Maybe compare other religions, and maybe Moderates/liberals vs fundies (of course how many of THEM make it to college?)
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Sorry, but I couldn't resist.
Quick doodle of my concept of Super Bible Thumper. I'm gonna draw Captain Rational and Blasphemy Boy to fight him soon.
Yeah, good idea - he's actually a supervillain!
Captain Rational and Blasphemy Boy are the heroes.
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College studies don't have to be limited to colleges
Although I doubt people would be able to get away with a purely religious study with the goal of it being damaging to it. Plus if someone is going to go about doing a study on literacy there is so much more useful data dealing with other aspects to be found. If I hear of a study I'll try to get them to put religion as one of the questions.
If science has one failing, it's that there is no way to accurately measure how much ass this picture kicks.
Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine
I love it GlamourKat!
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
I'm just wondering why the cross on SBT's face upsidedown
Haha, thanks.
Hmm, I didn't notice. O_O
It is, isn't it?
... LOL
This reminds me - do you remember a similar superhero character on MADTV a few years ago? Was it Bibleman? I think he flew through the air with a Bible in his mouth.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
ROFL! @ super bible thumper.
If you believe that the commericialized monster known as Christmas or that the materialistic themes behind both Santa Claus or giving/receiving gifts is in the very least bit thiestic or related to God, then you should promptly denounce yourself as a heathen and take the Blasphemy Challenge.
We look forward to your video.