More credence to Susans Theory of Poor Grammar in Religion

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Luke is a B.A.M.F.
Date: Dec 9 2006 3:16 AMhey buddy skrew u, there is nothing rational about u. all u want to do is say something so unacceptable in our cultural and see who turns and looks at u. if u were really a rationl "squad" u would say something else than just these idiotic things like "i support the war on christmas" and just what war is this? is there such a thing? and why is it rational to want to stop a holiday that makes people love and care about each other. i don't see any ratioanlism. i support free speech, but do not supportr idiots. have fun stirring the water.
jesus is lord and as long as he is cursed in my pressence i will be there to defend him. i pray for u.
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Interesting claim, now what evidence do you have for this?
No there are easier things to do that too with larger built in audiences. Say from a religious position? tells you what its about.
Rationalism - Reliance on reason as the best guide for belief and action.
Is their a point in which members of RRS are not using reason to "guide" beliefs?
Well in order to support free speech you have to at least support the right for an idiot to speak. However I think we should be careful about using that term as it just makes things personal.
I haven't heard of this saying before, so I can't really respond to it.
Maybe you should check out
I'm sure many here will think for you.
lol hai 2 u 2!!!1!
sorry that we dont agree with ur culture i guess we shuold bend ovre and suck jeesdic with u... or mayby u should get over it and except that people have differences of opninion
what iz idiotic about that
war on christmas you u jus said it yourself lol
umm... you siad it it might be tru
ur not reading anything well then
being in ur pressence is a curse isnt it?
i will eat chezze 4 u
OK. OK! I just absolutely can't stand it any more. This must be marked for corrections.
Hey, buddy, screw you. There is nothing rational about you.
All you want to do is say something so unacceptable in our culture and see who turns and looks at you.
If your group were really a rational "squad,"
The correction of "u" to "your group" is due to the fact that the author has consistently used the word "you" as if addressing an individual.
You would say something other than just (remove the word "these") idiotic things like "I support the War on Christmas." (remove the word "and") Just what war is this?
Is there such a thing?
(remove the word "and") Why is it rational
to want to stop a holiday that makes people love and care about each other?
It is an incorrect statement that the holiday of Christmas makes people love and care about each other.
I don't see any rationalism.
I support free speech, but do not support idiots.
Have fun stirring the water.
This sentence doesn't quite make sense. The author likely meant, "Have fun stirring things up."
Jesus is Lord and as long as He is cursed in my presence, I will be there to defend Him.
I pray for you.
This would be correct only if the author is currently praying. However, it very well should be "I will pray for you."
Gosh! It's really hard work educating such illiterate people.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
It does make sense. More intelligent people who actually read the Bible would realise it's insane. Dumber people just kind of skip over the parts they don't get, or never actually read it themselves.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Eh, this coming from a guy who likes Drowning Pool. Not suprised.
Notice the spelling and grammar errors also in the responses to our blasphemy videos.
Oh, man did I laugh when I read this. Good one!
Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine
My brother-in-law who's in the Army in Iraq sent us of video with spliced together videos of blowing shit up with "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor" in the background. Hmm...Real Christianly (sorry Susan).
Speaking of which...
Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine
Oh my. That was funny but scary at the same time.
He's like the lamest Jedi ever.
Reminds me of this.
Hahahahaha That's hilarious! Damn you for never showing me that before.
Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine
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