You = sad, lonely, angry, and really believe / never did (YOU RESPOND)
I can not prove to you God exists. You would not listen anyway. All the people on your videos look so sad. They look so lonely. For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son, that whoever should believe in Him SHALL NOT PARISH, but have everlasting life. A message of hope, love and peace. Like a parent who loves a child, God has given his children free will, a choice. You have all made yours. If you don't believe in God then why so angry towards God and religion. Deep down you all believe that God exists, you are just angry that He does and there will be accountability for your actions. Penn denouncing God? What a joke. He never believed in God or the Holy Spirit to begin with. Your efforts to have people deny God is like me trying to denounce the Loch Ness monster. I never believed in the Loch Ness monster so why denounce the monster. If you don't believe in God or Christ why such an effort to deny something you never believed in? It's sad really. My life has been transformed for the positive for believing in Christ but I doubt if you would ever travel to interview me and air why I love Christ so much. I will pray for you. You have denied your Father. He did not deny you. Think about it. So, why so angry? I too don't believe in the Easter Bunny but I don't spend my days and nights getting people to deny the Easter Bunny. You must believe in God our you wouldn't be so consumed in making every effort to deny Him. My family will be praying for you. God Bless.
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If you don't believe in God then why so angry towards God and religion
Simple. I object to people pushing those mistaken beliefs on others, precisely because I am strongly convinced they are wrong, ie untrue. If I respect and pursue anything above all else, it is Truth, or as close as we can get to that ideal, and religion is a LIE. Maybe a comforting lie to many, but that is the justification of the drug addict.
Favorite oxymorons: Gospel Truth, Rational Supernaturalist, Business Ethics, Christian Morality
"Theology is now little more than a branch of human ignorance. Indeed, it is ignorance with wings." - Sam Harris
The path to Truth lies via careful study of reality, not the dreams of our fallible minds - me
From the sublime to the ridiculous: Science -> Philosophy -> Theology
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I can not prove to you God exists.
Because it doesn't.
You would not listen anyway.
That's where you're wrong. Provide some real evidence and we'll listen.
All the people on your videos look so sad. They look so lonely.
Your perceptions are obviously off. It's the people in your church who are sad and lonely. Praying to nothingness.
For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son, that whoever should believe in Him SHALL NOT PARISH, but have everlasting life. A message of hope, love and peace.
A message of bs.
Like a parent who loves a child, God has given his children free will, a choice.
Evolution gave us intellect, not a false god.
You have all made yours. If you don't believe in God then why so angry towards God and religion.
It is impossible to be angry at something that doesn't exist. As for your religion, if you all shut the hell up then so will we.
Deep down you all believe that God exists,
Nope. This is unequivical evidence of your lies. I'll ignore the rest since you've done nothing of substance so far, and suggested to me you are incapable of changing that.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
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If all else fails, if all turns to dust, set sail on a ship built from trust.
that's right, be a bigot and just assert. "Oh your going to hell, it's nothing to me!" Why don't you put up or shut up.
He has denied me evidence that I need to believe, so I guess I can say he did deny me.
I will do something useful for the world for you
Why don't you just tell the people who made the videos instead of running to us?
Again, he has the final choice, he knows what evidence it will take for me to believe.
If I go to hell, it's his fault!
How is this a message of hope, love and peace, when those who don't believe in him will parish, uh, perish. What sort of a loving parent would make a broken creature, and then eternally punishing those creatures that don't somehow suck up to him?
First off, many of us did believe at one time. I'm one of them. Secondly, I thought the reason for the effort was obvious. It's to free other people of the shackles of theism, and to show other atheist they're not alone. It is a message of hope to me!
LOL! Didn't notice the spelling error before:
Parish = Lousiana equivalent of county
Perish = die.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
"I can not prove to you God exists."
If you cannot prove it to us, then you cannot prove it to yourself. If you cannot prove it to yourself, why are you so confident that god exists?
" If you don't believe in God then why so angry towards God and religion."
I have nothing against gods, it is their fanclubs I can't stand. Religions teach their dogmas and irrational beliefs as facts without any evidence or reasoning. It is about time that religions are being questioned about their dogmas and teachings.
"Deep down you all believe that God exists, you are just angry that He does and there will be accountability for your actions."
Actually I don't believe in gods, but apparently you know me and my beliefs better than I do. Please, prove to me that I believe in gods.
"He never believed in God or the Holy Spirit to begin with."
Wait, I thought everyone actually believes in god?
"If you don't believe in God or Christ why such an effort to deny something you never believed in?"
To show people like you that we are not afraid of your pathetic threats concerning hells and gods.
"You have denied your Father."
Actually, I have not denied my dad, we talked over the phone yesterday. He had some problems with his antivirus program and I helped him.
" I too don't believe in the Easter Bunny but I don't spend my days and nights getting people to deny the Easter Bunny."
You would if people would threaten you and people around with the Revenge of the Easter Bunny and try to reject science and equal rights by appealing to moral and ethics taught by the Easter Bunny.
We know that.
We will, if what you say is not complete nonsense.
I can't say anything for them, but what I can say is that I'm quite happy, I have friends, family, a probably soon to be wife...
He practically sacrificed himself to himself, so that we can escape the wrath of himself. Logical, isn't it?
Let's see... since Jesus was sacrificed, we apparently had:
- crusades
- inquisition
- djihads
- dictatorial religious regimes
... someone apparently didn't get the message.
Spare us the crap will you?
Yes, we did.
Read two answers above to understand...
No, we don't believe God exists... and we take full responsibility. Why would it be worth anything to be angry at something inevitable?
I'm glad you agree. I couldn't have said it better !
Because some others believe in it, thus making a stand.
[quoteIf you don't believe in God or Christ why such an effort to deny something you never believed in?
Read above.
Lucky you. Wait, wasn't that love lust ...?
Good. Perhaps you would pray that I get a BMW, or a JMC right out of the skies for my upcoming birthday, that'll clearly be a sign for my conversion.
No jealous, avenging, sacrifice-demanding, people-killing, worship-demanding, logically impossible, slave-trading and woman-marginalizing creature is my father. I consider him as non-existing, and even if he exists, I will NEVER accept him as my father or saviour.
Perhaps you should. Do you even think how much those paper-meche easter bunnies cost, just to decorate the cities? (joke, of course)
Actually, we quite don't. We consider this belief as a form of intellectual slavery. The Gauls didn't believe that the Roman emperor was there out of ius divinae, but they too fought against their slavery.
May you find peace in Buddha. Alah`u`akbarr. All hail Jupiter. Etc.
Inquisition - "The flames are all long gone, but the pain lingers on..."