You wanna see the truth.- YOU RESPOND

Yes. I know. Another one looking for friends.
----- Original Message -----
From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2007 11:10 AM
Subject: [General Question] You wanna see the truth
n/a sent a message using the contact form at
How you people doing. This website yo are doing is not good. You can act like their is no god in heaven and jesus is not lord all you want. You can be make people believe all of that. do it. but i tell you one thing, i will keep you in my prayers. i no its hard to believe in something you can't see. i no. but faith is not about seeing. We were all spirit first, and no matter what you do or say, nothing can change that. nothing. god owns us rather you like it or not. you can keep trying to put on this front about god and all of that, but you really no deep inside your hearts, god is real. trust me. you no, your just scared. I'm willing to challenege yo to any type of debate about god. Just remember. We gotta keep it clean. I don't hate you. I just want to take up for my God in heaven.
Thats what i'm here for. I love all my brothers and sisters. i can't judge
either, we all fal short of the glory. Yo wanna challenege me and my god, hit me
back on my email. We can discuss this in a professional manner, peace.
P.S: I hope yo have the boldness to reply back.
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God hates spellchecks.
Another case of someone who wants undivided attention with personal emails and is fearful of posting on the forums.
I love the part "We can discuss this in a professional manner" and continues to write "yo" (instead of "you"
and "no" (instead of "know"
throughout the email.
"I'm willing to challenege yo [sic] to any type of debate about god."
Well, Darth_Josh, invite 'em on in to the forums! However, you might want to warn 'em that it might not be squeeky "clean".
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
Do these e-mailers ever journey past the homepage??
Very well, and thank you for asking!
It's not? Really? Wow, you know, no one's ever put it quite like that before. We'll shut down forever in 3 hours. Go tell all your friends what a good deed you did today!
OK, wait a minute, you've got me confused. First you say the website is no good, and we agree to shut down forever. Then you encourage us to make people believe that their(sic) is no god in heaven and jesus is not lord. Do you have ANY idea how long it takes to put a website like this together? Fine, we'll start re-writing code, but could you please make up your mind?
You know, if someone would have just prayed for us years ago, we wouldn't have gone through all this silly atheism business. Better late than never, however, and thus we are cured!!! AAAAAAAALLELUIA!
Are the 'k' and 'w' keys missing from your computer or something?
Whoa, whoa, back up sister. You mean to tell me that all you christians who claim to have faith in god haven't actually SEEN him? You're putting me on. Next you'll tell me that faith doesnt mean he's directly spoken to you either. Like millions of people would go along with THAT!
Are you 100% sure on this? You've changed your mind a few times here already you know, and our web people have not appreciated it.
OK, OK, just wanted to check.
Shhhh! We know it's a front, but we get so much money and publicity from it, we figured we'd just keep it rolling until we made enough to buy Bermuda. And we're real close, so DONT SCREW IT UP FOR US. Oh, and glad to see you found the 'k' and 'w' keys. Praise Jesus!
You're not kidding. Triften just wet his pants, and Susan simply REFUSES to come out of the broom closet.
Fuck yeah! Let's do this motherfucker!
Oh. Sorry.
I'm sure he appreciates that. He's been awfully busy with the surge in 'Financial Distress' prayers lately. Tax season, you know.
You're not the grammar police?
And we love you.
Wel, if we al fal short, are we al going to hel?
We'll bring the hors d'oeurves, you bring the interpreter!
Yes, professionally! We'll have podiums, and pitchers of water on every table, and a stopwatch, and Sam Donaldson will be there, and....
'U' know it!
"The powerful have always created false images of the weak."
Can we begin compiling some statistics on the grammatical skills of our theist friends?
I'm actually starting to think there's something to that idea. I think it has to do with the way they think almost purely on intuition, and when they type they just tap whatever keys will get the basic sound of the word out. I bet you could do a scientific study to get some solid evidence for theist bad spelling.
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I got Odin on speed dial!
How you people doing. This website yo are doing is not good
This website is excellent
you can act like their is no god in heaven and jesus is not lord all you want. You can be make people believe all of that. do it. but i tell you one thing, i will keep you in my prayers.
And we will keep you in our thoughts. you know... that funny thing that intelligent, rational people do, think and question?
i no its hard to believe in something you can't see. i no. but faith is not about seeing. We were all spirit first, and no matter what you do or say, nothing can change that. nothing.
Really? Can you prove any of this or are you just making fallacious assertions? It's hard to believe in God because after years of studying biology, the evidence says he does not exist. I know it is hard to get through life without the idea that we have an omnipotent guide, but this is the 21st century, not the 1st century. Man created god as a companion. When the concept was propogated, our understanding of science was precisely nil. It was held to be an axiom. but God is like any other human dogmatic ideology, highly fallible.
god owns us rather you like it or not.
Au contraire. As Feurbach and Nietzche pointed out, we made God, and we can kill him if we choose to break free of these invisible shackles.
you can keep trying to put on this front about god and all of that, but you really no deep inside your hearts, god is real.
I think you mean deep inside my BRAIN, I feel a terrible sadness for people like you.
trust me. you no, your just scared.
Scared? Is that a joke? We accept the fact that we have a finite lifespan, we accept the fact that we control our own destiny. In my opinion, it is the theists who are scared. They are scared of death, that is why they created the concept of heaven. they are scared that they have to take the wheel of their own life, and control it themselves.
I'm willing to challenege yo to any type of debate about god. Just remember. We gotta keep it clean. I don't hate you. I just want to take up for my God in heaven.
Bring it on. Although think about this: why would a deity require a fallible human to do it's bidding?
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
Books about atheism
Yes, I admit it. OOuuuuu I'm scared. {{shiver}}
However, I DO come out of the broom closet when I take my broom out for a spin.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
They were nice and warm for a little bit...
Anyway, watch it with the insults, Lacy. The least you could do, if we're really the scared ones, is make a login here and join in the debate. I'd recommend the "Kill em with Kindness" area if you want things to stay particularly professional.
I'd rather be scared than be an arrogant person who goes around telling people what they think, but your mileage may vary.