Rapture Ready---this is disturbing, folks!

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Rapture Ready---this is disturbing, folks!

Columnist Max Blumenthal went to a recent conference of the Christians United for Israel, which is a pro-war, apocolyptic group founded by Pastor John Hagee. They believe that they need to expand Israel's borders to help bring about the apocolypse, which will bring about the rapture. It would be laughable except that this organization has many followers including American politicians, including the jewish and one time vice-presidential candidate Joe Lieberman. I just hope for Joe's sake that he's prepared to accept Jesus as his savior when his Armeggedon friends "cleanse" the earth.



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wow, Lieberman, Delay and

wow, Lieberman, Delay and Mccain were all there. what a bunch of nuts.

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Yup these guys are out

Yup these guys are out there. They want the world to end for what they believe in... Not the first time I've heard of them though. I suggest checking out "The Doomsday Code" for a crash course on the topic.

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Hagee is a major freak  

Hagee is a major freak


The Patrician
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Cranks with no real

Cranks with no real leverage.

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The Patrician

The Patrician wrote:

Cranks with no real leverage.

I hope you're right. Right now they have a pipeline to the White House. We'll have to see what happens in the next presidential election whether or not they have any more leverage.

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