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AAS Space news thread617 years 17 weeks ago
by BGH
17 years 16 weeks ago
by Susan
28 New Exoplanets Discovered017 years 16 weeks ago
by Susan
Modern Science and a Belief in God, Compatible?417 years 16 weeks ago
by jread
17 years 16 weeks ago
by magilum
Circles of Life Time for a reboot?017 years 17 weeks ago
by richlopez
Mars Rover 'Spirit' Has Found Most Conclusive Evidence Of Water Yet!917 years 18 weeks ago
by BGH
17 years 17 weeks ago
by DewiMorgan
One simple argument among many refuting intelligent design617 years 18 weeks ago
by LeftofLarry
17 years 17 weeks ago
by Susan
Very cool image of objects bigger than 200 miles diameter in our solar system. (shows relative size)1217 years 17 weeks ago
by BGH
17 years 17 weeks ago
by DewiMorgan
Hammerhead shark has virgin birth517 years 17 weeks ago
by Vastet
17 years 17 weeks ago
by Yellow_Number_Five
Radiation-hungry fungi could clean up waste217 years 17 weeks ago
by Vastet
17 years 17 weeks ago
by American Atheist
Did a comet wipe out prehistoric Americans?017 years 18 weeks ago
by Vastet
Chemistry of neutron stars modelled for first time017 years 18 weeks ago
by Vastet
Physicist Claims Science Proves God's Existence2217 years 18 weeks ago
by Lux
17 years 18 weeks ago
by Brian37
Researchers put 'spin' in silicon, advance new age of electronics017 years 18 weeks ago
by Vastet
Cargo Cult Science017 years 18 weeks ago
by magilum
Scientists Release Encyclopedia of Life Into the Wild617 years 19 weeks ago
by Vastet
17 years 18 weeks ago
by Vastet
Spaghettification is a real word…4117 years 19 weeks ago
by crocaduck
17 years 18 weeks ago
by James Cizuz
Let science figure it out1017 years 19 weeks ago
by LeftofLarry
17 years 19 weeks ago
by LeftofLarry
Is there a quanta for time?217 years 19 weeks ago
by inspectormustard
17 years 19 weeks ago
by inspectormustard
Deleted for redundancy017 years 19 weeks ago
by Anonymous
More Higgs Bozon news.317 years 22 weeks ago
by BGH
17 years 19 weeks ago
by lpetrich
String Theory/Guage theory (Semi)breakthrough.617 years 20 weeks ago
by BGH
17 years 19 weeks ago
by lpetrich
Death Valley night sky: Amazing317 years 19 weeks ago
by Vastet
17 years 19 weeks ago
by American Atheist
The universe as simulation917 years 32 weeks ago
by inspectormustard
17 years 19 weeks ago
by inspectormustard
Analyzing the global flood from a perspective of math417 years 25 weeks ago
by HumanisticJones
17 years 19 weeks ago
by American Atheist
An attempt to answer JCE's big bang question.617 years 19 weeks ago
by BGH
17 years 19 weeks ago
by Cpt_pineapple
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