George Bush?
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George Bush is a POS
i would like to see that fucker on tv swinging by his neck from a tree after being covicted of his crimes against humanity..
That piece of shit is not my president.
Godless american
Unfortunately, none of the
Unfortunately, none of the choices fit. he's the worst president in US history.
[stephencolbert] GREATEST
a monkey with a mental
a monkey with a mental disability...would make a better president. But then again, it's not really him but the party he represents. The neocons are the problem here. Even classical conservatives hate the man.
All war and intelligence
All war and intelligence bashing aside, I know Bush is stupid, and can prove he is a terrible president, just by pointing out he tried to ban gay marriage and flag burning.
I can bash the idea of banning flag burning so completely, that it is just my favorite way to prove Bush is a piece of shit, freedom hating, evil, ignorant, stupid president.
If you want me to prove any of those insults, I can, just ask. But I kinda already did by pointing out he wanted to ban flag burning. If you don't see how the corrilates, read one of my blogs on it, or message me.
Those poll choices make it
Those poll choices make it look like GW might be a site member. His momma wouldn't even click one of the first two choices. lol. His dad would probably puke on another foreign dignitary before he clicked one of them.
the first two answers are
the first two answers are irrational, to say the least
easily the best president
easily the best president america has ever had. it's a good job he sorted your economy before billy managed to completely fuck it up
Quote:Submitted by
Please, George Bush part 1 is backstage going "Good job, son! You got Saddam and screwed over millions if not billions in the process!! I am so glad that you are so diligent in carrying out the Bush legacy!!! It's too bad you couldn't be more like me in possessing a vocabulary superior to that of a Down Syndrome sufferer that was beaten alive with socks filled with pennies by anti-abortionists in South Dakota."