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bwa ha ha ha ha
bwa ha ha ha ha
Ha. Not true but since you
Ha. Not true but since you have what might be a really cool Prime Minister I'll let it slide.
It's true enough. A lot more
It's true enough. A lot more accurate than the stupid shit Americans make up, like they won WWI & II single handedly.
Vastet wrote:It's true
The first thing lost in war is the truth.
I am sure quoting South
I am sure quoting South Park to someone who hates me, will mean I am a serial killer when I say "Blame Canada".
FYI Canada did well with comedy until "The Kids In The Hall", it was a Monty Python rip off.
The only skit I liked in that series was the suppport group for men who didn't like their bladders controling them.
canadian humor is as
canadian humor is as different from british humor as american, and american and canadian humor are both vastly different from each other. the humor on KITH is completely different from monty python. why exactly was KITH a python rip-off? because they were a comedy troupe with a sketch show? it's not like monty python pioneered that either.
incidentally, as an american
incidentally, as an american i find british humor hilarious, but have never cared much for canadian humor. red green is all right...
The credit I give to Monty
The credit I give to Monty Python and The Kids In the Hall is that they were really both taking a page out of antiquity in roman greek theatere in that men played both the male and female rolls. While those plays were mostly serious back then they had their comedies and "Lysistrada" was a dick joke almost every other line. The point of the play was to say if women hate war and they want it to stop, deny sex to men.
Outside that, I wont falt the production of The Kids In The Hall for trying. But it was simply trying to copy Monty Python.
Candada DOES produce great comedians, and I am glad they don't have an NFL team the Skins can lose to. It is just that the Kids In The Hall was late.
iwbiek wrote:incidentally,
I was a Benny Hill Fan when I was a young teen. Yes the hot chicks drew me in. And I was in love with Luis English. But I did get the jokes, even then. I loved how he would have skits where he would chase skirts only to have his ass handed to him. One of my favorites was when he spoofed Charlies Angels.
Vastet wrote:It's true
It was not until recently I understood our role. Yea, most of the war happened BEFORE Japan decieded to get stupid with Pearl Harbor. Russia did most of the heavy lifting. We were isolationists at that time and only got involved after Pearl Harbor. But even with that, to say getting in the game late, we didn't have an impact would be silly.
I agree America, even today, far too much of America paints itself as the greatest thing since sliced bread. But the D-Day invasion still played a key roll regardless.
Brian37 wrote: I am sure
Brian poisons yet another topic because he can't win an argument.
Vastet wrote:Brian37
Or see that Kids in the Hall wasn't a Monty Python ripoff. A sketch comedy troupe consisting of males playing both gender roles...and virtually nothing else in common.
Mr. Honesty, is there any
Mr. Honesty, is there any evidence that any Canadian forces were involved in the burning of Washington? The historians seem to attribute this entirely to the British:
So in this case you are a great admirer of an imperialist army imposing its will overseas? But if the USA does it, we are the cause of all problems in the world? Maybe we learned from your British allies how to be global imperialists.
Washington wasn't even burned to the ground, the White house and Capitol were still standing.
EXC wrote: Mr. Honesty, is
Lrn2history. The British didn't send any troops to Canada until the end of the war, they were too busy fighting the French. Almost all troops involved in the heaviest fighting lived in Canada.
And history notes that the US did less for the allied cause than the French in WWII, fyi.
Vastet wrote:EXC wrote: Mr.
The burning of Washington happened after Napolean was defeated and the British were able to send troops. These troops never even set foot in Canada.
Canada didn't have a military capable of an invasion so far away, just local militias that fought a defensive war against American invasions. Although they were sucessful in repelling the Americans for 2 years, it is doubtful they could have held out for long. It is not a slight agaist the Canadian troops, just the fact that the USA had many times larger population and industry. The US would have eventually taken Canada if the British had not sent forces.
BTW, the British were soon defeated at the battle of Baltimore. The war was essentially a draw.
There were plenty of
There were plenty of Canadian troops in the US, including the attack on Washington; which wouldn't even have been possible if not for the efforts of Canadians throughout the war.
Canada did have such a military. It was created during the war. Which was repeated in WWI. Every time someone screws with us, we build a military and fuck them up. You were the first to experience that.
The US would never have won, support for it was already massively diminished by the time the Brits showed up. The US would have given up whether or not the English came in force.
The war was essentially a draw for the US and England. But for Canada it was a victory.
The troops that burned
The troops that burned Washington came by boat from Europe via Burmuda. You can't find a shed of evidence that any of these troops ever set foot in Canada.
But actually, as a proud Canadian, you should be proud of the Canadian citizen militias in repelling the American invasion during the time when Britian was too busy fighting Napoleon to help. But ironically, you support these leftist politicians that want to disarm all citizens and outlaw militias. In fact, they support the Islamic invasion via welfare benefits. The takeover will occur via high immigration and birthrates funded by native Canadians.
Lies. Many of the troops
Lies. Many of the troops that burned Washington were Canadians, and you can't find a shred of evidence to the contrary.
And I am not a leftist, dumb ass. I have gone on record on more than one occasion as being against the banning of firearms. Brian learned how to make shit up reading your idiotic posts.
Islam will never conquer Canada. Only a right wing nazi wannabe like yourself could buy into the alarmist bullshit that islam is a credible threat to any western country.
Vastet wrote:Lies. Many of
Here is the story of how the British troops landed by sea after coming from Europe not Canada.
Canada had no navy at the time to transport any troops by sea. What exactly is your made up history, that they marched 1000mi in 1814? British ships sailed way out of their way from Europe just to pick up Canadians? Britian had plenty of seasoned troops after defeating Napolean. Actually the general that lead the British troops and many of the troops were Irish.
It was actually a war crime because they attacked civilian targets and a strategic mistake that led to the British defeat at Baltimore a few weeks later. But you still want Canada to take credit for it.
I didn't say you were for gun control. I said the leftist politicians you support are. Because at least they are smart enough to realize that in order to have your dream of extreme wealth redistribution, you must disarm the entire populace first. I think you are too irrational to understand this.
You live a dillusional world, your made up history about the burning of Washington being done by Canada which didn't even exist at the time is another example.
EXC wrote:Here is the story
Evidence fail. Nothing in that states there were no Canadian troops amongst those that attacked Washington. Fact is that many Canadian troops were fighting with the British against the French, and would have then been amongst the troops deployed against the US. There's also no reason for the British to not pick up additional troops as they sailed against the US, most of whom would be Canadian.
Canada had no navy at the beginning of the war, but it certainly had one by the time Washington was burned.
Bullshit. It's right fucking there in black and white. Lying scum.
You're the delusional one. Canada existed, Canadians were amongst those who burned down Washington, Canadians were the only reason it could have happened in the first place, and you cannot prove otherwise because such proof doesn't exist.
Vastet wrote:Evidence fail.
"Many" is a bit of a stretch considering the only Canadian soldiers in the Peninsular War were a clear minority. None of the recruiting was done in Canada until 1803 when four units of fencibles were recruited specifically to serve in the North American theatre. Nobody in their right mind would sail across the ocean to volunteer in a British Army that payed shit. The Canadians that did serve were professional soldiers who were usually veterans of the American Revolution. Zero regiments raised in Canada served in the Peninsular War. Most of those soldiers came from Ireland, poor English towns and refugees. The unit that burned Washington came straight from Spain and was under command of Major General Robert Ross (Irish). The other 3 units from Spain were sent to Canada.
Lots of reasons, including the absolute fact that the ship didn't port anywhere except Bermuda before landing in Maryland. We know this because not only is that what Ross was ordered to do, but naval records are extremely meticulous. The expeditionary force didn't stop anywhere. So the only Canadians among the 3400 men were ones who signed up as professional soldiers, probably carryovers from the American Revolution. We can't know that number since they didn't track everyone that detailed back then, but we can state with certainty the officers weren't, we can state with certainty that most of the soldiers were Irish, British or Welsh and likely more than a few Spanish. So Canadians burned Washington about as much as the Spanish and Australians did.
Good for the Spanish and
Good for the Spanish and Austrailians then.
"Lots of reasons, including
"Lots of reasons, including the absolute fact that the ship didn't port anywhere except Bermuda before landing in Maryland. We know this because not only is that what Ross was ordered to do, but naval records are extremely meticulous. The expeditionary force didn't stop anywhere."
And actually, that isn't true. The force was in fact ordered not to carry out operations deep in US territory or attempt to hold territory. It was not ordrred to go directly to Washington without making any stops along the way. It wasn't even ordered to go to Washington at all. Also, Cochburn was based in Halifax, not Bermuda. Most of the troops under his command would have been Canadian.
Vastet wrote:"Lots of
They were ordered to cause property damage along the coast and that is what they did. Though much deeper than expected thanks to Cockburn.
At the time, North America Station split its headquarters between Halifax in the summer and Bermuda in the winter. Virtually all Atlantic naval operations against the US were carried out of Bermuda, including this one. Bermuda is where the soldiers of Ross met with the naval forces. And no, the naval troops weren't Canadian. They were Colonial Marines, former slaves who were recruited from escaped American slaves. so even the support force wasn't heavily Canadian.
Slaves that came to Canada
Slaves that came to Canada and became Canadian.
Vastet wrote:Slaves that
Slaves who most likely never even saw Canada in their lives.
So in addition to Spanish
So in addition to Spanish and Australians we ought to give credit to the Americans too.
700 out of the 4250 troops
700 out of the 4250 troops were slaves that escaped to the Carribean instead of Canada. Not a very convincing argument.
Oh wait there were only 200 Colonial Marines involved in the attack. Even less convincing.
Beyond Saving wrote: So in
Very much so. The New England states were quite helpful during the war.
And 3600 hundred were
And 3600 hundred were straight from the Peninsular War in Spain. The remainder being professional Royal soldiers. Of which some were Canadian born, but not a lot.
Uh uh Canadian BORN was
Uh uh Canadian BORN was nevrer part of the discussion. If you want to go by birth then you could make an argument that the British troops took over and burned the British city of Washington.
Vastet wrote:Uh uh Canadian
It was Americans, Irish and Spanish who burned the British city of Washington DC. I invite the British to come reclaim Washington DC and everyone in it. They have to take the entire cesspool though, no exchanges.
lol this isn't going to go
lol this isn't going to go anywhere. Canada did it. /thread.
The funny thing about all
The funny thing about all this is that I actually posted the wrong picture. I only see tiny thumbnails when I go to upload a pic, and I didn't see the tell tale white blur under Canada that would have tipped me off that I should double check to make sure I had the right one. You happened to notice before I did, and thus we all travelled on a magical journey through history. Rofl