Galvanized, Non-violent, Unapologetic

Wonderist's picture
Galvanized, Non-violent, Unapologetic

Good thing we atheists have

Good thing we atheists have a nice coating of zinc.



Wonderist's picture



A coating of zinc?I think my

A coating of zinc?

I think my Aspergers is kicking in because I don't get it.

Watcher wrote:A coating of

Watcher wrote:

A coating of zinc?

I think my Aspergers is kicking in because I don't get it.


Galvanization is coating a metal with zinc to prevent rusting. My comment was sarcastic as I don't see what coating metals has to do with atheism.




Kapkao's picture

Iz confuzed ----->

Iz confuzed ----->

BobSpence's picture

Cpt_pineapple wrote:Watcher

Cpt_pineapple wrote:

Watcher wrote:

A coating of zinc?

I think my Aspergers is kicking in because I don't get it.

Galvanization is coating a metal with zinc to prevent rusting. My comment was sarcastic as I don't see what coating metals has to do with atheism.

"Galvanized" is also used to refer to being stimulated into action, based on early observations of the effects of electrical voltages applied to parts of the body, even extracted muscle tissue, causing it to twitch.

Galvanometer: an instrument for detecting and measuring small electric currents.

From Wiki:

 The term "galvanometer", in common use by 1836, was derived from the surname of Italian electricity researcher Luigi Galvani, who discovered in 1771 that electric current could make a frog's leg jerk.

'Galvanised iron" is iron coated with zinc which can be done by electroplating, but more commonly now by dipping in molten zinc.

Interesting chain of associations there.

Perhaps I should switch my

Perhaps I should switch my brain from physics/chemistry to electrical engineering Eye-wink



Wonderist's picture

Or perhaps to political

Or perhaps to political science.


Cpt_pineapple wrote:

Galvanization is coating a metal with zinc to prevent rusting. My comment was sarcastic as I don't see what coating metals has to do with atheism

I have never been more attractted to you in my entire life that I am right now.  Fuck your  mind is hot.   I would totally bang you.   Grhrhrhrhr.