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That bread still looks bad
That bread still looks bad though. Maybe I could get garlic bread? Or a muffin? Or maybe those biscuits from Red Lobster?
butterbattle wrote:That
Not from red lobster, eating shelfish is an abomination.
^ Brian doesn't understand
^ Brian doesn't understand that bread products come from wheat (usually), and never from shellfish. As such, he makes a joke that only he considers funny.
Vastet wrote:^ Brian doesn't
No fucking shit sherlock.
Thus the reference dipshit. Leviticus DOES call eating shellfish an abomination. Most people don't go into any food joint just to eat bread FUCKWAD.
Brian37 wrote:Vastet wrote:^
As if you ever eat in a Red Lobster, (which has many non-shellfish options, as if that matters since butter clearly indicated the biscuits alone, which are certainly among the best of chain place biscuits.)
Lol, are you implying Brian
Lol, are you implying Brian can't afford Red Lobster, or......?
That is the difference
That is the difference between you and me, I don't put narcissistic prices on bullshit just because it's popular. Caviar is fucking fish eggs and au ju is gravy, escargot is snail, fancy names and bullshit way over priced is nothing but a marketing scam to get your money. Food is food.
Actually I just had chinese food last night, and I prefer cheap stakes and pork stakes because they give me the volume. I am not stuck on marketing like you. Your the moron stuck on image thinking paying more for something makes you a better person. We all need food and you will die at some point just like me.
Oh but you are such a fan of the free market, you'd still stupidly side with the asshole at the Fancy Italian Bestro my mom and I went to. Not only did the fuck up my stake, he still put mushrooms on it and I didn't want the disgusting looking dressing he put on it, then on top of that he acted like I murderd his family when I asked for steak sauce. Yea, one of those snooty places where the stick up the ass wait staff are dressed like butlers. But this must be one of those times when the customer is not always right. You arn't for the free market, you are for the free for all market when you win.
Fuck that crap, I'd rather hang out with Bob and John and my friend Pennie, people who like you for who you are not what you look like or own. Oh and please stupidly accuse me of envy.
au jus isn't gravy. there's
au jus isn't gravy. there's no thickening agent added.
iwbiek wrote:au jus isn't
Oh shut up with your pedantic dipshit. It is basicly fluid you garner from the source, a broth. You're the idiot who would pay for bouillon cubes. Is there a buddhist cotilion you masturbate over? You debutante vamp you.
It's like when morons in the west always confuse sushi with fish, it is a style. and with all styles there is a range.
Anything you drench over your food is an atitive and the thickness is always relative to the taste. Otherwise vinaigrette vs ranch would not be salad dressings and we both know they are.
Now having worked in a breakfast place, I can tell you that customers are picky over everything. Some like crispy bacon and others like more limp bacon, and gravy was no different be it for mashed potatos or biscuit gravy. Too thick some complained some too thin, some complained. Just like eggs.
no, a gravy, by definition,
no, a gravy, by definition, is rendered animal fat mixed with a thickener like flour. au jus is just the juices of the roast. no thickener is added. therefore, it is not gravy. i'm sorry being corrected upsets you so fucking much. you really have no humility at all, do you?
and it's pretty funny you think you know my shopping list. we make all our own stock, raise our own vegetables, we have our own chickens, and we butcher at least one hog every year. i haven't bought a bullion cube in years. just how self-sufficient are you in the area of food, fuckface? or does mama still heat up your velveeta shells and cheese for you?
and sushi is not a "style." "sushi" is literally vinegared rice. you're welcome.
Crispy bacon is more bacon
Crispy bacon is more bacon than limp bacon, sushi without fish is less sushi.
Point being IT IS FUCKING FOOD DIPSHIT. You like it or you do not, names and cost are just bullshit ways humans like making themselves feel special.
You " you didn't define it right so you are an evil peice of shit"
Me, "Only a moron is concerned with marketing. Filet mignon and hamburger ARE STILL FUCKING MEAT"
I am not like many people when it comes to stake. I hate pink. I want my stake well done, brown, no juices. I don't give one flying fuck if others think that is food blasphemy, they are not eating it.
It is still a sauce and even with gravy I have seen people who like it runny an others who like it thick.
runny gravy=less
runny gravy=less flour
thick gravy=more flour
au jus=no flour
nobody is saying you have plebeian tastes. i'm just saying au jus is not gravy. does that bother you so much? are you really incapable of just saying nothing, if you don't want to say, "ok, my mistake"? does having the last word mean that much to you?
I think Brian just proved
I think Brian just proved my point. He eats fucking stakes, can't tell au jus from gravy, and thinks that Red Lobster is fancy. I don't eat wood, my au jus better not have flour, and Red Lobster is where I eat when there isn't a real restaurant around. However, I have to agree that the biscuits are pretty awesome.
Brian37 wrote:Vastet wrote:^
Brian is such a loser he now starts insulting the person who is quite possibly the nicest guy to ever post here. He also tries to shrug off his stupidity, but fails. It sticks to him for all time.
Brian is about to lie. The real difference between Brian and everyone else is that Brian is a lying, ignorant piece of shit who never owns up to his idiocy; and everyone else is not.
Ironically, Brian does exactly that all the time.
Brian also doesn't understand the food industry. What a shock.
Strawmen, red herrings, and lies. Typical Brian bullshit.
Brians mom failed the whole species by not having an abortion.
Brian fails in so many ways here it would take years to list them all.
One day Brian will turn on them too, and he'll have nothing left.
Brian can't stand it when he's proved wrong.
Strawmen, red herrings, and lies; as usual.
It is amusing that Brian knows nothing about how to be a customer even though he dealt with customers alot.
Brian knows nothing about bacon or sushi. Sushi is rice, and bacon is best when chewy. Not burned. No wonder customers always complained about the food.
Brians ignorance is mind boggling.
Strawmen, red herrings, and lies.
Brian has no business eating steak.
Brian is just dumb.
Brian37 wrote: Crispy bacon
Crispy bacon is precisely the same amount of bacon as limp bacon. How you cook it has nothing to do with whether or not it is bacon. Bacon is defined by the curing process. And there are many types of sushi that contain zero fish. For someone who has worked in restaurants your whole life you are amazingly ignorant about food. No wonder you were fired.
You didn't define it right, so you are a fucking moron. It is one thing to be wrong about a random topic, but this is the industry you have devoted your fucking life to working in. How the fuck do you work for 30 years in an industry and know the jargon less than lay people?
Only a fucking moron can't tell the difference between hamburger and filet mignon. They are completely different cuts of meat, from completely different parts of the cow. No wonder you were fired. If I order steak and eggs and get a fucking burger and fries, I'd be pissed.
So your taste buds match your intelligence.
Many things are sauces. That doesn't mean that caramel sauce is the same thing as fucking nacho cheese. I have to admit I am impressed, every time I assume you have said the dumbest thing possible, you manage to get fucking dumber. My dog knows more about food than you, she knows the difference between burger and filet mignon. Must be the marketing.
You guys missed a couple, so
You guys missed a couple, so I wikid them.
Escargot is technically a type of dish where snails are cooked, then placed back in their shells.
Caviar refers to salt-cured fish eggs of the sturgeon family.
Also, what is a stake? Lol, am I missing something?
Was this a satirical remark? Marketing is important for business. No?
Well done, brown, no juice
Beyond Saving