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Neat dude. I grew up in
Neat dude.
I grew up in walking distance from my local nature center so a large part of my summers were spent there (that and I volunteered formally when I was 14~15 so that was a first job reference when I was ready for real work).
The pic is too fuzzy to be sure bit I think that you may have found a baby snapper. If you have a picture from the tail end, I could possibly tell you for sure. That is, of course, assuming that you have snappers where you are.
If the conventional wisdom in your area says not, that may not mean much. I have seen many animals that are not supposed to be in my area but for which the known range is like 50 to 100 miles away (call it 80 to 150 km).
My roommate figured he
My roommate figured he looked like a snapper. I have no idea whether they're supposed to be around here or not.
Sadly, I couldn't get an un fuzzy pic. My PS Eye didn't like the lighting or something. I do have a couple other pics of him/her, I'll upload them later if they look clearer.
I was interested at the length of his tail, which was pretty well as long as he was.
Vastet wrote:My roommate
I had a pair of turtles for pets when i was young, and it does indeed look like a snapping turtle at first glance... and No i do not believe they are native to your area (from what i remember)
And his tail is freakishly long, especially for a turtle, definitely something to keep an eye on if you plan to keep it.
it looks quite young - don't
it looks quite young - don't the tails shrink as they get older?
jcgadfly wrote:it looks
No, the tails dont shrink / they dont grow into them, and dont forget that the tail fits (relatively) into the shell for protection as well... kinda defeats the point defensively of a shell, if the turtle cant pull in its limbs. Granted, i know nothing of Snappers specificly, just what i learned from the species i owned, if snappers have long tails, so be it... who knows, might be a turtles version of a horse-cock?
If I knew more about turtles
If I knew more about turtles I might have kept it, but I figured he had a better chance on his own. It was definitely a baby. The shell was very soft. He wasn't able to pull his head or tail into it either. I'm not sure if that's a species indicator or just an age indicator.