Ignore this

Vastet's picture

> >

No you can't 

No you can't


 Vastet, you're a mod, you

 Vastet, you're a mod, you have special powers.


I do recall when I first

I do recall when I first joined, you could edit in that fashion.


He should have been tipped off by the fact that it wasn't his topic in the pic




ProzacDeathWish's picture

       I know even

       I know even fairly recently Kapkao could edit OP's but his "special powers" didn't come from being a mod.   He was just obsessed.

Prozac, It might be certain

Prozac, It might be certain forums, or maybe I set it as a function of subscribers of all levels.  I do know that it is restricted to only certain roles.


Vastet's picture

Cpt_pineapple wrote:I do

Cpt_pineapple wrote:

I do recall when I first joined, you could edit in that fashion.


He should have been tipped off by the fact that it wasn't his topic in the pic




This. I suppose it has changed now, but long before I was a mod I was editing my OP's and blogs. Perhaps the blogger tag allows it? I dunno. Sorry for the confusion.

 Ok, I pulled the priv from

 Ok, I pulled the priv from the superfan and blogger which had the right to edit.  Now it's only the following that can edit their own forum topic:

Paid for: Bronze Members, Silver Members, Gold Members, Platinum Members

Bestowed: VIPs and Moderators