Kent Hovind -Prince of Morons, Part 1.

Part of a series of videos on the stupidity of creationists. The stupidity of some of these creationists is knee weakening. In the current video it is shown that Kent Hovind miscalculates the minimum water needed to cover the Earth by a factor of a trillion.
That's the same errors as estimating the distance between the Earth and the Moons is less than a millimeter.

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Kent Hovind Creation Science Evangelism Ministries Creationism Science Pseudo-science insane delusional disorder ignorant about reality

mavaddat's picture

Brilliant. Thank you for

Brilliant. Thank you for posting this.


That's the sound of my head banging against the table in my honors chemistry class. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, this is just a dimensional analysis problem (surface area of the earth (510,065,500) in km² times a million m² per km² times one Angstrom² per 1e-20 m² times 1 molecule of H2O per 10 Angstrom² times 1 mole per 6.02e23 molecules H2O times 18 g per mole times 1 mL per g...whew), and Hovind, who purports to have taught high school for 15 years can't do this. Apparently, he also thinks that matter is infinitely divisible, because he maintains that spreading a water droplet "thin enough" will enable you to spread it across the world (well, you'd have to break it down into quarks, or smaller [which is impossible], and then it wouldn't be water). Democritus would give him a thrashing. I sincerely hope he isn't "educating" his fellow inmates.

[edit] Please disregard the regrettable theistic expletive at the beginning of the second sentence Eye-wink


It's a pity you evidently can't figure out and distinguish between a 'silly' or 'joking' remark and a serious and scientific one. Hovind was obviously just 'pulling a leg'. Besides, he mentions that this was possible only in 'theory'; without stating how big the water drop would have to be!

Besides, even if Hovind made a serious mistake, it doesn't mean that creationists are wrong. I haven't heard every creationist ever. But the Bible is true and accurate, of which there is no doubt.

When people like yourself put up such silly stuff (and you have put up an absurd and silly stuff), it only makes us all laugh - not at Hovind, but at you. And no wonder those who know better wouldn't even bother wasting their time to reply to this video. Evidently, I seemed to want to spare a few moments....