My discrimination against prejudice.
My mother sent me a link for a petition a long time ago. I responded.
I was sent the same type of link again yesterday. I copied and pasted the response.
Then I couldn't remeber if I had put it anywhere else so here it is.
I love you. Here's to hoping you'll get over this some day.
Ten Reasons Why I did not/will not sign such a petition.
#1 Sensationalism such as 'firing people to hire bilingual people' as mentioned by the original sender in your message is wrong. It's called propaganda. It's using words to make the unreal appear to be real. It’s natural that bi-lingual people have an advantage in the hiring process. Probably shouldn’t have gotten that D in Spanish in high school eh?
#2 How many of the founding fathers were born in this country? Hint: Not the majority.
#3 Is anyone 'forcing' anyone to learn spanish? Is anyone forcing anyone to even learn proper english?
#4 How can ANY immigrants, latino or otherwise, be expected to learn a language that mutates every time a new rap or country song debuts? For fuck’s sake, given the level of literacy on the internet, I am amazed we’re still a country at all.
#5 Recent demographic analysis points to the year 2043 as the year the population of the United States reaches 400 million. The projected racial breakdown is 30% latino origin, 26% caucasian, 20% black, 18% mixed origin, 6% other including asian. That’s right. We’ll be a minority if we’re alive.
#6 By 2043, the english language will have over 750 new words added to the Oxford dictionary at the present rate of 'word growth'. These 'new words' will be derivatives of words from other cultures from around the world.
#7 Adopting a national language has been approached by nearly every generation since the Revolutionary War. Each time it has been refuted as a step that the founding fathers and many Americans would support. The reason is simple. Our country is supposed to be a bastion of freedom from oppression. The statue of Liberty has this poem inscribed upon it.
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift up my lamp beside the golden door."
Emma Lazarus
If we shut the doors to people just because they don't speak our language then where else are they supposed to go until their country gets straightened out?
#8 On our money, we use the old language of latin in several places.
E Pluribus Unum = Out of many, One Shown on nearly every coin before the inclusion of In god we trust and also clutched on a banner in the eagle's mouth on the back of a dolllar bill.
Novus Ordo Seclorum = New Order of the World Shown at the base of the pyramid on a dollar bill and originally suggested by Charles Thomson, the founding father in charge of designing the Great Seal of the United States. Thomson was adopted by the Iroquois indians for his work to include them in American society as an equal race. Later in our history, we overtook the Native American nations supplanting them with our own cultural ideals. Sound familiar? If we can't move past this idea that we are Americans only then perhaps one day the latinos will relegate our race to the reservations. We must strive to continue the new WORLD order and that means the inclusion of everyone rather than the exclusion of a few.
Annuit Coeptis = Providence favors our endeavors Shown above the unfinished pyramid on the back of a dollar bill. In other words, luck will help us to finish the job of building the world.
If you cannot speak some latin then get the fuck out of my country. It is on your god-loving money and was used as a text to create your bible. Not so god-loving after all are we since we don't use that version? Oh wait. Catholic latinos use the latin bible 'incantations' often.
#9 It is a well documented philological fact that learning a second language is conducive to teaching critical thinking. Education is the single most important issue to new parents in America. I absolutely loved French class in school. It helped me in English, Speech, and Creative Writing.
#10 It isn't only hispanic people that are facing challenges when applying for citizenship to the US. An immigrant must keep their 'green card' for five years before being allowed to take the naturalization test. Included in the test are questions like:
Name the original 13 colonies.
Who is 4th in line for the presidency? position or name.
What is the U.S. Constitution?
Incidentally, if you are already a citizen of the United States and cannot answer these questions then get the fuck out of my country. You can't be in my American club. Do you see how unfair that seems?
This anti-immigration stuff looks like a modern version of KKK-like policy concerning those who are different from people that were simply born in a different geographical location. Really, we need to 'get over ourselves' and not just accommodate but acclimate new immigrants into our society in my opinion. Exclusion has been tried and practiced for far too long by past generations. We must try inclusion before we are the ones excluded in this societal evolution.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
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I am with you 99% on this.
I am with you 99% on this. We have always been a nation of people who came from, or had ancestors from somewhere else. Our backbone as a society is our diversity.
But, we do have an immigration problem. It is not orderly and undocumented workers, I would agree most are here merely to feed themselves and are not violent criminals. But without that documentation it is impossible to give them the same care and protection that a legal immigrant has.
I am torn on this issue because I cannot blame someone for illegally crossing the boarder to feed themselves or to send money to their starving family back home. It is within human nature to do what you have to to survive.
Having said that, it is the AMOUNT, not who or where they come from, but how many. The immigration system is broken and our boarders are wide open. That puts a financial burdon on our government that it is not prepared for, pluss it marginalizes the people who did wait in line legally.
I can see both sides of this issue and I by no means have a solution. I do want diverse people here. But we are a nation of laws as well.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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The main reason I resigned
The main reason I resigned from the Libertarian Party ( card carrying member ) was that their official stance in regard to immigration is a policy of open borders regardless of legal status. I consider that insanity as it effectively nullifies the concept of national sovereignty.
As far as "diversity" is concerned I believe that it is acceptable up to a point but once a certain level of cultural factions have become established then the normal human tendency toward tribalism frequently comes into play.
An underlying tension develops between the groups and that can potentially lead to ugly competitions commonly referred to as "war"
It's a delicate balance ( eg, Rwanda, the Balkans, etc ) and some nations handle diversity well while others are destroyed by it.
Yeah. I see your points and
Yeah. I see your points and I won't attack the use of the word 'sovereignty'.
My disagreements with Libertarians also come into focus on this issue, but not in the same way as you guys.
I want one way borders for people and money. Come in, but you'll need permission to leave with anything you buy or money saved. No wire transfers either. You, your whole family, and friends are welcome to come, but you can't take or send anything back except education in your mind.
Anything else is how we're currently failing or worse, anarchy.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
darth_josh wrote: I want
Do you apply this rule to people born in your country? Are you basically saying you can't take your own possesions out of the country?
You can't now without
You can't now without permission. No difference.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.