The Myth of Christian Morality

I hear it all the time...
"What keeps you from being a child raping axe murdering drug addict if there is no god?"
Homo Sapien Sapien is a herd animal, tribal and needing to function in groups to survive. Survival depends on certain ingrained principles, the primary of which is to not allow members of the herd to kill each other willy nilly. All the other 'moral' injunctions follow this simple imperative as violating them can lead to violence and killing, thus wrecking the group cohesion.
My ethics and morality derive from the culture in which I was raised and reinforced by the pressure of my peers. As I grew, I incorporated much of what in had been taught into my world view, rationalizing and reasoning out the purpose and place of the various ideas, making them part of my essential character. On top of my personal ethic, we have laws, society's way of codifying a common ethic. Even if one lacks an ethical stance on certain issues, the fear of societal retribution tends to keep most in line.
Morality is mutable, changing with time and custom. I knew several people in my youth who were only a generation removed from slavery. Once slavery wasn't immoral, it was in fact validated by the holy scriptures as right and moral. Once, a wife could not refuse her husbands sexual advances, the concept of marital rape was unimagined. We've changed, we've grown as a people.
Christian morality doesn't exist. Yes, they have rules and a huge litany of sins, but most are for the purpose of pointing out the failings of others, many are outdated, barbaric and non nonsensical.
But, in the final analysis, it doesn't matter, they only have ONE 'moral' injunction. In order to avoid punishment, and gain admission to the holy theme park, one only has to pucker up and plant a smooch on the precisely right spot of the celestial buttocks.
It matter not a whit if you ARE an axe murdering pedophilic monster, if you kiss god's ass in just the right way and REALLY mean it, you remove all personal responsibility and culpability for your actions. This is the sum total of "Christian Morality".
You don't need to actually BE good, in fact, the book tells us no one CAN be good. All you have to have is a nimble conscious, and the ability to convince yourself that a mock sacrifice 2000 years ago can give you a free pass.
LC >;-}>
Christianity: A disgusting middle eastern blood cult, based in human sacrifice, with sacraments of cannibalism and vampirism, whose highest icon is of a near naked man hanging in torment from a device of torture.
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Quote:But, in the final
This is certainly within the claim "all powerful". If he isn't capable about making this just all about kissing his ass, then you defy the logic of the claim "all powerful".
But, when reading these holy books, it certainly seems to be ultimately all about him. Otherwise why demand all the attention AND want publicity?
If such an alleged being were selfless it wouldn't matter if he never became famous or wrote a book. Not that he did, humans did. Humans invented him.
Sometimes we get the argument "he wouldn't do that"
The argument isn't over what he claims, the argument is over the concept of his powers. If he is all powerful then he is capable of lying and telling you it isn't about him. "all" means no limit and lying and harming for self gain has to be part of the word "all" OTHERWISE the power of the god has a limit.
Again to the theist reading this we are strictly addressing claims as claims not actual gods or events.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Christian "morals"
It's actually worse than this. While the axe murdering pedophilic monster can be forgiven, his victims are destined for hell as not being a Christian is a hell-bound offence. In Cambodia during the Khmer Rouge regime there was a prison/torture center called Toul Sleng. Some 17000 people went through its gates, almost all them were tortured and executed in the most horrific manner, bludgeoned to death to save bullets. The prison was run by a guy called Kang Kek Lew or comrade Duch. Several years ago he was captured and put on trial and sentenced to life imprisonment. In the time since committing his horrific crimes he had become a born again Christian. He was "saved". By all accounts his conversion was sincere. Now according to Christian moraliity, he is heading for heaven. His victims however, were mainly Buddhist. They did not convert to Christianity of course. They died as Buddhists. So according to Christianity, these poor people, having suffered so much and having died in such horrific circumstances are now burning in hell while their tormentor, torturer and murderer is going to heaven. This is the logic of their morality.
Forgive me father for I have sinned
The Duch (Kang Kek Lew/Kaing Guek Eav) case is indeed an example par excellence of this flaw in Christian morality. At least he is still in jail.
The Khmer Rouge executioner and torturer Kaing Guek Eav, alias Duch, raised his hands to his face in a Buddhist sign of goodwill yesterday as judges rejected his appeal and increased last year's 19-year sentence to life imprisonment, the maximum sentence available under Cambodian law.
Duch, a born-again Christian, showed no emotion as judges at a United Nations-backed trial detailed crimes they said were ''undoubtedly among the worst recorded in human history''.
The scenario with Duch is a
The scenario with Duch is a large part of how I formulated my signature, which has been my personal religious philosophy for most of my life.
NAZI concentration camp guards tried the same "please forgive me" stunt. The problem is that only the person who has been wronged can forgive, and dead people are incapable of doing that.
"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."
FurryCatHerder wrote:The
On that particular observation / opinion, I would have to say that I totally agree.
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno