Rational Responders newsletter
Rational Response Text Input box working again for all browsers!
Submitted by Sapient on January 18, 2014 - 9:45am.For the last few months we were dealing with an error in which people were having a hard time posting on RationalResponders.com in browsers other than Firefox.
I am happy to report that this issue has been resolved. Please stop by and post your scathing attacks on religion, with any browser!
Or if you're one of the folks who still believes in ancient fairy tales, please stop by and ask any question you can think of that will help you abandon your ridiculously ignorant beliefs!
In Rationality,
Brian Sapient

ATHEIST ACTION ALERTS and Sapient lambasting of intolerant Christians
Submitted by RationalRespons... on November 13, 2012 - 11:55pm.This week White House petitions are making the news, but did you know there is currently a petition to remove God from our currency and our Pledge? Please sign the petition:
A young girl that has lived a life of sheltered home schooled indoctrination seeks to break out and receive an education. Sign the petition that can help earn her a scholarship here:
Sapient wrote an open letter to Christians that have called recent ballot approvals of gay marriage "disgraceful."
Rational Responders network of sites back online
Submitted by Sapient on June 27, 2012 - 12:22am.We apologize if we ruined your afternoon with the outage of our network of sites. We are now back online and ready for you to respond rationally to religion!
Check us out at:
Please visit and make sure your favorite atheist sites are listed on the largest list ever compiled: http://www.atheismunited.com/wiki/Huge_list_of_atheist_agnostic_skeptic_humanist_websites
In Rationality,
Rational Site Administration
Give the gift of reason this season!
Submitted by Sapient on November 24, 2011 - 12:28am.The last two months of this year are extremely crucial for us to raise funds to support the purchase of a new server for our mix of atheist sites including the new site Atheism United. Please remember to do as much shopping as you possibly can through our links to Amazon. Black Friday specials on Amazon are some of the best on the internet, get something for yourself and it helps the world move closer to abandoning religion.
Additionally, atheist hip hop artist Syqnys has a new album out, you can listen to it online for free! Read his comments and check the album out here:
New rational activism projects from RRS
Submitted by Sapient on November 7, 2011 - 12:15pm.Activists from The Rational Response Squad have started working on a project that some might be surprised to see us working on. We have started putting together a new site at www.atheismunited.com with a few activists who started a facebook group called "Atheism United." The project aims to unite all atheists under one banner for the first time in internet history. A creative campaign is coming in 2012 to promote the actions of "Atheism United."The new site will link to every atheist site we can manage to list. The list is already about 5 times longer than any list of atheist sites we've found in our searches.
Over the last 5 years The Rational Response Squad has been accused of being too strident or aggresive with our tactics. In that time we've consistently stated that we support other atheists right to be passive or less aggressive than us. This message wasn't always accepted as a persuasive argument for acceptance of RRS methods by those who play passive. Because of this some of us thought it would be nice to lead by example.

Black Friday-Cyber Monday purchases that support atheists!
Submitted by RationalRespons... on November 22, 2010 - 11:33am.Parent Claus is bringing the kids presents? Don't want to hear O Holy Night while you shop for those gifts? Want to help support the Rational Response Squad network of websites while buying Grandmom a necklace for the Winter Solstice? Consider doing any necessary holiday shopping through the Amazon links at this page to support atheist websites:
Want to engage in debate? We currently have a few theists worth responding to:
We're always looking for help maintaining the largest and first list of Celebrity Atheists:

Smut for Smut Bibles for Porn!
Submitted by RationalRespons... on March 3, 2010 - 1:57am.Students in Texas offer porn in exchange for Bibles, the campaign is called smut for smut. I urge you to support this project with your voice. Follow the students on twitter @AtheistAgenda and respond to criticisms and whining from theists on news sites around the net.
Visit this thread for more details on smut for smut: http://www.rationalresponders.com/smut_for_smut_atheist_agenda
Due to the recent closing of a very popular atheist forum and a broken community the RRS is reaching out on atheist websites reminding folks that our forums are designed to unite activist atheists and foster a community that can work to get behind projects like the one created by our heroes of tomorrow at USTA. Please visit this thread to make a very small contribution that supports a whole slew of atheist websites and will help unite atheist activists on RRS where their content and opinions will remain safe and welcome.
Get details here: http://www.rationalresponders.com/forum/19821
ChristMyAss day broadcast at Rational Response Squad LIVE!
Submitted by Sapient on December 19, 2009 - 1:43am.I'm excited to announce that I will continue the tradition of Christmas day broadcasts this year!
All of the details of the ChristMyAss show can be seen here:
The facebook event for the ChristMyAss broadcast is here:
Check out the newest site from The Rational Response Squad:
In Rationality,
Brian Sapient
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Rational Response Squad Newsletter
Submitted by Sapient on November 21, 2009 - 4:39am.For many of you this is your first Rational Response Squad newsletter, we previously weren't mailing it to everyone. We just recently corrected the error. This newsletter will be short and sweet. PLEASE HELP KEEP THE RRS ACTIVE AND FLOURISHING: http://www.rationalresponders.com/donations_requested_please
We're still in action, and I'm around more often...
Submitted by Sapient on October 12, 2009 - 1:51am.I recently announced that Kelly and I broke up, yes I know... shocker. Don't feel bad though, without getting into the details let me say that it's a positive thing, at least in some regards. I'm an optimistic and happy person and for the last 18 months I didn't have the chance to feel those emotions as much, and it showed in RRS production.
Many of the people who still frequent the site were aware already, but I wanted to send a letter to all of you welcoming you back, reminding you that I (along with many leading contributors) never took my eye off the prize: a world with no religion. Imagine it, it's easy if you try. Consider hopping back into the conversations on www.rationalresponders.com
Over the next few weeks you'll see some updating and changes.
If you had let yourself buy into any of the rumors and accusations about me or RRS, you can look forward to a full Q & A to be posted on the site within weeks. For now I started that discussion on facebook due to the fact that I wanted to know what actual "friends" had bought into. Doing what I do, I tend to have quite a few Christians setting forth thousands of false ideas about me online, and I wasn't interested in entertaining all of those rumors.