Over half of Britons claim no religion

Wooo celebrate!!!
The report claims that two-thirds of British people now do not admit to any religious adherence.
Citing research that showed that 80 per cent of Muslims in Britain feel they have been discriminated against, the report singles out the Terrorism Act 200 for particular criticism.
Suggest to those minority immigrants that they should LEAVE.
She argues that religion should not have a lower ranking when competing rights are being balanced.
What she means is... that right now religion is so high on a pedestal that they dont want to be LOWER aka on a fair level.
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Cool, and Pat Condell ROCKS
Atheism Books.
This is kind of hurtful to condell or dawkins because it means that all the PC stuff and sharia allowance is occuring against democracy... or atheists are part of this. Which would be scary.
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" F.D.R.
Awesome, hopefully the rest will follow.
Even more reason why I want to go live there.Interesting the most religious country has now become the least.
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
Yup. Another reason why I'm glad I live here. I don't however agree with what you were saying munky about making the minority immigrants go home. While I'm not up for religion having relevance in rights talk, I find talk of 'sending immigrants home' frankly quite disgusting. Also most muslims in the UK are British Citizens, and a great deal were born here, sending them home would more likely be to Bradford than to Pakistan.
Atheist Books
"Love the enemy" a wise man said .....
that is not to appease .... but to care.
Atheism Books.
I'm not saying that we force them... they should just shup up and accept the freedoms or leave.
I'm not saying that. They have freedom of religion... we have it also... we wont destroy our freedoms to allow for their whining.
Still not saying we deport them. If they have problems with the country and they want to step on the toes of the majority of people... we should tell them that if they are so pissed off... they should leave.
I think most of the problem though is that a lot of ordinary muslims feellike they're being targetted by security services when they are law abiding citizens who would never go and blow up buses or tube trains in London. There's the classic case of Jean Charles de Menezes, brutally murdered by police a few years ago because they thought he was gonna blow up a train when they had absolutely no reason to believe this.
I understand that security is important at the moment, but you can't practically or morally go round shooting or arresting suspicious looking men that look Middle Eastern. I mean how far does it go? Menezes wasn't even middle eastern, he was Brazilian!
Atheist Books
Hmmm, if anyone plans to live here they should really love rain, and horrible weather. It is true about us though, you see more people laughing at the crazy town religious nut shouting about Jesus than listening. And Pat is fantastic everyone should watch his videos, even when I don't agree with him, he's still funny. Reminds me of my uncle, ya know old guy.. ranting about religion, it's a beautiful thing.
"Is man one of God's blunders? Or is God one of man's blunders?”
Friedrich Nietzsche
Pat Condell is beautiful, If I was a girl I'd make lots of babies with him. Love on him ..... a king as atheist jesus would say ..... girls for Pat ! Girls for me ! Go girls .... girls have .... treasure ! .... call me the hunter { the chick sitting next to me is making me a woody .... }
Atheism Books.
I find your view about that someone should suggest to the immigrates to leave because they suffer some form of discrimination to be abhorrent. Considering, my mother and father were immigrants when they came to the UK. My grandfather served in the colonial army in India... The least the British could do was offer their children better living standards, after they put their ass on the line fighting against Hitler.
Well said,
The truth is we're all immigrants to this island whether we're of Norman, Anglo-Saxon, Viking, Roman, Celtic, Briton or more recently, Middle Eastern, Indian, African, Carribean, Chinese, or other origins. And lets face it, the more recent additions to the country don't go round raping, pillaging and installing themselves as a monarchy... Damn Normans Go Home!!
Atheist Books
In the past we didn't take shit from no one.... now we take shit from everybody. I'm not saying kick anyone out of any country, but if you want to live in the UK, DON'T intentionally force your ancient ways upon a government that is so obsessed with trying to be tolerant, that it forgets to stop licking ass. They know they will get their way so they kick off (i'm not saying all of them but a some). We should not kick anyone out we should just wait for them to complain about a teddy bears name, and slap them in the face and say "NO".
But thats just me..
"Is man one of God's blunders? Or is God one of man's blunders?”
Friedrich Nietzsche
One thing I've generally found is that saying: "No you're wrong" to a deeply religious person makes things worse. While I would like to slap religious people stupid including muslims, it doesn't achieve anything. I also think people have a right to religion as well as a right not to be religious. I think the solution to high levels of religiosity in Christians, Jews, Muslims, Jedis or whichever fictional story they like to believe in is education, teaching kids from a young age that it is make believe. I find the fact that most UK state schools are attached to some kind of religious ethos very disturbing, no matter how liberal they are, they're still teaching kids that its not stupid to believe in stupid things.
I think you're creating an easy target with Muslims in Britain because some of them are immigrants. Christians can be just as bad, especially the evangelical types.
As for the Mohammed teddy teacher. She's going to teach in China now according to North West Tonight a few days ago. What blasphemous mischief can she reap over there? Calling a doll Chairman Mao?
Atheist Books
Hmmm yes we don't believe in god so much here in but in schools we still teach it alongside science, maths and ICT without any kind of side note that it isn't real. I think they should have rights, just not religious rights. No special rights for anyone to do with religious belief. Yeah but Muslims are by far the worst, most of the Christians get laughed at but people are scared of Muslims.
I dunno, I just remember seeing the newspaper saying they wanted to kill her over a teddy, and we are intollerant of peoples beliefs?
"Is man one of God's blunders? Or is God one of man's blunders?”
Friedrich Nietzsche