Not here to integrate - islam

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Bill Whittle:

“Can you tell us how these radical Islamic organizations interface directly with the Federal Government in terms of the Defense Department, in terms of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, uh, local law enforcement, how exactly do these radical Muslim groups use their connections to suppress the defenses of the United States against these types of activities?”

Former Special Agent FBI:

“That’s a great question. At the National level, with the FBI and DHS, they actually, they are invited in by General Counsel’s office of the FBI and DHS to sit in on brain storming about investigative techniques that our FBI agents are using out in the field."

Bill Whittle:

“I have to stop you because, frankly, that sounds so absurd that I really have to really make sure I’m understanding you correctly. Are you saying, that the radicalized Muslim groups are invited in to learn our investigative techniques – that they are invited in to get their feedback on how we are going to fight against them? Is that what I understood you to say?”

Former Special Agent FBI:

“Yes. So, for instance, in the FBI, the General Counsel of the FBI, Valerie Capone invited these Muslim organizations as well as the ACLU and other groups in to make sure that the investigative techniques and the Attorney General guidelines and the way the FBI was going to implement the general guidelines was ok and not offensive to these organizations. As an investigator, and certainlyspeaking for many others that I know, that’s nothing short of outrageous. If you can imagine any group, whether its the Cosa Nostra, the Mafia, or any kind of organizaed crime syndicate, certainly the Muslim Brotherhood could loosely fall into that category. Certainly, it’s much much more significant than the Mafia was. But to invite them in to make sure that our investigative techniques are sensitie to John Gotti – I mean, that’s absurd on the face of it. But that’s exactly what we’re doing. “

Bill Whittle:

“Sure, because you’re revealing in great detail exactly what your investigative and interrogation techniques are. I mean, in a meeting like that, you’re giving away the farm essentially in terms of how you are going to be operating in order to make sure that their feelings don’t get hurt. And then, you’re essentially, you are giving the enemy all of the details about how you plan to operate against them. Right?”

Former Special Agent FBI:

“Certainly a significant strategic look at how we’re doing things, yes. As well as some specific techniques.”

Bill Whittle:

“Well, you mentioned earlier that there’s no training. That people ranging from upper level administrators in the FBI down to some local Sheriff’s deputy in some county out in the middle of Arizona, someplace, local – local law enforcement. You mention that there is no training for these people whatsoever in terms of the real nature of the threat. Why is that?”

Former Special Agent FBI:

“Oh, again, I think there are a lot of pieces to that. But number one is, when the people advising the assistant directors, the special agents in charge in the FBI, the assistant secretaries, and the Department of Homeland Security etc., when those are Muslim Brothers, you’re not going to get training that discusses Islamic doctrine and who the Muslim Brotherhood is, their history and their influence and their penetration operations here in the United States. And, to boot, the people who ARE training the FBI are groups like CAIR which is a HAMAS entity and an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism financing trial in the United States .”

Bill Whittle:

“I have to stop you again because this is virtually impossible for me to process. You’re saying that the training that our Counter Terrorism forces get is determined by radical Islamic groups like the Muslim Brotherhood?”

Former Special Agent FBI:

"No, I’m not saying it’s determined – it’s given by them. They’ve been in our FBI field offices. They’ve been in our FBI headquarters teaching and training our agents and our employees. “

When you ask your enemy to advise you on how to fight them you're really setting yourself up for disappointment. Possibly deadly.

How can not believing in something that is backed up with no empirical evidence be less scientific than believing in something that not only has no empirical evidence but actually goes against the laws of the universe and in many cases actually contradicts itself? - Ricky Gervais