Orlando shooter was gay, World leaders fail to respond properly for the millionth time!

Many republicans #Drumpf included want to make sure the focus stays on "Islamic Extremism." There are now reports surfacing that Mateen was suppressing his homosexuality due to his religion. There is a lesson here that no politician will talk about and it's that religion is wrong. It's lies lead to repressing who you are, and in turn it makes you more stressed, irrational, and dangerous to yourself and others. We saw the same thing (and same lack of proper response) during the Priest fondling children scandals. They were repressing their human biology to the point that they became sick, irrational, and dangerous.

When politicians and world leaders start framing the discussion as what can we do to end religion, we will put one more foot on the right path to a peaceful world. They must start with an increased focus on critical thinking in our schools (and set a good example of this). From there we must be able to teach the history of religion in our schools while applying our critical thinking skills and allow our children to learn how we can determine that the gods our world believes in today are false. And finally from there, we must have an increased focus on science, including the big bang, abiogenesis, mitochondrial dna linking, and evolution. These topics must be looked at in depth, we must learn and understand them well.

Once our world leaders stop respecting religion and instead respect the people that have been brainwashed with bullshit we will have taken one giant leap for mankind.


Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!

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EXC's picture

 Since nearly all


Since nearly all politicians use religion to help themselves attain power, why would they ever have any motivation to end religion? In fact religion and politics are really the same business, selling false promises to the ignorant and easily fooled. The answer is for rational people to eventually rise up and decide we don't need any politicians or a government as it is constituted now. 

Same with schools. If students were taught to think critically, they'd realize they can teach themselves, think for themselves. Then we don't need the education business that only exists to keep teachers and administrators employed with generous benefits. They have no incentive to teach students to be independant thinkers. They totally depend on people being ignorant.


We need a 'Mohammed was gay' campaign. Draw pictures of him on all fours taking it from pigs and Jews.



Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

Brian37's picture

 While denial of self and

 While denial of self and the ignorance of human biology is rooted in those old books of myth, all three of the books of Abraham teach the respective follower tribalism. We can talk about "motive" all we want, but it also explains why we have a flooded gun market and ease of access to guns in America as well. Our right wing hate gays too, our right wing defends guns like ISIS will defend a Quran. The right wing assholes in America love the God of Jesus and love weapons too. Roof wasn't motivated by the Quran, neither was the abortion clinic shooter. The Voice singer was murdered with a gun, and the Va Tech shooter was mentally ill. Religion and weapons go together like peanut butter and jelly. "Don't blame the object" is bullshit. I blame the attitude humans have about the object. Our right wing rightfully says far too many Muslims view the Quran as worthy of protecting to the death. So gun worshipers cant have it both ways. They can't say guns are not the problem, while rightfully saying attitudes toward the Quran are a problem. A physical book cant murder someone all by itself. But someone can pick it up and because of their attitude about that book, use it to harm others. Why should guns be treated any different? 


Both are willing to "defend" their faith, and what do humans use to "defend" faith? Weapons. Just like worship of a religion, worship of guns is no different. "Don't blame responsible gun owners", is the same bullshit "not all" religion uses to avoid criticism about those who do use it as a weapon. It does not have to be "all", but the refusal of just enough unwilling to face a real problem. 


The right is religious and loves weapons as much as the violent nuts in Islam. The only thing that prevents the west from looking like the east as far as the level of violence is secular law. But the tribalism sold in those books is the same. All three religions of Abrham for that matter were started in an era of tribal kingdoms, and back then, loyalty was demanded to protect the local tribe. There is no polite way to separate religion and violence. 


And for the three stooges who will respond, fuck you. This is not about forcing any religion out of existence as if anyone should or could on a planet of 7 billion. But if we want to reduce religious violence, and even domestic gun deaths here in America, we must focus on the root cause of why they happen. Our religious right here in America is responsible for Christian homophobia which they have with Islamic homophobia. Our Christian right also uses the First Amendment and the 2nd Amendment to promote bigotry and protect the object of a bible, and the obect of a gun. Even Huckabee wrote a book "God, Guns And Grits"..... So it isn't just a "clechi". 


The west only became more civil in spite of religion, not because of it. Our fetish for guns is literally rooted in the fact that our right wing is willing to defend to the death the Bible and Jesus. While my fellow liberal theists have the empathy, what they fail to understand is that for all the empathy they claim is comming out of the bible, others use that same book to come to different conclusions. You won't solve issues of conflict without facing that.


FUCK our right wing and FUCK the NRA. We don't need more guns and we don't need more right wing religous nuts of any label. 

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog

EXC's picture

Stop lying about what gun

Stop lying about what gun control means. It does not mean getting rid of all guns. It means giving elites in the government exclusive access to guns.

If you're going to argue for gun control, you are why the government should have this right exclusively.


Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

Brian37's picture

 Oh fuck off, Japan doesn't

 Oh fuck off, Japan doesn't ban all guns despite what some might believe, but what they don't have over there is a market, not because the big bad Evil fascist Japanese government bans all guns, they don't. Most people don't have them because they don't worship guns, and they have a better social structure and lower pay gap. You going to stupidly accuse Japan of being "elite" too?

You are fucking paranoid asshole. I have no doubt the right would scream for gun control if woman started picking up guns to defend abortion rights. Now don't fucking hand me any bullshit about valuing freedom if all you want is for one industry and one lobby to dictate to the rest of us. There is no conspiracy asshole!

Nope, this is bullshit paranoid conspiracy crap on your part to justify doing nothing. 


It is nothing short of paranoia to accuse hundereds of miliions of voters who don't agree with you as being in all in on one giant conspiracy. Why don't you fucking argue the moon landing was faked or argue for big foot while you are at it. 

Fuck you, fuck your paranoia. Nobody wants a fasist state. Same fucking bullshit about "banning all guns" has been said for decades. Asshole GOP even undid their own work on the Brady Bill. You are just a paranoid fucking brat.


No conspiracy, unless you want to accuse me of being a goverment offical and you know I am not. No conspiracy, it is just some of us see the fucking shell game the blood lobby is playing and we are tired of it.


 And if you keep saying you hate government then why the fuck do you even vote? No, the truth is you don't hate government, you simply want to be the only one in control of law making because the thought of not aways getting everything you want scares you. 


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog

Brian37's picture

EXC wrote:Stop lying about

EXC wrote:

Stop lying about what gun control means. It does not mean getting rid of all guns. It means giving elites in the government exclusive access to guns.

If you're going to argue for gun control, you are why the government should have this right exclusively.



You have the same reading comprehension as the other stooges here. NOBODY wants to ban every single gun. Just like liberals don't want  to outlaw the private sector merely for saying that pay is not keeping up with the cost of living and that the rich don't need all the tax breaks they are getting.


Yes we do want to ban spray weapons and big clips. How you stupidly jump to "all guns" is bullshit paranoia. And how hypocritically many claim they want to stop violence and support cops being armed to the teeth because they want them to fight crime while hypocritically condemning them at the same time. 

Can't have it both ways, cant tell everyone you want law enforcement to get the bad guy and expect them at the same time to be armed with pea shooters when they face big clips and assault weapons almost every day.


The real "conspiracy" is caused by the NRA pitting cops and society against each other so the industry can sell more weapons to both cops and society. Fear is great for profits. More cops injured or killed, more guns makers can sell to them. The more cops kill civilians the more guns they can sell to them. The makers love the paranoia.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog

EXC's picture

Brian37 wrote:Can't have it

Brian37 wrote:

Can't have it both ways, cant tell everyone you want law enforcement to get the bad guy and expect them at the same time to be armed with pea shooters when they face big clips and assault weapons almost every day.


Actually, I don't want law enforcement. Period. End of sentence.

I don't need someone else to protect me, I quite fine to do it myself. Police, courts and prisions are a scam to get money forcibly taken from a duped public. The real crooks are the politicians, lawyers and government worker labor unions. They've taken from me thousands of times more money than any common thief ever could. Our society is like someone installs a $10K alarm system into car that is only worth $1K.

But I'm paranoid when you're the one that thinks mass shootings is such a great danger. Litterally it is less than one in million persons killed in mass shootings. But violence is going to go up if the drug cartels get into the business of guns.

Also, it is easy modification to turn any gun into an automatic. So eventually the left is going to want to ban all guns. Many do want to ban all guns already.

I actually think by having easy access to guns, it stopped him from carrying out an even bigger attack. Someone that is waging jihad is not going to say, gee "it's hard to buy a gun, so Allah must not want me to kill infidels". Instead, he would have planned his attack for years like the 9/11 hijackers, the body count would be worse.

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

Brian37's picture

 Nobody said you personally

 Nobody said you personally needed protection. But we do need protection from your fucking blind worship.


Again fuckwad, you cant have it both ways. Don't sit there and rightfully argue that Muslims pick up an object, view it a certain way, and act on that interpretation. THEY DO.

A gun is an object. It cant magically jump out of a holster and shoot someone. I agree. A quran also cannot magically jump off a shelf and phisically harm somone. But the fans of those obects can and do act on their blind worship of them.


In a perfect world I would not give a fuck what your fetish was. But as it stands now at this current point in history, your blindly protecting guns is as fucking asburd as Muslims claiming nobody ever picks up a Quran and justifies harm with it.


The ony difference between people who worship the bible, Quran & Jewish OT vs worship of guns, is which religion each is willing to use guns to murder over.



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog

EXC's picture

Brian37 wrote: In a perfect


You are totally fucking insane. We have these Yazidi women testify about being sex slaves under ISIS. So, your solution to Muslim jihad is for the entire populace of the USA to become like the Yazidis unable to defend themselves.

Because of the insanity of people like you, ISIS now views American men the way they did Yazidis. Sheep to be slaughtered and their women to be raped.


Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

Brian37's picture

EXC wrote: You are totally

EXC wrote:


You are totally fucking insane. We have these Yazidi women testify about being sex slaves under ISIS. So, your solution to Muslim jihad is for the entire populace of the USA to become like the Yazidis unable to defend themselves.

Because of the insanity of people like you, ISIS now views American men the way they did Yazidis. Sheep to be slaughtered and their women to be raped.



No asshole, your fucking paranoia is insane. Columbine, Newtown, Charleston, movie theaters, Orlando, ect ect ect. THAT is insane.


And I take this personally too, because when I was a kid my dad got drunk off his ass and fired his handgun with me in the room. He was legal at the time of buy too. I have an antiuque music box and a chest of drawers with BULLET HOLES, in them. What is fucking isnane is that we don't simply give cops or military a rank and gun, and we make sure they are mentally stable and we make sure they have crisis training shooting but we dont vet civilians to the same degree. 


Your fucking worship of an object is insane. FUCK YOU. And right now as I am typing this I am listening to the morning news listening to another local shooting. Take you fucking paranoia and shove it up your ass!

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog

EXC's picture

Brian37 wrote:No asshole,

Brian37 wrote:

No asshole, your fucking paranoia is insane. Columbine, Newtown, Charleston, movie theaters, Orlando, ect ect ect. THAT is insane.

And I take this personally too, because when I was a kid my dad got drunk off his ass and fired his handgun with me in the room. He was legal at the time of buy too. I have an antiuque music box and a chest of drawers with BULLET HOLES, in them. What is fucking isnane is that we don't simply give cops or military a rank and gun, and we make sure they are mentally stable and we make sure they have crisis training shooting but we dont vet civilians to the same degree. 


Your fucking worship of an object is insane. FUCK YOU. And right now as I am typing this I am listening to the morning news listening to another local shooting. Take you fucking paranoia and shove it up your ass!

We already have a law that convicted fellons can't buy a gun. What more do you want? So if you have your way, people that express anti-gay views can't buy a gun. Theist think atheist are insane and visa-versa, so who can have a gun?

So what do want then, the government does a psychological test to determine if you are "sane" enough to have a gun. No prior conviction for a crime, no due process. Just, the opinion of a government doctor. Insane will just mean disagreeing with the political powers that be. So people will hide their real mental issues and political opinions so as to not have their liberty reduced.

As I am typing this, a women from a defenseless society is being kidnapped, raped and sold as a sex slave. 


The current proposals are totally unconstitutional.

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

digitalbeachbum's picture

 It has been shown that law

 It has been shown that law makers who are gay but deny it, instead claim to be devot <insert religion> and are married with children, support laws which hurt the LGBT community. 

digitalbeachbum's picture

EXC wrote:Stop lying about

EXC wrote:

Stop lying about what gun control means. It does not mean getting rid of all guns. It means giving elites in the government exclusive access to guns.

If you're going to argue for gun control, you are why the government should have this right exclusively.


I'm curious where you draw the line on gun control. There are currently limits in place which prevent ownership of heavy weapons. Should there be limits on semiauto weapons? 

EXC's picture

digitalbeachbum wrote:I'm

digitalbeachbum wrote:

I'm curious where you draw the line on gun control. There are currently limits in place which prevent ownership of heavy weapons. Should there be limits on semiauto weapons? 


Amazing. Someone actually wants to know the practical implications of a political view, not just emotional ranting.

I believe in the rights of citizens to defend themselves in case of foreign invasion or civil war. I would draw the line at no offensive weapons. That would mean no WMDs(nuclear, bio, chemical). The federal government should ban acess to these.

As far as like tanks and automatic guns, they are defense weapons when part of an army fighting another army, offensive for use by individual. I think only as part of a citizen militia could you ever have acces to one. Meaning the local or state goverment would need to approve. I think this Mateen guy needed to join a militia and be trained, if he wanted access to the gun he had.

Also, since Obama has been stocking up on weapons to wage war on civilians. Citizen militias should have access to these same weapons. I don't believe we need a expensive professional police force with exclusive access to guns. We need volunteer citizen policing that are everywhere and can respond to active shooter immediately.

Otherwise if you don't have a criminal record, access to small firearms should be unrestricted.

What the Dems are sitting-in for now is no access for 'suspected' terrorists and people with 'mental' issues. Meaning that politicians can just put their political enemies into these categories. No due process. Throw the constitution in the trash. I think the no-fly list is unconstitutional in the first place, but the liberal justices don't care what the constitution says. 

I believe there needs to be a balance of power between individuals, local communities, state, federal and global authorities. Which means they all need to be armed, but not excessively.

The last 2 mass shooting would have been prevented if we had strict limits on immigration espcially from Islamic countries. If we invite Afgans into our country, we should expect our country to become more like Afganistan. That is what Orlando showed us.

You can learn about the Yazidi disarmament/genocide here:


Also, the USA could stop getting involved in foreign wars if we could stop the world's unwashed masses from buying into "disarmament will make you safer" crap.

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

digitalbeachbum's picture

EXC wrote:Amazing. Someone

EXC wrote:

Amazing. Someone actually wants to know the practical implications of a political view, not just emotional ranting.

I only rant when I'm confused.


EXC wrote:

I believe in the rights of citizens to defend themselves in case of foreign invasion or civil war. I would draw the line at no offensive weapons. That would mean no WMDs(nuclear, bio, chemical). The federal government should ban acess to these.

As far as like tanks and automatic guns, they are defense weapons when part of an army fighting another army, offensive for use by individual. I think only as part of a citizen militia could you ever have acces to one. Meaning the local or state goverment would need to approve. I think this Mateen guy needed to join a militia and be trained, if he wanted access to the gun he had.

Also, since Obama has been stocking up on weapons to wage war on civilians. Citizen militias should have access to these same weapons. I don't believe we need a expensive professional police force with exclusive access to guns. We need volunteer citizen policing that are everywhere and can respond to active shooter immediately.

Otherwise if you don't have a criminal record, access to small firearms should be unrestricted.

What the Dems are sitting-in for now is no access for 'suspected' terrorists and people with 'mental' issues. Meaning that politicians can just put their political enemies into these categories. No due process. Throw the constitution in the trash. I think the no-fly list is unconstitutional in the first place, but the liberal justices don't care what the constitution says. 

I believe there needs to be a balance of power between individuals, local communities, state, federal and global authorities. Which means they all need to be armed, but not excessively.

The last 2 mass shooting would have been prevented if we had strict limits on immigration espcially from Islamic countries. If we invite Afgans into our country, we should expect our country to become more like Afganistan. That is what Orlando showed us.

You can learn about the Yazidi disarmament/genocide here:


Also, the USA could stop getting involved in foreign wars if we could stop the world's unwashed masses from buying into "disarmament will make you safer" crap.

Wow. Thanks for your viewpoint. I didn't realize your views.