Youngster leaves Christianity because of RRS arguments!

A young man told us on our myspace page today that he has left Christianity because of our site. When I first saw his profile an hour ago it said "Christian" now it says "atheist."
Here he is, send him a friend request.
This thread will be a good place to store in one location the stories of all the people who choose to speak up about leaving religion. If you're an onlooker, feel free to comment and participate. Please also keep in mind that when some people abandon religion, they aren't always going to talk about the who/what/where because they have realized they've lived a lie for so long. This is often embarrasing. If you are one of those people, please keep in mind that all of the RRS members grew up being duped as well, in fact Rook even wanted to be a Priest!! (laugh as hard as you want, he can take it) The point is, please don't feel ashamed or embarrased to tell your story, we're not.
Congratulations to Brady/Braden and everyone else who has ever seen through the flawed logic that all forms of theistic belief offer.
Once again, if you've deconverted AS A RESULT of any RRS member please tell us a little something about how it happened, and what made a difference.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
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Ahoy! Thanks for making a thread about me so fast, I showed my friends this immediately and they were all, "sweet man, you're on teh intranet!!1!!".
Anywho. I have to get to work right now, leave me some comments on my myspace OR here, I'll check both when I get home in 6.5 hours or so..... Catch ya'all later!
I'm addicted to Halo 2.
Wanna play me on Live?
Gamertags: "Khef" and "Emo Tears"
Glad to know that we are reaching people, regardless of the results getting the message out is the most important thing - although results are certainly nice as well
Welcome aboard, TLG.
I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
Welcome aboard.
There's lots to learn here, and lots to confirm yourself.
Always question, search out the answers.
It gives your brain something to do (besides being manic
We must favor verifiable evidence over private feeling. Otherwise we leave ourselves vulnerable to those who would obscure the truth.
~ Richard Dawkins
What helped me lose Faith at first was atheists at various non-heathen boards, where I eventualy heard about Evil place really hit me in a vital spot. My heart. All the nasty scripture in the bible, only a little later did the contradictions in the bible become appearant to me...
It took a while before I finaly gave up on theism....though for a time after having lost Faith in Christ I rejected all religion and their holy books. I was just a straight generic theist.
Between many posters at and RRS did I finally become atheist....todangst especially....though not the only Free Thinker who posts at the two boards.
As far as anti-theism.....its not a dirty word......I have to thank RRS for that. Between RRS and a certain frustrating theist poster here it put the final nail in the coffen. I am an anti-theist. I did not come here as an anti-theist howver. Debunk God and people are immune to all religion -faith being a thing no longer respected.
anti-theists all have different temperments just like anyone else, many have family and friends who are theists whom they love and respect for thier many merrits and characters. anti-theism has nothing to do with attacking people it has to do with addressing theism. It does not require shutting loved ones , friends, and aquantences out. It does not require us to not support theists on other issues that we agree on. That would be very silly....
Anyways,.....I am happy and look forward to a future that I might not have persued (college) if it weren't for Free Though -all who contribute to it in various ways......THANK YOU Free Thinkers!

Sapient ( thank you Brian ) helped me come out of my shell as far as posting my thoughts. Offline I am a very quiet person. But that will change
I am starting to make friends at college, and there are a few people at my church that hold disdain for faith and religion, though like me, they very sublty spread seeds of doubt in church.....maybe its not such a bad idea for ant-theists to attand thier families church.
I am going to tell folks at school about RRS and as well as
RRS is my Free Thought home base because it is concerned with the problems that come from theism and does what it can from many different angles to help. Good cop bad cop really is necessary in my opinion. For me it was the anger and frustration from atheists, as well as the atheists who demonstrated an inner peace and joy within themselves, that made me even more curious about atheism, Free Thought and thier concerns. Not all Christias are absolutely closed minded. I think that between all who contribute to RRS, theists are reached at many different angles. Christians are human beings and so, some can be reached by appealing to what humans really do value sometimes....REASON. Things are not so hopeless as many heathens think as far as reaching just takes a while for seeds of doubt to sprout into a self awakening...
Sorry for being blunt and being a little off topic....
I can't wait to learn more about you! welcome The Last Gunslinger!
Did you go to any Christian boards for a while before you ran into the RRS? Did you attend church much? If so do you still? Are your folks church goers? How long roughly did it take for your change to atheism? What was going through your mind just before you decided you are now an atheist? Did you ever have doubts about God or Christianity at times before you ran into RRS? If so, was it a pastor or friends and family that gave you comforting answers, or did you quickly shut out such thoughts when you had them?
LOL. I will bug you with a lot of questions in this thread. I am very curious. Welcome.
Well, for starters, I first achknowledge my atheism today/last night when I ran into RRS. Thought for a while, I think I had doubts about God, but I was so dead-set on becoming Christian again [I used to flip-flop] and unite with the others of my age that were of the Faith, that I guess I ignored my own doubts.
I went to church a lot, even before I had a Christian rebirth a few months ago, but I've read most of both Testaments, so I had no need to pay attention. I went and sang and prayed, but I felt I had no need to do that, as I assumed I needed to do nothing but repent to be saved [yet another tongue-twister in teh bible; don't pray and go to hell, or be saved by grace and do nothing], so while I felt I was spiritually powerful, I felt "above" the regular mass-goers. by Terry Goodkind, and the series, while in a medieval-setting, promoted reason and rational thought. I found the series in an emotionally difficult time in my life, and the series kind of "rebuilt" me into becoming rational and a mindset of reason.
The pressure of my peers and church-involved family pushed me back into faith, but when I saw RRS, it re-kindled the Sword of Truth mindset I so passionately adored. Religion is a superstion. Superstitions are myths created by cultures, just like the four-leaf clover. I now realize that, brothers and sisters. Thank you, more than I can express. More questions are ALWAYS welcome.
I'm addicted to Halo 2.
Wanna play me on Live?
Gamertags: "Khef" and "Emo Tears"
Grrrrr. I missed you on the radio. It figures.
"Thought for a while, I think I had doubts about God, but I was so dead-set on becoming Christian again [I used to flip-flop] and unite with the others of my age that were of the Faith, that I guess I ignored my own doubts."
Yea. Me too sometimes. Everyone does. Did you have any friends from church that you talked with about those doubts, who had doubts themselves? I think that most Christians do have these doubts..
"I went to church a lot.."
I went to church for choir, and for a few friends that are very good to me...for me though I put doubts aside because I needed to feel that untimately my back was covered and that no matter what with God everythig will be ok. I was very afraid of death and obsessed with people finding fault in me, or abanding me and so Christ took away those fears a little bit, made them less umbearable.I really loved Jesus a lot... for most of my life I had a lot of emotional issues which right now I am taking care of with meds and counseling. I'm pretty happy now. I still have mood swings though. I can't help it. LOL.
"I went to church a lot, even before I had a Christian rebirth a few months ago"
I went through something simular very often as I was not perfect at being a good person and so I always tried to be Christ like so that I could feel that Jesus was always with me. I needed Jesus.
"I went to church a lot, even before I had a Christian rebirth a few months ago, but I've read most of both Testaments, so I had no need to pay attention. I went and sang and prayed, but I felt I had no need to do that, as I assumed I needed to do nothing but repent to be saved [yet another tongue-twister in teh bible; don't pray and go to hell, or be saved by grace and do nothing], so while I felt I was spiritually powerful, I felt "above" the regular mass-goers. by Terry Goodkind, and the series, while in a medieval-setting, promoted reason and rational thought. I found the series in an emotionally difficult time in my life, and the series kind of "rebuilt" me into becoming rational and a mindset of reason."
I wasn't much of an intellectual when I was a Christian. hahaha. But I felt that I had a very strong relationship with Jesus. I felt it strongly. Like you, I was also a very private person in some ways.
* So your God concept and relationship with it had to be reasonable huh. Yea, I knew a few Christians like that, one of my best friends is like that, but when I was a Christian I was never really interested in what she had to say as far as philosophy or theology. I just knew what I felt. For me faith was 'Feeling'. I felt everything was true. It was real to me.
"I've read most of both Testaments"
I never read the bible really when I was a Christian. I just took what scripture and philosophy of God our pastor gave me and lived that way. It was a blanket of warmth for me.
* What did you think of the wars? The story of Job? Gods unforvibeness, and quick temper? God hardening of hearts? Actually reading the bible now.....I can't believe that I really believed. God is not love as the bible defines it in the New Testament..
" I went and sang and prayed, but I felt I had no need to do that, as I assumed I needed to do nothing but repent to be saved "
WOW. Singing. Singing prayors/hymns was the best part for me. It was the only reason I really enjoyed church. Now for me art, poetry and especially lyrics and music fullfill me. Mana!
You didn't really like church? You don't like structure do you? A schedule that takes away from other interests. Intellectual ones? You are the intellectual type.
"The pressure of my peers and church-involved family pushed me back into faith, but when I saw RRS, it re-kindled the Sword of Truth mindset I so passionately adored. Religion is a superstion. Superstitions are myths created by cultures, just like the four-leaf clover. I now realize that, brothers and sisters. Thank you, more than I can express."
I am happy for you. I'm happy too. We can all help eachother, theist and non-theist alike. The issue of theism isn't everything so everyone really does have something to offer in tackling problems, non-theist and theist alike. However theism itself ( not necessarily the person in cases, but the belief in theism) is a problem that must be addressed. Theism is irrational descrimination and so such a world view, which does effect actions on many levels, is unnecassarily causing problems. As well as condoning problems. Superstition is not necessary for a sense of well being. We are proof of that.
Please feel free to PM me anytime TLG
Sorry for being so late in responding, I was seriously distracted for a spell.