Stories about overcoming religion

A great many people have thanked Rational Response Squad members for helping them overcome religion. It's not easy to abandon religion as religious belief has become so common that we feel more comfortable with belief in religion. A study once found that while in the womb we hear the word God over 40 times. Indoctrination starts early within many religions. Many of us are taught to be fearful of eternal damnation at an early age. We start to fear the concept of no god very early in our development. Adults wouldn't fall for religious nonsense if they waited until after college to teach us about God. For many of us, religious belief is so deep that we are no longer able to view it rationally. We make excuses. We tell ourselves it's possible for evolution to be true and also possible for the Adam and Eve story to be true. We try to rationalize a world based on facts and a world based on God.
Many of us view the world through a God filter. Some theists view atheists as devil worshippers, even though common sense dictates that atheists wouldn't believe in a devil either. Other theists justify belief because they don't want to risk being wrong, yet they fail to understand that they are rejecting many religions but one.
It's ok for atheists to believe in luck, as luck is defined simply as "good fortune" and people who escape the grasp of religion are very lucky indeed. These are some of their stories.
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Hat's off to RSS from a dying man
I have found out that I have a terminal illness, but it may take years to kill me unless science catches up with the disease. I am also among the multitude of those who were systematically brainwashed as a child. To my mother's despair I finally broke free of christianity. As you say it is not something easy to overcome and has taken me about ten years to completely recover from it's poison. I am 39 yrs old now and I am bitter because I can't help to think how much further in life I might have progressed, and medical science would have progressed without the yoke of religion. RSS did not directly deconvert me, but has given me new insight and has armed me with knowledge to "rationally respond" to those who view me as "a lost soul". My illness took me from a hard-working, prosperous business owner to a poor broken down man. After a long, hard battle I have finally been awarded my social security disability. Out of my 1st check I will be making a donation to RSS. It may not be alot, but I intend to keep donating what I can to this worthy cause. Thank you!
"...but truth is a point of view, and so it is changeable. And to rule by fettering the mind through fear of punishment in another world is just as base as to use force." -Hypatia
to TonyJeffers
Welcome to the forums, Your story is very similer to a well respected member here called TGBaker. He lost his battle with cancer back on Nov 25,2011. I personally spoke to him on the phone during his long fight through chemo and bone marrow transplant. He was brave and erudite to the end, his post here are well worth the read. Try this one for example if you click on his name you will go to his profile page, then click on track for more of his writings. You can also find his writings at
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
to Jeffrick
Thanks Jeffrick, I'll check him out. I haven't even come close to covering this site. Any suggested reads are appreciated.
"...but truth is a point of view, and so it is changeable. And to rule by fettering the mind through fear of punishment in another world is just as base as to use force." -Hypatia
ego at large
any post with my name attached. Try the video at Jeffrick vs. a YEC. There are a few idiots on site, I wont name them but reading through the posts you can figure out who they are. Most everyone else is worth reading or you can start you own 'create content' with any question on your mind.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
Full Recovery
I put my first post on this site in this forum, but it was really my introduction. So I thought it would be proper to tell a short story of my overcoming
religion here where it belongs. Apologies to other members for any repetitions from my other posts.
I was raised by decent, hospitable folks that came from the South. My mother started me in Sunday school and church right away at the local church
of Nazarene. It's basically a medley of other denominations except for catholic. I was the typical victim of christianity.
The first step to overcoming religion is a simple act of being brave enough to face one's self and overcoming the denial of your own doubts. You cannot
progress at all in this world without questioning everything, especially your faith which is the result of just blindly believing what was taught to you.
Religion is not inherent in you. It is taught by those with faith that have their own doubts. If someone operating on faith truly has no doubts, that
person's mind is not equipped to have rational thoughts and is mentally incapable of progressing to enlightenment.
If you are a person of faith reading this, it's ok to doubt. Embrace those feelings. Those feelings are the only thing standing between you and a
complete state of delusion.
My doubts were clarified when I finally took the time look into other religions. And then the realization that maybe not only the other religions were
a fantasy, but my own might be as well. How arrogant I was to think that only christians were right. The truth is none of us were.
I finally came to the conclusion that everyone teaching faith is either a hypocrite unable to face their own doubts, or they lack basic mental capabilities.
Don't trust anyone who doesn't take their own advice.
"...but truth is a point of view, and so it is changeable. And to rule by fettering the mind through fear of punishment in another world is just as base as to use force." -Hypatia