The Smolin Solution - Big Bang Theory Quantum shenanigans

Abu Lahab's picture

Hey clever chaps,


What would you say the Cliff Notes version of Smolin's theory on Time-Space, Big Bang etc would be?

The basis for the theory is the apparent need for the twenty or so parameters of the standard model to be fine-tuned to an incredible degree of accuracy over a huge range of magnitudes, so that life, the Galaxy and the Universe can exist at all. It is widely believed that our Universe contains a huge number of black holes whose interiors correspond to unobservable regions. According to general relativity, all matter inside the black hole collapses to a point singularity. Smolin argues that quantum effects may come into play to remove this singularity and the collapsing black hole "bounces" back into an expansion. Smolin suggests that inside each black hole is a new expanding Universe with black holes. He then assumes that the twenty-odd parameters of the standard model change a little bit at each bounce and, as in Darwinian evolution, the "fitness landscape" of all possible universes evolves until universes in which the parameters correspond to a state of maximal black hole production predominate.


I stole this from a website, anyone have anything better for debating theists and their need to debunk Big Bang?

How can not believing in something that is backed up with no empirical evidence be less scientific than believing in something that not only has no empirical evidence but actually goes against the laws of the universe and in many cases actually contradicts itself? - Ricky Gervais