(Spoilers) Superman: Man of Steel review

digitalbeachbum's picture

It is a rarity that I get to see a movie, but two in one week, that's like a Universe being formed from a singularity.

Yesterday my wife and I went to see the new Superman flick. I actually didn't mind going because the trailers were actually promising. I knew General Zod was a reboot as well the whole "where superman came from" and "krypton explodes", but I wasn't prepared for the pile of shit the makers of this movie were going to do on the traditional story.

You can ruin a movie with too much CG/Action.

Through out the movie, in order to confuse the viewer, they use a "out of focus, zoom in, zoom out" style which leads the person to believe that superman is moving so fucking fast that you can't actually lock in on him. Ok, <yawn>. Besides breaking the believability of the story you are left thinking two things when it first happens: 1) they screwed up the CG and didn't focus correctly 2) am I supposed to think I'm a ridge with a telescope trying to track superman?

Then there is the twenty minutes of Superman fighting and being tossed through buildings and vice versa. Huh, we get it, move on please.

The other thing they screwed up on is taking liberties with the storyline. Sure, modernize the story, but don't change core story lines such as the stories of how his fathers die. Yep. They changed both stories so that one was murdered and the other died in a tornado; as to one dying when the planet blew up and the other of a heart attack. There are many other changes to the storyline which ruin the movie for me.

The other thing which was horrible was several of the characters who develop their personalities on screen much like a new born figuring out where the nipple of their mom's breasts are located. First they bite, then they don't want it, then they can't get enough of it. The acting is erratic and lacking in continuity.

There are a handful of issues I have with the film which are both "you shouldn't mess with perfection" and "what the fuck were you smoking when you wrote this"? I'll settle on one of those items for this review:

General Zod did not have a fucking ship when he was sent to the Phantom Zone. Why would you punish a person by "freezing them" and putting them in suspended animation? Then send them off of the planet which was about to destroy itself? Also, you send a baby out on a ship, which later activates a "fucking homing beacon"? For who? The ship was designed by Jor-El. He knew he was going to die. Why put a "homing beacon" on the ship for a baby? Plus how does this homing beacon travel all the way to the system where General Zod is located (which by the way is LIGHT YEARS AWAY). Also, why is there a massive ship buried in the ice? Who sent it to Earth? Why does it have skeletons in it? with one sleeping pod open? Also... ah fuck.. never mind.

This movie fucking blows.

Acting - 0

Directing (-2)

Script (-2)

Special Effects - 0

Originality (-2)

Casting - 1

Continuity (-1)

Believability (-1)

(-7) out of 8


ProzacDeathWish's picture

  Yeah, the Superman

  Yeah, the Superman character never really grabbed me for some reason.   I love comic book heroes overall but the DC universe never intrigued me as much as the Marvel characters did.

  Anyway, movie-wise I'm waiting for director / producer Guillermo del Toro's  giant monster flick Pacific Rim to open in a few days.

digitalbeachbum's picture

ProzacDeathWish wrote: 

ProzacDeathWish wrote:

  Yeah, the Superman character never really grabbed me for some reason.   I love comic book heroes overall but the DC universe never intrigued me as much as the Marvel characters did.

  Anyway, movie-wise I'm waiting for director / producer Guillermo del Toro's  giant monster flick Pacific Rim to open in a few days.

I was thinking about Pacific Rim and it looks sort of cool, like maybe it is better than Transformers?

Beyond Saving's picture

digitalbeachbum wrote:You

digitalbeachbum wrote:

You can ruin a movie with too much CG/Action.

So true. It seems that so many directors get so addicted to the special effects that they forget they are making a movie. Then they use the special effects so much that it becomes distracting. 

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

Vastet's picture

It's been a trend in games

It's been a trend in games and movies lately. Depth is sacrificed for shock and awe.

I probably wasn't going to see this anyway. I liked the 80's movies, and everything since sucked. The complete opposite of Batman, where the original series sucked and the reboot was great.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

ProzacDeathWish's picture

Vastet wrote:It's been a

Vastet wrote:
It's been a trend in games and movies lately. Depth is sacrificed for shock and awe.


   I'm not a gamer so I don't have that background experience to evaluate movies that transitioned from games.   Nevertheless speaking simply as a movie goer I can only say that the Resident Evil movies were a great let down as pure entertainment ( for me ) but in the same vein I thought Doom was thoroughly enjoyable and even  scary to a degree.

Vastet's picture

I was rather impressed with

I was rather impressed with Doom as well actually.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

Beyond Saving's picture

 Yeah, Doom was one of

 Yeah, Doom was one of those movies that I expected absolutely nothing from and was pleasantly surprised. I am a fan of the Resident Evil series though. The video game movies I found most disappointing were Wingman and Hitman. I thought both had potential to be interpreted into pretty entertaining movies and in both cases I think the story within the video games was superior to the movies in every way.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

danatemporary's picture

Truth Justice and the Ame..........

    As of Apr. 2011, reportedly,  DC Comics issue,  Superman #900,  (Superman Action Comics Nu 900)  featured  'the Man of Steel'  renouncing his American citizenship.


   Why that ungrateful commie rat¬bastard !







digitalbeachbum's picture

danatemporary wrote:   

danatemporary wrote:

    As of Apr. 2011, reportedly,  DC Comics issue,  Superman #900,  (Superman Action Comics Nu 900)  featured  'the Man of Steel'  renouncing his American citizenship.


   Why that ungrateful commie rat¬bastard !




You do know that "superman" was originally a villain?

danatemporary's picture

Superman as a bald telepathic villain bent on world domination

  To be honest, no ..no not really, I didnt know that. I did know Lex Luthor has gone through various incarnations over the many decades. 80's business man was my favorite. No he was a real sleaze, I take it all back!! I assumed the origins must have something to do with the WWII  'Super-men'  in some basis in Nazi Germany huh ?

  I have no special insight into the character (so be kind). To be honest, Even with the Mid-Western-y, salt of the earth, plain folk.. good values backdrop, farm-boy. People could NOT help but write in this late nineteenth brawler. Then the God-like ultra-Super-Powered Boy-Scout, who wouldn't harm a fly, though he (cut) break the entire Earth into two, it's hard to take the lie & hard to continue,  like  it's one giant charadé.  When will I sleep again ?!?

   Off topic but a anime classic was the "Code Geass": with the Lelouch character, one is lead to feel strangely sympathetic towards this anti-hero. He (Lelouch) was a true villain bent on world domination, who ends up being the epitome of anti-hero, with hidden nobility, well beyond his years, in a very complex character, trapped in a teen's mind and body. He was given a very super power, of getting people to do things uncontrollably against their own will(s).  By a  Hobgoblin, a witch, a phantom, an alien, a goddess, nobody ever could tell. She was a cutey, often hideous, no never that at all; so with the face of an angel how could you go wrong (smirk)?. Shallow not good!! Whatever 'she' was supposed to have been. His short term girlfriend could say 'My friend' stole my sweetheart from me. It (cutey) instilled this secret ULTRA-power, in a teenage of all things, madre mía ! Think mesmer on steroids, ONLY much much much more! I vaguely recall there was some sort of limit to what he could get people to do, but for a few minutes, the imagination runs wild. And no he didnt use his powers to get the opposite sex to do his bidding. The power didn't work on sexy Hobgoblin queen,  not susceptible. I think he did try to use it on her once, but not to get down her pantys. Although, You know,  Hobgoblin babe spent an awful lot of time in this teenage boy's room. An awful lot!! Everything your mother feared, I'm guessing. I'm not confortable thinking about it (so I didn't). But, I know damn well that door was not left open.  Anime, you've got's to hate 'em. Did a say how physically attractive she was ? I got you under-my-skin!! There were a few suggestive scenes of him rolling around with her on a bed ,(one). I shutter to think of what was going on while the cameras were off. Josh McDowell could have come in & all this  avoided.  Simple, simple! Where he did do was more grabbing after, bastardly little kid, even more 'power', however! Got to keep the story rolling. The young man, used to quite often get entire police brigades and small armies to summerially commit  harry-caray, while he'd watch each and everyone one off themselves, in self-defense, naturally. These 'spells' would only last so long, (but there were inconsistencies  in he would plant deep, long lasting suggestions into people's heads) all of which were way worse than stage hypnosis, these things he could plant deeply into one's mind, long after the spell had worn off completely !! Plus, Bloodthirstiness must have played a role, with Super-teen. Another option in saying having them resign, or perhaps join a pacifist cult. No killing them all much more fun (bastard)!! Through a series of steps enabling him to establish a World-wide dictatorship for himself. The twist at the end was he allowed himself to be brandished the villain. And even set up a hero figure to kill him. So he literally sacrificed himself to influence nations and masses of people. Acres of blood on his hands  

  The Anime of "Code Geass", had an unconventional wrinkle. The God (of the mini-series) was the term referring to the "collective human unconsciousness" of everyone around the world. I think somebody from another board was espousing this, that came to this board. One episode had the splashy scene where the Lelouch character was able through others' powers to address the  "collective human unconsciousness". He asked an unexpected question. "What do you want"? Though never stated, the story leads you to deduce peoples' deeper longings for peace and stability and freedom, is the actual genesis for the "Machiavellian" schemes and plot twist at the end (along with the true love for his little sister). He ends up giving up all the power, by giving up his life. Sub-Plot is the love he has for his little sister, he takes special care to her paraded around publicly in chains to guarantee, once he is  assassinated by the hero figure, who liberates the world from Sir Brat; She will be left in peace.  Once he has left the stage, for good. Lelouch's his good deeds will not outweigh his bad deeds, he's is and forever will be condemned, I'm afraid. Asians dont always tell happily ever after stories. Indications the boy went home to mother (the Vixen). He may well have taken a path of a  Political Assasin, been well paid, and had a tiny fraction of the blood on his hands, to accomplish the same ends. Or maybe no-one had to die. Powered-Teen was not given a guide but unimaginable power, and no self-goodness or special wisdom, no experience, no risk assessments. Only the all too repeated folly of youth and idealism as his dowsing rod. The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few. Nobody told you how it turned out, only with a story  of  boy was almost as a god having briefly ruled the world and evidently that made pure magic. 

   I think given this level of power it would be ripe for abuse and subject to the arbitrary whims of its' wielder. It is a frightening thought.


  Even if you never saw it get back to me, when you get the chance !!

  F i n

digitalbeachbum's picture

danatemporary wrote:  To be

danatemporary wrote:

  To be honest, no ..no not really, I didnt know that. I did know Lex Luthor has gone through various incarnations over the many decades. 80's business man was my favorite. No he was a real sleaze, I take it all back!! I assumed the origins must have something to do with the WWII  'Super-men'  in some basis in Nazi Germany huh ?

  I have no special insight into the character (so be kind). To be honest, Even with the Mid-Western-y, salt of the earth, plain folk.. good values backdrop, farm-boy. People could NOT help but write in this late nineteenth brawler. Then the God-like ultra-Super-Powered Boy-Scout, who wouldn't harm a fly, though he (cut) break the entire Earth into two, it's hard to take the lie & hard to continue,  like  it's one giant charadé.  When will I sleep again ?!?


   I think given this level of power it would be ripe for abuse and subject to the arbitrary whims of its' wielder. It is a frightening thought.


  Even if you never saw it get back to me, when you get the chance !!

  F i n

Are you a writer or an English major? What is it about your writing that fascinates me.


digitalbeachbum's picture

danatemporary wrote:Off

danatemporary wrote:
Off topic but a anime classic was the "Code Geass": with the Lelouch character, one is lead to feel strangely sympathetic towards this anti-hero. He (Lelouch) was a true villain bent on world domination, who ends up being the epitome of anti-hero, with hidden nobility, well beyond his years, in a very complex character, trapped in a teen's mind and body. He was given a very super power, of getting people to do things uncontrollably against their own will(s).  By a  Hobgoblin, a witch, a phantom, an alien, a goddess, nobody ever could tell. She was a cutey, often hideous, no never that at all; so with the face of an angel how could you go wrong (smirk)?. Shallow not good!! Whatever 'she' was supposed to have been. His short term girlfriend could say 'My friend' stole my sweetheart from me. It (cutey) instilled this secret ULTRA-power, in a teenage of all things, madre mía ! Think mesmer on steroids, ONLY much much much more! I vaguely recall there was some sort of limit to what he could get people to do, but for a few minutes, the imagination runs wild. And no he didnt use his powers to get the opposite sex to do his bidding. The power didn't work on sexy Hobgoblin queen,  not susceptible. I think he did try to use it on her once, but not to get down her pantys. Although, You know,  Hobgoblin babe spent an awful lot of time in this teenage boy's room. An awful lot!! Everything your mother feared, I'm guessing. I'm not confortable thinking about it (so I didn't). But, I know damn well that door was not left open.  Anime, you've got's to hate 'em. Did a say how physically attractive she was ? I got you under-my-skin!! There were a few suggestive scenes of him rolling around with her on a bed ,(one). I shutter to think of what was going on while the cameras were off. Josh McDowell could have come in & all this  avoided.  Simple, simple! Where he did do was more grabbing after, bastardly little kid, even more 'power', however! Got to keep the story rolling. The young man, used to quite often get entire police brigades and small armies to summerially commit  harry-caray, while he'd watch each and everyone one off themselves, in self-defense, naturally. These 'spells' would only last so long, (but there were inconsistencies  in he would plant deep, long lasting suggestions into people's heads) all of which were way worse than stage hypnosis, these things he could plant deeply into one's mind, long after the spell had worn off completely !! Plus, Bloodthirstiness must have played a role, with Super-teen. Another option in saying having them resign, or perhaps join a pacifist cult. No killing them all much more fun (bastard)!! Through a series of steps enabling him to establish a World-wide dictatorship for himself. The twist at the end was he allowed himself to be brandished the villain. And even set up a hero figure to kill him. So he literally sacrificed himself to influence nations and masses of people. Acres of blood on his hands  

  The Anime of "Code Geass", had an unconventional wrinkle. The God (of the mini-series) was the term referring to the "collective human unconsciousness" of everyone around the world. I think somebody from another board was espousing this, that came to this board. One episode had the splashy scene where the Lelouch character was able through others' powers to address the  "collective human unconsciousness". He asked an unexpected question. "What do you want"? Though never stated, the story leads you to deduce peoples' deeper longings for peace and stability and freedom, is the actual genesis for the "Machiavellian" schemes and plot twist at the end (along with the true love for his little sister). He ends up giving up all the power, by giving up his life. Sub-Plot is the love he has for his little sister, he takes special care to her paraded around publicly in chains to guarantee, once he is  assassinated by the hero figure, who liberates the world from Sir Brat; She will be left in peace.  Once he has left the stage, for good. Lelouch's his good deeds will not outweigh his bad deeds, he's is and forever will be condemned, I'm afraid. Asians dont always tell happily ever after stories. Indications the boy went home to mother (the Vixen). He may well have taken a path of a  Political Assasin, been well paid, and had a tiny fraction of the blood on his hands, to accomplish the same ends. Or maybe no-one had to die. Powered-Teen was not given a guide but unimaginable power, and no self-goodness or special wisdom, no experience, no risk assessments. Only the all too repeated folly of youth and idealism as his dowsing rod. The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few. Nobody told you how it turned out, only with a story  of  boy was almost as a god having briefly ruled the world and evidently that made pure magic. 

   I think given this level of power it would be ripe for abuse and subject to the arbitrary whims of its' wielder. It is a frightening thought.


Wow that sounds great! Has any of this gone from book to movie? or is it graphic novel?

danatemporary's picture

Honestly I dont know for sure ..


 Movie ?  Absoluto Mundo (undoubtedly). Manga adaptations are a serious cash cow in Japan.

  Graphic Novel ?  Surely, I really agree with you. One would think. It's got the all the elements for one. Again. Manga adaptations are a serious cash cow in Japan!

   All I can say for certain is, I dont know.   It may have been a story that had all the potential for being developed into a graphic Novel but, though the potential existed,  never was (that I didnt get a chance to check into).  Honestly, I dont think you'd be all too thrilled with the storyline overall. I forgot its' length.  If you squint really hard you might be able to pretend for a moment this was more than a flimsy excuse, like Tenchi Muyo, for yet another prince from the round, being merely a young man surrounded by pretty classmates.


    Wasnt meaning to get so Off Topic :: I'll post a partial list of titles, with no expectation of you running out and getting them . . .




danatemporary's picture

re:: DP Double Post

DP Double post