Atheist vs. Theist

Theists who use the 'instilled desire to worship' arguement to support their claims.. Please explain

I've noticed that many theists use the arguement claiming that 'all people are instilled with the desire/need to worship' as an example of proof supporting God's existance. I am not sure I understand the connection. How does this instilled desire to worship(assuming we all indeed have this desire) prove that God must exist? Please explain.


The beginning of time and the origin of the matter that comprises the universe as we know it. A topic for theists and atheists.

At work today I had some time in between calls so I started to think... What was there before everything came to be. No matter which perspective I look at it from it gives me a headache.

Mind F**k #1 

From the theist perspective, you have the question of a God with no beginning and no end... but in the realm of human understanding how can something defy time and have NO beginning. No end is easy to comprehend, "ok it just never stops, kinda like the energizer bunny". There is simply no way to fathom something truly with no beginning.


Mind F**k #2

Deleted for redundancy


The Bible is Scientific and you atheists should know it! {Moved to AvT}

Since the dawn of time YECers have been claiming that the Bible contains scientific statements and that the Bible simply IS scientific.  Kent Hovind does it.  Those of you on youtube know Kent Hovind Jr., aka VenomFangX, does it.  Others do it, too.

 To them, science equals Truth.  They envy the legitimacy that its title seems to impart onto statements about the world.  This is why they are so quick to slap that label on their Bible without considering the philosophical pitfalls of doing so.

To them, science is not a process.  It is merely a rather shallow bucket of facts: water is one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms, the Earth is held in its orbit by gravity, E=MC^2, humans and dinosaurs coexisted, a global flood occured 4000 years ago, etc...  If they can get some of the statements of the Bible into that bucket of Science then they can feel that they have justified their beliefs.

Most of you are probably familiar with some of the issues of the Philosophy of Science and already know that science is not really about proofs or 100% certainty.  That is reserved for mathematics and logic.  Ideas that are scientific are generally regarded as tentative and have less than 100% probability of being true.  The conclusions that a YECer should draw from the idea of the Bible being scientific should really make them cringe:

Give Me 5 Proofs That God Doesn't Exist

I believe that strong atheism (which seems to be what many atheists believe) is impossible. It is essentially stating "There IS NOT a god." It doesn't mean, I doubt the existence of God (agnosticism), but there is not God at all. You know why I believe this? I'm sure you've heard this before...what percentage of all the universe's knowledge does the smartest person in the world possess? Given that there are thousands of languages, hundreds of PhD programs and billions of galaxies (along with the fact that humanity knows virtually nothing relative to what we could know), I would generously place that number at a tiny fraction of a fraction of 0.1%, next to nothing. That is an abysmally small amount of information. Yet we are confident enough to say that we know for a fact that there is no God? If you ask me, THAT is a mind disorder, not theism. Theists may believe in God, but the majority at least concede that no God is at least possible, but we believe that there being no God is extremelly unlikely.

Homosexuality ambiguous in the Bible?

I read Rook's rebuttal on 'Slavery and Homosexuality' but there were a few things that I wanted to have cleared up. Many have argued that the term has been used with multiple different meanings in the first few centuries AD, some referring to paederasty and others to people who practise anal sex (not limited to homosexual anal sex), the earlier ones (closer to the time of the epistles) tending to mean paederasty.

Can anyone present evidence that it refers to the homosexual orientation in this instance (the passage refutted by Hawkins), or anywhere in the literature from the period for that matter?

Shadrach's picture

The Atheist's Riddle

Information Theory and DNA are the strongest argument against Atheism - because the laws of physics and chemistry do not explain the existence of information.

from this website

i dont have the science skills to understand it and would like someone to explain it to me (like im a child).

Proof that God exists? What do you think?

I just got finished watching the debate with Kirk and Ray on ABC's Nightline.

Here are my responses to some of the atheists arguments:

 Atheists don't believe God created the universe.  They believe it just came into being on it's own.  They want to know if we believe that God created it..then where did God come from?  Who created Him?

I say...Here's your proof. We exist! We are real! That IS a fact! What we don't know for a "fact" (to keep this scientific) is how we got here.  Your theory lacks tangible evidence and (for the sake of the debate) I'll say so does God(even though my heart knows otherwise).  So, working off of that fact, if both theories lack tangible evidence the FACT that we are alive and here on this earth gives credence to the FACT that we were created.  Any rational mind can concede to the fact that it only makes sense to believe in a Creator over believing that it all just happened by chance.

Snerd's picture

Are Converts More or Less Skeptical?

I was talking with a friend of mine last night. I brought up this scenario:

A man is a devout Muslim. He's been a Muslim ever since he can remember and he believes in it just as you and I believe the sun is bright. For the sake of this scenario, let's call him "Fred". I'm sure there are Muslims named Fred. So one day, a Christian comes up to Fred's house. He gives Fred the message of Jesus Christ. For whatever reason, Fred decides to convert to Christianity. That following Sunday, Fred visits a church. This is his first time in a Christian church. He is surprised that men and women worship in the same area. He is also surprised that their idea of worship is just sitting down and occasionally standing up to sing. He is also surprised that when they pray, they don't bow properly. They just stand there with their eyes closed. He puts it out his mind, though. Then, the preacher comes up to deliver his sermon. He points out Fred. Fred stands up. The preacher says that Fred just converted from Islam. The congregation says "amen." Fred takes his seat. The preacher then segues into a sermon against Islam. It is full of stereotypes and misinformation. The Preacher starts making really bad jokes about bombs and mocks the way Muslims pray.

VJocys's picture

Hitler and Stalin weren't atheists! - Evidences

Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin weren't atheists - Evidences



Last edition: 2007-10-11 / Believers often accuse atheists, that Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin were atheists... they both were not! Here I collected some evidences, but need some grammar check by Americans or British. I think, this text (especially about Stalin) can be useful in debates. Feel free to use this information anywhere and anyhow you want. Please inform me if you will notice misrepresentation of facts. Vaidotas Jocys ([email protected])

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