Atheist vs. Theist

RationalResponseSquad's picture

Help me remove my delusions thread

This thread is an accompaniment to a bulletin we are sending out on myspace. This is a place where theists can come and ask questions that are left over after they've watched this video. This thread is NOT a debate thread. No debate is permitted in this thread. This thread is for the benefit of those who watch this video, but still have underlying questions about why they would abandon their beliefs. If you are a theist, and have not critically examined your faith, please do so. If you have questions that you can't find the answers to, or theistic arguments that you would like to have debunked, please present them in this thread, we're here to help. (all comments that incite debate will be moved)

Please post this video and message on myspace in a bulletin, the following is the html code to use that will post the video and direct people to this thread:

Impressed by a video

I just watched the video entitled "How do we know that Christians are delusional?" at the web site.

I am impressed.

For years I have been of the opinion that we should let Christians (and Moslems, and all religious folk) know that their religion is -- when seen from the outside -- a bubble of delusion not at all unlike the bubbles of delusion inhabited by Mormons, Scientologists, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc. This video conveys the message in ten minutes and does it far more eloquently than I ever have.

All Christians need

The Big Thread of What Does NOT Count as Proof

I wanted to start a thread of what does NOT count as proof for God. Feel free to add to it. Theists should read this so we don't have to read the same non-proofs over and over again.

1. The Bible/Koran/Torah/etc - Holy books and the religion they are about are equivalent. They are either both true or both false. So trying to use the book to prove the religion is circular logic and therefore not logically valid.

2. Personal feelings - We personal feel there is no god, other religions feel their god or gods are real, crazy people feel THEY are God in some cases. Get the point?

3. God can't be proven false - a. Certain gods, (like the Christian God) can through being self-contradictory proven false and

The_Prize's picture

Why can't God experience emotions?

I have been hearing quite a lot from the atheist-theist debate circles about a God being unable to feel emotions. The reason, so I heard, is because God is perfect. Some even extend this into arguing that God, being perfect is unable to create. His perfection actually prevents him from doing so (Perfection limiting a being? Seems contradictory). I don't really get why this is so. Could anyone teach and enlighten me and possibly everyone else reading this thread on why a perfect God cannot feel any emotions?

Steve-Ho's picture

Can You Find Jesus in this picture?

hes some where down thereV

you missed him he is some where up there^ let me know when you find him Eye-wink

the azn's picture


I, being a faithful Christian, have encountered God many times in my life. At first I was a non believer, I actually hated God. I hated the thought of God and all Christians. I mean, I saw Christians as stubborn people who wouldn't give up, and when I asked them about God, they would only reply to me, because the bible says so.

Well that is true, because in the bible, in Romans 1:17 it states, Christians do not live by evidence, but by faith. So there is no evidence
of God, and yes there is evolution, but there is nowhere in the bible anything about evolution. For it clearly states that God created Adam and Eve. Who did not have a million kids, but had two children, Cain and Abel. They then had kids and finally during one generation, when God led his people to the tower of babel, and people began to worship idols, he changed their language.

Persuasion Speech

I'm thinking a doing a persuasion speech on Atheism for a class I'm in. Any specific topic I should try and speak. Jus looking for some general direction.

Randalllord's picture

Question for our Christian visitors

Most Christians claim that Jesus fulfilled the law of the Old Testiment and therefore they are no longer under it. They claim to now be under grace. If that true then why do you get so upset when someone tries to remove dispalys of the Ten Commandments form public places like courthouses or schools? 

Sentinel's picture

Non-Abrahamic theists

I have a question to ask. I see a lot of strong atheists here and see most of the attacks of irrationality being laid against the God of Abraham. But do you feel as strongly towards those who have ventured away from Jehovah and are worshipping the gods that their ancestors worshipped(i.e. Pagans, Asatru, Wiccans, Satanists, etc.)?

How can we stop these christian crusaders?

How can we stop these christian crusaders when they have the gov't brain washed in believing there is a GOD. Look at what they have allowed to go on in this country, Bills and coins stating "IN GOD WE TRUST", "GOD BLESS AMERICA" in our athem, BILBLES in the court room, Boy Scouts don't have to let ATHEISTS in the boy scouts, And now these people have the BALLS to train children in the art of WAR to fight a battle in which they say is erupting in a camp called JESUS CAMP. I have seen the Trailer to this documentary of the movie called Jesus Camp in which parents and adults Brainwash children to Fight and Die in the Name of GOD.

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