Atheist vs. Theist

robj101's picture

God as a Man vs ???

Are the traits and thought patterns of a god really that of a man as demonstrated in the bible? I have mentioned this before but it is the main thing that led me away from religion.

I refuse to believe a god, a mystical magical being who creates universes in his spare time, thinks and acts just like a man with a man's selfish want's and needs.

This is evidence of our limited intellect ergo our limited imagination, it's so limited we can't get past ourselves.

butterbattle's picture

Popcorn thread for Ktulu and joe_2007 discussion

A Young Earth Creationist? Oh boy... 

Ktulu and Joe Y.E.C. discussion.

 Hello Joe. 

Let's start by listing some ground rules here.  No insults, and no dismissing things out of hand.  Let's describe our initial position and our terms relative to religion.


What's The Point?

Has anybody here really ever changed anybodies belief? Or is the point of this entire site to be a pissing ground of "I'm smarter than you so I must be right?"

It seems that most people are more concerned with stroking their own ego's than in actual truth.

Am I wrong in this?

Wowzers1's picture

Irreligion does not prevent pseudoscience and superstition

Here's and article and the accompanying findings of a survey that show that irreligious people being superstitious and declines in traditional beliefs among the educated increases pseudoscience, cults and superstition...

those 'gay bashing' Christians?

So God hates gays? Far from it. I would even argue homosexuality is 'normal'.....but here is the problem from the Bible's perspect. Is everything humans 'normally' do good for them? According to the Bible humans are capable of almost anything and it's 'perfectlly normal'.

If you tell someone their lifestyle is unhealthy and not good for them physically or mentally....that you love them and God loves them is that a 'hate crime' because you don't put your stamp of approval on what they do? Is it rationale to warn people about cigarettes and ignore other things just as bad or worse to life expentancy? Cigarettes have become a whipping boy in the media......and yet they selectively ignore what they want to ignore.

(and here's where you better 'follow the money'!!!'s amazing how many worthy causes for the public good have a sack of money hanging out the back door of the get away car)

There seems to be a whole host of people today who want others to bless their choices and tell them it's ok and just as good as anything else.........why is that? If we are going to be 'rationale' then any subject should be open for debate shouldn't it...including research into the results of those choices?

Four and a Half Years Later

Problems sleeping. Ask a question.


Kevin R Brown's picture

World to End on the 21st

 Hope you've got your tin-foil hats folded and ready. <-- This would be just another amusing little footnote in the ongoing saga of crazy things spouted by 'ol Harold Camping (who has set all kinds of 'ZOMG END OF TIMES THIS TIME I'M SURE OF IT 100%!' dates before)... except that this time around, the son of a bitch has actually convinced a number of extremely gullible listeners to wholly surrender their financial security. And a lot of these people have children that are now going to pay the price for their parents' negligence and Mr. Camping's deceit.


This isn't some small-time outfit, either: Family Radio (Camping's 'business') has gone laughing all the way to bank, collecting millions of dollars from listeners and various other sponsors (strangely, the impending rapture & doom of the material planet has not compelled Mr. Camping to cease accepting money or to begin donating away his vast wealth). 


BenfromCanada's picture

I proved there is no god

Ktulu and Jean empiricism discussion

 Hey Jean, 

You keep saying that empiricism is not a valid way to view the world, that it is self defeating.  

What do you mean?  

I should point out that this is not a debate, but a discussion.  I have nothing to debate on the matter, and I doubt that either one of us will change our minds.  I just want more detail on what you mean. 




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