Atheist vs. Theist

Reducing Group Mentality

Due to recent exchanges on the board, I thought I would post something to clarify.


So while on the interwebs, I came across this article from a former CIA officer/Clinical psychologist.;col1




As for what's to be done, Sageman argues that we should forget ideological and religious arguments, stop glamorising terrorists by talking of war, treat them as the common criminals they think they aren't, encourage more media coverage of the many Muslims who condemn terrorism, recruit more police from ethnic communities, act positively against discrimination and exclusion, make young men work rather than draw the dole, ensure due process and impartial justice, oppose all atrocities including those committed by allies -- and get out of Iraq.





That sounds, rather......familar. Smiling


To those who say that religion we can't diversify if religion is still around, take a look at Canada, Greece, Portugal, Slovakia etc....



That would be much more effective than handing out copies of the God Delusion.


To avoid a strawman, I'm not saying don't address the religion or give it a free pass. I'm saying there are more effective ways. [Ever try to reason with a YEC? I did it on the VFX site]





The Flying Spaghetti Monster's picture

Agnostics: Come out of the closet

Anyone else tired of Agnostic people?


Let me start over. Eye-wink

I don't like indecisive people and I cannot think of a better word to describe agnostics. Yeah, I get it...we cannot know 100% so you're opting to sit this one out. Nobody KNOWS, but you can still make a decision based on what you do know. At least admit you're an atheist until evidence is provided, or you're a theist but don't know what God to believe in. Agnostics are horrible in debates because the Atheists and Theists either despise them for taking the high ground (which is literally choosing ignorance over applied thought), or agnostics become apologetic to both parties by throwing "but, but, buts" in so often that they appear to be PUSSIES. Can you really say they're not? They're not riding a fence, they're up in an airplane looking down at the fence line wondering if it's really a fence.

Here's how I think it should really be divided:

1. Everyone is a weak atheist.

2. Some believe in A God or multiple Gods (Theists).

3. Others deny all gods (Strong Atheists).


smartypants's picture

The Matrix

Hey peeps,

Since my initial controversial introduction to these forums, I've been on the lookout for more credible sources to support my beliefs. This one comes very, very close. It's David Icke, co-author of the Matrix. Now, he does go a little too far into conspiracy theories for my taste, and I also wish he had more foundation for some of the "evidence" he presents. But overall, this is extremely similar to some of the things I was trying to express when I first joined here. In my humble opinion, I don't feel he's resorting to blatant mysticism as much as he might have, and on top of that, his position is decidedly anti-religion.

Make of it what you will. Constructive feedback welcome, as always.


Most peaceful countries in the world: The numbers

Thanks to Hamby for posting this link



I will take the top 25 [As Hamby did in his topic]


Seeing as I am lazy:


The European countries %Theist will come from


While non-European countries will come from their respective "Religion in..." articles.


Hambydammit's picture

Maybe Greta Christina can help: Abortion Killings, and Why Religion is Bad

 If you guys don't know about Greta Christina, you should.  I discovered her after I wrote what I consider my best article:  Why Are Atheists So Angry?

It turns out, she wrote the same article, only with pictures, and far more depth.

You should definitely read the whole thing.  I get angry every time I do.

Anyway, I've done my best to explain (particularly to Pineapple) why religion is necessarily bad.  Maybe Greta can explain it better than I can.  Check out her blog response to the latest abortion murder:

Please tell me what you think

Hi, I'm an atheist.  I haven't been really active on this form for a long time so probable not many of you remember me now if you ever did in the first place. I plan to try and be more active again so I’m writing this about something interesting I found.  It's a journal by me from when I used to be a Christian.  I'm going to right down some of the entries.  Please tell me what you think of them in the same manner as you would to any theist rant.

RatDog in 1998 wrote:

Time is a river, and nothing can stop the rivers flowing except God, but I don't know when or if he will.   God is for more constant than any river, God is infinity in its purest form.  The one who has lived threw infinity, who is everything, who is "I am" the all loving all caring and all just God.

If you find this interesting Ill write more of them.


ClockCat's picture

A question for theists...

Which religion is the right one?


How can you prove this, in a way all the other religions can not make the same claim?

Todd Pence's picture

Advice for Christians: Twenty "don't do"'s in discussions with nonbelievers.


nigelTheBold's picture

Theist challange: provide a rational definition of god

In a recent topic, HisWillness floated the idea that, as there is no rational, coherent definition of god, any discussion of god is inherently ridiculous. I think it's rather like debating whether Batman could defeat Superman, myself.

In that thread, I asked a rhetorical question: what is the minimum requirements for a god? Before you can define god, you'll need some rubric by which to judge whether your definition is of god or not. For instance, is it necessary that god created the universe? Is it necessary that god intended to create humans? And so on.

Here's your challange, theists and atheists alike: provide the minimum requirements for god, and present a coherent, rational definition of god that covers the minimum requirements.

After, we'll discuss who would be better against a zombie dragon attack, Wonder Woman or Jar Jar Binks.

{{MOD EDIT:  Moved to AvT -HD}}

A_Nony_Mouse's picture

To Jewish Visitors

Do you still have a problem with being an atheist and unable to shake the idea you are of religious origin?

Want to talk about it? Want to overcome it?

As an atheist you are now free of ALL religion based cultural bonds. You are free. Cut all the strings.

Learn to enjoy it.

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