Atheist vs. Theist

Hambydammit's picture

Myspace Repost: Meaning?

Reposted from my Myspace blog. Originally written November 4, 2007:


What is Meaning?

Rev_Devilin's picture

Hypothetical question for atheists

Transporter technology and research is coming along quite nicely, I believe they're currently transporting atoms at the moment

Hypothetically when this is capable of transporting a person from say here to mars,  it works along the principles of reading and destroying the original and creating a perfect copy at the other end, again hypothetically assuming this was 100% safe and perfectly capable of transporting a person

? would you do it 

Yes ?

No ?

If no, why not ? are you not just a bunch of atoms in a particular sequence or do you believe you are more ? Wink

George Green

Hi agian.

We all start somwhere, when looking for an answer. Mine just happen to be 'wtf are ufo's'. And I am still looking for an answer. Thesedays, we cannot take anything at 'face value'.

Here's one interview I found very interesting... If its bullshit, at least it's proof that I am sane Smiling

George Green - Coast to Coast am - Real life xfiles - 25mb

His site is also interesting. (get ready for alot of 'GOD' phrases) One part explains how Santa is Satan haha!! And this guy from youtube puts that into perspective



Extremist Response Squad?

It’s not very uncommon for the Rational Response Squad to be accused by both theist and atheists alike of being equal to extremist or fundamentalist theist groups.  Their aggressive and vocal nature draws a reaction and a number of people feel this is positive, while others feel that it is negative.  I would like to take a moment to seriously consider if this is an appropriate correlation.

Extremist or Fundamentalist groups are credited with taking their religious devotion to a level that would involve killing people as well as sacrificing themselves for their cause.  Killing innocent people, bombing schools, market places, hospitals, as well as car bombing busy streets.  Assassinating opposing religious and political figures, as well are things attributed to religious extremists and fundamentalists. 

The crusades, thirty years war, milhemet mitzvah, jihad, saxon wars: all of these things, and of course countless others, were wars of religion that invoked fundamentalist and extremist faiths.  People executing their faith to murder doctors that perform abortions or killing their roommates for being atheists are smaller scale localized representations of the type of things caused by extremist and fundamentalism.

carx's picture

Why trust god ?

Here is a question why trust god if he really exists ? Some theist claim god transcends logic or other rationalization. If god doesn’t explain himself then why trust him ? If god is beyond understanding how can you trust him with the certainty he is not fooling you ? To make a argument with the logic of theists with this ugly ugly word infinity (infinity in NOT a number and inserting it like it were one is absurd ):


 “ If a intelligent person is able to trick and fool you a infinitely intelligent being is able to infinitely fool you ! “


Aaaa now I feel all dirty I must get under the shower to wash this of me ! I hope you are happy with this explanation to form it I needed to go down to this level and role in the dirt !

inteligent design

ok , so i don`t know if this has been discussed here (a lot i mean, i`m sure the topic is allways present ) , so sorry if this thread may be a smap

22. In the watchmaker analogy, a watch is used to show us intelligent design and compares that to the Universe as evidence of design. We know watches are designed because we have past experience with watches, as well as with other man made objects. My question is: What Universe is the Intelligent Design proponent using to compare this Universe with to draw such an analogy? What God did he see create a Universe? - IG

It's usually a comparison to living systems (a reproducing organism/life in it's most basic form, the mammalian antibody-immune response, the blood clotting cascade, etc). All of the above involve several if not many well interlocked, and interconnected well tuned mechanisms that couldn't be arrived at gradually.

Because if you missed on mechanism or any of them didn't work at a high level of the specific function than the whole system wouldn't work and be useless).

Although you can say the universe is pretty well tuned... Gravity isn't so strong that universe is a giant black hole, yet isn't so weak that the universe would instantly superexpand into heat death. The strong nuclear force is strong enough that elements larger much than hydrogen (helium, oxygen, carbon, potassium, magnesium, iron, etc) can exist, etc.

 This is a quote from one of the threads here


21 Scientists Who Believed the Bible

Have a close look at these names:

Sorry if these are hard to read due to quality Sad

 (Book printed in 1995, Queesnland Australia.)


A Questiion 4 All. {Moved to AvT}

Hey there everyone.

How is Earth today?

  First off, I'd like to give credit to Atheists, because they are trying their best to put all of this information together, to produce a theory, no, therom (spelling?) that God doesn't exist.

 And that's all fine and dandy. But I see a few problems with this. 

 The information to go off, weather it be science or personal belief, is constantly changing. For instance, isn't it true that scientists have discovered that atoms/particles have some sort of intellegence behind it? I want to find the report where they test wave energy and partials... Apparently their only explanation was that the particles would do one thing when they were watching it, and something different when they were not. 

 Now, this could be the evidence which brings a whole new view to what God is... And then again it could be just pure bunk. But the main point is, that the Ancient Mayans, Hoppis and other cultures knew something about the consciousness within everything. 

Even today, we are stumped on what happened in the past, and the way we are going now, we will never find out. But there is a lot of 'hope' if I can use that term.


The whole God thing has come too far. By all means, the mainstream churches are slightly corrupt, along with nearly everything mainstream.

 That's why I suggest (when you have the time and $) and visit a place called 'SAMOA'.

Rational Response?

I've heard a number of convincing arguements for atheism on this site, but I must confess, I do believe this site has driven me further towards theism. There is this sect of Christians commonly referred to as fundamentalists. You think they're crazy. I think they're crazy. We think they're crazy. They make claims, some true, some false, and lots of straw men and red-herrings. Don't take offense at this, but a lot of the time ya'll have more in common with a fringe Christan sect than the intellectuals you claim to emulate. Everytime an atheist comes up with a new "proof" that theism is false  pentecostals declaring a new revelation. All I'm saying is come oany theist could mistake the enthusiasm and lack of critical analysis by fellow atheists for a bunch of americann, let's just get soem intergrity. It's called the Rational Response squad, I would at least expect ya'll to hold other atheists accountble for rationality. Is that so much to ask?

jesusFREAK41's picture

Really Rational?[moved to AvT]

I'd like to paint the big picture here. This site is called 'rational,' in response to God and theism. The fact is that belief in God is in fact irrational, but wouldn't the One who created us and is larger and more powerful than anything we could imagine transcend all 'rational' thought?

This, of course, is a hard concept to swallow, and why not? The problem with most disbelief is that we often try to make God 'believable' and put Him in a box. He is often judged by man's laws and restrictions, which reduce him to an unbelievably lower level than what He actually is.

Another major cause of disbelief is the fact that it liberates people of guilt and judgement. If there's no God, that's an amazing convenience because there's no reason for behavior modification or following any kinds of guidelines. Though most people will willingly follow the laws of an institution or state, the laws required of those who faithfully follow God and His Word are much harder to believe and follow.

This is by no means a judgement on those who don't believe in God. It's only our own selfishness and sinful nature that causes us to refuse God's existence. God can show us the Truth, but we have to be open to It.

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