Atheist vs. Theist

Brian37's picture

Calling out St Michael, CUT TO THE CHASE DEBATE!

St Michael I challenge you to focus. I challenge you to cut the crap and defend the two most imortant claims in your holy book.

I dont think you have the ability to focus. Like most theists it is a dodge to distract from hocus pocus.


1. Define and demonstrate the reproductive material of a "spirit" and explain how a "spirit" can knock up a girl? Mind you "God did it" is not going to wash here at all.

2. Demonstrate how human flesh can reconstitute itself after brain death, celular death and rigor mortis?

A Christians thoughts on the blasphemy challenge

The reality of the blasphemy challenge is this:

You are all sitting infront of a camera "denouncing the Holy Ghost", but how can you blapheme against something that you have not received? Lest ye have the Holy Ghost in you, and use it AGAINST God, then you are not damned.  What we have here is ignorance, which is completely forgivable.  this is great!

Lynette1977's picture

"The Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel

A Christian friend recommend I read this book "The Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel. However, knowing what I do, what is Strobel's argument other than opinions from others? Reviews claim there are no facts or science whatsoever to make the case.

Debate Challenge

This is a re-post of a thread started in Killing them with kindness.


The most basic philosophical question that can be asked is why are we here? Why is there something rather than nothing? What (if anything) caused our existence?

The two most basic philosophical beliefs regarding this question are:

1. We are the result of plan and intention by a personal agents(s) who caused us to exist.

2. We are the unintended result of mindless forces that unintentionally caused our existence through blind happenstance.

I'd be happy defend proposition 1 and oppose proposition 2.

War on Easter? What about War on Ramadan?

I challenge all of you to declare war on all things Muslim. I know you're all ready to call Jesus a fraud and the bible a worthless pile of toilet paper, but are you genuine in your athiesm? If you are, all forms of religion must be denounced and fought in all aspects and in all places.


Denounce Allah! Denounce Muhammad! Sprinkle that Koran with some bacon bits! Read your repudiation of the most intolerant and horrible religion in the world in front of a Mosque! Better yet, IN A MOSQUE!


- Jihad Jerry


In support of creationism and the existence of God, I subscribe to the theory of Intelligent Design. As William Paley said, "There cannot be design without a designer; contrivance without a contriver ... The marks of design are too strong to be got over. Design must have had a designer. That designer must have been a person. That person is GOD. " My question to you is this... how do you believe humans came into existence? In support of Intelligent Design, there is also what is referred to as the complexity theory. Humans are complex, but evolution is more complex, I concur. However, God is more complex then all and any, after all; I believe he created everything; correct? Bear with me, if God is all-powerful (which I believe) he would have the power to create anything less complex than himself...supposedly supporting the correlation that evolution led to humankind, because the former is more complex. The only problem with that, though, is God is still more complex. This led me to the fact that God is responsible for evolution, and that creationism and evolution are not actually radically opposite theories, but closely intertwined. Humor me by seeing from this point of view... is it not logical to assume that if there is an all-powerful entity, while creating the universe in it's magnitude, he also cleverly implemented a method of continually refining the creatures that he put on the Earth, knowing all along that Adam and Eve would commit the first original sin and lose their state of perfection, resulting in flawed beings and the concept of sin? If evolution is true, it is because of God, not instead of God. To me, this also explains the theory of natural selection... God put into place evolution to allow creatures to continually(if slowly) adapt to their surroundings in order not to be eliminated, while allowing the competition of survival of the fittest to allow evolution to occur. How can there be "survival of the fittest" without the fittest being created by evolution, and referring back to the theory of complexity, God?

Urgent request for a rational discussion on the existence of God

To both sides: this is a call for an rational and honest DISCUSSION on the existence of God. This is a call to all posters to IGNORE all cheap shots, name-calling, obviously diminutive comments, etc. There is way too much of this bullshit flying around these days, and I see no reason to needlessly add to that bullshit.

The ideal format for this thread will be point/counterpoint and all posters are to recognize that 99.9% of your comments and arguments, no matter how powerful, will likely not change your "opponent's" mind.

One last thing - the people you discuss with are not really "opponents", but interlocutors. Most importantly, they are human beings. Treat them like they are human beings. Treating them any other way is just to add to the aforementioned bullshit.

Hambydammit's picture

Is God's Love Unconditional?

Christian Theology teaches us that it is.

If it is, why do I have to believe in him to be saved? Isn't that a condition?

If God's love is in fact conditional, does that not make him less than all powerful?

How is there a Hell if there is no God?

Before I start to get flammed on here, I just want to say, I have no problems with anyone NOT believing in God. Personally, I have a problem with being taught that there is some old guy, sitting on a throne ready to condem me for being human and doing what comes to humans naturally.

My one problem with the website is this phrase

You may damn yourself to Hell however you would like, but somewhere in your video you must say this phrase: "I deny the Holy Spirit."

If there is no God, how can you say there is a Hell? To me, it makes no sense. I mean in order to get to Hell, you have to do something to piss this God person off right? I was raised Catholic and that what was pounded into my head for years. Mind you, I think it is all a load of shite. But it what they taught me nontheless.

doctoro's picture

Contradiction of Theism: Worship vs. Helping Others

I think there is a crucial logical contradiction of ALL world religions (beyond just Christianity).

1. IF God exists and is omni-benevolent (all-good), he posits the golden rule: treat others as you would be treated. Or even better: prevent the suffering of others. If I had no food, shelter, security, etc., I would want others to help me out, hence, I would want others to prevent me from suffering.

2. God asks us to be selfless. Wouldn't God then be selfless too? Was Jesus an example of a selfless being?

3. If God is selfless and wants us to prevent our fellow humans from suffering, then WHY WOULD HE WANT US TO WASTE TIME WORSHIPING HIM?

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