Time Travel Movies and TV shows

I just watched another show on television which must be the dumbest, most ridiculous time travel show/movie since Back to the Future.
Time travel, for what ever it is worth, is just plain silly. Sure on paper you can have the math all planed out but time travel (if you could do it) logically wouldn't work the way the movies/shows make it to work.
If a person goes back in time and stops JFK from dying, several things could happen.
1) The time line of the people in 2016 will still continue forward. A new timeline will exist for JFK living overwriting the original timeline and never catches up to the source.
2) The time line of the people in 2016 will instantly cease to exist and a new time will take the place of it.
3) A new time line will be created, multiple times, for each time the time travel happens, either allowing the original time line to exist or it destroys the original.
All time travel movies/shows suck. I've yet to see one which is good.
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I don't think much of the
I don't think much of the science of time travel in stories. Star Trek Voyager had a 2 part episode I thought was fairly well done though. The Year Of Hell. A novelisation that went more in depth could have been incredible. The steps being taken in that episode were extraordinarily huge, and probably massive overkill. But the idea itself and the consequences were still... interesting.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Digit, your OP is why I
Digit, your OP is why I get down on media when it everyso often does stories about how Star Trek or Back To The Future were oracles. Real science is done in a lab and through technology and innovation. Si fi simply promote's the "what ifs" but ultimately it is still mere entertainment. For all that may end up comming about in the future, there is far more in real life that people postulate that ends up false and goes nowhere.
Even in innovation the patent office is full of far more crap that does nothing than the innovation that is pragmatic and has a worldide impact.
I like good intertanment and some si fi myself, but entertainment is still just that.
Imagination is fine, but ultimately is nothing until put through the pragmatic tool of testing and falification. Outside that, it should be treated as entertainment.
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Vastet wrote:I don't think
It just is painful for me to watch. NBC has this new show about these time traveler bad guys who went back in time. The show leads you to believe that "the detectives must go back in time ASAP before any thing bad happens".
I'm like, WTF? The past already happened. If some one went back in time to stop the assassination of JFK then it would happen instantly in your time or it would create another timeline with the changes. The entire "wipe you out of existence" is bull. You don't fade out of existence and you don't have people forgetting you existed.
I think the problem is with the writers. They are fucking stupid or they just write stuff to satisfy the masses.
There's a theme where when
There's a theme where when the past is changed it takes time for the changes to reach the future or present. I tend to let that theme go as it could very well be the case for all we know. It makes a certain sense, as time presumably can't travel at an infinite speed. Much like how if you somehow maged to teleport the sun it would take a significant amount of time for all the planets to deorbit; it is hypothetically possible that a change in the past would take time to ripple through the space time continuum. If so, you would have a delay between the departure of the time traveller and the arrival of the changes in the timeline.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
12 Monkeys the movie not
12 Monkeys the movie not the TV show perhaps did a better job than most with time travel. The changes happened imediately in it. Timeless, the NBC show of the OP is poorly done. Probably will fail. FOX tried time travel and multiple dimensions on Fringe and it was very confusing as did the original Heroes show. Time Cop the 90s movie was badly done, indicating a person can't occupy the same time space, which is wrong in that all of your cells are continously replaced and a 20 year old and a 40 year old you would have about zero mass that was the same anyway. Since it is probably impossible anyway it matters little.
"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me
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Time travel is like getting
Time travel is like getting up from one movie theatre (#1) and going to watch the same movie in a different theatre (#2) but they aren't showing the movie in syncronation with the one you recently left. You might end up going back to the opening credits or to the ending credits, maybe a point in between.
Your friend who was sitting next to you is still in the other theatre #1 watching the movie you left. You decide to throw a tomatoe at the screen and it has no effect on your friend at the other location. They will never know the tomatoe was thrown.
If you decide to get up again and go forward to another screen, there won't be a tomatoe on the screen either. It is still in the theatre #2.
Your friend in theatre #1 still remembers you. You remember them.
You decide to go back further and end up in theatre #55. Your parents are sitting there and not married yet.
You shoot them dead then go back to theatre #1. Your friend is there and you aren't dead.
You look back a few rows and see your parents. They haven't died because you didn't kill them, you killed a different version of them in a different theatre.