Books on the Tree of Knowledge
Source for everything related to the FSGP - Margaret Downey - Tree of Knowledge
The following is a list of books on the Tree of Knowledge housed in West Chester, Pa in 2007 and to be housed in Philadelphia in 2008. Philadelphia is the birthplace of the freedoms we have today. Philadelphia is where Seperation between Church and State was born, at the same time as our Country.
- Alley, Robert S.
The Constitution & Religion - Armstrong, Karen
A History of God
The Battle for God - Barker, Dan
Losing Faith in Faith
Maybe Right, Maybe Wrong
Just Pretend: A Freethought Book for Children - Barber, Nigel
Kindness in a Cruel World - Berra, Tim M.
Evolution and the Myth of Creationism - Bierce, Ambrose
The Collected Writings of... - Boston, Robert
Why the Religious Right is Wrong about Separation of Church and State - Carrier, Richard
Sense and Goodness Without God - Carroll, Robert Todd
The Skeptic's Dictionary - Chapman, Matthew
40 Days and 40 Nights: Trials of the Monkey - Cohen, Elliot D.
What Would Aristotle Do? - Conrad, Jane Kathryn
The Pillars of Religion: Ignorance, Indoctrination, Inadequacy - Darwin, Charles
The Origin of Species - Dawkins, Richard
The God Delusion
River Out of Eden
The Extended Phenotype
Climbing Mount Improbable
Unweaving the Rainbow
The Selfish Gene
The Ancestor's Tale
The Blind Watchmaker
A Devils Chaplain Growing Up in the Universe - Dennett, Daniel
Consciousness Explained
Breaking the Spell
Freedom Evolves
Darwins Dangerous Idea - Dobrin, Arthur
Spelling God with Two O's - Devoto, Bernard
New Uncensored Writings by Mark Twain; Letters from the Earth - Ehrman, Bart D.
Misquoting Jesus - Ericson, Edward
The Humanist Way - Flew, Antony
God; A Critical Enquiry - Flynn, Tom
The Trouble With Christmas - Forrest, Barbara & Paul R. Gross
Creationism’s Trojan Horse - Fruchtman, Jack Jr.
Thomas Paine: Apostle of Freedom - Gaskin, J.C.A.
Varieties of Unbelief - Gaylor, Anne Nicole
Lead Us Not Into Penn Station
The World Famous Atheist Cook Book - Gaylor, Anne Laurie
Woe to the Women, The Bible Tells Me So
Women Without Superstition "No Gods - No Masters" - Grafen, Alan
Richard Dawkins, How a scientist changed the way we think - Green, Ruth Hurmence
The Born Again Skeptic's Guide to the Bible - Goleman, Daniel
Social Intelligence - Gould, Stephen Jay
Times Arrow Times Cycle - Harburg, Yip
Rhymes for the Irreverent - Harris, Sam
Letter to a Christian Nation
The End of Faith - Hayes, Judith
In God We Trust, But Which One? - Hecht, Jennifer Michael
Doubt; A History - Hirsi, Ayaan Ali
Infidel - Hitchens, Christopher
God is not Great - Ingersoll, Robert G.
Atheist Truth vs. Religion's Ghosts - Jacoby, Susan
Freethinkers: A History of American Secularism - Johnson, B. C.
The Atheists Debater’s Handbook - Joshi, S.T.
The Agnostic Reader - Kurtz, Paul
Toward a New Enlightenment - Kick, Russ
Everything You Know about God is Wrong - Kurtz, Paul
Living Without Religion
Humanist Manifesto 2000
Science and Religion; Are They Compatible?
The Transcendental Temptation - LaCourt, M.
The Prize - Lalli, Nica
Nothing: Something to Believe in - Lamont, Corliss
The Philosophy of Humanism - Landover Baptist
Welcome to Jesusland - Larson, Orvin
American Infidel: Robert G. Ingersoll - Liedloff, Jean
The Continuum Concept - Ludemann, Gerd
The Great Deception, and what Jesus really said and did - Lynn, Barry W.
Piety & Politics - Lucretius
The Nature of the Universe
Maccoby, Hyam
The Mythmaker - Mackie, J.L.
The Miracle of Theism - McCollum, Vashti Cromwell
One Woman's Fight - McGowan, Chris
In The Beginning, A Scientist Shows why the Creationists are Wrong - McGowan, Dale
Parenting Beyond Belief - Menendez, Albert
The December Wars - Messadie, Gerald
A History of the Devil - Mill, John Stuart
Philosophy of Scientific Method - Miles, Rosalind
Who Cooked The Last Supper? A Women's history of the world - Mills, David
Atheist Universe - Moreland, J.P. and Nielson, Kai
Does God Exist? - Morrow, James
Only Begotten Daughter
Towing Jehovah
Blameless in Abbadon
The Last Witchfinder - Murray, Jon G.
Essays on American Atheism - Nickell, Joe
Looking for a Miracle - Nielsen, Kai
Ethics Without God - O'Hair, Madalyn Murray
What on earth is an Atheist!
Why I Am an Atheist
An Atheist Primer: Did you know all the gods came from the same place?
The Atheist World
Atheist Heroes and Heroines
An Atheist Epic - Thomas Paine: The Age of Reason
Part Three: Examinations of the Prophecies - Power, Margaret
The Egalitarians - Randi, James
The Mask of Nostradamus
The Truth About Uri Geller
The Faith Healers
An Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural - Ridley, Matt
The Origins of Virtue - Roy, M. N.
Radical Humanist - selected writings compiled by Innaiah Narisetti - Rushdie, Salman
The Satanic Verses - Russell, Bertrand
Why I Am Not a Christian - Sagan, Carl
The Demon-Haunted World, Science as a Candle in the Dark - Sanford, James C.
Great Freethinkers - Scott, Eugenie and Glenn Branch
Not in Our Classrooms; Why Intelligent Design is Wrong for our Schools - Scott, Eugenie
Evolution vs. Creationism - Shermer, Michael
How We Believe
The Science of Good and Evil
Why People Believe Weird Things
In Darwins Shadow
Why Darwin Matters - Shragg, Karen I.
A Solstice Tree for Jenny - Smith, George
Atheism: The Case Against God - Twain, Mark
Letter From The Earth - Stahl, Philip A.
The Atheist's Handbook to Modern Materialism - Swanson, Diane
Turn it Loose
Nibbling on Einstein's Brain - Uhl, Stephen Frederick
Imagine No Superstition - Various Authors
Holy Bible
The Koran - Van Buren, Paul M.
The Secular Meaning of the Gospel - Walker, Barbara G.
The I Ching of the Goddess - Warraq, Ibn
Why I Am Not a Muslim - Whyte, Jamie
Crimes Against Logic - Wright, Robert
The Moral Animal - Zindler, Frank R.
The Jesus the Jews Never Knew
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Damn you sapient, my
Damn you sapient, my "to_be_read" pile is already hitting the fucking ceiling, now I have more books to buy,lol.
Morte alla tyrannus et dei