Wanna See Me Naked?

kellym78's picture

Well, kind of. In animated form.

The SheVibe poster is finished. I guess now I'm an atheist super-hero or something. Like Wonder Woman. Except less clothing. Hmmmm....*having thoughts about what kind of weapon I would have. Like a Reason Ray or something that would suddenly make people logical*

Anyway, I anticipate the usual reaction from the prudes and sexually repressed people. May I say in advance that not only do I not care what you think, I find both the "You're hurting women everywhere" and the "Truly rational people would never submit to a base desire such as...sex" complaints equally ludicrous, and I'll only laugh at you, so save your time and the bandwidth needed to tell me what a horrible person I am. After all, I am the Official Spokesperson of Atheists Everywhere At All TimesTM and something like this will only harm "The Cause." As you can see, I'm already aware of this. Don't make me shoot you with my Logic Laser.

For the rest of you (ie the human beings who accept that sex is a biological function and physical attraction is coupled with that), enjoy. I've got to get back to plotting my nefarious plan to destroy the public image of atheists and women.






SheVibe Kelly poster

Thomathy's picture

Kelly, that's awesome.Reason

Kelly, that's awesome.

Reason Ray.

Rational Rod.

I want to keep to the illiteration, but that's my only contribution.  Good work on getting the poster!

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

D-cubed's picture

Kelly you are just

Kelly you are just horrible.  But that's what makes you so charming.  Perhaps for the uptight you could put on a see-through burka.

emodude's picture

Made a mess of myself

Great, now my monitor and keyboard at work are a sticky mess.  I'll have to put in a work order with facilities to get this cleaned up.  Was worth it though. 


Could you post the pic on your blog? I cannot go to sheVibe as my server blocked it. Way to go on getting in the buff!

Ryan89 wrote:Could you post

Ryan89 wrote:

Could you post the pic on your blog? I cannot go to sheVibe as my server blocked it. Way to go on getting in the buff!

The picture is the picture she has posted in the first blog post here.  She's not actually fully nude in the shot.

Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!

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Luminon's picture

That's awesome poster,

That's awesome poster, Kelly! Finally a woman who's not afraid to show her....uhm...belt  Smiling I quite understand why that most evolved man on the right has his right thigh raised, that waistcloth seems rather untrusty.

Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.

Ads like these only attract

Ads like these only attract males, so there goes the female demographic that might have went to the site if the ad was gender neutral.


Okay, you might also get lesbians and bisexuals, but you get my point.


kellym78's picture

Cpt_pineapple wrote:Ads like

Cpt_pineapple wrote:

Ads like these only attract males, so there goes the female demographic that might have went to the site if the ad was gender neutral.


Okay, you might also get lesbians and bisexuals, but you get my point.


And your point is...?

D-cubed's picture

kellym78 wrote:And your

kellym78 wrote:

And your point is...?

She wants a scantily clad Sapient or Rook.  You know, some eye candy for the ladies.

It's a gorgeous poster,

It's a gorgeous poster, Kelly

You could shoot a LogicLaser (can you hear the echo when you say that?) from that rad BELT you've got on!


Go on wit cho bad self, grrl!  Lady Power!

(damn, that was cheesey...but eff the Pineapple on this one!)

kellym78 wrote:Cpt_pineapple

kellym78 wrote:

Cpt_pineapple wrote:

Ads like these only attract males, so there goes the female demographic that might have went to the site if the ad was gender neutral.


Okay, you might also get lesbians and bisexuals, but you get my point.


And your point is...? Exactly what is the cpt-pineapple point ? I guess it's beyond me

Signature ? How ?

kellym78 wrote:And your



Oh, and yes, Kelly does have

Oh, and yes, Kelly does have a "smokin' bod".


And Maggot is right.


BTW I thought this was an ad banner. My bad.




Cpt_pineapple wrote:kellym78

Cpt_pineapple wrote:

kellym78 wrote:

And your point is...?

I thought the point of the ad was to attract people. Not just males.


It's not an ad.  It's not being placed anywhere as an ad, it never was for either RRS or Shevibe.  It's just art.  Here's some more art from the same company of others... http://shevibemagazine.com/gallery/covers/

Want a man... here...



Find more yourself... http://shevibemagazine.com/gallery/eyecandi/

Uh oh!! There goes the entire male demographic that can't stand the site of another man!  Guess they're out of readers now. Ummmmmm..... no.  ART    A   R   T  !!


Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!

Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient

Cpt_pineapple wrote: BTW I

Cpt_pineapple wrote:

BTW I thought this was an ad banner. My bad.

This like your god belief?  Acting on it, before you've thought it out?    How we coming on that by the way?   Still believe in an invisible something that must've started it all? 


Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!

Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient

Quote:Acting on it, before


Acting on it, before you've thought it out?  



It's late, and yes, I jumped the guns.........errrrrrr gun and could not stay abreast of the situation. Shit.........


I need to work on it. Got a copy of hooked on phonics?


And I was mad because I was wearing the exact same outfit and now I gotta change.



How we coming on that by the way?



Room for improvement



Still believe in an invisible something that must've started it all?


Most certainly do thanks for asking.


Sapient is on fire

Sapient is on fire tonight.


And that "hunk of the month" has one huge package!

PorkChop wrote:Sapient is on

PorkChop wrote:

Sapient is on fire tonight.


I believe they have creams for that. I don't think it'll get rid of the rash though.

Oh, Ray!

What do you want to bet Ray Comfort ordered one of these under a fake name?


I was viewing the blog on a school comp. earlier so that is probably why it didn't show up. I am at home now and it looks great! She should do some real life stuff next!


BTW, Do you guys make a commission or something from shevibe?

GO GIRL POWER , it works

GO GIRL POWER , it works sister bitches, bring Man to his repentant knees .... says my daughter, echoing grandma ..... and a pleased content quite smiling kind grandpa ! 

  Who said don't fight fire with fire? .... Brighten your fire,  turn up the heat ....

            World Wide Orgy Party  ,  18 and older only? ,  No kids fucking ! 

                       God would not approve, no "minors" allowed

       FURTHERMORE ....  gawed commands  ....................... LoVe is the law.  

                                                so work on that

                                          a message from, me JC  


Kelly, "Wanna See Me

Kelly, "Wanna See Me Naked?"


                  and so hard I pray !

                           PROOF !


   Favorite Religion ? HAPPY PROUD GIRLS !

                      MORE PROOF

       12 Girls Band - Flowers & Juveniles


     ADD Marshal Stacks, just imagining Kelly injected,


                                  GO GO WORLD COMMUNICATION

                                            Obey the wishes of the Children




KathieG's picture

PorkChop wrote:And that

PorkChop wrote:

And that "hunk of the month" has one huge package!

I know right! What the...!?!


And Kelly...love the poster. I'm straight, but I can always appreciate a pretty girl!

I like how the facial

I like how the facial expression on the guys doesn't change.

Your being hot as hale may get some people all pissy, but I for one ain't mad atcha.

Anne F's picture


Wow, I like that pic! I want one of me! =P

Abu Lahab's picture

Yes, I want to see you

Yes, I want to see you naked. Not some drawing, lovely though it is.....


Ryan89 wrote:BTW, Do you

Ryan89 wrote:
BTW, Do you guys make a commission or something from shevibe?

No, we're just appreciative of the work they did, and hope they sell a bunch.  



Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!

Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient

 How could someone look at


How could someone look at Kelly and not believe in a goddess, I mean a God. I mean she's so perfectly fine-tuned. I cannot force myself to believe she [and the female body in general] is the product of random chance.

Don't tell my fellow theists I said this or I might get in trouble.

skywolf's picture


the evolution of hotness!!!

speaking of biological functions  my endorphins and testosterone really like this one

very playboy-esqe naughty enough but not completely revealing


mohammed is mr poopy pants allah is a cootie queen and islam is a lint licker

babblero's picture

Just to be reasonable

Hi Kelly.

Could we maybe see you in a bikini to find out just how much artistic license was used in this pic? Eye-wink

You know just for ummm... a rational comparison of reality and art. Yeah that's it.

I would also like to nominate Kathy G and Anne for any future posters.

Hey a 'Super Evolved Trio' of  the three of ya would be both badass and sumptuous.

P.S. they should make your hair redder.

I like poster, and not just for the sexy outfit. It presents woman as power and that is the way it should be and in many cases is. One reason the last few thousand years have been so patriarchal and repressed is because liberated women scare the hell out of most men. I for one wish we would return (in part) to the good old days of superior matriarchs and heroic women and just plain healthy respect for our feminine counterparts.  No, I'm not whipped, I just dont appreciate demure and modest outlooks in women.

My last critique is that you are turning RR into an ego flattering cult of personality.

But... So what? If ya got it... Ya got it. (and u got it!)

To Hell with God and Religion. Except for Kali, she's hot.

Sexo Grammaticus's picture

Wow, congratulations!

I can't imagine how awesome it must feel to have a poster of oneself. I wish I were a superhero.

Speaking of which, did you know that the guy who invented Wonder Woman was a psychologist who lived in a three-way relationship with two bi chicks and was heavily into bondage and had all these theories about how peace could only be achieved via men being taught to enjoy submitting to women? That's what WW's magic lasso is all about.

Anyway, congratulations once again. The poster is awesome. I am officially jealous in my capacity as a fellow hawt logician.

P.S. Wouldn't a logic laser be a tactically ineffective weapon, since it would just cause one's adversaries to make fewer mistakes, thereby becoming harder to defeat?

P.P.S. Babblero is right that your hair should be redder in this.


Sexo Grammaticus is Lord High Editor of The 1585

kellym78's picture

Sexo Grammaticus wrote:

Sexo Grammaticus wrote:
P.S. Wouldn't a logic laser be a tactically ineffective weapon, since it would just cause one's adversaries to make fewer mistakes, thereby becoming harder to defeat?

Not if my goal is helping people become more logical. If they are applying said logic properly, at least I could get rid of the religious fanatics.

P.P.S. Babblero is right that your hair should be redder in this.

Yes, but it's moot since my hair is blonde and pink now.

Oh, and you and Sexa Rubelucia should have a poster made ASAP.


Hot, articulate athiests for the win.


Religion surrenders.

FindTruth's picture

Wow that's hot Kelly *melts

Wow that's hot Kelly *melts into a puddle of wax at her feet* Smiling I'm still a semi-believer, can you fix that? Can you blow me out of the water in a debate? I bet you could. You seem to have that fire. Frankly I wouldn't mind being dominated by you anyhow Smiling


How about your next picture being you (prefably dressed in boots) shooting someone with your logic gun, except the person is too much of a fanatic so instead he dicintegrates. Lol, yeah I know, that's corny, but would look hot Smiling

shelley's picture

i love it.  they really got

i love it.  they really got kelly's face down instead of it just looking like some random  hot girl with an edgy hair style and a badge.  i assume they used her avatar for some inspiration there but i still think it's pretty fucking cool she's even got the "thinking" look going on with the eyebrow. 

Kay Cat's picture

Cpt_pineapple wrote:Ads like

Cpt_pineapple wrote:

Ads like these only attract males, so there goes the female demographic that might have went to the site if the ad was gender neutral.


Okay, you might also get lesbians and bisexuals, but you get my point.



on the contrary, I find that highly evolved guy sexy too.

Vote for McCain... www.therealmccain.com ...and he'll bring Jesus back

kellym78's picture

FindTruth wrote:Wow that's

FindTruth wrote:

Wow that's hot Kelly *melts into a puddle of wax at her feet* Smiling I'm still a semi-believer, can you fix that? Can you blow me out of the water in a debate? I bet you could. You seem to have that fire. Frankly I wouldn't mind being dominated by you anyhow Smiling

Really, melting isn't necessary. My feet are already in a pool of melted men over here. Sheesh.

If you would like me to blow you out of the water, that can be arranged. I promise to decimate the remainder of your belief.


How about your next picture being you (prefably dressed in boots) shooting someone with your logic gun, except the person is too much of a fanatic so instead he dicintegrates. Lol, yeah I know, that's corny, but would look hot Smiling

I don't imagine they'll be doing other posters of me. I have no idea if they've sold any at all, but at 30 bills, I would say that the sales are likely slow. Most people don't like me THAT much.

FindTruth's picture

"If you would like me to

"If you would like me to blow you out of the water, that can be arranged. I promise to decimate the remainder of your belief."


Very well Kelly, how shall we begin? You can choose the topic, and I would prefer if we could communicate to and fro through my email, if you'd like. It's [email protected]


Just for a heads up, I ackowledge evolution and think Creationism is flat out ridiculous. Though I wouldn't mind talking about evolution to a certain extant, cause to me it makes MORE "logical" sense for the existence of God, anotherwords if God exists, I think evolution HAS to be the way. I'll explain if you want. But again, you can pick the topic, though I prefer if you leave your other co-rational response friends out of it, and leave this just between you and I.

So if you like, pick a topic and email me. If you can wipe the floor with me, make me sound ridiculously illogical, then I'll abandon the remainder of my faith, personaly thanking YOU! I'm promise Kelly. I'll be waiting.


P.S. I'm eager to see if you really can "decimate" me, or blow me away, lol. You're definitely a red head, and that's a compliment.  I respect and admire confident, dominant women. Most make better sense than guys Smiling


Oh one more thing, I apologize if my "melting" comment freaked you out. I simply meant, the drawing of you looks ... well attractive Smiling



Speaking of ...

Have you ever considered actually posing naked as a sort of fundraiser for the site or the Richard Dawkins foundation? Where you set a benchmark and once that benchmark is reached you'd release some photos?

I know this post got the perv in me to finally stop lurking from work and actually make an account to post, so you can imagine what the promise of actual photos would do in terms of memberships/money.

Put me down for at least a hundo should this ever get going.



kellym78's picture

Well, thanks for posting

Well, thanks for posting proof that my argument with this dipshit is correct. We have been considering for a LONG time the possibility of calendars, subscriptions for exclusive content, or even a potential live cam situation. Unfortunately, there are a lot of idiots out there, like the aforementioned, who refuse to allow sex into their ivory tower. We have never been able to reconcile the possibility of losing a large portion of our visitors/supporters with the possibility of financial gain--even if we do find their position ludicrous. However, if you can drum up enough support for such a campaign, I'll happily oblige. Sticking out tongue

kellym78's picture

FindTruth wrote:Very well

FindTruth wrote:

Very well Kelly, how shall we begin? You can choose the topic, and I would prefer if we could communicate to and fro through my email, if you'd like. It's [email protected]


I would prefer to do it on the forums or my blog, but maybe you aren't ready to open yourself up to that kind of scrutiny,and I get that, but I have to be able to at least speak about it in some manner. I would rather have you choose a topic just because my knowledge base is pretty decent in most areas. I fall a tad short in the astrophysics department, but whatever.

But again, you can pick the topic, though I prefer if you leave your other co-rational response friends out of it, and leave this just between you and I.

You can have a moderated debate here with no outside interference allowed, or I could do a one-on-one live discussion with you.

P.S. I'm eager to see if you really can "decimate" me, or blow me away, lol. You're definitely a red head, and that's a compliment.  I respect and admire confident, dominant women. Most make better sense than guys Smiling

The red wasn't natural, and now I'm blonde and pink, anyway. Confident and dominant...usually.


Oh one more thing, I apologize if my "melting" comment freaked you out. I simply meant, the drawing of you looks ... well attractive Smiling


That comment was hardly of the character that would "freak me out." I get worse on a daily basis, trust me. Yours was quite tame.


FindTruth's picture

"I would prefer to do it on

"I would prefer to do it on the forums or my blog, but maybe you aren't ready to open yourself up to that kind of scrutiny,and I get that, but I have to be able to at least speak about it in some manner."

I only suggested my email so I don't have to respond to a dime and dozen of individuals making comments of sarcasm. That's all.  I've watched your videos, read the remarks people make, often spiteful toward one another. Just want to focus on YOU. So if there is a place we could go, like for instance private messages, let me know.

"You can have a moderated debate here with no outside interference allowed, or I could do a one-on-one live discussion with you."

Umm, no thanks lol. I'm a bad speaker when I'm supposed to speak. And I've listened to you debate other people live. I have no doubt that you would blow me away. So I'd rather communicate back and forth by writing, where I feel no pressure and can take the time to respond to you properly. Smiling

"I would rather have you choose a topic just because my knowledge base is pretty decent in most areas. I fall a tad short in the astrophysics department, but whatever."


Well, I'd like to start off saying how awesome evolution is, how amazing science is! The human race is so much better off in this present era, and again, if God exists, I am convinced evolution HAD to of been the only way, if He/She/It wanted creatures as us.

The suposive historian "evidence" for Christianity interests me as well. I used to be an atheist you know, then those awful Protestants got to me, but I escaped to Catholicism, now I'm simply a Theist. I don't attend any Church, and have no practicing faith, but still believe in God, and yes, many aspects of Christianity.

I think you may find me interesting, perhaps more interesting than the common typical Theist you normaly bash into the ground. While I disagree with you on so many things, still, you always seem to reduce the common Theist to a pile of ashes. Maybe you'll do the same to me, I don't know, (if so, please be gentle, so I may not be psycologicaly wounded when returning to my Atheism) But there's nothing for me to fear, Truth is Truth. If God exists, you can't change that, if God doesn't exist, I can't change that. Fact is fact, and perhaps YOU are right.

Well, should I PM you and begin?



kellym78's picture

A moderated debate would be

A moderated debate would be textual--as in on the forums. Nobody else would be allowed to post responses, though. Essentially the same as PMs but public. How's that?

Very nice, Kelly!

I like, I like, I like, I like...uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uuuuh, uuuuuuuuuuuuh.  ...... I likeeeeeeeeee.


Oooops, sorry.



It's pretty cool. If anybody has a problem with it, then fuck them, well not really, you know what I mean.

FindTruth's picture

inouunome wrote:I like, I

inouunome wrote:

I like, I like, I like, I like...uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uuuuh, uuuuuuuuuuuuh.  ...... I likeeeeeeeeee.


Oooops, sorry.



It's pretty cool. If anybody has a problem with it, then fuck them, well not really, you know what I mean.



FindTruth's picture

kellym78 wrote:A moderated

kellym78 wrote:

A moderated debate would be textual--as in on the forums. Nobody else would be allowed to post responses, though. Essentially the same as PMs but public. How's that?


Ok, that sounds good, I will go there, to the "Atheist VS. Theist" section. And I will be calling my topic "Return Me To Atheism."


I think it fits well because you promised to "decimate the remainder of my belief." If you truly can, then I have no buisness believing in any God, and will abandon it.


Though right now I'm sleepy, need to go to bed. I'll probaly begin this tomorrow. Goodnight, and remember to look for the tittle.



FindTruth wrote:kellym78

FindTruth wrote:

kellym78 wrote:

A moderated debate would be textual--as in on the forums. Nobody else would be allowed to post responses, though. Essentially the same as PMs but public. How's that?


Ok, that sounds good, I will go there, to the "Atheist VS. Theist" section. And I will be calling my topic "Return Me To Atheism."

This will be the section for you to post in.  I've granted your account approval to post in that section.  

ONE on ONE debate

I've started the thread for you, and made sure to put it in this special section so that nobody else will be able to post.  Once you are completed with this discussion the ability to post in the ONE on ONE debate section will be removed and the thread will eventually be closed. 





Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!

Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient

Kelly what a truly wonderful

Kelly what a truly wonderful display of human nature!!! 


alexjohnc3's picture


Anyway, I anticipate the usual reaction from the prudes and sexually repressed people. May I say in advance that not only do I not care what you think, I find both the "You're hurting women everywhere" and the "Truly rational people would never submit to a base desire such as...sex" complaints equally ludicrous, and I'll only laugh at you, so save your time and the bandwidth needed to tell me what a horrible person I am. After all, I am the Official Spokesperson of Atheists Everywhere At All TimesTM and something like this will only harm "The Cause." As you can see, I'm already aware of this. Don't make me shoot you with my Logic Laser.

I love how your answer possible objections to this post by saying you find the objections rediculous, saying you'll laugh at those who raise objections, saying that you don't care what those who raise objections think, calling anyone who objects a prude or sexually respressed, and, finally, complaining about how anyone who raises objections thinks your a horrible person. Your rationality is astounding.

alexjohnc3 wrote:I love

alexjohnc3 wrote:

I love how...

Do you really?  Do you really really love it?

Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!

Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient