Want to do a good deed, help an atheist in financial need ($375)

 I understand that many of us are struggling but I was touched by a story and request for help posted tonight by Terence Weyenberg.

His car was about to be repossessed and he asked for immediate help to pay the bill to avoid it.  He received a loan from a friend but had to deplete the last $200 he had and has no cash on hand for luxuries like food.  I know we're a skeptical bunch, but I think it's legit, and maybe a few of you will want to throw $5-10 his way to buy him a meal.  Just a good deed for the day, a few dollars to a freethinking brother who could use a hand up.  



Here is the letter he posted on Facebook before he received some financial help (could still use a hand up).

Terence Weyenberg wrote:

We just found out the repo man is on the way today if we can't come up with $375 immediately. We're expecting his/her knock on the door any moment.

We'll provide the account number and all relevant Western Union or Moneygram information for someone to make a payment for us. We have a small amount of cash ($200, so far) in PayPal, but that money won't get to our bank for 2-3 business days, so we're looking at potentially Monday before we can access it (that's one of the reasons we can't make the payment as urgently as our creditor would like). We'd be happy to go without food and send you the $200 we have in PayPal if you can make the full payment for us immediately. Hopefully we'll collect a bit more in PayPal and be able to pay you back quickly, all you'd be out in that case would be your time.

We have no where else to turn, and no funds coming in until the 5th of February. We can go without a lot, and have (see my wall post for more detail), but losing the car would be devastating to us. My brother lives with us and uses the car to get back and forth to work, if we lose the car we lose his income. I'm recovering from a series of strokes and that car is the only thing that allows us to get to doctor visits and the pharmacy.

The other option we see is for us to just lose the jeep and find a car under $1000 on Craigslist or something, but it would have to be something big enough to accommodate my walker, since I can't get around without it, and it would have to sit high enough so that I can get in it without bending my back (degenerative disk disorder) or affecting my sciatica. I'm a bit nervous about that option, since buying a used car would take more resources right now, and we just don't have it. We're also worried that in the time between losing the jeep and acquiring another vehicle, my brother would lose his convenience store job. Despite urban mythos that says differently, those jobs aren't a dime a dozen in a college town, and frankly we can't afford for him to be out of work and looking for a job, since it may be weeks until he gets a first paycheck. That would decimate us even further financially.

I know this is uncomfortable and not "politically correct" in some people's minds, but we don't have any other options. We have no living family except children who are struggling as well. My wife, Julia, has a sister who claims to be a "good christian" but won't have anything to do with us due to our status as non-believers.

We're not alcoholics, addicts, or scam artists, just good freethinkers who've had a bit of a rough time following lengthy medical issues. We try to "pay it forward" every chance we get, and while we don't believe in magical thinking, we do believe that good things happen to people who do good things, and we've remained true to those principles even when times are hard.

We really need some good things to happen right now.


Update form Terence wrote:

"UPDATE: We have been able to avoid the repo thanks to a good friend helping out.

Our only remaining need is for a small amount of money for food and gas to last us through the 8th of February until we get paid again. " 

With a valued friend's assistance, we have stopped the repossession. We did however have to send her the donations we'd acquired via PayPal. If anyone else can contribute a small amount for food and medicine to see us through until the 8th of February, when we get paid again, we'd be appreciative. Thank you all.



I'm starting this off with a $5 donation, will you match me?


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Brian37's picture

If someone would be willing

If someone would be willing to shoot this guy 10 bucks in my name I'll be happy when I get my tax return back to shoot this website a donation.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog

Jeffrick's picture


Brian37 wrote:

If someone would be willing to shoot this guy 10 bucks in my name I'll be happy when I get my tax return back to shoot this website a donation.



                Done Brian. Now remember to tell me when you contribute the $10 to RRS.




"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."

VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"

If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?

Brian37's picture

Jeffrick wrote:Brian37

Jeffrick wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

If someone would be willing to shoot this guy 10 bucks in my name I'll be happy when I get my tax return back to shoot this website a donation.



                Done Brian. Now remember to tell me when you contribute the $10 to RRS.




It may be some time. I haven't gotten my W2s yet, but damned skippy and I'll probably throw in some extra for all you do.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog