What is an ANTItheist?

An atheist is "one who disbelieves or denies the existence of 'God' or gods." dictionary.com
That being said, the creators of this website take the title "antitheist" to mean one that is actively oppossed to being a theist, or one who is against the concepts of theism and religion. Antitheists in this context, do not merely abstain from believing in god(s), we disagree with the mental laziness of believing in anything that isn't real or proven, be it Jesus Christ or invisible pink unicorns. ANTItheists are especially oppossed to dogmatic theocracies and archaic fundamentalist "thought" that cause individuals to destroy scientific progression, social freedoms, and in some cases, human lives.
An antitheist is not a satan worshipper or "the devil." We know that the devil is no more real than "god." We are merely human beings that employ reason and rationality over superstition and faith. We believe that the world would be a safer and happier place to live in if everyone also employed reason and rationality instead of theism. Within our own circles we recognize that we are against theism in large part because of the damage it has caused to people we love. It is this damage to our loved ones that we often fight for. We are not here out of hate for theists, we're here to help save them from their own irrationality.
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From looking at the words themselves and breaking them apart one discovers the difference between Atheism and Antitheism. A- is a prefix meaning specifically without, while anti- denotes opposition, but not a lack. The difference here is exactly that as with apathy (no feeling) and antipathy (opposing feeling). But what antitheism is not is an opposition of a living being, known to some (erroneously) as God, but rather the idea of theistic belief.
Interestingly enough, and much to the chagrin of Theists, all children are, by definition, born atheist.
Metal Robot
I don't really think your
I don't really think your comment can be considered a "correction", because we already stated that "the creators of this website take the title 'antitheist' to mean one that is actively oppossed to being a theist, or one who is against the concepts of theism and religion."
This is in essence the same as your defintion. We only mentioned the definition of "atheist" to begin our own explanation to contrast the difference between atheism and antitheism.
href="http://www.doubledoh.com" title="DoubleDoh Shirts" alt="DoubleDoh Shirts">DoubleDoh
Ah. . .
You misunderstand me: I don't correct you, but dictionary.com (as well as most modern dictionaries). Originally, the word was defined correctly but recently (1976, I think) it was given a new definition making it the synonym of atheist. It's not just you who takes it that way, but others who either can dissect the word meanings themselves or know the history of the word. That said, I think the people who take it to have that meaning are a minority of those who have heard it.
I wonder how unfair it would be to compare the word's de-evolution to Orwell's Newspeak. . . Worse, its meaning has not only been altered, but it is categorically being deleted from the language, it seems. Merriam-Webster no longer catalogues the word, and it seems onl y a matter of time before everyone else follows suit. Wikipedia has an interesting article on the topic.
It looks like I made that year up. I was so sure. . .
Metal Robot
Actually, I remember having problems defining "antitheist" in an "official" kind of way because it wasn't listed in any of the online dictionaries (that I could find). I assumed it was a "made up" word even though it is really the most accurate way of describing what this website's goals are: to END religion, not just disbelieve in it. I do apologize for my hasty defensiveness nevertheless. In my quest for accuracy (outside of spelling mistakes), I do try my best
href="http://www.doubledoh.com" title="DoubleDoh Shirts" alt="DoubleDoh Shirts">DoubleDoh
Not at all
I didn't explain myself particularly well. No harm done, I think.