Are there any atheists in fox holes?
If you are a fellow atheist and veteran like myself then please sound off. If you have any tips for free thought conversation starters with fellow soldiers then please let me know.
take care,
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Another Atheist veteran here. I was involved in 9/11 response and Operation Enduring Freedom.
Whenever I hear someone say that silly bit of fluff, I just point out that there was ALWAYS at least ONE in mine....
This crusty canard is essentially the old 'when you are on your deathbed' argument...
It ignores the fact that even if a lifelong atheist DOES cry out for supernatural aid when in dire straits, it is only a desperate HUMAN reaction and in no way proves the existence of a god, or even that the atheist really believes...
It is kinda cute to point out that the most common last words recorded on the black boxes of crashed aircraft are "Oh Shit!"
LC >;-}>
Christianity: A disgusting middle eastern blood cult, based in human sacrifice, with sacraments of cannibalism and vampirism, whose highest icon is of a near naked man hanging in torment from a device of torture.
I read somewhere that that's the case in every language - but only when the crash is due to a fuckup on the pilot's part. ie in French it's "Merde" in German "Scheisse" in Japanese "Baka" , in Finnish "Paska" etc.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Iraq twice.
Had to get my dogtags from Ranger Joe b/c they wouldn't issue me dog tags that said "Atheist," just "NO REL PREF"
Good night, funny man, and thanks for the laughter.
Never been in military, but I've never understood why this is meant as an insult to atheists.
"No atheists in foxholes' implies:
A.Only religious people feel the need to fight and kill
B.Religious people might only turn to god because of a primal fear of death, not because they love him.
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
I did four years in the U.S. Army with a deployment to Kosovo and one to Iraq.
While I was in the Army I never made a big deal about being an atheist. When religion came up in a conversation some people were assholes about it ( like "do you think we came from monkeys!" ), but most people were curious about what I believed.
When you live and work with the same people for months on end I think the best advice is to not piss everyone off; they'll probably listen to your ideas more anyways.
Readiness to answer all questions is the infallible sign of stupidity. Saul Bellow, Herzog
When I was in Afghanistan I was technically a xian, but it's not like I even thought about god. I relied on my own capabilities, and NOT strolling into mine-fields.
"But still I am the Cat who walks by himself, and all places are alike to me!" ~Rudyard Kipling
Mazid the Raider says: I'd rather face the naked truth than to go "augh, dude, put some clothes on or something" and hand him some God robes, cause you and I know that the naked truth is pale, hairy, and has an outie
Entomophila says: Ew. AN outie
We've got an atheist currently in a foxhole blogging on the site:
Blog of the Sarge, an atheist currently serving overseas
Additionally my buddy un0 who was an ex site admin here, and hopes to station himself in Philadelphia when he's back from his tour of duty (3 more years). Check out videos from un0rrs here. Both un0 and thesarge have received care packages from the RRS in the last year while stationed overseas. We're proud of our boys.
Jason Torpy who is also a friend of rrs heads up Military Association of Freethinkers:
Wayne Adkins has a frustrating story to tell as an atheist who has served.
Hopefully everyone here from RRS will be able to go to the AAI convention. The opening ceremony includes some atheist in foxhole salutes.
The Opening Ceremony begins at 7:00 PM featuring Margaret Downey (AAI president) and Herb Silverman (founder of the Secular Coalition for America).
The Friday-night platform includes a special recognition to atheists in foxholes with a salute to Pat Tillman (deceased). AAI is pleased to host Carlos Bertha (associate Professor of Philosophy at the United States Air Force Academy), Christopher Hitchens (author), Jason Torpy (president of Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers) and Mikey Weinstein (founder and president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation) as honored speakers.Complimentary apple pie and ice cream will be served at the end of this session to celebrate the fact that "Atheism is as American as apple pie."
Please plan to continue the Friday night festivities by staying in the Grand Salon for a USO-style dance and late-night party (10:00 PM—Mid-night). A six-piece live band will perform on stage.Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Sometimes just coming out of the closet is enough to piss someone off. I have NO CLUE what it is like to serve in the military, especially in a combat situation. I don't think I'd want to invite "friendly" fire. :|
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