ooohhh Darwin's Chip

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ooohhh Darwin's Chip

It seems researchers have created an automated device that evolves a biological molecule on a chip filled with hundreds of miniature chambers.

The molecule, which stitches together strands of RNA, became 90 times more efficient after just 70 hours of evolution.

"It's survival of the fittest," says Brian Paegel, a biochemist at the Scripps Research Institute, in La Jolla, California, who led the study with colleague Gerald Joyce.

This seems interesting enough, however of course we shall have the barages of ignorant theists that claim that this isn't evolution blah blah blah. (Let me note that I said ignorant theists, not all theists)

atheistRational VIP!
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 That's fantastic! What a

 That's fantastic! What a great idea!

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sweet, There should be one

sweet, There should be one of these in every classroom.
I loved how the creationist took and changed his arguments half way through...

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They're going to kill us

They're going to kill us all!!!