Peanutbutter & ID sammich

I am currently broke. The contents of my pantry are: 22 packs of Maruchan ramen, two jars of spaghetti sauce, a can of refried beans, a giant can of tomato paste, and two jars of peanut butter. Being somewhat hungry, I decided to snack on a spoonful or two of peanut butter. Twist goes the cap, pop goes the silvery paper over the top and... GASP! THERE IS LIFE IN MY PEANUT BUTTER! Little specks of white and greenish.
More proof evolution is true. Bugger, now I need something else to snack on.
Religion is a virus.
Fight the infection.
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Right. Well, if god is everywhere, then every now and then when we look anywhere, we should find god there. All I've ever found is natural phenomena though... and aren't you glad! You and I, collectively, do over a billion experiments a second and have been doing since before recorded history.
Just to paraphrase a little bit...
Will you be listing on feeBay ?
Unfortunately, I threw the peanut butter away. It's a good thing I'm not a scientist, since I so casually disposed of crucial evidence that evolution is, in fact, a fact.
Religion is a virus.
Fight the infection.