Jack Thompson Disbarred In Florida

Yet another state has withered away this christian lunatic's insane and irrational attacks on the gaming industry. Three cheers for Florida!
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
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He also has to pay almost $44K but has already appealed on the grounds that the court's decision was in retaliation for some book he wrote.
Just desert for a grade A douchbag!
I played some GTA4 in celebration of him being disbarred.
...is this Jack Thompson against? Is it just video games, or is he one of the from-way-back-when-anti-D&D douchebags? And what has he done about games? I never heard of this guy before. (I'm not much of a video game player, I'll admit.)
Basically, anything with violence, or sex, or drugs, or anything that he himself really, really wants to do but can't because he's scared somebody might think him a bad man. His dearest dream is to be forcefully sodomized by a very large transvestite prostitute with breast implants (her name is Ricardo) while shooting up with heroin and snuffing the teenage boy that's blowing him.
At least, that's what I have heard on good authority from the really nice guys over at Rock*Star studios.
"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers
I'm sad to hear that Jack Thompson has been disbarred. Clearly the public needs a morally justified defender to keep dangerous games out of the hands of anyone, especially children. Video game violence has gone too far. Hey, does anyone know when Jack Bauer is going to torture someone on the air again? Hm. I can't remember if 24 conflicts with the CSI reruns on Spike. My five-year-old niece loves CSI, and I have to make sure to watch it with her.
Actually, I am a little sad JT will no longer be the dancing monkey of the irrational Right. They might actually tap someone who can get something done in the service of their insane censorship this time.
Religion is a virus.
Fight the infection.
Except that the court will throw out anything he files. He's abused the filing of motions and lawsuits to harass and intimidate, and the courts have already said that they won't accept anything he files unless a member in good standing with the Florida bar presents it on his behalf. Something tells me nobody wants to stick their neck out for him.
ETA: Fixing tags.
He is not against all games, at least according to him. He is your typical uneducated right wing religious nut who finds that gaming in general is wrong. If asked, he'll tell you that he has found some games that he approves, but you will find that they are few and far between. Anything with even brief moments of violence, sexual themes, strong language, or anything that can be percieved as being anti-christian(ie: fantasy themes) is wrong in his eyes and these games should be banned from stores so that kids can't get them. He'd love to take his fight to adult gamers too, but he is at least partially aware that free speech would slap him down if he tried anything. Many of his arguments sound reasonable, but when you view his actions it is clear that his arguments are a smoke screen for his actual intentions: To shut down anything he finds objectionable in the gaming industry, by hampering the gaming industry's ability to convey its product to consumers.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Jack's done alot of hilarious... yet utterly stupid shit... like that time he bought Take 2 / RockStar studios STOCK just so he could walk in and rant durring stock holder meetings
*checks youtube for that video *
What Would Kharn Do?
Jack Thompson was primarily against violence, Christian or not. I remember he had no shortage of disparaging words about the Left Behind game. But yeah, his biggest target has always been GTA.
He's an old hat. He used to hate on Mario, alleging it encouraged children to play violently with their pets.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940