Fellow Americans - Do you consider yourself a Patriot?

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Fellow Americans - Do you consider yourself a Patriot?

I'm curious what other Atheist Americans think about the question, are you a patriot.

I'm not here to judge anyone that doesn't.  I would just like to hear your views.

The short version for me is yes I am a patriot.  I love my country, and the fundamentals it was founded upon.  I love the melting pot that America is, and the freedoms we have (even if some are being infringed upon, and some seem to be illusionary.)  Most of what I despise about this country are things that are imposed on us by people who try to subvert what the founding-fathers set up, or who try to revise history.  I often wonder how far things will get out of hand before people stand up to the near theocracy gaining hold, what will it take, what will we have to lose.  The other fundamental thing that has to change if America is to buck the historical trend of the mightiest nation falling, is the power wielded by the special interests and lobbyists for corporate America.  I think capitalism is a good system, but checks and balances need to be used to prevent what has happened here lately.  We have the rich corporations getting greedier than ever, and causing a recession that hurts us all.


Not sure if Thomas Jefferson or Howard Zinn said this but:

"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism."

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Quote:I have no quarrel with

I have no quarrel with futures (that is, a bet placed on the future value of corn or wheat as a farmer's insurance against price changes), but when these guys get together and invent new kinds of ways to frame something simple (Cf. "sub-prime mortgage" derivatives), that's criminal. Actually treasonous. I think "treason" is an excellent way to put it, since you really are screwing the whole country all at once unleashing bullshit like that.

Well, this is basically what I'm trying to say, but I mean more than that, too.  I think it's fine to get credit to buy something big like a house or a car.  You go into the bank and say, "I make 30k a year.  I spend 25k.  I want to buy a 20k car now, but I only have 3k saved."  The thing is, you make enough money to pay for the car out of what you genuinely make.   However, if you buy that car, and now you're at spending 28k, and you buy a couple of rooms of furniture, and that puts you at 31k, and you start living on credit, that's a really, really bad idea.  Sure, you might make more money in the future, but that's... well, like you say... betting on a future.  When you start manipulating second and third mortgages to maintain a lifestyle, you're doing essentially the same thing as the big banks, just on a simpler level, wouldn't you say?

The thing is, if everybody lives like that, everyone is living on imaginary money.


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I get less and less

I get less and less patriotic the more religious morons and conservative asshats I hear from. Hopefully with a more liberal administration things will improve. Most people that think this is the best country in the world are just ignorant. Unless you're a Christian extremist or wealthy you'd be much better off in Europe, Canada or Australia. And for people who want to go off on me for criticizing this country full of asshats, fuck your stupid inbred right-wing idiot ass!

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Hambydammit wrote:When you

Hambydammit wrote:

When you start manipulating second and third mortgages to maintain a lifestyle, you're doing essentially the same thing as the big banks, just on a simpler level, wouldn't you say?

Yes, and when banks do it, it's just as stupid as when individuals do it.

Hambydammit wrote:
The thing is, if everybody lives like that, everyone is living on imaginary money.

We've been doing that for more than 500 years! The Medicis refined it! The banking system by its very nature is only backed by a small fraction of actual capital, and that's not a criticism on my part. The genius of that system is undeniable: more people having access to capital is the only way to create a middle class. Otherwise, a middle class wouldn't have the ability to build the connections and alliances available to those with hereditary wealth. No loan-based banking system, no middle class. It's that simple.

After you've decided that you're going to use such a system, though, whatever currency you use will devalue over time (inflation). It's not a high price to pay for creating a middle class, but it does allow for behaviour that would risk the health of the economy (that is, the stability of the middle class) should people take it "too far". That's because the value of the currency is largely arbitrary, and only has value in relation to other commodities or currencies.


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I like living here. It's not

I like living here. It's not perfect by any means, but honestly, we don't know what poor is. I mean OF COURSE there are impoverished, unhappy people throughout the country, but to be blunt as a whole we are doing damn well comparatively.

In India children cost less than livestock. Female genital mutilation is illegal but widely practiced in many parts of Africa, especially Egypt. Murder and torture are often deemed "honor killings" in parts of the middle east.

We have a pretty adequate amount of protection here, freedom and law-wise. So yes, I'm proud to be a citizen, though I'm by no means blindly patriotic or convinced this is the best country on earth.

*Our world is far more complex than the rigid structure we want to assign to it, and we will probably never fully understand it.*

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peppermint wrote:We have a

peppermint wrote:
We have a pretty adequate amount of protection here, freedom and law-wise. So yes, I'm proud to be a citizen, though I'm by no means blindly patriotic or convinced this is the best country on earth.

Compared to a lot of the rest of the world we've got a pretty good gig. Honestly, if we stop to look around us and stop being so self absorbed from time to time we'll realize that we have a pretty cush life. I've got a low paying job and I'm just this side of poverty level but I've got an apartment that doesn't leak, a TV, a computer, and I can eat pretty much whatever I want. Sweet!

But really that doesn't change the nature of the discussion. All we have accomplished here is to say that the status of this country is better than being jabbed in the eye with a sharp stick or being dipped in lava. There's always something worse than what is going on, it can always go downhill... no matter where you are. That doesn't make the state of affairs good, just because it could suck more than it does. When I think of ideas like patriotism I always get a mental image of people sitting down and thinking "aaah we've arrived in paradise, I'm a patriot now".

That's pretty much the same as hanging a sign around the neck that says "I'm the result of a ban on abortion"

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mrjonno wrote:Patriotism

mrjonno wrote:

Patriotism like religion and militarisism takes away personal moral and ethical responsibility. You do something not because you consider it to be be right but because your priest, your officer or your politican  (your country) says its right and that is considered  moral in itself.

History has shown this is incredibly dangerous and terrible things tend to happen (genocide,war etc) . That is not to say that sometimes the individual may need to make ethical compromises for the good of the group (I'm no libertarian) but the individidual should always realise they are making these compromises and the group itself should at least recognise its members are having to make them.

Most people with the right pressures patriotism, religion, media or just plain apathy can commit or allow  acts of great evil (its not a minority it probably includes you!). Without these factors most people will not go around killing fellow human beings (a few do).


Well me being patriot, when England play football I live in this delusion that we will win the world cup regardless of our usual lack of talent. Its irrational it costs me and my country millions of lost hours of work not to mention damage to health (booze/fags) and buying loads of crap that no longer needs, but thats about as far as I will go. Now defending a decent society (whereever it is) thats something else but if my country ceases to be one it can fuck right off


I love America, but not blindly and will criticise any politician or policy I see as a detrement to freedom, including those of my detractors.

I love the fact that I can buy my favorite beer without the fear of some health nut or fundy making a law saying beer is evil. I love the fact that I can say, "Jesus is fiction" without fear of being imprissoned for it. BUT, in protecting that freedom comes with the responsibilty of empathy in recognizing that I am capable of the same range of emotions as anyone else and must allow the same to others in order to protect my own freedom.

So am I a Patriot? Yes, in the fact that I love my country. But not in the same blind nationalistic theocratic crap that Muslim fundies sell in the East. Not in the monocromatic fascism of North Korea. Not in the "sport our Nazi flag or we will ostrsize you" Which is the same crap Christian fundies do when refusing to vote for a politician who doesn't wear a flag pin. That is not Patriotism, that is Borgism.


Patriotism should  not squash dissent, it should protect it.

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Brian37 wrote:Patriotism

Brian37 wrote:
Patriotism should  not squash dissent, it should protect it.

Well said Brian, I like the positive spin.

Though it just goes to show how useless a term like patriotism is. It's like any of those other terms that can pretty much mean whatever you want them to, based on your own personal outlook. Which is why I frown on a term with as much power as patriotism being given any legitimacy. Horrible, horrible, things have (and will) happened while someone waved a flag. People get lost in ideas like patriotism like they do with religion. They're both trying desperately to make an imaginary state into something real... and they're willing to do *whatever* it takes to make their side win.

While I think it's beneficial to look at life with a positive spin, Patriotism is an idea that should promote terror, not warm fuzzies. IMO

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Loving/being proud of one's

Loving/being proud of one's country is one thing but you do get the morons that take it to the extreme - ie "my country right or wrong" "love it or leave it" - in other words if you criticize the country's government in the slightest you should go move to Iran/North Korea/whatever extremely unpleasant country they mention. Note this only applies to conservative governments. You should criticiz liberal politicians as much as possible. I like the way Al Franken put it in the "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them" book:

Liberals love America like adults love each other - they love the country but want to change things when they are wrong. Conservatives love America like a 3 year old loves his mommy - America is never wrong and anyone who criticizes it is "bad" and wrong.

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Cali_Athiest2 wrote:Pat

Cali_Athiest2 wrote:

Pat Tillman was an atheist and a patriot. If someone gives up a multi-million dollar contract to play in the NFL to join the Army Rangers that's someone who is patriotic, if not just a little bit myopic. We're a nation of nationalists.

It does scare me that the right almost threw this country into a hypocritical Nazi state with its Borgish demands that politicians hold bibles and sport an American flag. It is pathetic how they cant see that that is the same fascist behaivor that Hitler demanded from Germans.

Someone, maybe one of his family members, should write a book about his life SHOWING, that one can defend a country and the concepts of freedom without believing in a god.

I personally knew an atheist who served in Europe in WW2, he was an atheist then and died an atheist a few years ago. God belief of any kind is not required to defend the idea of personal freedom.

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MattShizzle wrote:FUCK

MattShizzle wrote:



From the blog of one of my best friends:

For some reason I made the mistake of thinking that August was going to be my last month of reporting to probation. In actuality it's October and that is less than two weeks away. I am so excited that two weeks from now I will be a free man and can have my life back to do with it as I will.I can travel when and to where I feel like it without being accountable to anyone but myself.It's funny but we tend to take these freedoms for granted until they are taken away from us.

I have big plans and I will carry them out.I have come to the determination that I hate this country more than anything in the world.So,I am going to do some traveling in the near future to find a more suitable place to settle down in.Once I find the place where I feel the most comfortable and at ease I will then stay there forever and never return to this shit hole called America.All you patriotic fucking pricks can have this bullshit ass country and continue to believe the spoon fed bullshit the politicians continue to feed you.For it is the politicians that continue to rob you of your hard earned money.You work in this country to support a bunch of lying leeches that are doing nothing but bleeding this country dry of it's money and resources.Hell,you would think that we are being invaded by aliens or something.But the only aliens are those clowns in the White House,Congress,Senate,and the House of representatives.

Speaking of the House of Representatives, who are they representing? Surely not us the tax paying citizen. Since all of their work only seems to benefit them with the best medical benefits and life insurance policies this country could offer.Not to mention the bloated salaries and free vacations and limo rides at tax payers expense.This is the reason I don't bother voting since all it is is an exercise in futility and nothing more than a formality.The two things I hate most in this world are religion in all it's forms and politics.The two most dirtiest games the world has ever known.The fact that people believe in them even today says something of their cunningness.


Thanks Matt, you just made my optomitrist a rich man. HINT HINT(Being silly here) but the font and color you chose is making me sqint. *rubs eyes*

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Couldn't be helped. I

Couldn't be helped. I cuntpasted it from his blog (it was a light background and showed up well there. )

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marcusfish wrote:Brian37

marcusfish wrote:

Brian37 wrote:
Patriotism should  not squash dissent, it should protect it.

Well said Brian, I like the positive spin.

Though it just goes to show how useless a term like patriotism is. It's like any of those other terms that can pretty much mean whatever you want them to, based on your own personal outlook. Which is why I frown on a term with as much power as patriotism being given any legitimacy. Horrible, horrible, things have (and will) happened while someone waved a flag. People get lost in ideas like patriotism like they do with religion. They're both trying desperately to make an imaginary state into something real... and they're willing to do *whatever* it takes to make their side win.

While I think it's beneficial to look at life with a positive spin, Patriotism is an idea that should promote terror, not warm fuzzies. IMO

Patriotism is an idea that should promote terror, not warm fuzzies. IMO

What? That is confusing. Are you saying that we should scrap the word? I can see that Muslim martyres are patriotic to their religion when they blow themselves up. And the same goes for Nazis who were patriotic to Hitler. But that is a Borg ish view of the word.

BUT, I see nothing wrong with protecting dissent mutually with the understanding that it does not have to lead to death when one dissagrees. I don't see how that promotes "terror".

Maybe I am missunderstanding you.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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