And in the Discussion, I Fit Where?
Hey all,
So I consider myself a Deist in that I believe there is a higher power. For me, that higher power is the massive, near-infinite, incomprehensible (ultimately, by any life-form in this reality) mathematical formula that guides the physical laws of this universe. It's not a granddaddy in the sky, but a force that guides the way this universe has composed itself. My belief system also allows for the supernatural, in that I've had experiences that cannot be explained away by current science, though I feel, if they weren't stigmatized and were analyzed, they could be explained by science. I have also had minimal experience with things like telepathy and telekinesis, which I believe can also be explained by (potentially testable) electro-magnetic phenomena and the powers of the human mind, but which i fear contribute to the illusion of a "God." I won't go on and on.
Problem is, I have a hard time knowing where I fit into this discussion. Should I stay out of the forums that say "No Theists?" I find myself unable to address questions posed to theists because the questions often assume premises to which I don't hold.
Honestly encouraged.
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Is there some device I can design for you that will make me huge profits to measure this bioenergy?
Wow, did L. Ron Hubbard ever beat you to that one.
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
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You misunderstood how the Egely wheel works. All the electronics there measures only a speed of the rotating wheel, thus it has a simple construction to show people that there's no engine moving the wheel. The wheel itself is specially mounted with minimal friction and isolated against heat or similar things which might cause it to rotate. And yet it rotates. It's just a better version of a paper cylinder on a needle. Of course, every user of such a thing must verify that it is not affected by heat, breath, vibrations of table, and so on.
No, I don't misunderstand at all. As an American capitalist pig in the world's second oldest profession I completely I understand and was looking for a way to cash in as well.
The following is from August 8,2003 newsletter from James Randi at
Well, I know "Dr." George Egely from past experience. All of Hungary knows him, from his pompous declarations of magical devices and super-science. Just read this excerpt from his description of the "Wheel Vitality Meter" that he peddles for $159.95:
You can use this small, handy instrument just for fun or to obtain objective measurements of your own life energy. Without even touching it, you can measure for yourself how your personal environment, your activities and your lifestyle influence your day to day vitality level. . . . The key component is a 70 mm wheel that rotates on a delicate pivot fueled by your life energy. Simply remove the plastic cover and cup one of your hands around the vitality meter, surrounding it as completely as possible with your fingers and palm. The wheel will rotate as you concentrate.Folks, this is a very old stunt, used by carnival hucksters for generations to convince gullible victims that "energies" are being demonstrated. That little wheel will spin around under any influence, but not if it's carefully shielded from outside drafts or the user's breath. This is just so typical of such quackery, and it's gobbled up eagerly by the faithful.
But it would be useful to make a camera with adjustable wavelength of light it can record. According to an information which I don't quite understand, there are "octaves" of light. I guess that the octave is an equivalent of our visible spectrum, just shifted plus or minus into ultraviolet or infrared. I would need something which can go four or five octaves into the ultraviolet light, whatever it means. In this area of spectrum, there should be recorded a someone's moment of death. What will it record? It's diffcult to tell in advance, but...
It was proven, that a body in the moment of death loses an exactly the same weight. There were many legends and stories about it, but the [url=]informationfrom German scientists at the Technical University in Berlin sounds reasonably. Of course, this is not a soul, nor an evidence for it. According to my information it's not like that the soul resides inside a body and then leaves it. The lost weight were actually a fine-material gas-like substances, providing a connection of consciousness to the nerve system.
Probably one can record EMI from the defibrillator and other electronic equipment in use, good luck filtering it all out. The only way you can do any meaningful tests is to do so in a completely shielded EMI screen test room, think the movie Enemy of the State. The room would have to be completely cut off and shielded with grounded copper.As part of my previous employment I was extensively involved in EMI and EMC testing. All of your tests are skewed by outside effects from everything from TV signals to your cell phones. Even quartz electric watches will transmit. So when this kind of testing has been done extensively come back with some real scientific data. By the way, be prepared to pay $5,000 a day minimum for use of a certified EMI screen room.
See this link to learn more about EMI.
"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me
"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.
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Tapey wrote:1)How do you know it exists?
2)How are these people chosen, is it genetic?
3)Why hasn't one of these people won the 1 million dollar prize from the amazing Randy?
4)Why hasn't this energy cured any diseases?
Just a few basic things that would be easy to answer if it was real. I'm sure scientists would be thrilled if it were real, think of the possiblities for them.
Common answers answers
1) I have seen it ( you have been most likely tricked)
2)I don't know
3) Doesn't need the money ( then why over charge)
4) It has but science doesn't regconise it. (If something cured cancer, a not to uncommon claim, do you really think it would go unrecognised?)
1) I've experienced it countless times, which is not that different from your common answer.
2) Everyone has it, but western culture has favored the suppression of it in recent generations.
3) See #2. Plus a good deal of the people who have tapped into it probably realize there are more important things to worry about then the almighty dollar.
4) It may not be a cure-all solution, but it's been well documented that attitude affects health. Ulcers caused by stress is the perfect example.
So these people don't know a good charity they could donate it to? If I didn't want the money i would still claim and donate it to AIDs research or something of that like. I don't need the money just doesn't cut it. If they don't need the money why charge a fortune for all this fuzzy mind body connection stuff? And about health, its a placebo effect. I would think sugar pills would do the trick just as well.
Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
No animal shall wear clothes.
No animal shall sleep in a bed.
No animal shall drink alcohol.
No animal shall kill any other animal.
All animals are equal.
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The underlying problem with postulating some vague "vital energies" or something similar as a purported explanation for consciousness or biological life in general is that it completely lacks explanatory power. Fundamentally, the error lies in the fact that such gullible people are postulating something simple and fundamental like a supposed "vital essence" as the solution to a very complicated problem. As an illustration, the problem of how biology relates the chemistry has now been completed cracked. But prior to its cracking there were many simpletons (indeed, perhaps there still are) who subscribed to the notion that biology had an "animus" or a "life essence". Now compare that supposed "explanation" to the real one, which is outlined by me in the link below, took over 35,000 words (and still is not detailed enough), and is the product of 30 years of endless toil by a generation of biologists:
At the root, therefore, I suspect this problem arises from the penchant of morons for simplistic and easy to understand explanations where in fact cutting edge research detailing highly complex phenomena are necessary. To invoke some vague substance as a fix-all solution to a vast problem like how biology relates to chemistry (or how consciousness works) is indicative of vast stupidity. For, as I have detailed exhaustingly above, we are not discussing phenomena that can be explained away by invoking magical substances with magical properties, but vast systems of complex interactions between well-detailed and well-studied objects in empirical reality. It is absolutely no coincidence that all research in science ever which ever gave us useful results proceeds from this understanding. Just read my signature.
It is no coincidence that all fruitful research into consciousness and the human brain comes from serious neuroscientists who understand that the process they are trying to assemble is a consequence entirely of the brain that they study, nor is it a coincidence that the greatest revolution in the history of biology (the one detailed above in the link) was forged because the vast number of researchers who contributed and still contribute to it understand that biology is purely a consequence of chemistry, and that there is no "bioenergy" or "life essence".
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
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At the root, therefore, I suspect this problem arises from the penchant of morons for simplistic and easy to understand explanations where in fact cutting edge research detailing highly complex phenomena are necessary. To invoke some vague substance as a fix-all solution to a vast problem like how biology relates to chemistry (or how consciousness works) is indicative of vast stupidity. For, as I have detailed exhaustingly above, we are not discussing phenomena that can be explained away by invoking magical substances with magical properties, but vast systems of complex interactions between well-detailed and well-studied objects in empirical reality. It is absolutely no coincidence that all research in science ever which ever gave us useful results proceeds from this understanding. Just read my signature.
It is no coincidence that all fruitful research into consciousness and the human brain comes from serious neuroscientists who understand that the process they are trying to assemble is a consequence entirely of the brain that they study, nor is it a coincidence that the greatest revolution in the history of biology (the one detailed above in the link) was forged because the vast number of researchers who contributed and still contribute to it understand that biology is purely a consequence of chemistry, and that there is no "bioenergy" or "life essence".
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
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Well, again, the question arises how this so well understood biology (and neuroscience in particular) can find an explanation for the "bioenergy", which is a part of my everyday conscious experience. I perceive it in many ways and qualities, and I'm not the only one. By explanation, I mean something that will give something to build on, for example, how to awaken this kind of perception in more of other people.
The main problem is that you have consistently failed to show it actually exists. If you could do that, there might be something to study. Just because you believe it to be part of your everyday conscious experience doesn't mean it's real.
So far, the manipulation with "bioenergy" (which is in "", because it's also commonly present outside of me as a biologic organism) allows me to affect my blood flow, consciousness, brain activity, and have a vast number of very interesting observations of how it behaves under various circumstances.
Those things are all possible with biofeedback training. That doesn't leave the realm of neuroscience, nor does it involve "bio-energy", which it is safe to say does not exist.
Obviously, you didn't study that phenomenon because you didn't have an opportunity. This is why I use the esoteric teachings ...
It's just not fair to compare "esoteric teaching" with a real epistemology like the biological sciences. I don't mind if you call it mysticism, but saying that bio-energy (or whatever you want to call it) is a measurable quantity that we just haven't measured yet is silly. It's more likely that you're experiencing something that doesn't require bio-energy in the explanation.
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
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It's more likely that you're experiencing something that doesn't require bio-energy in the explanation.
Or even an explanation, at least based on the parameters defining the phenomenon so far described by the protagonist.
Luminon has yet to propose anything beyond subjective perceptions of subjective experience to back up any of the grandiose claims he frequently makes on behalf of physical behaviour which disproves physical laws, and even then these "experiences" serve only to explain why he might ask a question, never why he chooses the answer he does.
I could extrapolate from this that Luminon is intellectually incapable of divorcing perception from reality, or that he is uneducated in the area of identifying the intellectual tools required to divorce them. And I would be right.
But I am more inclined to extrapolate from his copious, if inane, input that Luminon is a reasonably academically proficient person who is handicapped by his social isolation, his immaturity, his requirement to express himself in a second language (which infers often bombasticity where none was intended), and above all his miseducation by people for whom he holds a high regard in what constitutes an "open" mind.
His rantings perpetually remind me of Dawkins' axiom "I am all for an open mind, but not one so open that the brain falls out".
I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
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I could extrapolate from this that Luminon is intellectually incapable of divorcing perception from reality, or that he is uneducated in the area of identifying the intellectual tools required to divorce them. And I would be right.
Oh man that was funny to read. I had my mouth full of salad, casually reading this paragraph—"right, mm-hmm"—and the punch line nearly made me choke on vinaigrette.
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
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smartypants wrote:Yes you would have written it. Thinking of yourself as some kind of scientific expert gives you a boner.DG's a scientist, and you're the dick.
smartypants wrote:Only people with true intelligence can assess the audience they're addressing and create the appropriate rhetoric, so don't feel bad.I suppose you'd be the judge of "true intelligence", having been able to not answer my question twice.
*Our world is far more complex than the rigid structure we want to assign to it, and we will probably never fully understand it.*
"Those believers who are sophisticated enough to understand the paradox have found exciting ways to bend logic into pretzel shapes in order to defend the indefensible." - Hamby
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Luminon wrote:Do you know anything about rays, sub-rays, permanent atoms, atman, buddhi, manas, chohans, devas, monads, nadis, embodiment, overshadowing, occult laws, axioms, and so on?Can you define each of these terms.
"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring" -- Carl Sagan
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Luminon, please read this again.
It is no coincidence that all fruitful research into consciousness and the human brain comes from serious neuroscientists who understand that the process they are trying to assemble is a consequence entirely of the brain that they study, nor is it a coincidence that the greatest revolution in the history of biology (the one detailed above in the link) was forged because the vast number of researchers who contributed and still contribute to it understand that biology is purely a consequence of chemistry, and that there is no "bioenergy" or "life essence".
Well, again, the question arises how this so well understood biology (and neuroscience in particular) can find an explanation for the "bioenergy", which is a part of my everyday conscious experience. I perceive it in many ways and qualities, and I'm not the only one.
Luminon, DG just told you above there is no bioenergy.
You seem to grasp that one should be skeptical of god beliefs yet you grasp at strange occurances and make conclusions that are illogical to outside observers. In your belief of bioenergy you are no different than a theist propagating delusion as real. My point to you was most if not all of those selling gadgets and gizmos to measure PSI, bioenergy, and life essence are con-men and hucksters, read as frauds. Don't spend too much money chasing the wind as the people are mostly interested in making cash from others. You seem like a nice guy, beware of scams; which from some of your posts you seem to have already succumbed to cons. Egely wheels are a con! My post originally to you was a April Fools joke, but you took it seriously.
"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me
"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.
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Topher wrote:Well???Luminon wrote:Do you know anything about rays, sub-rays, permanent atoms, atman, buddhi, manas, chohans, devas, monads, nadis, embodiment, overshadowing, occult laws, axioms, and so on?Can you define each of these terms.
Luminon, DG just told you above there is no bioenergy.
You seem to grasp that one should be skeptical of god beliefs yet you grasp at strange occurances and make conclusions that are illogical to outside observers. In your belief of bioenergy you are no different than a theist propagating delusion as real. My point to you was most if not all of those selling gadgets and gizmos to measure PSI, bioenergy, and life essence are con-men and hucksters, read as frauds. Don't spend too much money chasing the wind as the people are mostly interested in making cash from others. You seem like a nice guy, beware of scams; which from some of your posts you seem to have already succumbed to cons. Egely wheels are a con! My post originally to you was a April Fools joke, but you took it seriously.
I don't think it's wise to assume that such a people have a belief. There can be no belief about something I can touch any time I want. It's a physical sensation, just like any other. It's an undisputable reality for me, it sounds ridiculously when people consider it any less real than that. But what can be discussed, is actually the origin and scientific basis of that physical sensation, the mechanism of how it arises. This is why I'd like to get my brain scanned. I believe it might give some scientifically interesting results, distinct from a common brain activity.
As for the psi-wheel, about a year ago I made some experiments with that. The psi-wheel rotated in what direction I wanted, and when. Doing it was tiresome and it rotated slowly, so I didn't do it since then, but it worked. I don't know how, or if the Egely wheel works as well, I have only that one memory. The important thing is, that I checked the claim by myself and made an opinion based on it. Btw, I wouldn't spend money on Egely wheel or such a thing, I am a thrifty man from a thrifty country and from my experience, valuable things are either for free or for an appropriate price and expensive things tends to be scams or overpriced.
The main problem is that you have consistently failed to show it actually exists. If you could do that, there might be something to study. Just because you believe it to be part of your everyday conscious experience doesn't mean it's real.
Those things are all possible with biofeedback training. That doesn't leave the realm of neuroscience, nor does it involve "bio-energy", which it is safe to say does not exist.
It is indeed it is safe to say, that it doesn't exist, because it is what majority of people says, not necessarily because it is true. To say that it does exist is much less safe, as for the numbers of people looking at me with the WTF? look. Fortunately, the means of internet allows me to try this safely.
It's just not fair to compare "esoteric teaching" with a real epistemology like the biological sciences. I don't mind if you call it mysticism, but saying that bio-energy (or whatever you want to call it) is a measurable quantity that we just haven't measured yet is silly. It's more likely that you're experiencing something that doesn't require bio-energy in the explanation.
By pure coincidence there is an explanation in esoteric terms for "bioenergy", (actually, many kinds of energies) but I am also interested in explanation in terms of neuroscience.
Luminon has yet to propose anything beyond subjective perceptions of subjective experience to back up any of the grandiose claims he frequently makes on behalf of physical behaviour which disproves physical laws, and even then these "experiences" serve only to explain why he might ask a question, never why he chooses the answer he does.
I could extrapolate from this that Luminon is intellectually incapable of divorcing perception from reality, or that he is uneducated in the area of identifying the intellectual tools required to divorce them. And I would be right.
But I am more inclined to extrapolate from his copious, if inane, input that Luminon is a reasonably academically proficient person who is handicapped by his social isolation, his immaturity, his requirement to express himself in a second language (which infers often bombasticity where none was intended), and above all his miseducation by people for whom he holds a high regard in what constitutes an "open" mind.
His rantings perpetually remind me of Dawkins' axiom "I am all for an open mind, but not one so open that the brain falls out".
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
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Topher wrote:You can look at the post #108 or use a searching function of your web browser.Topher wrote:Well???Luminon wrote:Do you know anything about rays, sub-rays, permanent atoms, atman, buddhi, manas, chohans, devas, monads, nadis, embodiment, overshadowing, occult laws, axioms, and so on?Can you define each of these terms.
Sorry I missed your reply amongst the rest of the posts.
Can you define each of these terms.Do you know anything about rays, sub-rays, permanent atoms, atman, buddhi, manas, chohans, devas, monads, nadis, embodiment, overshadowing, occult laws, axioms, and so on?
But a serious study would require to read an introductory book like Ageless Wisdom Teaching, which is freely available online here. There are manye books recommended as a further reading, but the short introductory book should be more than enough for you, for now. Feel free to believe only of that which you know or feel that is true, the author also emphasizes that audience's rule on his lectures. The purpose is to make this known to interested people, whether they believe it or not. You can take it as a fiction, if you want.
Thanks. To be honest most of these esoteric terms are totally devoid of any meaning. Really. They sound deep and academic, and use sciencey sounding worlds, but are actually without any actual science. You may question what science has to do with this, but since these terms purport to explain aspects of reality, they must be backed up with actual empirical evidence, otherwise it's nothing more than poetry and (rather useless) philosophy.
Some of these terms use refer to...
Rays ― The seven streams of universal divine energy (What is universal divine energy? Why not six or eight?), each the expression of a great Life, whose interaction at every conceivable frequency (What frequency mean here? It is detectable? can something interacts on "every conceivable frequency"?) creates the solar systems, galaxies and universes. Movement of these energies, in spiralling cycles (How do we know this?), draws all Being into and out of manifestation (What does this mean), coloring and saturating (what?)it with specific qualities and attributes. (What quantities and attributes? How can we tell?)
Permanent atoms ― The three atoms of matter (What three atoms?)― physical, astral and mental (What what and what?) ― around which the bodies for a new incarnation are formed (And we know this how exactly?). They retain the vibratory rate of the individual (What's a vibratory rate?)at the moment of death, guaranteeing that the energetic evolutionary status ("Energetic evolutionary status" means what exactly?)thus far achieved will be carried over into successive lives (What successive lives?)
Buddhi ― The universal soul or mind; higher reason; loving understanding; love-wisdom. (Sounds poetic, but nothing more.) The energy of love as the Masters experience it (Who are these masters?).
Manas ― Higher mind. (What is this?)
Deva ― Angel or celestial being belonging to a kingdom in nature (In nature... meaning we can detect it, right?)evolving parallel to humanity (???), and ranging from sub-human elementals to super-human beings (Sounds like Scientology!)on a level with a planetary Logos. (What is 'planetary Logos'?)They are the 'active builders,' working intelligently (How do we know 'it' is intelligent?)with substance to create all the forms we see, including the mental, emotional and physical bodies of humanity (Meaning they are material, and therefore detectable).
Monad/Self ― Pure Spirit reflecting the triplicity of deity: (1) divine Will or Power (the Father); (2) Love-Wisdom (the Son); (3) active Intelligence (the Holy Spirit) (How very Christian). The spark of God resident in every human being (And we know this how?).
Overshadowing ― A voluntary cooperative process in which a Master's consciousness (Who are the masters?)temporarily enters and works through the physical, emotional and mental bodies of a disciple. (As before, how do we know this?)
Occult ― Hidden. (Great, so how to we even know it exists?)The hidden science of energy (see Esotericism).
Given you do not have 'theist' under your name, I presume you're not a theist, much less a Christian. Exactly what is your belief? (e.g. do you believe in a god?) Perhaps there is a post/thread you can direct me to. I always find I amusing when someone eschews belief in god and/or religious doctrine only to buy into the new age nonsense.
EDIT... The bold is a bit mental. Only my comments in brackets are supposed to be in bold.
"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring" -- Carl Sagan
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No. It's an old news article from when the research in question was universally acknowledged through the awarding of a Nobel Prize for its importance in advancing understanding of ulcers beyond previously vague attributions to physiological reasons (which you still seemingly believe outweigh the research) and, more to the point, advanced tremendously our understanding of the pathophysiological capabilities of helicobacter pylori.
But wasn't it obvious it was a news article? After all, it had BBC News written over all it.
More importantly - does this tendency to ignore (and laughingly dismiss) opportunities to assimilate important and relevant data in order to persevere with disproven beliefs permeate your perception of reality? If it does then you're a model religionist in the true meaning of the term. The compunction to feel bound to outdated doctrine makes for a very religious person, but a lousy scientist.
Congratualtions, so, on having found your vocation in life, even if its of not the slightest benefit to anyone around you.
Oh - and please don't ever become a doctor, not mine at least.
I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
If your "higher power" is the reality that physical laws are observed to be coherent and universal, then it's simply semantics. Considering this point, why do you even label it a "higher power?" How is it significant? After all, adherents to virtually every ideology accept that physical laws are observed to be uniform.
Or, perhaps, what you meant was that this observation is evidence for a higher power, like a fine-tuning argument?
Yes, Yahweh wanted her leg to be healed. Thus, the Lord spoke, and it was so. Voila! Alternatively, she could have been a part of the con-job/miracle.
Well, basically, you are free to roam the market of ideas, but if you don't have objective evidence, then you shouldn't expect neuroscientists to discard our current knowledge in favor of such things.
Excuse me? How do you know that?
Okay, now you're being an ass.
I understood most of DG's post, and my training in linguistics extends as far as a high school AP class. Therefore, if you have been studying linguistics steadily for the past 15 years, then your inability to comprehend DG's post must be due to a lack of scientific training, not because his "communication skills are seriously lacking." Do you know what scalars and vectors are? Do you know what the variables in "F=ma" represent? But, heck, I'm probably just chipping at the tip of the iceberg. I highly doubt that you've even studied linguistics for five years, for your posts resemble those of an intelligent high school grad, just like mine, not a linguist. Aside from that, if you didn't understand DG's post, why aren't you asking him to clarify the parts you didn't understand? Why aren't you even responding to it? When you entered this thread, it appeared like your goal was to communicate with us and understand our perspective. Right now though, it feels like your goal is to conquer the dogmatic atheists with the traditional debate tactic of ignoring rebuttals and hurling insults.
Lower the walls and communicate, damn it.
Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare
Oh the irony...
So when every single person here is asking you for clarification of your points and you ignore or respond in a non productive manner you are "assessing the audience"? For someone who clearly studied Linguistics steadily for the past decade, I don't understand how you missed this..
Its OK to speculate, but its not OK to base any beliefs on said speculation.
Sounds made up...
Agnostic Atheist
No, I am not angry at your imaginary friends or enemies.
BigUniverse wrote,
"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."
Ugh, what took you so long? I was dying, waiting for you to come in once he mentioned linguistics (sorry, Linguistics) and communication skills all in one sentence.
Is there such a thing as a run-on onomatopoeia? Naw. Oh, but you used a hyphen instead of an em dash there. Tisk.
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
Well I had stopped following this thread after the first page but, because I like to click on everything recent in the super tracker to keep things neat I came back to it. I had an urge to look at the last page of this thread in case something interesting had happened. Whoa-boy! Did it ever!
Anyhow, yes, you can have a run-on onomatopoeia: any break for air would constitute a form of punctuation, so a person dieing after a good, long laugh is a good indication that a run-on onomatopoeia has happened. Any good editor would take time then to correct the error ... Incidentally, I'm still alive.
(Don't bust my ass over the hyphen, this text editor really is teh sux.)
BigUniverse wrote,
"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."
I think he was refering to spelling/grammar Mr. Smartypants
c wat i did thar?
But a serious study would require to read an introductory book like Ageless Wisdom Teaching, which is freely available online here. There are manye books recommended as a further reading, but the short introductory book should be more than enough for you, for now. Feel free to believe only of that which you know or feel that is true, the author also emphasizes that audience's rule on his lectures. The purpose is to make this known to interested people, whether they believe it or not. You can take it as a fiction, if you want.
But the sensitivity can be taught or inborn (my case) and then trained. It is a sensitivity of etheric body, which underlies the nervous and endocrine system. This happens sooner or later if the person does Transmission Meditation. The energies are then perceived (for example) as a streams and pressure flowing and pulsating through head, spine, forehead, top of the head, and so on. It is distinct from heartbeat and blood flow. This is not an illusion of mind, it is possible to get hurt or exhaust yourself if you handle the energies incorrectly. The feeling may be then like something between a ganja bad trip and hangover, lasting for a day or several hours at least. It has a direct effect on the nerve and endocrine system. Breathing exercises are also very powerful way to invoke the bioenergy. It may be a normal, slow breathing, (not inducing hyperoxia or hypoxia) but combined with a focused mind it's powerful and potentially dangerous, if done ignorantly.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
I'm aware that you're delusional. Do you think that's enough to make the statement "Luminon is delusional" true?
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
Is there some device I can design for you that will make me huge profits to measure this bioenergy? I have about 30 years of analog electronics design experience including high voltage AC power sources. I think I could design a strange contrapation that would appear to measure something, though it might only be the air pressure. Or we could use high voltage in an array that would create a field. We could attach a fancy display and a button you hold down to measure the field energy emitted, admittedly by local EMI sources but your suckers wouldn't know that and you could sell several of them. You could sell this to all the believers at a huge markup from what you purchase from me. Interested?
"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me
"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.
You misunderstood how the Egely wheel works. All the electronics there measures only a speed of the rotating wheel, thus it has a simple construction to show people that there's no engine moving the wheel. The wheel itself is specially mounted with minimal friction and isolated against heat or similar things which might cause it to rotate. And yet it rotates. It's just a better version of a paper cylinder on a needle. Of course, every user of such a thing must verify that it is not affected by heat, breath, vibrations of table, and so on.
But it would be useful to make a camera with adjustable wavelength of light it can record. According to an information which I don't quite understand, there are "octaves" of light. I guess that the octave is an equivalent of our visible spectrum, just shifted plus or minus into ultraviolet or infrared. I would need something which can go four or five octaves into the ultraviolet light, whatever it means. In this area of spectrum, there should be recorded a someone's moment of death. What will it record? It's diffcult to tell in advance, but...
It was proven, that a body in the moment of death loses an exactly the same weight. There were many legends and stories about it, but the [url=]information
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.