And in the Discussion, I Fit Where?

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And in the Discussion, I Fit Where?

 Hey all,

So I consider myself a Deist in that I believe there is a higher power. For me, that higher power is the massive, near-infinite, incomprehensible (ultimately, by any life-form in this reality) mathematical formula that guides the physical laws of this universe. It's not a granddaddy in the sky, but a force that guides the way this universe has composed itself. My belief system also allows for the supernatural, in that I've had experiences that cannot be explained away by current science, though I feel, if they weren't stigmatized and were analyzed, they could be explained by science. I have also had minimal experience with things like telepathy and telekinesis, which I believe can also be explained by (potentially testable) electro-magnetic phenomena and the powers of the human mind, but which i fear contribute to the illusion of a "God." I won't go on and on.

Problem is, I have a hard time knowing where I fit into this discussion. Should I stay out of the forums that say "No Theists?" I find myself unable to address questions posed to theists because the questions often assume premises to which I don't hold.

Honestly encouraged.


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HisWillness wrote:

smartypants wrote:

I honestly wasn't expecting to be grouped with the Crazies in here, but if that's the way it has to be, then so be it. I can handle that.

I somehow doubt you're on the crazy end of the scale. You may have not been introduced to the depth of information that making a decision may require in certain cases, but that's hardly crazy.

For instance, two well-known psychological mechanisms to look out for are confirmation bias and magical thinking. Confirmation bias is when you notice when your hypothesis is confirmed, but not when it isn't. This happens to us more than we tend to believe until it's shown to us unequivocally (and embarrassingly). Magical thinking is a throwback to an infantile stage where we believe that our thoughts can effect change in the external world. Adults are prone to believing this in several guises, including "manifesting" things, recently made popular by "The Secret", and believing that our intentions can change the cards drawn from a pack or the number rolled on dice.

Human beings fall prey to their own mechanisms all the time, and there are tons of ways in which we fool ourselves. Knowing that, it's easier to have a bit of skepticism about claims which take advantage of one or more of those mechanisms, for example "cold reading" or astrology (as rather extreme examples).

Astrology is a different animal altogether, though. I suspect it's a more or less commonly accepted that the moon exerts gravitational pull on the earth, causing tides and affecting menstrual cycles and so on. I see no reason why constellations of stars can't do something similar, just in much more complex patterns.


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HisWillness wrote:This,

HisWillness wrote:

This, right here, is why it's obviously nothing to do with magic, and everything to do with getting women into bed.

"No, baby, it's your heart chakra ... yeah, do you feel that? Your heart chakra is blocked. I'm going to have to massage that whole area. We'll have to check your root chakra. They're connected. I, uh, went to school for this."

The bigger the lie ...

Well, I guess that tantra is the word you're searching for. I don't know much about it, but nowadays it's often understood as something like kamasutra + the teaching about chakras and energies.
"Hey baby, I'm a master of tantra. I can be your Shiva, be my Shakti!" Smiling

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deludedgod wrote:Quote:Are

deludedgod wrote:


Are you a mental health care provider?

Todangst is a psychologist. Also, although he hasn't been here for a while, he's pretty much the smartest guy on the forum.


Thanks DG. I'd give this title to you, but thanks.


My doctorate was official as of May 2008... since then, I've been busier than I would have guessed, but I've got some time now, especially for your posts.


I see a few other new posters here, some of them are interesting as well...  What is your view of the site now? Seems to have much less traffic...



"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'