Is there any legal action I can take about a co-worker who made a personal insult towards me?
Posted on: May 22, 2009 - 11:40am
Is there any legal action I can take about a co-worker who made a personal insult towards me?
I'm a 26-year old man who is very unhappy at my job. I can handle the work just fine, but it's some of the people there that I have been giving me problems for ages now. They don't say or do anything to my face, but a few of them have gossiped about me, and have turned people against me.
A lot of them are bitter, redneck old-timers, and I'm a young man with semi-long hair, an open atheist (even though I have never once said anything about it, or bad about Christians to no one, but the few people I've told that I'm atheist probably went around telling others)....I also have more cash then them. I don't make more money, but my family does, and I've taken vacations to Vegas and on crusies, and I rid around in a jag, and that makes them all very jealous of me.
I work with kids, and I'm a happy person who tries to provide a good time for the children, and a few of them being old-timers think it's suppose to be boot camp or something.
I won't bore you all with anymore details, but a co-worker mumbled, "You are useless" to me because I refused to do his job for him. I've had an issue with another co-worker too who lies about me, and gossips about me as well.
Anything I can do legally, or do I gotta do what I probably will have to do, and that is suck it up.
At the most, I'd like to at least tell my boss and a few of my allies that I spoke with a lawyer and was told I could sue just to scare the jerks, cause believe me, anything you say to anyone at my job that they consider a major thing gets spread around.
I honestly don't know what else to do to put some fear into the wrong people. Beating people up isn't an option.
I've tried to ignore it all, and be mature, and stand up for myself in a respectful way, but that just seems to make things worst, so I don't know what else to do.
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I'm an employer, but I'm also a trench-monkey. I work with my employees, doing every job they do, so I am definitely not too removed to know what I'm talking about.
If you go to a lawyer and start saying things about it at your job, you're going to make anyone who doesn't hate you already hate you. A lot. I've had lots of employees like you, and none of them have lasted. And by the way, going to a lawyer will just cost you money. It won't solve anything.
First off, this is the worst economic climate in over fifty years, and most people at most jobs are doing everything they can to pay their bills. Knowing nothing more about you other than your family has money, you drive a jag, and you refused to do something at work, I'd probably lay you off and hire somebody who really needed the job. It doesn't matter that it wasn't your responsibility to do someone else's job. There was something that needed to be done, and you refused to do it. That's a big red flag for most employers (the smart ones anyway). If you care about your job, do what needs to be done, regardless of whose job it is supposed to be. If someone else is slacking on their job, you can talk to the boss privately after you've taken care of it. Otherwise, you're just being a whiny bitch.
Buck up, do everything you're asked to do the way you're asked to do it. Do your job better than everyone else if you can, because you've already got the spoiled rich kid thing going against you. Keep your mouth shut except to say something nice to your coworkers, no matter how you feel about them. Never let anyone know if you say anything to your boss about any of your coworkers.
Better yet, you should probably just find another job where everyone else doesn't really have to be there. This isn't about atheism. It's about having a bad attitude in a recession.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
...And this would be why I prefer to work where there is a worker's union.
"Kevin, go lift that object that you could not possibly lift and that you did not sign-up for lifting and ruin your back/shoulders for me."
"Uh. No thanks."
"Kevin, go do this unsafe this for me."
"Uh. No thanks. That's really unsafe."
"Kevin, go operate this machine that you've never operated before in your life that can quite clearly take your arm off if operated incompetetly."
"Uh. No thanks. I haven't been trained to operate that."
I do agree with Hamby about one thing, here:
You should see about finding work elsewhere.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
a union man AND a cold warrior! that's a thin line to walk. careful you don't reach for the rum bottle by mistake...
i love american unions just like i love family guy: for their pure, entertaining audacity. my cousin is in the teamsters and he's a manager at a factory that welds steel constructions. he can pretty much do whatever he wants, as long as he does his job with any level of competence (he actually does it quite well). even the president of the company couldn't raise his voice to him without landing in deep shit, and he can't be issued a written warning without his steward present.
he got into some argument with one of his superiors (non-union) once and the general manager brought him a written warning and asked him to sign indicating he'd received it, to which he casually replied he wasn't signing anything. the general manager just kinda grinned and said, "that's all i needed to hear," and returned to his office. that was the end of the matter.
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
I don't think anything you've said really warrents legal action.
And Kevin where the hell did you work, a sweat shop in Sri Lanka?
Well, honestly, Canadian unions aren't quite as audacious and entertaining as American ones - but they certainly are among the only ways to ensure you're given fair treatment as an employee. Labor Standards (in Alberta, anyway) is totally useless.
...Oh, and *ahem*. I re-read the exchange you, josh and I had about communism... and, well, let's just say I've reassessed my views on Capitalism vs Communism (watching the Business New Network and reating a bit of Totsky was also a tad helpful). But I suppose that's neither here nor there.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
Chapters, Sobeys and Future Shop.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
Well at least two of those would most likely involve heavy lifting to be part of the job describtion
But dangerous machines?
Kevin already summed it up for me, and I'm thankful for that Kevin, and I'd like to add my own examples as well:
If a police officer arrives on scene where's there's a fire, and a fire fighter tells the cop to go in there and put out the fire, should the cop be forced to turn in his badge for saying no? If someone is breaking into your house, and you call the police, but the police tells you to call a doctor to come take care of it, are you a jerk for getting upset? If you go to Burger King, and the worker tells you, (and is being 100% serious) go into the kitchen and cook your own food, is the customer out of line for refusing? If the pilot of an airplane asks the flight attendant where they're supposed to go, and wants detailed directions of how to get there, is the flight attendant "useless" for not knowing the answer? Last example: If a Christian wanted to get baptized in the sight of God, to show their love for him and they contacted the Rational Response Squad to do it, would Brian be an asshole for saying no? .....You get what I'm saying'? I don't deserve to be fired because I do my job, and this jack-ass didn't wanna do his, and wanted me to carry his load for him. Believe me, if I was fired, I would get a lawyer and demand an investigation. I am going to try and find a new job. Doing what, I don't know. But in the mean time, even though I would love to scare these people in a legal way, I'll just keep doing what I have been doing and that is ignore them.Well, since we have no idea what you do other than work with kids, try checking your job describtion, some employers will put "blah blah and other duties as necessary" in the job describtion, and the other tasks you are asked to do require no extra training.
But since it wasn't your boss that asked you to do that, and it was just some guy trying to get outta his work and [presumablly] didn't have a legitimate reason to ask you, I would take it up to the guy, not the boss.
Seriously, Kevin, you have to get over this fragile baby bird thing. You're a young man. Join a gym, lift some weights, eat protein and drink milk. Women will begin to like you for completely shallow reasons and men will think twice before presuming they can push you around. As a matter of fact, there is some satisfaction to being thought of as the dude who can lift heavy shit from time to time.
"The whole conception of God is a conception derived from ancient Oriental despotisms. It is a conception quite unworthy of free men."
--Bertrand Russell
No disrespect to the participants, but as the only employer in the bunch so far, I'm sorry to see that our friend Zeeboe has taken the advice of two of our members who try very hard not to interact with people outside of the computer room.
Until you've tried to run a business, you have no idea how infuriating it is to have an employee who whines about other employees not liking him, and thinks he's above doing someone else's job for the good of the company.
If you don't have the best interest of my company as your goal, I don't want you working for me. I'll find someone who takes pride in doing a good job, and busts their ass because it's the right thing to do.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
I never said complain to the boss, I said talk to the employee about it.
I've been asked to do somebody else's job before, and I just said I was busy and that he better have a good reason to get me to do his job since it takes me from my work.
That said, you're right Hamby [see I said it], he should do what he's asked, I just don't know the specific situation or if talking to the co-worker would work. If he doesn't think it does, than I wouldn't try
On a totally unrelated note, it is far harder for a girl to pee in somebody's coffee, but they'll eventually get it.
Aren't most people suppose to be able to lift their own body weight?
LOL, Pineapple. My calender has been marked.
To be clear, I was pointing more towards KB than you. To be even more clear, here's my take as a boss:
Employee: Hey, boss, something didn't get done.
Me: What didn't get done?
E: This thing over here.
Me: You're standing here talking to me. Why are you doing that when "this thing over here needs to be done"?
E: Well, so and so didn't do it, and wanted me to do it, but it's his job.
Me: So, now I've got two employees who don't care enough about my business to do something that has to be done.
E: Er... but.. it's his job...
Me: If that's the attitude you have, you're hardly better than him. Your job is to make my company successful so that you still have a job. You know what? I don't need either one of you. I'll find someone who cares about being a productive part of the company more than making sure he doesn't have to do any extra work.
Here's a good example. The other day, a bunch of my employees wanted off to go on a river raft trip. It's traditional to do so after school lets out every year, but this year, I couldn't afford to close for the day, so I got a couple of other employees together, and we ran the place on a short staff all day. During the day, I washed dishes, ran food, bused tables, cooked on the line, cleaned bathrooms, hauled cases of drinks into the cooler, and closed down the kitchen (which is not pleasant). I'm the owner. I pay people to do that stuff, but I did it on this day because it needed to be done.
I expect all of my employees to do the same thing for me. If something needs to be done, step one is to do it. If someone was slacking and didn't do their job, that can be figured out later.
Zeeboe, what I'm about to say to you is meant to be helpful, but it's going to be harsh. I remember you from a while back, and the thing is, you're looking for excuses in life. People who look for excuses aren't generally good employees, so I think regardless of the fact that your coworkers are old rednecks, or theists, or whatever, your problem is that you've got the wrong attitude about work (and possibly life in general). It might be true that you have a crappy work environment and lazy coworkers. The thing is, it doesn't matter. The way to make a place better is to make it better, not to complain about it being bad. The most valuable employees are the ones who don't see job descriptions, instead seeing things that need to be done and finding ways to make things work.
If there's no way for you to make things better at your job, you should find another job. On the other hand, if there's a way for you to work harder and make your company more successful, you should do it, regardless of what other people are saying behind your back. You should definitely not cause a stink because you didn't want to help your coworker.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Rant time....if you dislike long posts, then I'd advise you not to read this, and just make a sarcastic comment about it being too long now.
Oh, I never whine about anyone not liking me. I don't give a rat's ass what they think about me. Infact, if any of those hillbilly Jesus freaks up there did like me, I'd probably be more mad then I was when that jack-ass insulted me. I'm not gonna be personally insulted. Believe me, I let this guy know how I felt. I made sarcastic comments through out the day in response of him calling me "useless", and ended it all by ranting to a friend of mine about what an ass he is right where he could hear me.
Ya see, the regular driver was out, so they sent this clueless sub in who already has a rep for having a very bad sense of direction. This guy worked with me once before, and he's a freaking moron.
I work with kids. I see to their needs. I'm not some eagle scout. The drivers are given papers that tells them where they're suppose to go. Now once we get to the area where the kids live, I can give directions, and despite what David may think, I did give him directions and told him where the children lived.
Now David went and took a whole different route from what the other driver, Ed normally takes, so we're out in some area I've never been in, and he's asking me questions that I didn't have the answers to, and he calls me useless.
I mumbled back: "You are an asshole." And like I said, I loudly made sarcastic comments through out the day,
making sure he could hear me that made reference to his rude remark earlier.
I go into that place and I do my job, and this jack-ass named David didn't wanna do his, and wanted me to carry his load for him.
I'm a class-act. I don't go around gossiping about other people. I don't ever go looking for trouble. My whole entire life anytime I had a conflict with anyone, it was because they had the problem with me, and their main problem was that I refused to weak a mask for them.
My other co-worker, Ed's hate for me all started because he's homophobic and didn't like that I put Valentine's Day stuff up around the bus in 2007. Since then, he's hated me.
And Ed is this quiet guy with a glare on his face all the time when he's driving, and because I actually spoke with the kids and made it a fun environment, he hates me for that. He tries to be all cool and nice to the children, but the kids have always liked me more over him, and that makes him jealous.
And again, the jag, the Vegas trips, the cruises, only increased Ed's dislike for me because he seriously lives out in the backwoods somewhere in Bum fuck, Texas. And because Ed's been there longer, and because it's a lot of racist, rednecks working there, he's able to tell his side to everyone and turn people against me.
I feel like a diamond surrounded by trash. It's just like how in that movie Escape to New York, all the scum of the earth were in a prison on Manhattan, and that's what my work place is. It's a place where all the uneducated, pieces of trash have all gone to, and anytime an outsider who differs just a little from them gets treated like they're not even human.
I go in there and I don't even talk to anyone anymore. I keep to myself. I stay out of everyone's way. I've tried and tried with this place, and Ed Hunter knows it too because one time when I told him how hard I've tried to win his respect, he said "Whatever". That was all he had to offer up. There's nothing I can do. Most of them all think I'm a rich, snobby kid. God knows, if I was rich, I wouldn't be working at that place.
Ed Hunter knows I'm the real good guy. He and those hicks try to paint me out to be the bad guy, but if he wants to know who the real bad guy is, he should take a good look at himself, and the rest of the stinking', laughing hyenas he's friends with. It's all a big culture clash. I'm a liberal, hippie atheist who's not bitter, and is a pro at being highly sarcastic, and playing passive aggressive, and they know in a fist fight, they could not beat me. Infact, the more they try to make be out to be this rich cocky kid, the more I wanna play the part, and push their buttons a tiny bit, but not enough to get me in trouble with the boss. For example, Ed is a big O. U. fan and hates The Texas Longhorns, so every so often, I'll go on there, wearing U. T. gear, and get the kids to do "Hook em' Horn" signs, and recently Ed offered his very clever comeback of "Whatever". Then there was the time we had a sub monitor on there, and we were talking, and Ed rudely said..."You two need to watch the kids." So I turned around, and burned a hole into all the kids with my eyes, all while talking a mile a minute, and keeping the chat with the sub monitor up, which drove him crazy. Of course, when another sub monitor went on there, and actually spoke to Ed, and kissed up to him, then it was okay. Anyhow, trust me, if you're an atheist, you would not like Ed Hunter because he is one of the many reasons why the Rational Response Squad was invented in the first place. He's a racist, sexist, homophobic redneck who abused his kids, bullies his own grandson, is a pedophile because I see him checking out middle school girls as he drives by them, a lover of misery, and if you're even slightly different then the traditional southern American white man, he'll judge you, and mock you. Seriously, he's probably a KKK card carrying member. He's a total stereotype of southern-Americans and school bus drivers. And that David fella would probably blame you if he ever got lost on his way home. Maybe I was out of line for wanting to sue these guys for their actions, but in adult world....mature adult world, I can't just go start punching these guys. All I'm trying to do is figure out how to handle this. Only thing I can think of is to keep doing whatever I'm doing, and the most important thing is.......never lose my cool. It's almost like a sport to see who can piss who off, and so far, I'm way ahead. I do a good job of coming across like I don't give a shit at what they say and do, and as I said, the more they try to make me be this cocky young man, the more I wanna play the role. And in regards of their gossiping....mind over matter....I don't mind, cause they don't matter! .....Can I get an Amen!?
Posted before I saw your response Ham, and I am grateful for the advice, but I promise you, I do my job very well. All of my issues have been personalty clashes. One of the reasons why no one has ever been fired is because all these problems have nothing to do with the children. The children are always safe, and taken care of. People like Ed Hunter hate me because they have an old-fashion way of thinking.
What bothers me is he goes and gossips about me, and none of these people are ever interested in hearing my side. I've been told by some that most people ignore him, but not all of them do. And I've been told that many people in that break room are HIGHLY jealous of me, and that is their problem, even though I've never personally done a thing to them.
I can tell you that all I've done for over two years now is ignore it all, and keep my distance from them, and I can be the first to admit that I get offended way too easily, and I shouldn't let people who I clearly hate get to me like this, but it's hard sometimes. As of right now, my only plan is to keep doing what I'm doing.
I thought about reporting what that David guy said to me, but in the past, when it comes to personal things like that, my boss has done nothing for me. The school year is almost over, so I am going to try as hard as I can to last these four days coming up, and then get outta there, get away from Ed, and start fresh next year.
But if you have any advice to offer, I'm all for reading it.
I read the whole rant.
I wouldn't hire you.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Ok... Now I've read your response to me personally, and here's my take on it. As an employer, it's a big, gigantic red flag when an applicant says, "At my last job, I didn't have any problems. It was just other people and I have personality clashes."
Part of being a good employee is managing other personalities. Sometimes, it just can't be done, and that's fine, but generally speaking, when everybody dislikes one person, it's not everybody's fault.
Here's the crux of the issue, Zeeboe, and it's just what I said earlier. You're looking for excuses, not solutions. You're content to be the guy off in his corner ignoring everybody else and then acting surprised when they don't like you because you ignore them.
You get offended too easily. Big gigantic problem. You need to take the chip off your shoulder. Everybody there is a human being. You just got done ranting about how much they suck. Honestly, you haven't said much good about any of your coworkers yet, except that Ed knows where he's going and knows you're a good guy. They're people, Zeeboe. They have the same aggravations and irritations that you do, and they are probably pissed that they always have to put up with that fucking liberal hippie who thinks he's to good to hang out with the rest of the trench monkeys and be friends.
You're going to have the same problem, even if you find a bunch of liberal hippies to work with. I've hired and fired a lot of people in my time, and I'm telling you, your story isn't even remotely unique. I've had employees like you, and they don't work for me anymore. I've heard your story a hundred times, with different details filling in the same template. The fact is, you're probably right about the sub being incompetent. It doesn't matter, though, because the root problem you're having is that you're not a good person to work with. You don't inspire trust in your coworkers. They don't like you or trust you, and that's a problem with you, not them.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Get a haircut then go back to work and tell someone that you became religious. Apologize to a couple of the people that you had trouble with. Tell them since you found jesus you see things from a different perspective or something like that. Be nice and completely fake. Do more work than you're supposed to sometimes and make sure other people are aware of it. They'll probably fall for the act and start liking you.
There are twists of time and space, of vision and reality, which only a dreamer can divine
H.P. Lovecraft
Many states are "right to fuck the employee" states. You can be great at your job, but if a boss doesn't like you because you are an atheist, they can make up shit, even if it isn't true. I've seen it happen to theists and I have had it happen to me, for a variety of reasons. When someone who does a good job gets fired, it is because of ego.
Unless it is a blatent violation of discrimination or sexual harrassment with willing witnesses, you are going to have a tough time. I would suggest that if it gets that bad, make sure you have someone there that can give you a good reference(WITHOUT stirring trouble) look for another job before you quite, put up with the shit untill you find another one.
I would also say that every job I have started when others found out, I got harassed and had gossip behind my back. The quickest way to silence them is to be helpful to everyone and do a better job. It may take a long time, but it will silence your critics. But that takes time.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Yes, lifting is mentioned in the job description at Sobey's. How much?
5 lbs.
Obviously, 5 lbs isn't going to be problematic for anyone over 10 yrs old who doesn't have muscular dystrophy, so that's more than fair and reasonable that I would agree to those terms and expect not to be requested to, say, shift around palettes with several 15-20 lb bags of dog food bags on them (no hand jack, of course, as that was in a state of disrepair).
No it's then fair came to call me out for being a poor sport when I cannot shift around said palettes without considerable strain (bear in mind that I myself weigh about 100 lbs total, and I'm afraid that not much of that is muscle tissue).
Machinery at Future Shop & Chapters in the loading area would include power jacks, a mechanical lift device (did you see An Inconvenient Truth? Al Gore rides one), a hydraulic 'bailing' machine designed for crushing boxes and a variety of powered saws for cutting open heavy duty boxes.
Again, it's fair to demand I use tools that are clearly hazardous while I have no idea what safety precautions (other than the 'Duh' obvious) to take? And while there is clear precedent in accident reports of frequent injury resulting from incompetent use of this machinery?
There's also fun things in retail like loss prevention strategies. Did you know, for example, that large retailers intentionally select smaller employees to do bag checks at the door for when the detector goes off? Shoplifters almost always will run from larger clerks, but smaller ones they tend to fight. So the store is basically banking on you getting injured doing a bag check on somebody so that they have a better chance at recovering their merchandise.
Fun stuff.
Anyway, as Hamby explained, none of that bullshit matters anyway (clearly) because I'm not an employer. Only employers would possibly know what is fair and what is not.
It is not a 'fragile baby bird thing'. In fairness, yes, I could probably go to the gym and see if weight lifting (I already eat tons of protein. I live in the cattle slaughtering capital of Canada, afterall) helps; but even if I had made that decision, would that somehow magically transform my weight and carrying capacity right on the spot? And if not, how would that be relevant to whether or not it is reasonable to ask a 100 lb man to lift perhaps 50 lbs of material for you?
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
Well, not knowing the circumstances (I haven't worked in a restaurant; I would assume, like most businesses, there are generalized tasks that almost anyone can do and then more specialized tasks that are supposed to be handled by appropriately trained individuals), it's hard for me to agree or disagree. I mean, did he just refuse to wipe the table because, "That's not his job?"
If that's the case, well fine, you're right. That's just being an asshole.
What if it was... fuck, I dunno, is there a job in the restaurant that is obviously pretty dangerous or rather difficult to do unless you're properly trained for it (I would imagine any of the cooking positions), and your waitress said that she wouldn't do it because, "That's not her job." I'd argue she's right (Again, that's assuming it's actually tough to do the chef's job. A better example would be, say, on a rig site up here, asking a swamper to go ahead and do the crane operator's job. Awfully good way to wreck equipment and injure someone).
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
So it sounds like you were hired as a stock boy.
Did you for example ask for somebody to help you move the stuff? How to operate the machinery?
You won't get immediate results but think of it this way:
If you had hit the gym say five years earlier, you may not be complaining now.
Well, I was hired as the reciever in the back (unloading trucks that came in with stock and then doing a smidge of bookkeeping for inventory). I was the lone reciever (Sobey's operates all stores with a single reciever), so there were no employees to request assistance from, and actually asking the driver if he would mind helping got me into trouble ("Unloading that truck is your job, son!"
Well, fair enough I suppose, but it wasn't a job I could do.
When this became obvious due to the amount of time it was taking to unload any vehicle that did not come with it's own jack, I was moved to grocery as a (as you guessed) stock boy. Again, this simply didn't work out. So now I've managed to waste my time, my employer's time and my employer's money and I've managed to work one more place that remembers me as someone who 'was not a team player', all because they did not specify what my obligations were. I mean, I wouldn't have applied for the damn position if they'd have just said, "Oh, you'll need to be able to lift and carry about 30 lbs around comfortably."
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
Well, like I said to DamnDirtyApe, my point was not to complain about my lack of muscle or allege that working out doesn't do anything. I'm simply asking, when you have an employee who is clearly a lightweight as is (nevermind whether they will stay that way or how they got there), how is it fair to assign them tasks that involve lifting very heavy masses?
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
People should do everything in their power to do their job and to go above and beyond. Got a pallet with a couple hundred pounds of dog food on it? Need it moved? Got no jack? Figure it out. Solutions. Don't complain or say that you just can't do it. Think of a way to get it done. 'Hey, I'm thinking that since that pallet is too heavy for scrawny little me to move (and I've tried), we might try ...'
I dunno... I've been out of grunt work for a long time now. No interest in going back, either. I distinctly recall being asked to do things that I clearly couldn't do. Nothing dangerous, thankfully, but stuff that a 120lbs guy just can't. I don't recall ever not having things work. I can say, having been in management and now being in a position wherein number one is me barring procedural and upper management decisions, that bosses/employers just want things to happen. Largely it doesn't matter how they happen so long as they do. Also important is that there are solutions. If something needs to be done and a job has been downloaded onto you, figure out a way to do it, even if it might not be conventional and even when it requires help. A suggestion on how to get something done efficiently and well is better than griping about how you can't do the job. I also know that one of the most annoying things are employees who don't check their baggage and personality conflicts at the door. Nothing is so aggravating as having to be a counsellor or having to deal with disputes between otherwise competent (or incompetent) people. You must be able to work. That means getting along. It means that even if there are substantive ideological differences or the potential for blatant personality clashes, drop it, work and get along. You don't have to be their friend, you just have to make them think you are at work.
I suppose I'm quite with Hamby on this. I think, Kevin, that if there are genuine concerns, they can be dealt with without making a stink. I don't think Hamby and I are exceptional in that line of thinking or in the particular work attitude that we espouse.
BigUniverse wrote,
"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."
Kevin, next time ask during the interview what your responsabilites entail, I would think that applying for the position of reciever would obviously involve lifting, ask how much.
You don't seem to fit in for stock, how about sales associate? or customer service?
Well Ham, I'm grateful you're taking an interest. No sarcasm intended. But I also think that you're judging a little too quicky for someone who doesn't know the full story. I did try to hang out with them, and some are okay with me. Infact, last year, I had a wonderful relationship with a co-worker because she actually spoke to me whenever there were issues, and she was nice about it. There were never any problems. Not one time.
Ed however would never tell me about a problem he had, but instead, would go and gossip about me. And by the way, others have had problems with him before, and I've been told many times that he can't ever keep a montior because of the rude way he comes across. And anytime Ed did speak to me about something, he was rude.
I know his point of view. Gilson an atheist scumbag with a liberal way of thinking, doesn't hate homosexuals like he does, has a cushy job, gets the kid all wound up when they should be sitting there, not saying one word or having any fun, the kids all like Gilson more then me, Gilson gets to go to places I can't afford to go to, Gilson has a very loving Mother, and when I was Gilson's age, I was out digging a ditch in a hot sun.
In general, many of the bus drivers have issues with the montiors. They're bitter because while they drive, we're sitting, but whenever there's a violent kid on there, they seem to change their mind about how they feel.
Ed's grandson was riding the bus one day, and this special ed girl starting to beat him up. Ed asked me to step in, and defend his grandson, and I did, and I was already on my way to stop it, and this girl proceeded to hit me, kick me, etc. I couldn't hit her back because I would have killed her, and I wanted to at least slap her, but I couldn't. It got so bad, we had to call the police.
......Ed never once thanked me for protecting his grandson. I've also given his grandson gifts from time to time out of the goodness of my selfish snobby heart, and Ed never once thanked me for it.
The first year I worked with Ed, I'd say Morning, and when I'd leave the bus, I'd say bye. His response?
He said that every time. I stopped greeted him at all.
And there's a lot more there.
Believe it or not Ham, I don't act like this at all at work, or I'd get fired. I stopped hanging with everyone after I learned many of them were talking trash about me, and snickering behind my back. That's when I became this little cocky evil rich kid. If they wanna get nasty to me, I can get real nasty back. But for the most part, I ignored them, and their rudeness.
I have not done anything to Ed, and I don't deserve the way I've been treated. If I have done something to Ed, why can't he grow some balls and tell me what the fucking problem is? Not once....NOT ONCE....has he ever asked to talk to me alone, and just talk. He rarely says a goddamn word to me. He judges me, and has treated me as if I'm not even human, because he's a selfish, lying, redneck asshole.
I came on here to rant because I'm very unhappy at my job. But I can promise you, if you ever saw Ed in action, you'd be treating him worst then you're treating me right now, because he has the same type of mindset that the KKK has, that Fred Phelps has, and that most psycho Christians have.
But maybe you're all of those things Ham. I don't know. It seems to me that not once have you ever offered a comforting word on how to deal with a person like that, and I don't know if it's an age thing, and I don't even know how old you are, but it seems that in old lion vs. young lion conflicts, the old timers always defend the other old timers no matter what because they come from this fucked up era where you're just given respect because you're fucking old.
Well, I have a new-school way of thinking. Fuck the old timers, and fuck their respect. They earn it, and Ed Hunter has not earned anything from me, so fuck him. I don't give a damn how old you are, that doesn't give you instant respect in my eyes. Screw that.
In closing, people hate me. You know that Ham. You remember me. And the truth is, I hate them. I'm not a people person, and I've tried and tried to figure out what was wrong with me. I was bullied, and I took it all because I wanted respect, but that didn't work, so I got some balls, and fought back, but that didn't work either. Rather I act like a big sissy who cowers away, or act like a tough guy, either way I still can't get any respect. All I do know is, it's better to be looked upon as a fucking asshole then a fucking coward.
I've been to head doctors, I've worn masks and pretended to be someone I wasn't, I stopped faking people out because I was asked to, I was told be myself, so I was myself, and that still wasn't good enough. I've tried to be everything the world has wanted me to be, but the world rather cheer people like John Gotti, and O.J. Simpson, and Charles Manson, and rather watch entertainment where you get off on the pain of others, and people all across the world have a picture of a dead man nailed to a tree.
Hell, I don't go around raping me, or molesting children, or beat people up, or kill people, or fly planes into buildings, or blow places up, or break people's hearts, or use people, or go fuck everything I see.
But maybe that's the problem. Maybe I'm just too goddamn good and have too many morals for a world like this one, and that is the problem, and what makes people just hate me on instict, because they're all evil S.O.B.'s, and I'm one of the last truly good humans, but it's not possible to be good in a world like today, especially in America. Amercia should be this great country, but instead, it's like accent rome, that's slowly killing itself from the inside because it's being lead by scum.
I think my problem is, is I was either born in the wrong era, or among the wrong race of people, or maybe I was suppose to be an animal, or some creature that doesn't live very long. Maybe I wasn't suppose to be born at all. I have no clue. Now I know you and others are gonna think I'm trying to have compassion, but I've been there, done that, this is the honest to God truth, and I don't need or want any compassion because it's all fake anyhow, meant to make others feel people.
Ham, look at some violent clips sometime on you tube. Those are YOUR people. Your people your defending. That's fine.
But when I do finally die, I have no doubt the world will be a much better place, and I'll be at my happiest because YOU people make me sick.
I'm outta here.
After carefully reading Zeeboe's posts, I think I just might have an idea where the problem is.
Just maybe.
"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray
I think someone needs a nap.
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
Car is stuck. Hm, how to move it? Oh, I know...
...Drat. That didn't work out so well.
Perhaps my example of being asked to lift objects heavier than what I can manage was more a case of sour grapes than a good illustration of the point I'm trying to make which nobody has addressed:
Lots of jobs involve tasks that are assigned to specific individuals with specific qualities, and for good reason (would you ask me to do your books for you one night if your bookkeeper wasn't in?). Employers tend to be more lenient (in my own experience) when left to their own devices when said 'good reason' strictly involves the safety of the employee.
I was a sales floor rep at Future Shop, and I was asked one time (I think this is the best example I have from personal experience, aside from being asked to perform loss prevention shifts, which I also refused) to operate a winch machine to tow a TV out from a truck. I said that I couldn't, because I wasn't trained to use that machine, so it would be unsafe for me to do. I got the usual impulsing from the department manager ("Oh, don't worry, it's no big deal"
, so I ask him if he knows what the tensile carrying weight of the cable is. Of course not. I ask him if he knows what to do if the machine jams, or what to look for in case something happens. He tells me "Oh, nothing ever happens with those anyway," (this, ironically, coming after we're just coming off of a 'reset' of being accident-free in the store after a power jack dropped a TV on a merchandiser's foot). I ask him if he at least has the manual, so I can read through the safety instructions. As far as he's aware, it didn't come with a manual.
I got snarkier than I should've and then asked him if he happened to know anything about the winch at all, other than that it made loud noises and moved TVs after you flicked the power switch. He got angry and had someone else do the job, and of course I get one more manager upset at me for not being the dutiful and dopey lapdog I'm apparently supposed to be.
I was hired to do sales. I was trained to do sales. I hardly mind if sales also involves things like keeping my workspace clean by taking out garbage, sweeping, dusting, etc, or just doing basic things that anyone can do to help out in the store. I do mind when you ask me to do something that simply isn't any of my business to be doing at all. Why I should I do unsafe things that I did not consent to doing for you when we first agreed on the conditions of my employment just so that you can save money on hiring extra staff or properly training people?
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
I have an idea let Kevin replace Ed.
Ed is clearly a moronic asshole anyway,
Perhaps Kevin and Zeeboe should work together, with Hamby the manager
...Speaking of dutiful, I'm always glad to know that you can be counted on to act as my own personal party of no, Alison.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
Oh Kevin, if I agree with you, do you really think I'll publically admit it?
Oh, hardly.
But that's half the fun, isn't it?
(Christ, I think we might've just exchanged good-natured jabs. Anyone have Satan on speed dial? I want to check-up on the guy and make sure he hasn't just hit a cold spell)
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
What I can say is without the details of what was asked, I cannot say that you should or shouldn't have done the job. I can say that I would personally say I would have expected you to be able to do someone else's job depending on exactly what it was. As well as it was safe for you to do. At least in my province your allowed to not do a job if you don't feel is safe for you to do. Of course 15lbs if you have to lift isn't that much, any 80lbs kid can lift that. But if it is way beyond your description of job or beyond your abilities then yes you have every right to say no, and no employer can say anything about it.
Now myself I work in the security industry (Alarms, access control, CCTV, and surveillance/P.I. work) I inform my guys right off the bat what is expected to do, if any of them have any issues to tell me. As well if they don't feel safe doing something then don't, but tell me you don't feel safe about doing it. We work on ladders, skyjacks, boom lifts, and various other possibly dangerous locations. Anyone on them gets the proper training before hand. I also expect anyone to be able to do other co-works jobs if necessary, as long as it's not beyond their capabilities. I also expect them to work till the job is done. Some days they work 8 hours, others 2 and other times 12 - 14 hour days. I stay with them and work the entire time and I expect everyone else to do so as well.
However I have fired people simply because they were lazy, one employee great worker...till 5:30PM and then he would bitch that the day should be over....even when we started at noon. After 1 year of this and up in Pembrooke (near ottawa and in the middle of nowhere really) I had enough, drove him to the hotel room at 5:30 and informed him that I don't need him tomorrow, he can stay in the room all day if he wanted...that was the day we started at noon. He never came back to work after that trip.
Another work I found sleeping on a skyjack, immediately fired. Yet another I would ask to show up at a certain time and would never be there till an hour later, after the third time he got fired.
I can say that I have worked with alot of different types of people and personalities can be hard to deal with at times, especially if they clash with yours, but the thing is never to ignore it, if they gossip, go to the people making the gossip and ask them directly to stop it. Don't ignore it, if you do it gets worse because you now have allowed it to get worse. Talk to your boss, he is supposed to stop such behaviour. With that said you couldn't really sue your fellow employees unless you have taken the steps to stop such behavior, at best you would sue the company, your boss, his boss and maybe, maybe a few employees, but you would be suing the company first.
This reminds me of my sister ~ ALWAYS has issues with others due to "personality clashes" or "They are out to get me" or "She talked about me to the other girl who talked to the boss...."
She has never learned to IGNORE all the bullshit that happens within the dynamics of a group and simply: Do her job~don't complain~help others to reach the ultimate goal of the company.
I work in HR for a department store and it is amazing to me the complaints my office receives. Just a few days ago I had a young man call and tell me "I am not getting enough hours in my current location and would like to transfer"
Me: " What did your manager say when you approached him with your concern?"
Person: "Well, he mentioned something about me not being productive and how I need to get customers to open more credit cards~but I am just a cashier, they are asking too much of me"
Me: (stifling a laugh) "So what have you done to increase the number of credit cards you have opened"
Person: "nothing"
...the conversation ended with me suggesting he go back to manager and discuss opportunities for him to receive hours~develop a plan (and me emailing his manager with a heads up)
It is hard to swallow but we all work with people we don't care for. Personalities are different ~ motivations are different ~ a persons strengths in their job differ. The 'perfect' employee would be one that recognizes that and 'works well with others' no matter HOW difficult the person can be (if only all employees were like that!)
With that being said many companies strive to uphold a non-hostile atmosphere for its employees to work. If after reading all of the replies to your post you still feel that there is more to your accusations at work you need to speak to your immediate supervisor or manager.
~My advice is to first check yourself ~
Slowly building a blog at ~
I agree with Hamby and Kevin. They both make valid points.
Employees should do everything in their power to insure the success of the company, within reason.
I've seen people do thousands of dollars of damage and endanger peoples lives when asked to do jobs they are not qualified for. However, I don't see any reason that would excuse anyone from doing a job they are clearly qualified for. If your boss asks you to do a menial task, you do it.
It's a matter of context. Some jobs are inherently difficult or dangerous and require a level of skill or knowledge in order to do safely and properly.
If Hamby has a problem with his employees being unqualified to perform the tasks at hand he has every right to get someone who can. It would be an unwise decision to leave it in the hands of inept workers though.
I think the video illustrates the point well. If someone doesn't know what the fuck they're doing, don't let them do it, and certainly not without supervision.
Out of curiosity, what type of business is it Hamby?
After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him.
The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut.
This is very sound advice given the specific circumstances.
DO look for another job is equally sound advice. BUT DO NOT quit until you've found another job and accepted an offer, preferably
made in writing.
Best of luck to all in similar lousy positions. (Bad shit happens to us all.)
He owns a resturant
This is passive aggressive.... as a matter of fact you may be unaware that you are affecting your co-workers ~ ever wonder why they seem to 'be against you'? Maybe you have driven them batty with your behavior.
So your impatience is warranted in this situation? He was unsure of where he was, you were giving direction and you (because your precious routine and 'way of doing things' was interrupted) were hard to work with and to david you were being 'useless' ~~ probably BECAUSE YOU WERE. Would it have been much easier to say "I am sorry David, I am unfamiliar with this route lets work together to figure out where we are?"
The rest of this point just sounds like a bunch of whining. Sorry zeeboe but it has the makings of reading an 8th graders account of being bullied.
You are an adult, embrace that you will be hard pressed to find yourself working with a group of people you get along with 100% of the time (none of us will) and if it is that horrible, start looking for another job. Especially if you have done your part and voiced your concerns to your supervisor and nothing has been done.
Slowly building a blog at ~
I gotta say, Zeeboe, the two people in this conversation with experience as employers/human resources seem to be in complete agreement. You have a "You Problem."
Lose the chip, put your company first, and solve problems instead of bitching about your coworkers.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
OK zeeboe, I think that your best bet is to find another job. Allow me to explain:
You clearly have a hostile work environment. While you have clearly gone out of your way to encourage the situation, it is a fact that your employer and your co-workers also bear some responsibility. Whatever. If things are as bad as you say, your next job can't possibly be worse.
Now, that being said, get your next job, preferably in writing, first and then approach your boss about the matter. Here is why this is important:
Unless your boss is such a dick that he is not worth working for (and I have my suspicions in that direction BTW), he knows that you are in a very poor situation. If you go to him and say, gee boss, this company is offering me more money to work for them... then your boss can simply state that he can't match the offer and let you go with his blessing.
It really does not matter if they are offering you more money. What matters is that your current boss has no intention of offering you more money to maintain your very poor situation. You are offering him an easy way to end matters and should you need the reference in the future, he can confirm your dates of employment and possibly add a note that the kids all loved you.
If the reality is that you take a small pay cut for making the move, then you should consider how much the grief is worth anyway. Probably not enough to make it worth trying to keep a work situation that is slowly degrading.
That being said, do not engage in lawyer waving.
First, from what you are saying, it sounds like you simply do not have a case to work with. If you simply feel that you must consider legal action, it is far better to keep silent to your employer while you speak to a lawyer and find out where you stand.
The other way just sets you up as a trouble maker who is willing to drag the company through the legal system. Whether you win or not, you have taken time and money from the company that could have been used to do the job of the company. Telling the company that you are willing to do this gives them an opportunity for the boss to make your job so much trouble that you end up quitting with nothing to show from it, including your chance to get unemployment compensation.
More generally, you really should cut out the whole standing apart from other workers thing. It is far too late to fix your problem with your current employer, even if you wanted to. Also, the current situation is bad enough that it would take a commitment from your employer that I really doubt he is willing to make.
Consider the advice that you are getting from Hamby here. Hamby is talking about loyalty to the company. As an employer, that is certainly his prerogative. As an employee, if that does not sit well with you, then you can think in terms of fitting in with your coworkers as a team. In the end, the result will be essentially the same.
Speaking of team work, let me tell you something else.
When you work with a bunch of people, getting on well with them pays off in ways that may not be instantly obvious. If someone is having trouble with something they need done and you can spare the time to help them out, you will get a sort of “interpersonal credit” that will come back to you later on when you need a bit of help.
Let's take Hamby's example of letting much of his staff take a couple of days off for a rafting trip.
Well, Hamby might not think of it just this way but while he and the remaining worker buckled down and worked hard that weekend, those people did so knowing that when it is their turn to ask for a request that many employers would not allow, Hamby will be cool with it just as long as the work gets done somehow.
Also, the people who got the time to go rafting know on some level that when the other workers want their turn to go do whatever, they will be called on by Hamby to put in the extra effort to hold the company line.
As far as driving a Jag goes, ultimately, that is hardly relevant. Sure, most people are not going to have that going on but in the end, if you are a team player, you are a team player with a Jag. Perhaps just once in a while, you will need to go across town for your next employer. When you do, ask the boss if you can bring a co-worker to help you with whatever it is. Then that guy gets to go for a ride in a Jag. Want to bet that that helps you get some “team credit”?
Personally, I don't have a Jag but I do have a personal recording studio that is probably worth about as much. Granted, most people will not salivate over that. However for a couple of years, I had enough other coworkers who play that I put together a band.
The drummer and lead guitarist have since left so the project is on hold indefinitely. Even so, for the time that we were active, I was able to use a slice of company time that is otherwise light duty to rehearse.
My employer could have stopped that at the drop of a hat. However, it pays off big time in those ways that I discussed above as far as teamwork. That and the company gained a substantial savings on the cost of company parties. Hell, it would cost about $500 around here just to get some guy to flip records for an evening. A live band would cost more. That kind of money can make an extra party or two each year possible. Trust me on this, companies do not spend money on parties because they are really generous. They spend money on parties because they make the company more attractive to work for.
Hardly grounds for legal action.
You have two choices here - find a new job, or put your nose to the grindstone and ignore the haters. You can't choose your coworkers, so you need to figure out how to work with them. If you do your job well, management will notice 9 times out of 10.
Nobody I know was brainwashed into being an atheist.
Why Believe?
Wasn't even sure I wanted to come back here, but I figured, people would be assuming things, and they were. So here I am, wanting to thank those who were kind and gave serious responses. As far as Ham and Renee go, and anyone else who disagrees with me, you don't know the full story, and you guys all saw me when I was highly pissed off, and not thinking clearly. But I still stand by what I say. I think the reason why you guys are siding with a bunch of strangers who would hate you for being atheists is because you probably figure they're in your age group whereas you see me as this angry young man. But that's the thing about the evil. You hang around them enough, they turn you into evil, because you realize being good when dealing with your enemies gets you nowhere, and sometimes you get evil around the wrong people.
Renee, BELIEVE ME....I am not being bullied. And btw Renee, I did tell that jack-ass that I didn't know where to go, and that is when he got an attitude. And FYI: I basically wear a mask at work. I DO ignore the nonsense, and I go in there, and don't response to any of their crap as if they don't matter. And yes, I am highly sarcastic and a king at being passive aggressive because I fond it pisses people off more and really gets under their skin, and there's very little they can do about it, and I don't get in trouble for it.
I personally don't understand what you guys are taking their side. I bet if I went in there and broke their noses, then I'd be okay with you guys huh? Because you seem to respect assholes. But my issue is, is that people have never liked me. Not online or offline. Google the name "Zeeboe" sometime just to get an example. Now I never understood why I was/am hated so much. Like I said, I've never physically hurt anyone life, and I've never hurt a woman because none of them have ever wanted to date me.And just to prove how open-minded I am, I'll go out and say that maybe you are all right and I am just a big fucking asshole. But again, none of my enemies have ever had the balls to confront me, and tell me what the exact problem is, so I could work on it. But in the end, even if I am the biggest jack-ass on the planet, and every enemy I've ever had was a class-act.......what does that mean anyhow? Really Ham, what exactly are you and Renee trying to convince me of? What are you trying to me? You want me to be a sissy, and ALLOW myself to get bullied, and just say, "Oh yes Sir, anything you said." That's really what the whole world has always wanted out of me, is to be submissive. And there was a time, I was, and then I was judged for not being a man. So I become a man, and now it's back to people trying to make me into their bitch. But maybe that's not it. So again, what are you trying to convince me of exactly? I mean, are you trying to murder me? Implying I should just kill myself as a favor to the world? Seriously. With the way human beings have treated me from the time I came out of my Mother tells me that they want me to kill myself, and most people, who have been through what I have been through, would have killed themselves. I read about thiese teenage bully victims, and hell, half the stuff they went through doesn't even compare to me, only the difference was, I fought back, and that only made things worst. Well, believe me, I've thought about it for years, but I never will and my main reason is:
To annoy the fuck out of you Ham, and everyone else who has a problem with me,. I'll ALWAYS be one more face for YOU to feed Ham, and I'll always be the guy taking forever at the grocery store. I'll take the last copy of the movie you wanted at Blockbuster, and I'll always and forever be buzzing around, and I don't care if every human being hates me, and the most disliked person on the planet, and believe me, I've thought that before, but guess what? One of YOU people who hate me so much are gonna have to kill me yourself to be rid of me. Cause I'm not going anywhere, and I am NEVER changing for nobody. You can think I'm the biggest asshole on the planet, but you won't ever change me. And you can get the whole word to hate me, but guess what? I hate you all too. And YOU are the ones who better get use to things cause I'm not killing myself just to make you all happy. Fuck the world, and what they want. Unlike all of you, I'll never hurt the weak or the innocent. I'll never lower myself to the way you all are, and will NEVER change just to make you all happy. You don't know my work ethic, Ham, and I work very hard at anything that I do, but I can't be a team player if I'm asked to do a job I don't know to do, and if you're fire someone for that, then you must have sucked a lot of dick in your time to become a boss. I'm sorry I even brought this to your attetion. For some strange reason, I thought fellow atheists who have been ripped to pieces by Christians would be able to offer a little compassion, and I might as well have gone to a Christian forum. Hell, at least those assholes would have offered to pray.
But seriously, I've been depressed, and stressed as hell all weekend long, and I really didn't need all this added to it.
Now you know what? Ham, you're smarter then me, and better then me, so what would you do? I think you're whole purpose of posting here is to push my buttons, and show off what a decent, mature guy you are, and I know being a big boss man it's kinda hard to remember what it was like to be a nothing, nobody at the bottom of the pole, but how would you have handled something if you were asked to do something you had no clue to do? And then were insulted by it? How would you react if you started off being a nice guy who greeted your co-worker and was ignored, and had this guy talk about you, but you had no idea what you even did in the first place, and went out of your way to earn respect? Maybe I should sell out. Maybe I should cut my hair, and go in there prasing Jesus, but hell, they all seem to hate my guts so much, they'd probably become atheists. lol. But really, enlighten the Devil here, Ham. Tell me, Satan, how to suck dick, and make friends, and kiss up to people, what would you do if you were me....BESIDES kill myself. That's cheating.
Let's say that I suck so much, that not even death wants nothing to do with me...."No, you take him, please. He started off with you, he can stay with you." Infact, pretend I'm your son.......yeah, you'd probably beat me. Okay! So write a sarcastic response about how much you'd beat me for acting this way, THEN offer a response......actually, you'd probably try to ship me off to someone else....just nevermind Ham. Forget I asked. I think at this point, you've already made up your mind, but I tell ya, I wish a smart guy like you could have a convo with my co-worker, and I promise if you guys talked about God or black people or homosexuals, within a few minutes, you'd either be saying he's worst then me, or you'd be yelling white power. Either way, it'd be a strong response. Maybe Renee can help! Come on, you too are much smarter then me, of course Renee thinks I'm a big pussy so I might have lost her a long time ago.
Anyone else? I mean, really, do the ONE thing that a group of Christians will NOT do....and have some balls, and tell me, in details, what the problem is. Or maybe, just maybe, there is some kinda....I magic that is real, and I just got cursed, and I'm just hated for the sake of it.....NO born a certain way. We are all products of how we were treated growing up, and even now, and this crazy rant is a result of the neverending hate I get from humans.
Hell, the other day, I was walking home, and I had some jack-ass honked his horn and yell "get a car bitch". HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....gosh, that's just so funny. Get a car....hahahahaha.....but that's the story of my life. I breath air, and that offends your fellow human beings.
To the few who have been kind....I know I am coming across like a crazy man here, but I am just highly stressed. I am a good, compassionate human, and I sometimes act crazy when dealing with enemies, but again, maybe that is the problem. Being a good guy that is. Really, I'm left clueless. I mean, these people can insult me....the ones on here that is, but that's all they can do. No serious advice. Just that old-school, daddy crap of take it like a man. Hell, that's like going up to Jesus in the passion of the christ and telling him to take it like a man......*remembers what site he's on*.....okay, bad example....
Anyhow, I was gonna come on here to say sorry about the rant, but I ended up ranting again......alright, rant is over, let's see all the fun responses, if there are any. Bring on the sarcasm, and insults and fake advice, and boot camp speeches about how I am a sissy, and how the KKK is right to hate me. Really, I won't ever off myself, but I'd probably help tighten the rope if the Klan ever does get me. In closing, the best response...would be no response, just close the thread, forget all this, and ban me, and leave me in peace. Please. I'm sorry I started the topic, now I'd like for it to end, so please, do so.
I read through some of your posts, not much however, because I kept getting tired of your incessant whining. Get the fuck** over yourself.
Seriously, you say everybody hates you? Well what exactly is the only common denominator of all of those relationships?
It is possible, albeit unlikely, that everyone around you is a big asshole, but frankly, your whining is nearing catastrophic proportions. Your emo is tiring.
Oh also, Lynch mobs? seriously? As in people have formed mobs with the intent of killing you? Then how exactly are you still alive? Get over your inane victim syndrome.
Also again, you say they don't have the balls to stand up to you? What exactly have you done to stand up to them, make sarcastic comments all day? Because that's really a direct approach to confront your problems (whoops, there I go again, now look what you've done). You come here and describe yourself as a class act and above gossiping about others, yet what have you done throughout this entire thread? That's right, desccribe all of the 'nasty horrible' parts of the assholes you work with. Sounds like gossip to me.
Furthermore, as I just read the last couple of paragraphs of your post, once people start talking about how they are suicidal, or nearing such, I really start to lose my interest.
Oh joy, you also complain about how no woman wants to date you. I swear we have been getting so many applicants for the position of Shizzlenator its amazing. Now all you need to do is start advocating Genocide and Torture and you will probably be accepted* within seven to ten business days.
Finally, no one here has said you deserve to die or anything of the sort, however I will second the 'boot camp speeches about how I am a sissy' because you are a sissy. As you yourself have described, you responded to someone calling you useless, which by your own description was an accurate appraisal of your abilities at that time, by *whispering* 'you're an asshole' and then making sarcastic comments all day to 'let him know how you felt'. This becomes so tragically ironic when you come here and lambast us for being sarcastic to you.
Your entire parahraph asking Hambydammit for advice was pure sarcasm.
Though it is always nice to find someone who responds to a few people disliking them with deciding they want to be the avatar of all the world's hate as opposed to actually examining themselves and trying to find what flaw they might have that makes everyone hate them. Just for you though, I'm going to offer a one of a kind deal, I will tell you, in ten words or less, exactly what your flaw is, which is the reason everyone hates you.
Your flaw is; You Insist nothing is ever your fault.
*And by 'accepted' I mean Banned.
** I think this is the first time I have used Fuck on this forum. Interesting.
When you say it like that you make it sound so Sinister...
Zeeboe, Hamby's right. I can confirm what he says.
You seem like a guy who is accustomed to a normal, sane environment where you're allowed to work in peace. This is not a thing to expect, only to hope for as a reward. I don't have it also ideal at work, maybe a bit easier with the fact that we have evil employers and we can be united against them, but it's more like that people are demoralized.
But it is a fact, that first you must do a lot for other people, before they will do anything for you. First you must be there for them. You will not change anybody by keeping away and (OMFG) ranting about them in their presence. This is a very bad thing to do. Love and trust transforms the people, negativity only hardens them. Sure they don't deserve the love and trust, but you're not doing a business with that, you must give it out unconditionally. NEVER offend anyone. They surely deserve some real shit, but only as their friend you can have an influence on them.
If there are some real badasses (Ed?) you can take him like a fool, kindly, but not seriously at all, totally impersonally.
Of course you don't deserve anything of that, but the life did put this all in front of you and expects you to do something about it, while searching for a better job of the same kind. If you manage this situation, the rest of your life will seem like a piece of cake. You will be grateful for every normal person you meet.
Of course, there are slanderers, liars, and some really fucked-up people, but maybe it's better to think about them as fascinating people, good for an amateurish psychoanalysis, specially when caught in act.
Remember, the impersonal love can help. I know it sounds cheesy, but it's a real solution for very desperate situations. It may look like you're completely insane, but it helps. I'm a guy who did all the mistakes you do many times at and recently learned from them, through the pain. It took a lot of suffering and nervous breakdowns before I managed to get a greater awareness of the world and people around. I've been a completely innocent guy with a couple of classes of bullies going after me, never fitting into the crowd, and always fucking up everything. And I realized, that instead of innocence, it was a deep, dream-like ignorance. More like a daze.
It's not that you're too good. If you'd be so good as you think about yourself, you would demonstrate them that goodness, you would get your hands dirty with their dirty redneck opinions and love them, love your enemy as that nailed guy reputedly said. It's a dirty and hard work, but the world is a dirty place and your goodness is useless if it's safely locked up inside your head.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.