Jesus died for my sins, without my permission?
Hi guys! I've been a lurker on here for quite some time now. Gotta love the intelligence this forum has to offer! Today I have a question that I cannot already find an answer to though. Perhaps someone can help me? Thanks so much if you can!
Okay, so I've been slowly forming this thought, and I was wondering if my logic is correct..
I am having a very difficult time accepting Jesus Christ as any sort of savior to me simply because his followers make this claim that he "died for my sins" -- but before I was ever given the opportunity to let (or not let) him do so.
I mean, what if I didn't want eternal life? What if I didn't want someone supposedly dieing for my sins? (Assuming someone could even do such a thing in the first place.)
Where is my freedom of choice in all of this?
Of course we know what supposedly happens if I don't accept Jesus as my savior -- I go to hell, or at least not get into heaven. I'm more concerned about the fact that I was born AFTER Jesus apparently died for my sins though.
It just seems so unfair! Can someone help me with this?
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Ok i looked up pascals wager and yeah that it pretty much what im saying. I guess we came to the same conclusion separately. The difference is that he built his decision on chance because before that he had been discounting certainty. I build my faith on historical, scientific, legal, experiential and anecdotal evidence. For me the decision is not only a good choice over bad, that is just a simple way to look at it. It is also backed by alot of other stuff.
also, thank you for responding more courteously. A lot of the other atheists on this site are just angry jerks most of the time.
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jcgadfly wrote:As the guy who asked this question, I don't think you understood it.
God created sin->God created the tempter and the temptation in the Garden->God created salvation after having to commit suicide.
Why would a loving God create sin and force mankind into it? Wouldn't have been more benefical to his creation to simply not create the need for his backup plan?
Oh, and give Pascal his Wager back.
I also wish there was a different, better way for the world to work. How do you think God (assuming he exists) should have made the world in the context of free will, predestination, judgement, etc.? Ive discussed this with some of my friends and its possible that this was the best way for God to accomplish his objectives such as personal growth, true love and true devotion.
Sorry I didn't follow the pascal allusion. All i remember about pascal was his triangle from highschool haha
To answer that I need to know if you believe your God is omniscient - if you do, free will (or free moral agency) is impossible.
In any case, if creating a perfect system only to break it so he could offer himself to himself so he could fix what he broke is the best he could do, that doesn't say a lot for God.
Pascal's wager basically says that if we are unsure whether God exists or not, we should play safe and believe he does to avoid his punishment. It fails for multiple reasons.
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
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Personally I don't think a person should be in a lake of fire at all. And they certainly shouldn't be threatened with a lake of fire in order to lever them into believing an unprovable doctrine. Your toppling examples of evil including wars and HIV infections are too extreme for me. I'm not talking about grand sins on the psychopathic scale. I'm talking about ordinary things and ordinary men who would be destroyed by the guilt and shame of serious wrongs long before your monster god got his flaming talons on them.
Sure, you have your faults and so do I. And it sounds like you've learned from them, as have I. But by no means, unless you've killed or tortured someone, do I think you deserve the fire treatment. I would never press the incinerate button on your chamber in hell and I won't bow down to a god who your doctrine says will. The punishment should suit the crime when it comes to justice. Those who do harm should have to do reciprocal good in a process called correction - a thing that's obviously far removed from the welter of retribution the bible preaches.
Sinners don't even get to learn from their mistakes, they just get hell, forever. There's nothing just about that, be-ribbon it how you will.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
If you gave me a list of the books you read, I would likely read them also and we could have a discussion. I'm twisted that way.
I am aware of what Christians believe about their scripture. It has been said about every holy book in every religion. It is a trick often used by lesser known authors to lend credence to their own views.
I've read the stuff you claim has been covered - If your ignoring a counter-argument implies coverage, then yes you've covered it well. In reality, however, it's called dodging.
On the blackmail, you're only looking at half of it. If it was like "Let me save you or you will plummet to your death" - I'd have no problem. god's deal is more like "Let me save you or you will plummet to your death. But first, you have to sign over your house and your bank account and let me sleep with your wife. You'd better make your mind up fast - I can see you're slipping (while he's stomping on your hands)"
For the rest, it's the old "There are no morals without God" stuff that's been shot down repeatedly. You forget that you have forgiveness. That means you can do something against God and man->act really sorry and ask forgiveness while promising not do it again->get forgiveness->do it again when you wish/ Of course, you can always skip all that if you're an "under grace" Christian. The Law doesn't even apply then.
Do I hate God? No more than I hate the Tooth Fairy or Santa. Do I dislike Christians who use God to absolve themselves from responsibility for their actions and pretend to be superior because of their "humbleness"? Ok, maybe a little.
Have I done wrong? Yes. And I've had to apologize and make restitution directly to those I have wronged. Even then, there are some people whose trust I may never fully regain. How about you? You have the luxury of wronging people, asking God for forgiveness and expecting people to fully trust you because of it.
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
(Assumption you live in the USA).
You would not like this country to be Christian? You would not want this nation to back to its roots as established by our Christian Founding Fathers? Post the Ten Commandments in public buildings. Protesting there is a war against Christmas. I hear so much of that I don't know how you are missing it.
I know a little bit about the Bible. Jesus said My Kingdom is not of this World. So, why are there so many Christians getting active in politics. Where did W's and Sarah Palin's support come from? Atheist? I think Christians should follow Christ's example and stay out of politics. Appears you agree with that.
Really you have never heard of a Christian killing an abortion doctor? Dude read the news now and again. How many atheist have killed abortion doctors?
You haven't heard of this movement?
I think you have had your head in the Bible too much.
Am I aware there are atheist who want to separate theist parents from their children? Those atheists are wrong. That accomplishes nothing. But please provides those references I would like to read them.
You said if we saw you in public spanking your child that we had no right to get involved. I assume now you are saying that we can get involved if we see abuse. Glad we agree. Neglect is another form of abuse and its impact can be as damaging if not more.
Yes teaching a child he or she is evil is simply wrong. I did not teach my children that. When they MISBEHAVED I sat them down and talked to them. I did not have to resort to spanking. They grew up being great kids and I am very proud of them. We have a wonderful relationship because I listened to them. They tell me of their life. I have a wonderful granddaughter who has never been taught she is evil. She is bright and loving. You can tell she feels secure. You might have missed my statement that my oldest is a third grade teacher and not my 3rd grader. Actually I didn't have the problem with my kids sharing their toys. It was a loving environment to start with and their was no biting incidents. Perhaps teaching them they are evil would have corrected that.
Growing up with my extended fundamentalist family I saw lots of SPANKINGS and saw hostility and resentment that came out of that. It had the opposite affect that was intended. I heard often SPARE THE ROD AND SPOIL THE CHILD. You cannot beat evil out of a child because it is simply not there. Seeing it is a delusion and has more to do with the parents low self-esteem, guilt, shame and anger that needs to be vented.
Yes, some of the volunteers are theist, but they don't preach hell and judgement. A number have questioned their faith. Some have left the church they belong to and joined a non-fundamentalist church. But that is strictly anecdotal and not to imply a statistic. Some also are atheist. But nearly all grew up abused.
I have seen incredible changes in children when they are not treated as sinners, but wonderful people. This is the most telling change in my life. How can acceptance of people, as they are, and not scolding them because they are evil make them a better person? With my fundamentalist background I want to reject that concept but seeing it year after year I cannot deny it. Abusing is not a result of sin. It is summed up briefly as Hurt People, Hurt People. That is all I have seen. I see no Devil sitting on their shoulder or in their heart as you might.
This is not how to live.
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
Your free will is in choosing to accept the free gift. One thing that sets true Christianity apart is that you do not have to do anything to earn God's favor; He already loves you. I think it is arrogant to think that there is some way that we could earn salvation for ourselves. It makes sense that the only way to attain salvation is to receive it for free from God. If you do not want to humble yourself and make Jesus your master, then you do not have to, but let me tell you from experience, the freedom and peace that comes with knowing God is worth giving up pride. You must know how ridiculous you sound by expecting God to ask your permission (you, one of His creations) to do anything let alone the greatest favor ever.
What's so great about accepting God's solution to a problem he created? He loves us so much he created the sin that he punishes us for.
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
There's some core reason why I hate this dogmatic pap. I would be happy to make jesus my master, just as long as he promises to slap on the sorbolene before doing me the greatest favour ever.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
I'll try that next time my kid misbehaves.
"I'm totally giving you a free choice about dating that boy, but if you *do* date him, I'm going to shoot you in the belly and let you bleed out. But it's totally up to you, no pressure! I love you! But I brought you in to this world and so help me I can take you out of it."
It would not be arrogant of my kid to tell me to fuck off.
I think you guys live in a scary place where you put such a monster on a pedestal.
Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.
Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.
The paradox of free will vs. God's control is one of the toughest things for me to understand also. The debate has been going on for hundreds of years between Calvinists and Arminianists over which is more strongly in control of history. I recently read Spectacular Sins by John Piper. It was very well written and tried to explain how God can use sin and evil to produce greater good.
Also, I dont think that the analogies that you guys have written in your responses are fair. God is giving us the chance to have something wonderful, not cruelly preventing us from doing something he just randomly doesnt want us to do. He gives us commands because they are in accord with how the world really works and not following them results in painful consequences. For example, if you lie, then you will have to lie more to cover up the lie. Then you will have to always worry about someone uncovering your lies and whether your lies' stories still match up. Eventually, you are enmeshed in a whole system of lies and it gets very stressful. Usually the lies are discovered after a while and then you have to face people's disappointment and distrust. Ive been in that situation and when i get there, I always wish i had just told the truth in the first place as God commands us to do. Sinning takes more work and effort than obeying.
When you ask why we should accept God's solution to a problem that he made, I think you are making some incorrect assumptions. I think you see accepting salvation as a negative or unpleasant thing. Frankly, I dont care what the punishment for not choosing to serve God is. It is a choice between something infinitely good and infinitely bad. And you dont even have to pay a huge price to get the better one. Its so easy to get, why not just choose the better one? It may be a horrifyingly severe judgement, but if all you have to do is say in effect " yes I choose the better life and not the worse one" why not just go with it?
The question of whether God uses evil to do good is a tough one for Christians too, but for me, there are enough other very solid proofs of it's truth that grey areas like this dont bother me that much. Im hoping I find out how it works after i die.
As the guy who asked this question, I don't think you understood it.
God created sin->God created the tempter and the temptation in the Garden->God created salvation after having to commit suicide.
Why would a loving God create sin and force mankind into it? Wouldn't have been more benefical to his creation to simply not create the need for his backup plan?
Oh, and give Pascal his Wager back.
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
Actually it is even worse than the examples we are giving. God created our entire being, including our nature and desire to 'sin' as well as defining sin. Then he cursed us for breaking his arbitrary rule. He created the entire system, from humans to the devil to heaven and hell. Sins which, by the way, are often arbitrary and do not hold up well in modern society. is very easy for me to think of real situations where 'evil' happens and it benefits absolutely no-one. Good luck making a case for what good comes out of some girl with no family who gets raped, mutilated then dumped out of the back of a truck in the middle of Africa. Then she births a baby with severe defects out in the mud, and the baby only lives long enough to watch its mother eaten by wild animals, and then get eaten in turn.
Shit like that *actually happens*. It isn't fun to think about, but the contradictory nature of the Christian god being nothing but love is ridiculous, and you *really* have to reach to support it.
Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.
I also wish there was a different, better way for the world to work. How do you think God (assuming he exists) should have made the world in the context of free will, predestination, judgement, etc.? Ive discussed this with some of my friends and its possible that this was the best way for God to accomplish his objectives such as personal growth, true love and true devotion.
Sorry I didn't follow the pascal allusion. All i remember about pascal was his triangle from highschool haha