Language, PC bull never takes into account CONTEXT!
I am so sick of the politically correct left always throwing the false accusation that when a word is used it is degrading to someone else.
The latest bee in my bonnet is that of Rahm Emanual's usage of the word "retarded" and whimphishly backed down when politically correct people from the Special Olympics called on him to appologize.
THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN CORRECT if he had said, "Physically and mentally hanicap people are worthess peices of shit" THAT would deserve rightful condemnation.
All he meant by that statement was that some in his party were being stupid.
CONTEXT is important.
I see nothing wrong with using words like faggot, nigger, or retard when used in certain contexts. I think it is absurd to always assume because a word is used that the person using it hates someone else.
How many times we as atheists have joked about how we are "heathens". Does that mean we hate ourselves?
If we are going to take this attitude all the time then South Park which is far from a bigoted show, should be banned.
It is getting insane to me that people care more about words than actual intent in actions. If Rohm were advocating the oppression of mentally handicap people, then I would agree.
"Retarded" does not mean the same thing in his context as when a doctor discribes a mental condition.
How far should we take this?
Should we not say things like "fire retardant"?
I love my left theists and atheist friends in that they are not stuck in a bigoted past. But damn do I feel like there is a kneejerk reaction they can't seem to step away from.
This reaction is absurd and is treating him like he is Hitler in support of a master race where the enfirmed and ill should be done away with.
Not every time my theist co-workers tell me I am going to burn in hell litterally means they hate me or wish me ill. Not every time I tell them their god is fiction means I hate all Christians and want to become Stalin.
He was merely saying his fellow dems were acting stupid.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
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here is the thing, jesus is an idea people hold not a charicter trait. they can help being christian they cannot help being retarded. Jesus is a choice. Its the same with politics, people chose who they support they are not born that way. Yes they may be offended if you say god doesnt exist but you are questioning an idea not something beyond there control. Some get offended by abortion but once again its an idea not them. I think that is where i draw the line. And I think its a reasonable line.
Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
No animal shall wear clothes.
No animal shall sleep in a bed.
No animal shall drink alcohol.
No animal shall kill any other animal.
All animals are equal.
I know that, and you know that, but not everyone is the same. Just because you and I know the difference, doesn't mean everyone does. AND still not the issue. The issue is that ANYTHIG can, at any given point, by any person, reasonable or not, be taken as an instult, even if it isn't.
It is as simple as someone taking something the wrong way. It happens with ideas and words.
OK, HERE is the thing.
I have to admit when I first posted this I was steaming, But I have cooled off a bit since. I should have not put any focus on a particular word. I see it as being a distraction.
SOMETHING else I have not brought up that people may not have thought about.
Let me sum up my detractors arguments.
1. Words have meaning. Those words can have a negative connotation and should not be used because of their history so that the person whom they are aimed at, are not demonized.
Ok, I don't think that is ALWAYS the case because language IS NOT static. If it were, FOR EXAMPLE, and keep in mind, I am not focused on ONE WORD, just using one as an example. Right so far?
If "gay" stayed static in it's history, which started out merely meaning "happy", then homophobes wouldn't have adapted it to demonize gays. "gay" which is the same three letters meaning "happy" then became "yucky, bad, evil" and was still the same three letters.
Now today, just like "The United Negro College Fund" is still named that. Gays still use the term "gay". NOW it no longer means the same thing. So although at one time I might have agreed that "that is so gay" did mean something. I think any reasonable person understand "stupid/gay" is a completely different word and NOW unrelated to "sexuality/gay" which is unrelated to "gay/happy". They may share the same common ancestor, But they, because of history, are not directly related any more. I think people who want to still do that, can. I don't see why.
I DO see what you guys are saying, but I disagree. I think people can take "that is so gay" as bad if they want to. And there was a time in the past where it was important to stop bigotry towards gays. But if we are going to say that "that is so gay" means "gay is bad", then why use the word "gay" at all? Why do gays have PFLAG or blacks "United Negro College Fund".
Black as in used in the bible was a literary device and was equated to bad/evil. I don't think any rational people today use that word the same way.
"Fine and fine" . You can be "fined" with a traffic ticket=negitive. Or you can look at a woman and call her "fine" as in good looking=positive.
I see what you guys are saying. I am saying that language IS NOT static so we need to take into account context and intent. Otherwise even gays shouldn't use the word gay because it started out as a slur.
I think if one wants to read Rahm's comments as being literally related to mentally handicap people, they can. I don't see why. Just like using the word gay now doesn't make me a homophobe because in the context I am using it, is not the same word as the original usage by homophobes who first started to use it.
So I DO understand what you guys are saying. BUT I still disagree.
"retard" as Rahm used it,, WAS NOT a slur towards mentally handicap people. If you want to take it that way, you can. I dont.
Just like if I said, "that is so gay" means I hate gay people. Or "that is so phat" means my car is actually overweight, because it was a spinoff of "fat" which WAS a negitive slur to "fat" people.
IN ANY case I do agree it is NOT aways wise to say things just because you can. We really don't disagree as much as many heare might think. I do think it is important to know why one shouldn't say something, but again, my only stipulation to that is "time, place, and context".
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Brian, your understanding of langauge change and etymology is so shallow and ignorant that you've made yourself look like a complete ass.
You're just plain wrong.
First, the use of gay to refer to homosexual males is very recent. The use of the word gay to mean 'happy' as a synonym for happy is extremely antiquated. A cursory internet search can show you a rough etymology of the word. For the longest time of its use the word has been used negatively in relation to sexuality. The myth that gay had meant 'happy' until it became associated with homosexual males is just completely wrong. Further, yes, the word is still spelled the same, but that has no bearing on the word's meaning. Many words are spelled the same and yet have different meanings, which briefly requires a sidetrack to another thing you got completely wrong:
Back to the former point I was making is that a word, like gay, is negatively connoted because of how it has been used and because of how people perceive it. You're completely right that language isn't static. No one here has suggested it is. You happen, however, to have a childlike understanding of how language works. It is not a choice for a word that carries baggage, like gay, that when people here it it hurts. It is not a choice to hear the word retard and to hear it as an insult. I will only write this down for you this once more:
See, if you understood the etymology of words, which you do not, then you would know that the only reason the word 'retard' could be used to call someone stupid is because it had been used to refer to people with mental disabilities and then the word began to be used as a slang insult for people with mental disabilities that could then be transfered to people who didn't have mental disabilities in order to insult them by essentially saying, 'you're stupid, like people with mental disabilities are stupid.' The connection is there in the word and it is part of its history. People are sensitive to the fact that the word retard must necessarily imply its past use in order to be used to call anyone stupid. And again, anyone who takes it as an insult, has not choosen to do so. There is not special switch by which a person can choose to ignore the obvious, especially when they are either sympathetic to the people referenced in the insult or when they are those people themselves.
I really wish you would stop harping on about context (and lately time and place), because you don't appreciate context at all and you have no sense of the nuance in these issues and obviously haven't taken the time to learn even the basics of the relevant linguistics in order to properly argue your position.
Once again, no one here is advocating that a word not ever be used in any context. What is being said is that words being used as they're used and in the contexts they're being used are inappropriate exactly because of the context in which they're being used. What is being said is that the word gay shouldn't be used in the context of referring to things as bad or ugly and that the word retard shouldn't be used in the context of calling people stupid. There are contexts wherein the words would be fine to use and there are ways in which to use the words that don't invoke their negative connotations or meanings. It is you who has not understood this.
BigUniverse wrote,
"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."
I GOT THAT! What makes you think I didnt?
I disagree that Rahm was calling mentally handicap "retards" in the context people wanted to project on the way he ACTUALLY USED IT. If you want to view it that way. I cant stop you.
Otherwise my post about "faggots" serving in the military is wrong, EVER.
YOU thought Rahm's "retard" comment was a bad context and inappropriate. I simply saw the "context" of what he said as calling someone else "stupid" NOTHING ESLE!
You want to make it out black and white when I am not disagreeing with you, which you think I am FALSELY.
We can't as individuals always assume what is in someone else's head.
"It is not always good to say something, just because you can"
"Words have meaning, and words can be used to demonize others"
That doesn''t take into account that no matter how right you or I think either of us are right that means anyone else will agree with us. EITHER WAY!
Shades of gray. I AM NOT SAYING I AM ALWAYS RIGHT, but you fail to take into account, that no matter how wrong you think I got it, AND THAT IS NOT MY ARGUMENT,
My argument is simple. POINT OF VIEW. .You might have a better argument for ANYTHING, but without taking into account that humans are imperfect.
I applaud your efforts to change things, to make things better for everyone, to want us to get long. I DO TOO.
My only issue is the projectionism of "never" as a tactic. If that is not what you are suggesting AS AN INDIVIDUAL, then we have no argument.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Theism is why we can't have nice things.
I agree.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at