Language, PC bull never takes into account CONTEXT!

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Language, PC bull never takes into account CONTEXT!

I am so sick of the politically correct left always throwing the false accusation that when a word is used it is degrading to someone else.

The latest bee in my bonnet is that of Rahm Emanual's usage of the word "retarded" and whimphishly backed down when politically correct people from the Special Olympics called on him to appologize.

THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN CORRECT if he had said, "Physically and mentally hanicap people are worthess peices of shit" THAT would deserve rightful condemnation.


All he meant by that statement was that some in his party were being stupid.


CONTEXT is important.


I see nothing wrong with using words like faggot, nigger, or retard when used in certain contexts. I think it is absurd to always assume because a word is used that the person using it hates someone else.

How many times we as atheists have joked about how we are "heathens". Does that mean we hate ourselves?

If we are going to take this attitude all the time then South Park which is far from a bigoted show, should be banned.

It is getting insane to me that people care more about words than actual intent in actions. If Rohm were advocating the oppression of mentally handicap people, then I would agree.

"Retarded" does not mean the same thing in his context as when a doctor discribes a mental condition.

How far should we take this?

Should we not say things like "fire retardant"?


I love my left theists and atheist friends in that they are not stuck in a bigoted past. But damn do I feel like there is a kneejerk reaction they can't seem to step away from.

This reaction is absurd and is treating him like he is Hitler in support of a master race where the enfirmed and ill should be done away with.


Not every time my theist co-workers tell me I am going to burn in hell litterally means they hate me or wish me ill. Not every time I tell them their god is fiction means I hate all Christians and want to become Stalin.


He was merely saying his fellow dems were acting stupid.


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Brian37 wrote:I am glad you

Brian37 wrote:

I am glad you agree with me 99%.

BUT here is where it gets dangerous for society.


Just because you and I are capable of understanding that saying "Jesus is fiction" doesn't mean that a Christian doesn't have the capability of misunderstanding that. The fact in reality is that the DO, no matter how we explain it to them.  To many Christians that quote is an "INSULT" no matter how much we say it isn't. What we would like them to see isn't always what they will see.

"One man's hero is another man's villain" "One man's insult is another man's blasphemy" I am quite sure it "insulted" Muslims to have Muhammad depicted in a cartoon with a bomb in his turban. The cartoonist could explain it until he is blue in the face, some might get it, but others will, despite his intent, falsely call it an "INSULT" .

Now again, I am in full agreement with the attitude that one shouldn't always say something just because they can. But the opposite is just as absurd, to never say anything because someone might be "insulted".


here is the thing, jesus is an idea people hold not a charicter trait. they can help being christian they cannot help being retarded. Jesus is a choice. Its the same with politics, people chose who they support they are not born that way. Yes they may be offended if you say god doesnt exist but you are questioning an idea not something beyond there control. Some get offended by abortion but once again its an idea not them. I think that is where i draw the line. And I think its a reasonable line.

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Tapey wrote:Brian37 wrote:I

Tapey wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

I am glad you agree with me 99%.

BUT here is where it gets dangerous for society.


Just because you and I are capable of understanding that saying "Jesus is fiction" doesn't mean that a Christian doesn't have the capability of misunderstanding that. The fact in reality is that the DO, no matter how we explain it to them.  To many Christians that quote is an "INSULT" no matter how much we say it isn't. What we would like them to see isn't always what they will see.

"One man's hero is another man's villain" "One man's insult is another man's blasphemy" I am quite sure it "insulted" Muslims to have Muhammad depicted in a cartoon with a bomb in his turban. The cartoonist could explain it until he is blue in the face, some might get it, but others will, despite his intent, falsely call it an "INSULT" .

Now again, I am in full agreement with the attitude that one shouldn't always say something just because they can. But the opposite is just as absurd, to never say anything because someone might be "insulted".


here is the thing, jesus is an idea people hold not a charicter trait. they can help being christian they cannot help being retarded. Jesus is a choice. Its the same with politics, people chose who they support they are not born that way. Yes they may be offended if you say god doesnt exist but you are questioning an idea not something beyond there control. Some get offended by abortion but once again its an idea not them. I think that is where i draw the line. And I think its a reasonable line.

I know that, and you know that, but not everyone is the same. Just because you and I know the difference, doesn't mean everyone does. AND still not the issue. The issue is that ANYTHIG can, at any given point, by any person, reasonable or not, be taken as an instult, even if it isn't.

It is as simple as someone taking something the wrong way. It happens with ideas and words.

OK, HERE is the thing.

I have to admit when I first posted this I was steaming, But I have cooled off a bit since. I should have not put any focus on a particular word. I see it as being a distraction.

SOMETHING else I have not brought up that people may not have thought about.

Let me sum up my detractors arguments.

1. Words have meaning. Those words can have a negative connotation and should not be used because of their history so that the person whom they are aimed at, are not demonized.

Ok, I don't think that is ALWAYS the case because language IS NOT static. If it were, FOR EXAMPLE, and keep in mind, I am not focused on ONE WORD, just using one as an example. Right so far?

If "gay" stayed static in it's history, which started out merely meaning "happy", then homophobes wouldn't have adapted it to demonize gays. "gay" which is the same three letters meaning "happy" then became "yucky, bad, evil" and was still the same three letters.

Now today, just like "The United Negro College Fund" is still named that. Gays still use the term "gay". NOW it no longer means the same thing. So although at one time I might have agreed that "that is so gay" did mean something. I think any reasonable person understand "stupid/gay" is a completely different word and NOW unrelated to "sexuality/gay" which is unrelated to "gay/happy". They may share the same common ancestor, But they, because of history, are not directly related any more. I think people who want to still do that, can. I don't see why.

I DO see what you guys are saying, but I disagree. I think people can take "that is so gay" as bad if they want to. And there was a time in the past where it was important to stop bigotry towards gays. But if we are going to say that "that is so gay" means "gay is bad", then why use the word "gay" at all? Why do gays have PFLAG or blacks "United Negro College Fund".

Black as in used in the bible was a literary device and was equated to bad/evil. I don't think any rational people today use that word the same way.

"Fine and fine" . You can be "fined" with a traffic ticket=negitive. Or you can look at a woman and call her "fine" as in good looking=positive.

I see what you guys are saying. I am saying that language IS NOT static so we need to take into account context and intent. Otherwise even gays shouldn't use the word gay because it started out as a slur.

I think if one wants to read Rahm's comments as being literally related to mentally handicap people, they can. I don't see why. Just like using the word gay now doesn't make me a homophobe because in the context I am using it, is not the same word as the original usage by homophobes who first started to use it.

So I DO understand what you guys are saying. BUT I still disagree.

"retard" as Rahm used it,, WAS NOT a slur towards mentally handicap people. If you want to take it that way, you can. I dont.

Just like if I said, "that is so gay" means I hate gay people. Or "that is so phat" means my car is actually overweight, because it was a spinoff of "fat" which WAS a negitive slur to "fat" people.

IN ANY case I do agree it is NOT aways wise to say things just because you can. We really don't disagree as much as many heare might think. I do think it is important to know why one shouldn't say something, but again, my only stipulation to that is "time, place, and context".








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Thomathy's picture
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Brian, understanding of

Brian, your understanding of langauge change and etymology is so shallow and ignorant that you've made yourself look like a complete ass.

You're just plain wrong.


If "gay" stayed static in it's history, which started out merely meaning "happy", then homophobes wouldn't have adapted it to demonize gays. "gay" which is the same three letters meaning "happy" then became "yucky, bad, evil" and was still the same three letters.

Now today, just like "The United Negro College Fund" is still named that. Gays still use the term "gay". NOW it no longer means the same thing. So although at one time I might have agreed that "that is so gay" did mean something. I think any reasonable person understand "stupid/gay" is a completely different word and NOW unrelated to "sexuality/gay" which is unrelated to "gay/happy". They may share the same common ancestor, But they, because of history, are not directly related any more. I think people who want to still do that, can. I don't see why.

I DO see what you guys are saying, but I disagree. I think people can take "that is so gay" as bad if they want to. And there was a time in the past where it was important to stop bigotry towards gays. But if we are going to say that "that is so gay" means "gay is bad", then why use the word "gay" at all? Why do gays have PFLAG or blacks "United Negro College Fund".

No, no, no, no, no, no.  And this isn't a debate.  You are wrong and it is beyond irritating.  How can you not see that you're the one who has the problem understanding context and worse, that you don't seem to appreciate the different meanings that words carry dependant on their use?

First, the use of gay to refer to homosexual males is very recent.  The use of the word gay to mean 'happy' as a synonym for happy is extremely antiquated.  A cursory internet search can show you a rough etymology of the word.  For the longest time of its use the word has been used negatively in relation to sexuality.  The myth that gay had meant 'happy' until it became associated with homosexual males is just completely wrong.  Further, yes, the word is still spelled the same, but that has no bearing on the word's meaning.  Many words are spelled the same and yet have different meanings, which briefly requires a sidetrack to another thing you got completely wrong:

"Fine and fine" . You can be "fined" with a traffic ticket=negitive. Or you can look at a woman and call her "fine" as in good looking=positive.
The words  'fine' and 'fine' have two different histories!  They aren't the same word, Brian, even though they're spelled the same.  That is a horrid example of what you are trying to exemplify and further, what you are trying to exemplify is just wrong.  You can use 'fine' to describe a women who looks good because the word literally means 'best quality' or 'perfect'.  You can use a different word, 'fine', to refer to a payment to be made due to an infraction.  The words are neither negative nor positive in virtually any context.  They are neutral words.  You have confused negative connotation for the a literal interpretation of a word's emotional value based off of a literal definition.  The way you have presented this is completely erroneous and does not help you to prove your point, which is hopelessly flawed and completely misled as it is.

Back to the former point I was making is that a word, like gay, is negatively connoted because of how it has been used and because of how people perceive it.  You're completely right that language isn't static.  No one here has suggested it is.  You happen, however, to have a childlike understanding of how language works.  It is not a choice for a word that carries baggage, like gay, that when people here it it hurts.  It is not a choice to hear the word retard and to hear it as an insult.  I will only write this down for you this once more:

Thomathy wrote:
In what way did he use the word?  The word means something specific.  If he didn't mean slowed or delayed, then he wasn't using the word correctly.  We may assume that he meant the word to be derisive, which means he was using the word in a disparaging manner, a manner in which it has been used to refer to people with mental disabilities.  He meant to insult people and he made a poor word choice.
Thomathy wrote:
He was calling people stupid using a word that refers, as he used it and as he must have meant in order to use the word to call people stupid, disparagingly to people with mental disabilities.

See, if you understood the etymology of words, which you do not, then you would know that the only reason the word 'retard' could be used to call someone stupid is because it had been used to refer to people with mental disabilities and then the word began to be used as a slang insult for people with mental disabilities that could then be transfered to people who didn't have mental disabilities in order to insult them by essentially saying, 'you're stupid, like people with mental disabilities are stupid.'  The connection is there in the word and it is part of its history.  People are sensitive to the fact that the word retard must necessarily imply its past use in order to be used to call anyone stupid.  And again, anyone who takes it as an insult, has not choosen to do so.  There is not special switch by which a person can choose to ignore the obvious, especially when they are either sympathetic to the people referenced in the insult or when they are those people themselves.

"retard" as Rahm used it,, WAS NOT a slur towards mentally handicap people. If you want to take it that way, you can. I dont.
So, Brian, yes, it was a slur and no one is 'taking' it that way, it is merely how it is understood.  That's not going to change.  It will be a long time still before the connection is distant enough that the word won't automatically trigger it.  It is similar for the word gay.  This is why the word is used by homosexuals to self identify, or why nigger is used by blacks similarly.  By using the word that insults you you can take it back and remove the stigma and feel empowered by it rather than feel the pain associated with it.  It's exactly why the current trend of using the word gay to refer to anything as 'bad' or 'ugly' is inappropriate from the perspecive of gays.  It is undermining an identity which homosexuals have built up in order to advance themselves socially and it invokes a past where the word was used to hurt, and lo, it is being used to hurt.


I see what you guys are saying. I am saying that language IS NOT static so we need to take into account context and intent. Otherwise even gays shouldn't use the word gay because it started out as a slur.

I think if one wants to read Rahm's comments as being literally related to mentally handicap people, they can. I don't see why. Just like using the word gay now doesn't make me a homophobe because in the context I am using it, is not the same word as the original usage by homophobes who first started to use it.

Which brings us here.  I have shown how you are dead wrong.  Several times.  And yet you keep reviving this dead horse.  Stop doing that!  Using the word gay to refer to things as bad or ugly is abhorent.  It's something that was started by homophobes and that has spread into common use and it is not good.  It's not okay to call something gay and to mean that it is bad or ugly.  If it is bad or ugly, use the words bad or ugly.  The same thing goes for the word retard.  Its use in that context is dependant on its connection to people with mental disabilities.

I really wish you would stop harping on about context (and lately time and place), because you don't appreciate context at all and you have no sense of the nuance in these issues and obviously haven't taken the time to learn even the basics of the relevant linguistics in order to properly argue your position.

Once again, no one here is advocating that a word not ever be used in any context.  What is being said is that words being used as they're used and in the contexts they're being used are inappropriate exactly because of the context in which they're being used.  What is being said is that the word gay shouldn't be used in the context of referring to things as bad or ugly and that the word retard shouldn't be used in the context of calling people stupid.  There are contexts wherein the words would be fine to use and there are ways in which to use the words that don't invoke their negative connotations or meanings.  It is you who has not understood this.

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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Thomathy wrote:Brian, your

Thomathy wrote:

Brian, your understanding of langauge change and etymology is so shallow and ignorant that you've made yourself look like a complete ass.

You're just plain wrong.


If "gay" stayed static in it's history, which started out merely meaning "happy", then homophobes wouldn't have adapted it to demonize gays. "gay" which is the same three letters meaning "happy" then became "yucky, bad, evil" and was still the same three letters.

Now today, just like "The United Negro College Fund" is still named that. Gays still use the term "gay". NOW it no longer means the same thing. So although at one time I might have agreed that "that is so gay" did mean something. I think any reasonable person understand "stupid/gay" is a completely different word and NOW unrelated to "sexuality/gay" which is unrelated to "gay/happy". They may share the same common ancestor, But they, because of history, are not directly related any more. I think people who want to still do that, can. I don't see why.

I DO see what you guys are saying, but I disagree. I think people can take "that is so gay" as bad if they want to. And there was a time in the past where it was important to stop bigotry towards gays. But if we are going to say that "that is so gay" means "gay is bad", then why use the word "gay" at all? Why do gays have PFLAG or blacks "United Negro College Fund".

No, no, no, no, no, no.  And this isn't a debate.  You are wrong and it is beyond irritating.  How can you not see that you're the one who has the problem understanding context and worse, that you don't seem to appreciate the different meanings that words carry dependant on their use?

First, the use of gay to refer to homosexual males is very recent.  The use of the word gay to mean 'happy' as a synonym for happy is extremely antiquated.  A cursory internet search can show you a rough etymology of the word.  For the longest time of its use the word has been used negatively in relation to sexuality.  The myth that gay had meant 'happy' until it became associated with homosexual males is just completely wrong.  Further, yes, the word is still spelled the same, but that has no bearing on the word's meaning.  Many words are spelled the same and yet have different meanings, which briefly requires a sidetrack to another thing you got completely wrong:

"Fine and fine" . You can be "fined" with a traffic ticket=negitive. Or you can look at a woman and call her "fine" as in good looking=positive.
The words  'fine' and 'fine' have two different histories!  They aren't the same word, Brian, even though they're spelled the same.  That is a horrid example of what you are trying to exemplify and further, what you are trying to exemplify is just wrong.  You can use 'fine' to describe a women who looks good because the word literally means 'best quality' or 'perfect'.  You can use a different word, 'fine', to refer to a payment to be made due to an infraction.  The words are neither negative nor positive in virtually any context.  They are neutral words.  You have confused negative connotation for the a literal interpretation of a word's emotional value based off of a literal definition.  The way you have presented this is completely erroneous and does not help you to prove your point, which is hopelessly flawed and completely misled as it is.

Back to the former point I was making is that a word, like gay, is negatively connoted because of how it has been used and because of how people perceive it.  You're completely right that language isn't static.  No one here has suggested it is.  You happen, however, to have a childlike understanding of how language works.  It is not a choice for a word that carries baggage, like gay, that when people here it it hurts.  It is not a choice to hear the word retard and to hear it as an insult.  I will only write this down for you this once more:

Thomathy wrote:
In what way did he use the word?  The word means something specific.  If he didn't mean slowed or delayed, then he wasn't using the word correctly.  We may assume that he meant the word to be derisive, which means he was using the word in a disparaging manner, a manner in which it has been used to refer to people with mental disabilities.  He meant to insult people and he made a poor word choice.
Thomathy wrote:
He was calling people stupid using a word that refers, as he used it and as he must have meant in order to use the word to call people stupid, disparagingly to people with mental disabilities.

See, if you understood the etymology of words, which you do not, then you would know that the only reason the word 'retard' could be used to call someone stupid is because it had been used to refer to people with mental disabilities and then the word began to be used as a slang insult for people with mental disabilities that could then be transfered to people who didn't have mental disabilities in order to insult them by essentially saying, 'you're stupid, like people with mental disabilities are stupid.'  The connection is there in the word and it is part of its history.  People are sensitive to the fact that the word retard must necessarily imply its past use in order to be used to call anyone stupid.  And again, anyone who takes it as an insult, has not choosen to do so.  There is not special switch by which a person can choose to ignore the obvious, especially when they are either sympathetic to the people referenced in the insult or when they are those people themselves.

"retard" as Rahm used it,, WAS NOT a slur towards mentally handicap people. If you want to take it that way, you can. I dont.
So, Brian, yes, it was a slur and no one is 'taking' it that way, it is merely how it is understood.  That's not going to change.  It will be a long time still before the connection is distant enough that the word won't automatically trigger it.  It is similar for the word gay.  This is why the word is used by homosexuals to self identify, or why nigger is used by blacks similarly.  By using the word that insults you you can take it back and remove the stigma and feel empowered by it rather than feel the pain associated with it.  It's exactly why the current trend of using the word gay to refer to anything as 'bad' or 'ugly' is inappropriate from the perspecive of gays.  It is undermining an identity which homosexuals have built up in order to advance themselves socially and it invokes a past where the word was used to hurt, and lo, it is being used to hurt.


I see what you guys are saying. I am saying that language IS NOT static so we need to take into account context and intent. Otherwise even gays shouldn't use the word gay because it started out as a slur.

I think if one wants to read Rahm's comments as being literally related to mentally handicap people, they can. I don't see why. Just like using the word gay now doesn't make me a homophobe because in the context I am using it, is not the same word as the original usage by homophobes who first started to use it.

Which brings us here.  I have shown how you are dead wrong.  Several times.  And yet you keep reviving this dead horse.  Stop doing that!  Using the word gay to refer to things as bad or ugly is abhorent.  It's something that was started by homophobes and that has spread into common use and it is not good.  It's not okay to call something gay and to mean that it is bad or ugly.  If it is bad or ugly, use the words bad or ugly.  The same thing goes for the word retard.  Its use in that context is dependant on its connection to people with mental disabilities.

I really wish you would stop harping on about context (and lately time and place), because you don't appreciate context at all and you have no sense of the nuance in these issues and obviously haven't taken the time to learn even the basics of the relevant linguistics in order to properly argue your position.

Once again, no one here is advocating that a word not ever be used in any context.  What is being said is that words being used as they're used and in the contexts they're being used are inappropriate exactly because of the context in which they're being used.  What is being said is that the word gay shouldn't be used in the context of referring to things as bad or ugly and that the word retard shouldn't be used in the context of calling people stupid.  There are contexts wherein the words would be fine to use and there are ways in which to use the words that don't invoke their negative connotations or meanings.  It is you who has not understood this.

What is being said is that words being used as they're used and in the contexts they're being used are inappropriate exactly because of the context in which they're being used.

I GOT THAT! What makes you think I didnt?

I disagree that Rahm was calling mentally handicap "retards" in the context people wanted to project on the way he ACTUALLY USED IT. If you want to view it that way. I cant stop you.

Otherwise my post about "faggots" serving in the military is wrong, EVER.

YOU thought Rahm's "retard" comment was a bad context and inappropriate. I simply saw the "context" of what he said as calling someone else "stupid" NOTHING ESLE!

You want to make it out black and white when I am not disagreeing with you, which you think I am FALSELY.

We can't as individuals always assume what is in someone else's head.


"It is not always good to say something, just because you can"


"Words have meaning, and words can be used to demonize others"


That doesn''t take into account that no matter how right you or I think either of us are right that means anyone else will agree with us. EITHER WAY!

Shades of gray. I AM NOT SAYING I AM ALWAYS RIGHT, but you fail to take into account, that no matter how wrong you think I got it, AND THAT IS NOT MY ARGUMENT,

My argument is simple. POINT OF VIEW. .You might have a better argument for ANYTHING, but without taking into account that humans are imperfect.

I applaud your efforts to change things, to make things better for everyone, to want us to get long. I DO TOO.

My only issue is the projectionism of "never" as a tactic. If that is not what you are suggesting AS AN INDIVIDUAL, then we have no argument.



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote:

Thomathy wrote:

Brian, your understanding of langauge change and etymology is so shallow and ignorant that you've made yourself look like a complete ass.

You're just plain wrong.


If "gay" stayed static in it's history, which started out merely meaning "happy", then homophobes wouldn't have adapted it to demonize gays. "gay" which is the same three letters meaning "happy" then became "yucky, bad, evil" and was still the same three letters.

Now today, just like "The United Negro College Fund" is still named that. Gays still use the term "gay". NOW it no longer means the same thing. So although at one time I might have agreed that "that is so gay" did mean something. I think any reasonable person understand "stupid/gay" is a completely different word and NOW unrelated to "sexuality/gay" which is unrelated to "gay/happy". They may share the same common ancestor, But they, because of history, are not directly related any more. I think people who want to still do that, can. I don't see why.

I DO see what you guys are saying, but I disagree. I think people can take "that is so gay" as bad if they want to. And there was a time in the past where it was important to stop bigotry towards gays. But if we are going to say that "that is so gay" means "gay is bad", then why use the word "gay" at all? Why do gays have PFLAG or blacks "United Negro College Fund".

No, no, no, no, no, no.  And this isn't a debate.  You are wrong and it is beyond irritating.  How can you not see that you're the one who has the problem understanding context and worse, that you don't seem to appreciate the different meanings that words carry dependant on their use?

First, the use of gay to refer to homosexual males is very recent.  The use of the word gay to mean 'happy' as a synonym for happy is extremely antiquated.  A cursory internet search can show you a rough etymology of the word.  For the longest time of its use the word has been used negatively in relation to sexuality.  The myth that gay had meant 'happy' until it became associated with homosexual males is just completely wrong.  Further, yes, the word is still spelled the same, but that has no bearing on the word's meaning.  Many words are spelled the same and yet have different meanings, which briefly requires a sidetrack to another thing you got completely wrong:

"Fine and fine" . You can be "fined" with a traffic ticket=negitive. Or you can look at a woman and call her "fine" as in good looking=positive.
The words  'fine' and 'fine' have two different histories!  They aren't the same word, Brian, even though they're spelled the same.  That is a horrid example of what you are trying to exemplify and further, what you are trying to exemplify is just wrong.  You can use 'fine' to describe a women who looks good because the word literally means 'best quality' or 'perfect'.  You can use a different word, 'fine', to refer to a payment to be made due to an infraction.  The words are neither negative nor positive in virtually any context.  They are neutral words.  You have confused negative connotation for the a literal interpretation of a word's emotional value based off of a literal definition.  The way you have presented this is completely erroneous and does not help you to prove your point, which is hopelessly flawed and completely misled as it is.

Back to the former point I was making is that a word, like gay, is negatively connoted because of how it has been used and because of how people perceive it.  You're completely right that language isn't static.  No one here has suggested it is.  You happen, however, to have a childlike understanding of how language works.  It is not a choice for a word that carries baggage, like gay, that when people here it it hurts.  It is not a choice to hear the word retard and to hear it as an insult.  I will only write this down for you this once more:

Thomathy wrote:
In what way did he use the word?  The word means something specific.  If he didn't mean slowed or delayed, then he wasn't using the word correctly.  We may assume that he meant the word to be derisive, which means he was using the word in a disparaging manner, a manner in which it has been used to refer to people with mental disabilities.  He meant to insult people and he made a poor word choice.
Thomathy wrote:
He was calling people stupid using a word that refers, as he used it and as he must have meant in order to use the word to call people stupid, disparagingly to people with mental disabilities.

See, if you understood the etymology of words, which you do not, then you would know that the only reason the word 'retard' could be used to call someone stupid is because it had been used to refer to people with mental disabilities and then the word began to be used as a slang insult for people with mental disabilities that could then be transfered to people who didn't have mental disabilities in order to insult them by essentially saying, 'you're stupid, like people with mental disabilities are stupid.'  The connection is there in the word and it is part of its history.  People are sensitive to the fact that the word retard must necessarily imply its past use in order to be used to call anyone stupid.  And again, anyone who takes it as an insult, has not choosen to do so.  There is not special switch by which a person can choose to ignore the obvious, especially when they are either sympathetic to the people referenced in the insult or when they are those people themselves.

"retard" as Rahm used it,, WAS NOT a slur towards mentally handicap people. If you want to take it that way, you can. I dont.
So, Brian, yes, it was a slur and no one is 'taking' it that way, it is merely how it is understood.  That's not going to change.  It will be a long time still before the connection is distant enough that the word won't automatically trigger it.  It is similar for the word gay.  This is why the word is used by homosexuals to self identify, or why nigger is used by blacks similarly.  By using the word that insults you you can take it back and remove the stigma and feel empowered by it rather than feel the pain associated with it.  It's exactly why the current trend of using the word gay to refer to anything as 'bad' or 'ugly' is inappropriate from the perspecive of gays.  It is undermining an identity which homosexuals have built up in order to advance themselves socially and it invokes a past where the word was used to hurt, and lo, it is being used to hurt.


I see what you guys are saying. I am saying that language IS NOT static so we need to take into account context and intent. Otherwise even gays shouldn't use the word gay because it started out as a slur.

I think if one wants to read Rahm's comments as being literally related to mentally handicap people, they can. I don't see why. Just like using the word gay now doesn't make me a homophobe because in the context I am using it, is not the same word as the original usage by homophobes who first started to use it.

Which brings us here.  I have shown how you are dead wrong.  Several times.  And yet you keep reviving this dead horse.  Stop doing that!  Using the word gay to refer to things as bad or ugly is abhorent.  It's something that was started by homophobes and that has spread into common use and it is not good.  It's not okay to call something gay and to mean that it is bad or ugly.  If it is bad or ugly, use the words bad or ugly.  The same thing goes for the word retard.  Its use in that context is dependant on its connection to people with mental disabilities.

I really wish you would stop harping on about context (and lately time and place), because you don't appreciate context at all and you have no sense of the nuance in these issues and obviously haven't taken the time to learn even the basics of the relevant linguistics in order to properly argue your position.

Once again, no one here is advocating that a word not ever be used in any context.  What is being said is that words being used as they're used and in the contexts they're being used are inappropriate exactly because of the context in which they're being used.  What is being said is that the word gay shouldn't be used in the context of referring to things as bad or ugly and that the word retard shouldn't be used in the context of calling people stupid.  There are contexts wherein the words would be fine to use and there are ways in which to use the words that don't invoke their negative connotations or meanings.  It is you who has not understood this.

What is being said is that words being used as they're used and in the contexts they're being used are inappropriate exactly because of the context in which they're being used.

I GOT THAT! What makes you think I didnt?

I disagree that Rahm was calling mentally handicap "retards" in the context people wanted to project on the way he ACTUALLY USED IT. If you want to view it that way. I cant stop you.

Otherwise my post about "faggots" serving in the military is wrong, EVER.

YOU thought Rahm's "retard" comment was a bad context and inappropriate. I simply saw the "context" of what he said as calling someone else "stupid" NOTHING ESLE!

You want to make it out black and white when I am not disagreeing with you, which you think I am FALSELY.

We can't as individuals always assume what is in someone else's head.


"It is not always good to say something, just because you can"


"Words have meaning, and words can be used to demonize others"


That doesn''t take into account that no matter how right you or I think either of us are right that means anyone else will agree with us. EITHER WAY!

Shades of gray. I AM NOT SAYING I AM ALWAYS RIGHT, but you fail to take into account, that no matter how wrong you think I got it, AND THAT IS NOT MY ARGUMENT,

My argument is simple. POINT OF VIEW. .You might have a better argument for ANYTHING, but without taking into account that humans are imperfect.

I applaud your efforts to change things, to make things better for everyone, to want us to get long. I DO TOO.

My only issue is the projectionism of "never" as a tactic. If that is not what you are suggesting AS AN INDIVIDUAL, then we have no argument.




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 I agree.


I agree.

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 It's obvious you don't understand how language works and it's pretty clear that no matter how much it is repeated you won't get it, so lets just call it a day. Laughing out loud


The maypole is developing trenches with all the effort here.



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ClockCat wrote: It's

ClockCat wrote:

 It's obvious you don't understand how language works and it's pretty clear that no matter how much it is repeated you won't get it, so lets just call it a day. Laughing out loud


The maypole is developing trenches with all the effort here.



Ok, and that IS PART OF MY POINT!

I am a "retard" compared the people who "desparately" trying to "show" me the errors of my ways.

So should I take offense IF you used the term "retard" to describe my inability to grasp your argument that the word should not be used?

Or could it be your "slight" with the mayflower pole was not a "literal" indictment of me litterally being a "retard" or more along the lines of "GOD FUCKING DAMN IT BRIAN WHY DONT YOU GET IT"?

If you call me "brain dead" for making this response does that mean you are speaking ill of Terri Schivo?

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If language is always

If language is always supposed to be used the same way in all contexts and someone knows HOW it should be used in every context, then write a NEW language and enforce a strict policy of usage and insist that it never be changed, and condemn at a minimum, or if we are going to all be pricks about it, outlaw anytime someone "missuses" a word.

Write your own language and enforce it, we all need to be "shown" how language "should" be used. Because there is only one right way to use words? That is why one word only has one meaning, right?

After all if language never changed or evolved we still grunt in the caves. I wonder what the machine language for "guhgahungahwahungahway" is?

"Me Brian....must find brain....if don't .....will spake bad words"

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Brian, you are creating

Brian, you are creating straw men in the form of rhetorical questions so that you can knock them down with your preconceived conclusions.  This is exactly as bad as what many theists who come here continuously do.  Your ignorance is astounding and your thick-headedness is disappointing, but not surprising.  I can hardly believe I'm writing this: I'm glad that we have people like you here in the way that Hamby is glad to have EXC here.  Let us know when you're ready to learn something.

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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Thomathy wrote:Brian, you

Thomathy wrote:

Brian, you are creating straw men in the form of rhetorical questions so that you can knock them down with your preconceived conclusions.  This is exactly as bad as what many theists who come here continuously do.  Your ignorance is astounding and your thick-headedness is disappointing, but not surprising.  I can hardly believe I'm writing this: I'm glad that we have people like you here in the way that Hamby is glad to have EXC here.  Let us know when you're ready to learn something.

Ok, I am ignorant, fine.

So if that is the case, then you are making my case for me. If I am "blowing it" as far as not taking the right processes to get through the right use of logic, then OTHERS, besides me, outside of this thread in real life are capable of the same.

They would be capable of mistaking and mixing and confusing issues. Humans are flawed and that makes it all the more important not to make life "black or white" with a "never" tactic. Once you start doing that others will aim it right back at you, EVEN IF THEY ARE WRONG.

All I am hearing is "you shouldn't say that".  I responded with "it depends on when where and why and intent and context"

I disagree that every time a word is used it is used to perpetuate something just because it had a history. People still drive on the Autoban built by Hitler. Do all modern Germans hate Jews?

Otherwise gay people are demonizing themselves with a word used originally to demonize them.  I don't think they do. And I don't think if someone says, "that is so gay" refers to gay people being bad anymore than "lets have a gay ol time" means all gay people are happy 27/7 and never get sad. I do think people read into something what they want to even if it is not there.

Please do not come back with, "well if you were specific there would be no confusion". The english language is constantly changing and one word can have more than one meaning. Now unless you can write a new language for the human species that we can all agree on, I think you have to accept what we are delt with and accept that without passing judgment every time you hear something you don't like.

Here is reality. I could be wrong. I never claimed to be the smartest person on this board.

What do you do with people you know are wrong and never end up seeing it your way? Do you try to force them to do what you want? Or do you do what you can along the way and accept that life isn't perfect ?







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Thomathy wrote:

Brian, you are creating straw men in the form of rhetorical questions so that you can knock them down with your preconceived conclusions.  This is exactly as bad as what many theists who come here continuously do.  Your ignorance is astounding and your thick-headedness is disappointing, but not surprising.  I can hardly believe I'm writing this: I'm glad that we have people like you here in the way that Hamby is glad to have EXC here.  Let us know when you're ready to learn something.


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Brian37 wrote:

I disagree that every time a word is used it is used to perpetuate something just because it had a history. 


Word meanings are based on their history and use.


That is what language is.




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Brian37 wrote:

Thomathy wrote:

Brian, you are creating straw men in the form of rhetorical questions so that you can knock them down with your preconceived conclusions.  This is exactly as bad as what many theists who come here continuously do.  Your ignorance is astounding and your thick-headedness is disappointing, but not surprising.  I can hardly believe I'm writing this: I'm glad that we have people like you here in the way that Hamby is glad to have EXC here.  Let us know when you're ready to learn something.

Ok, I am ignorant, fine.

So if that is the case, then you are making my case for me. If I am "blowing it" as far as not taking the right processes to get through the right use of logic, then OTHERS, besides me, outside of this thread in real life are capable of the same.

They would be capable of mistaking and mixing and confusing issues. Humans are flawed and that makes it all the more important not to make life "black or white" with a "never" tactic. Once you start doing that others will aim it right back at you, EVEN IF THEY ARE WRONG.

All I am hearing is "you shouldn't say that".  I responded with "it depends on when where and why and intent and context"

I disagree that every time a word is used it is used to perpetuate something just because it had a history. People still drive on the Autoban built by Hitler. Do all modern Germans hate Jews?

Otherwise gay people are demonizing themselves with a word used originally to demonize them.  I don't think they do. And I don't think if someone says, "that is so gay" refers to gay people being bad anymore than "lets have a gay ol time" means all gay people are happy 27/7 and never get sad. I do think people read into something what they want to even if it is not there.

Please do not come back with, "well if you were specific there would be no confusion". The english language is constantly changing and one word can have more than one meaning. Now unless you can write a new language for the human species that we can all agree on, I think you have to accept what we are delt with and accept that without passing judgment every time you hear something you don't like.

Here is reality. I could be wrong. I never claimed to be the smartest person on this board.

What do you do with people you know are wrong and never end up seeing it your way? Do you try to force them to do what you want? Or do you do what you can along the way and accept that life isn't perfect ?


You are wrong, and I simply give up on you. Because you are undoubtedly going to work to convince others that you are racist and homophobic, even if you don't intend to.


It is sad, but if you refuse to pay attention to what other people tell you then there isn't much that can be done. Bye now!

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ClockCat wrote:Brian37

ClockCat wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

I disagree that every time a word is used it is used to perpetuate something just because it had a history. 


Word meanings are based on their history and use.


That is what language is.



IS THAT THE ARGUMENT YOU GUYS ARE MAKING? If there is anything else I am missing please explain.


Let me summerize my detractors argument's again:



2. We shouldn't use certain words because of their negitive connotations because of their history.


3. We should be clear in our intent so as to not confuse people or give them the wrong impression.


4. So to avoid confusion we shouldn't use words that might possibly be missunderstood.



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ClockCat wrote:Brian37

ClockCat wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

Thomathy wrote:

Brian, you are creating straw men in the form of rhetorical questions so that you can knock them down with your preconceived conclusions.  This is exactly as bad as what many theists who come here continuously do.  Your ignorance is astounding and your thick-headedness is disappointing, but not surprising.  I can hardly believe I'm writing this: I'm glad that we have people like you here in the way that Hamby is glad to have EXC here.  Let us know when you're ready to learn something.

Ok, I am ignorant, fine.

So if that is the case, then you are making my case for me. If I am "blowing it" as far as not taking the right processes to get through the right use of logic, then OTHERS, besides me, outside of this thread in real life are capable of the same.

They would be capable of mistaking and mixing and confusing issues. Humans are flawed and that makes it all the more important not to make life "black or white" with a "never" tactic. Once you start doing that others will aim it right back at you, EVEN IF THEY ARE WRONG.

All I am hearing is "you shouldn't say that".  I responded with "it depends on when where and why and intent and context"

I disagree that every time a word is used it is used to perpetuate something just because it had a history. People still drive on the Autoban built by Hitler. Do all modern Germans hate Jews?

Otherwise gay people are demonizing themselves with a word used originally to demonize them.  I don't think they do. And I don't think if someone says, "that is so gay" refers to gay people being bad anymore than "lets have a gay ol time" means all gay people are happy 27/7 and never get sad. I do think people read into something what they want to even if it is not there.

Please do not come back with, "well if you were specific there would be no confusion". The english language is constantly changing and one word can have more than one meaning. Now unless you can write a new language for the human species that we can all agree on, I think you have to accept what we are delt with and accept that without passing judgment every time you hear something you don't like.

Here is reality. I could be wrong. I never claimed to be the smartest person on this board.

What do you do with people you know are wrong and never end up seeing it your way? Do you try to force them to do what you want? Or do you do what you can along the way and accept that life isn't perfect ?


You are wrong, and I simply give up on you. Because you are undoubtedly going to work to convince others that you are racist and homophobic, even if you don't intend to.


It is sad, but if you refuse to pay attention to what other people tell you then there isn't much that can be done. Bye now!

Yea, you know me personally and talk to me every day in voice, and work with me at work every day and are my roomate.

So the only way to convince others I am not a racist is to always avoid taboos and never discuss them, burry them under the rug, never make fun of racists by using the same words they use. Always pretend that laguage never changes and "gay" only means "happy" and has never gon on to refer to sexuality.

Ok. I'll ignore history and pretend if I never talk about something the problem will go away.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote:

ClockCat wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

Thomathy wrote:

Brian, you are creating straw men in the form of rhetorical questions so that you can knock them down with your preconceived conclusions.  This is exactly as bad as what many theists who come here continuously do.  Your ignorance is astounding and your thick-headedness is disappointing, but not surprising.  I can hardly believe I'm writing this: I'm glad that we have people like you here in the way that Hamby is glad to have EXC here.  Let us know when you're ready to learn something.

Ok, I am ignorant, fine.

So if that is the case, then you are making my case for me. If I am "blowing it" as far as not taking the right processes to get through the right use of logic, then OTHERS, besides me, outside of this thread in real life are capable of the same.

They would be capable of mistaking and mixing and confusing issues. Humans are flawed and that makes it all the more important not to make life "black or white" with a "never" tactic. Once you start doing that others will aim it right back at you, EVEN IF THEY ARE WRONG.

All I am hearing is "you shouldn't say that".  I responded with "it depends on when where and why and intent and context"

I disagree that every time a word is used it is used to perpetuate something just because it had a history. People still drive on the Autoban built by Hitler. Do all modern Germans hate Jews?

Otherwise gay people are demonizing themselves with a word used originally to demonize them.  I don't think they do. And I don't think if someone says, "that is so gay" refers to gay people being bad anymore than "lets have a gay ol time" means all gay people are happy 27/7 and never get sad. I do think people read into something what they want to even if it is not there.

Please do not come back with, "well if you were specific there would be no confusion". The english language is constantly changing and one word can have more than one meaning. Now unless you can write a new language for the human species that we can all agree on, I think you have to accept what we are delt with and accept that without passing judgment every time you hear something you don't like.

Here is reality. I could be wrong. I never claimed to be the smartest person on this board.

What do you do with people you know are wrong and never end up seeing it your way? Do you try to force them to do what you want? Or do you do what you can along the way and accept that life isn't perfect ?


You are wrong, and I simply give up on you. Because you are undoubtedly going to work to convince others that you are racist and homophobic, even if you don't intend to.


It is sad, but if you refuse to pay attention to what other people tell you then there isn't much that can be done. Bye now!

Yea, you know me personally and talk to me every day in voice, and work with me at work every day and are my roomate.

So the only way to convince others I am not a racist is to always avoid taboos and never discuss them, burry them under the rug, never make fun of racists by using the same words they use. Always pretend that laguage never changes and "gay" only means "happy" and has never gon on to refer to sexuality.

Ok. I'll ignore history and pretend if I never talk about something the problem will go away.





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 Don't get me wrong, again context matters in language usage. However, some words are clear pejoratives that if you use them, contain their own context.


Words do matter.



If you refer to something as gay, you are insulting everyone that IS gay using it as a pejorative.


If you say "faggot", it automatically contains pejorative context. Whether you are using it in a joke or not, it is insulting. 



Your argument is akin to saying "Burning crosses in people's front lawns that happen to be african american isn't racist."

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ClockCat wrote: Don't get

ClockCat wrote:

 Don't get me wrong, again context matters in language usage. However, some words are clear pejoratives that if you use them, contain their own context.


Words do matter.



If you refer to something as gay, you are insulting everyone that IS gay using it as a pejorative.


If you say "faggot", it automatically contains pejorative context. Whether you are using it in a joke or not, it is insulting. 



Your argument is akin to saying "Burning crosses in people's front lawns that happen to be african american isn't racist."

Jesus Kristos on a cracker man. YOU THINK I DISAGREE and I dont.

ALL I ADDED to what you were saying is "time place and context"

So in order to be consistant, then the white people who take place in skits with black people to poke fun at bigots and do so by burning a cross in the skit, shouldn't do it because it "might" "insult" someone?

I am quite sure that Richard Pryor who put on a cape and hood poking fun of bigots must have hated himself. And Gene Wilder must be a white racist bigot too because he partisipated in poking fun of bigots.m And tons of white extras chased a black man in hoods, IN A COMEDY!

Your argument is akin to saying "Burning crosses in people's front lawns that happen to be african american isn't racist."

And if we are going to be consistent anytime any of my co workers jokingly threatens me with hell, I should be insulted?

And any time I call myself an idiot I must hate myself?

I think you need to take a chill. Just because you don't like a certain word doesn't mean other people shouldn't use it.

I never said nor will I ever say "anything goes" "just because I can". But equally absurd is "never".

Words DO mean something. But words have more than one meaning, just like reasonable people know the difference between a REAL KKK member and a white actor playing a KKK member.




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Quote:If you refer to

If you refer to something as gay, you are insulting everyone that IS gay using it as a pejorative.

If they want to take it that way, I cant stop them. But it is absurd to say that if one does they should stop, EVEN IF that is not the context the person saying it intends.

It can also mean YOU took it the wrong way.

You don't seem to understand that I myself fell for this emotional trap for far too long in my life. Many times as a kid, especially as a kid, someone would tell me something and I would "take it the wrong way"

Your solution is, "well if you don't want someone taking it the wrong way, then don't say it at all"


It is NOT always the fault of the person saying or doing something that you had a reaction to it. Otherwise we would have to dictate to each other. Since neither of us wants to do that it cannot be "either/or".

So I should, myself not assume that it is ok to do anything I want anywhere I please and say anything I please.

And you should not assume in every single case that someone should do things the way you like so you don't get "insulted" because you want it to be an insult, even if it isn't.

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Here is another

Here is another example:

Elohim or Yahweh, forget which, is "sacred" to SOME Jews.

PEOPLE HERE have blasted, and rightfully so, the Jewish person who came here and took our refusal to avoid the word as "an insult".

NOW Yahweh certainly is not a "pejorative" word by itself, although we have rightfully made an argument that the god of Abraham, as a concept, is a tyrant. "Tyrant" is a "pejorative". So we are insulting Jews by calling their god a tyrant, and by proxy the name "Yahweh/Elohim" as well.

NOW, because of the CONTEXT of WHY we did what we did in rejecting the request of that particular person, we are NOT bigots even if THAT PERSON took it as an insult.

NOR would we be bigots if we took part in a comedy sketch poking at bigots who really do hate Jews.

Otherwise we cant call god a "tyrant" because that is a pejorative word. And no one here because they make that argument that god is a tyrant, litterally hates all people who do believe in a god.

OTHERWISE, we would have to be consistent in not calling god a tyrant because that is a pajorative word and "might" insult someone. Just like spelling out Yahweh/Elohim(forgive me for not remembering which one that was).

You cant set up a taboo to fight bigotry. Nor can you assume that every time someone uses a word that it should be taken as an insult.

When we told this person off, we were not telling all Jews we hate them. We were saying it is unreasonable to expect that from us. Nor were we saying that we hate Jews because we disagree with god they believe in even though we find it to be a horrible concept.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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AND YET another example

AND YET another example "taking it the wrong way"

I saw a CNN story about the economy. The anchor was a black woman, the guest was a white republican. He used the phrase "you people". She bluntly stopped him and asked "what did you mean by "you people". Even when he said that I KNEW he was talking about "liberal policies" and not black people, because white people can also be liberals economically speaking. And considering the context was about the economy I didn't even take that as what she did.

I thought it was absurd she even asked the question and DID think she took it the wrong way. He clarified it, she accepted the clarification and they moved on.

Some would argue, "why didn't he say "liberals" instead of "you people" to avoid that?

How many people here have gone off on Christians? When you say something like " I hate it when Christians" "hate" is a pejorative in that sentence. Should ALL Christians assume you hate all Christians? Or merely " I hate it when someone does this".

MY POINT IS, I do understand that words have meaning and clarification DOES help, but language, especially the English language is imperfect, and without dictating it to others by rewriting it and enforcing it, we have to accept that words can and do have more than one meaning and context is important.

I do not think you can take a blanket approach to life, otherwise if we are to never use pejoratives then we cant use them to make fun of bigots, or make an argument in a debate, because there will always be someone who is "insulted" even if that is not your intent.




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There is a difference between the words you are comparing "faggot" and racial slurs to. 


If you call someone a "faggot", you are not only using it as an insult to them, but also calling gays something to be abhorred by society by using them as the point of reference.




It is not a matter of people "taking it the wrong way" it is a matter of you seemingly not understanding what the words mean, and using them despite this. 


If you call someone a fag, even jokingly, even in using it in an attempt to make fun of homophobes, it is offensive. You might be forgiven for it but you still are saying that "gays are an undesirable", and it still doesn't make it feel better for anyone that IS gay.



I'm telling you. From experience. It is incredibly uncomfortable being the target of hatred for no other reason than existing. When those people coin a word or a phrase to be used against you...


Just because you aren't one of those people that doesn't excuse you. If you pick up their phrase and use ARE communicating the same message as they are. Even if you don't mean to.





I tried my best here, and I'm done. I'm not contributing anymore, this whole conversation makes me sick. If you want to run around in circles further, feel free to. If you go around using racial slurs against a persecuted minority though, you should expect to be lumped in with bigots, as you are communicating you either are one, or at the very least do not care about the plight of the group you are trampling over.

Theism is why we can't have nice things.

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ClockCat wrote:There is a

ClockCat wrote:

There is a difference between the words you are comparing "faggot" and racial slurs to. 


If you call someone a "faggot", you are not only using it as an insult to them, but also calling gays something to be abhorred by society by using them as the point of reference.




It is not a matter of people "taking it the wrong way" it is a matter of you seemingly not understanding what the words mean, and using them despite this. 


If you call someone a fag, even jokingly, even in using it in an attempt to make fun of homophobes, it is offensive. You might be forgiven for it but you still are saying that "gays are an undesirable", and it still doesn't make it feel better for anyone that IS gay.



I'm telling you. From experience. It is incredibly uncomfortable being the target of hatred for no other reason than existing. When those people coin a word or a phrase to be used against you...


Just because you aren't one of those people that doesn't excuse you. If you pick up their phrase and use ARE communicating the same message as they are. Even if you don't mean to.





I tried my best here, and I'm done. I'm not contributing anymore, this whole conversation makes me sick. If you want to run around in circles further, feel free to. If you go around using racial slurs against a persecuted minority though, you should expect to be lumped in with bigots, as you are communicating you either are one, or at the very least do not care about the plight of the group you are trampling over.

Words have meaning. GOT IT

But you just used a pejorative right here right now "faggot". I agree, it is a slur. BUT not in this context because we are not literally homophobes. We are using it to discuss HOW words are used.

There has to be more than just the word it self for it to make sense in a given context.

ALSO in the context of the other thread I used that same word to stick a mirror to those who do persicute a minority. I am not going to apologize for taking something bigots use to stick it right back in their face. YOu are taking it the wrong way if you think it should never be used at all.

This is what I mean. Since you cant crawl into my head and do not know what I think, you automatically think I am perpetuating hate. Even if you think I don't intent to. And you also think you are trying to help me by explaining why a word should not be used. I get that, and I think you underestimate me and my understanding of your argument.

Words can and do have different meanings EVEN the ones we don't like. You cant force them out of existence.

I do like you clockcat and everyone who has contributed to this thread. And I know you mean well in trying to "show me". But I agree, this thread probably needs to die.



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Thomathy wrote:No, Brian,

Thomathy wrote:
No, Brian, obviously not.  You weren't using the word to insult anybody.  It is a poor word choice, however.  No gay person is a faggot except by self declaration.  It's not a word you can use without invoking the meaning that it has to so many gays and especially not in the way you used it (to refer collectively to gay men).  That word has been used to hurt me and it still stings.  You obviously don't appreciate, Brian, that words have meaning and that they can be heavily invested with emotion.  You're not gay Brian and you do not understand what it feels like.  Perhaps you have never been hurt by words before.  Perhaps you think that words don't have the power to hurt you if you don't give them it.  Perhaps you don't care about how the words you use may hurt people, even if you never intended it.  That's not the fault of the people who hear them, as you seem to believe.  It's your fault for being an insensitive ass who doesn't understand what a word means, how to use it, when to use it, or whether you might hurt someone using it and using it anyway.  It's not always about offense or having taken offense to them.  I'm not offended by your use of the word faggot.  I think it's unfortunate.  I cannot see how you are entitled to refer to gay men using that word when that word is used, even still, by so many people to hurt gay men.


I'm so glad you got to him before I did, because unlike you, I definitely would've lost my cool.

The white male hetero privilege just explodes from his every sentence like a violent case of diarrhea. It seems to be getting more and more common in here, too.


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Brian37 wrote:If they want

Brian37 wrote:

If they want to take it that way, I cant stop them. But it is absurd to say that if one does they should stop, EVEN IF that is not the context the person saying it intends.

For fuck's sake.

Right, and if she didn't want to be raped, she wouldn't have worn that short skirt.

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smartypants wrote:Brian37

smartypants wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

If they want to take it that way, I cant stop them. But it is absurd to say that if one does they should stop, EVEN IF that is not the context the person saying it intends.

For fuck's sake.

Right, and if she didn't want to be raped, she wouldn't have worn that short skirt.

I really am trying to let this thread die because emotions are heated.

If you get anything from this please understand, and if you read the OP as heated as I myself was. I DO understand the passion of wanting people to get along and the good intent of getting rid of bigotry. I simply get upset when people take things out of context.

You cannot equate my useage of those words in this thread as being the same as that comment. The perpose of this thread was to OPEN THE DOOR for disscussion. Your side says "never". I say that is impractical. You say I got it wrong. I am not even arguing that.

AND YET ANOTHER EXAMPLE of why "never" is not a good tactic.

One of the commercials in last night's Super Bowls depicted a car spotting game. The implication was that when you spotted a certain color car, you called it out. I used to do this with Corvetes as a kid. In this case red was the theme in this add. After several people spotting the red car, STEVIE WONDER CALLED OUT THE CAR AS IF HE HAD ACTUALLY SPOTTED IT! His friend standing next to him said, "How do you do that?"

So does that mean Stevie Wonder hates blind people? Does that mean he hates himself?

And if anyone else remembers the SNL skit where HE did a fake Cannon Camera commercial, where the implied photos he took were all out of focus and the slogan in the parody was, "A camera so easy even Stevie Wonder can us it".


"Bitch" clearly a pejorative. Bart Simpson used it to describe a female dog. In real life we use it to describe wanting to complain. It is also used to discribe women who are mean. Women use it to describe other women. Does that mean women hate themselves if they say, "That woman is a bitch?"

Everyone who uses a pajorative is not nessearrally being a bigot. And since language changes and context matters you cannot assume someone is a bigot.


But I disagree that words, even the ones we have a reaction to should never be used ever. It is impossible and does not solve the RIGHTFUL intent I see people here having. Including this response in this post.

But we cannot censor ourselves in every instance. This discussion is important, for you and for me.

I think the only way you can stop people from using words you dont like ANY WORD, is to pass laws banning them and fine people for using them. Not only do I think that is dangerous, it is impossible and even if you could, you'd also risk taking out lagit usage of those words, such as a discussion like this, or comedy that makes fun of bigots.

I think people who have known me since 01 on this board and elsewhere KNOW what I am doing here and know my intent.

There can be no black and white on this. YOU are right in wanting to end bigotry. And I have never said and I will repeat, I am not claiming I, or anyone, should have the right to say what I want wherever I want "just because".

 Now lets say that I am being an asshole. Or for others I am merely ignorant and misguided. A bigger point I am trying to make is ON ANY SUBJECT, you cant force people to be clones of you. Even if I am in the wrong. You have tried to appeal to me, and maybe I am wrong. The bigger view that I want you guys to take into account is that you cant always get what you want and force is not the way to get it.

And setting up a word as a taboo to me, without the ability for that word to change, or the ability to poke fun of it, give the word the power you say it shouldn't have. I AGREE certain words should not have power. I think a better tactic is to BE OUT IN THE OPEN WITH IT, discuss it without censorship, and even poke fun of it, and allow it to change, so it doesn't maintain the bigotry WE both want humanity to get away from.

You let someone or something have power over you, it will have power over you. All sweeping an issue under the rug does is create resentment and more missunderstanding.

Just like we accuse theists of setting up taboos, we should not be setting them up ourselves even with words.

I think we BOTH have the same goal, but disagree on how to get to that goal.






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Freedom of speech

Like it or not folks, freedom of speech also includes the freedom to offend. Atheists need to cram that into their craniums if we want the freedom to offend theists. When I lived in Canada, I had to endure being called "Pakki" because of my Indian heritage. The word stings for me just as it does for Salman Rushdie. But if he and I want the freedom to offend devout believers, then we have to accept that others have the freedom to hurl hateful epithets at us. That said I'm quite happy being a fucking, heathen, darky, feces colored, Pakki, Apu, cue-tip-head, street shitting, atheist.

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ragdish wrote:Like it or not

ragdish wrote:

Like it or not folks, freedom of speech also includes the freedom to offend. Atheists need to cram that into their craniums if we want the freedom to offend theists. When I lived in Canada, I had to endure being called "Pakki" because of my Indian heritage. The word stings for me just as it does for Salman Rushdie. But if he and I want the freedom to offend devout believers, then we have to accept that others have the freedom to hurl hateful epithets at us. That said I'm quite happy being a fucking, heathen, darky, feces colored, Pakki, Apu, cue-tip-head, street shitting, atheist.


AND ALL I WANT TO ADD to this is that when people who aren't bigots use these same words, they do it to turn the tables on the people who hate them. Like an "inside joke'.

Now, if I used that same "Pakki" "epithet" in a skit poking fun of the people who hurled it at you in REAL hate, would you take offense or would you agree that the context is that, "BIGOTRY IS STUPID"!

Which is why, as an atheist I call myself a "cootie spreader" and talk about "barbecuing kittens". Does that mean I hate myself? Or does that mean I am conveying how STUPID those who hate me are?

The have to be free to say what they want, as much as it makes me sick. I think the best tactic is to put a mirror to their face and to use the very same words they use to demonize others and stick it right back in their faces.

OTHERWISE, you are maintaining  the same taboos theists and racists set up to maintain their power.


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ragdish wrote:Like it or not

ragdish wrote:
Like it or not folks, freedom of speech also includes the freedom to offend.
Good thing my country doesn't have freedom of speech, then.  I am very tired of the American ideal of free speech being mistaken for the gold standard of speech rights.  Further, you're preaching to the choir; no one here has suggested that people should not be offended nor that they should have the right not to be offended.  If your comments are supposed to be a response to the first two pages of the thread, then you are just as mistaken in your reading as Brian37.

Atheists need to cram that into their craniums if we want the freedom to offend theists.
I don't want the freedom to offend theists.  I want the right to my opinion and to voice it as I see fit.  The offense that theists "feel" is categorically different from the feelings invoked by the use of particular words that degrade a person or people.  This is what we've tried to get across.

Brain37 wrote:

Brain37 wrote:
AND ALL I WANT TO ADD to this is that when people who aren't bigots use these same words, they do it to turn the tables on the people who hate them. Like an "inside joke'.

Now, if I used that same "Pakki" "epithet" in a skit poking fun of the people who hurled it at you in REAL hate, would you take offense or would you agree that the context is that, "BIGOTRY IS STUPID"!

Just like many of the theists here, you have ignored everything in this thread only to prop up these straw men of yours.  No one here has said that a comedic skit with the express intension to mark such bigotry as absurd would be bigotry itself.  Brian, either you are very, very stupid or you have literally not read a single comment in this entire thread.

Brian37 wrote:
Which is why, as an atheist I call myself a "cootie spreader" and talk about "barbecuing kittens". Does that mean I hate myself? Or does that mean I am conveying how STUPID those who hate me are?
Oh, Brian, this is another fabulous bit of irony from you.  You don't remember reading this, that I wrote, did you?

Thomathy wrote:
Once again, no one here is advocating that a word not ever be used in any context.
Yeah, you didn't read that did you?  Or you did, but you just wanted to resurrect that straw man again.  You know, that's annoying.

Brian37 wrote:
The have to be free to say what they want, as much as it makes me sick.
Yeah, Brian, everyone is free to say what they want.  That's why people like you shouldn't be surprised that when someone says something stupid, they get slack for it.

Brian37 wrote:
I think the best tactic is to put a mirror to their face and to use the very same words they use to demonize others and stick it right back in their faces.
Interesting.  It's called taking back the word, Brian, and that's something that gays and blacks have done with the words gay and nigger.  To use a word that demonises you in order to desensitize yourself to it and to change the stigma around that word within the community so that it can become something of a unifying identity.  But we've covered this before:

Thomathy wrote:
So, Brian, yes, it was a slur and no one is 'taking' it that way, it is merely how it is understood.  That's not going to change.  It will be a long time still before the connection is distant enough that the word won't automatically trigger it.  It is similar for the word gay.  This is why the word is used by homosexuals to self identify, or why nigger is used by blacks similarly.  By using the word that insults you you can take it back and remove the stigma and feel empowered by it rather than feel the pain associated with it.  It's exactly why the current trend of using the word gay to refer to anything as 'bad' or 'ugly' is inappropriate from the perspecive of gays.  It is undermining an identity which homosexuals have built up in order to advance themselves socially and it invokes a past where the word was used to hurt, and lo, it is being used to hurt.
So, that's taking back the word, but that's not what you're doing.  Referring to yourself as a barbequer of kitties is not the same as a gay person referring to himself as gay or a faggot.  It is completely different.  There is no culture of vehement atheist-haters who have instituted the inequality of atheists in society and refer to atheists derogatorily as 'cootie spreaders' or 'barbequers of kittens'.  That's a sort of inside joke, that is not what it is to take words that demonize you and take them back to self-identify with either ironically or as a source of pride.  I hope you can understand the difference.

Brian wrote:
OTHERWISE, you are maintaining  the same taboos theists and racists set up to maintain their power.
Perhaps, if your point is to silence people ...but, again, no one here is talking about that, only you are.  I agree fully with you that people can say what they want (and that in fact they should be able to, albeit to a point ...which is a different conversation altogether).  People do say what they want.  I'm not talking about making a word taboo, I'm talking about people not using words because they understand them.  If you understood the word faggot you wouldn't use it as you have.  Am I finally getting through to you or are you going to argue with me even now?

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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Quote:I don't want the

I don't want the freedom to offend theists.

So when a Christian says, "Dont say Jesus is fiction, that offends me"

You are willing to never say "Jesus is fiction"

I know you are not meaning to be offensive in saying that. But you are deluding yourself in thinking people WONT TAKE IT AS OFFENSIVE.

Does everyone have the same data and introspective in their heads as you do?

YOU DO want the freedom to offend theists, otherwise you can never say "Jesus is fiction" because EVEN THAT will offend SOME, even if that is not your intent.



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Quote: I'm talking about

I'm talking about people not using words because they understand them.

RIGHT, and my same opinion applies.

I understand what "nigger" "gay" mean. But I also know that it is important to be able to show the idiots who hate minorities how stupid they look.

And when you say "atheist" isn't in the same category that is because blacks, women and gays have endured a much more public scale. If atheists had the same critical mass as at the same scale as to compete at their level I am quite sure we wouldn't have it so easy now.

I do understand. But setting up taboos or loosing one's sense of humor IS EXACTLY what fuels idiots who are bigots.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Thomathy wrote:I don't want

Thomathy wrote:
I don't want the freedom to offend theists.
Brian37 wrote:

So when a Christian says, "Dont say Jesus is fiction, that offends me"

You are willing to never say "Jesus is fiction"

I know you are not meaning to be offensive in saying that. But you are deluding yourself in thinking people WONT TAKE IT AS OFFENSIVE.

Does everyone have the same data and introspective in their heads as you do?

YOU DO want the freedom to offend theists, otherwise you can never say "Jesus is fiction" because EVEN THAT will offend SOME, even if that is not your intent.



Brian, you have quoted me out of context.  Your intellectual dishonesty is right up there with the very theists you proclaim to fight against.  It is unbelieveable and infuriating that you can have a two page thread filled with your rambling about context and make an error such as this.  I am virtually at a loos for words to explain how ignorant you are.

What I wrote is this, you dishonest ignoramus:

Thomathy wrote:
I don't want the freedom to offend theists.  I want the right to my opinion and to voice it as I see fit.  The offense that theists "feel" is categorically different from the feelings invoked by the use of particular words that degrade a person or people.  This is what we've tried to get across.
I wish there were some threat I could level against you that would persuade you to actually read what is written before you.

I do not want the freedom to offend theists.  I want the right to my opinion and to voice it as I see fit.  Brian, you're right, theists will be offended by some things said about their gods and relgions.  These are things that are divorced from their persons.  I have warned you against this particular mistake before.  I will repost that:

Thomathy wrote:
Oh, Brian, just because a Christian might confuse being offended by a declaration that Jesus is fictional with a greivous personal insult does not mean that they are the same thing, nor would I make conessions based on that.  The Christian, then, needs the same education that you do and that your 'politically correct left' do.  I won't sway here.  You may not make this issue simplistic because Christians give it that treatment.
I don't care if a Christian thinks it's offensive to state something that is factual.  That factual thing can be shown not to be a personal insult and, indeed, it's not used as an insult.  It is categorically different from calling someone a faggot.  Will you not read anything presented to you?  You are acting just like the theists who come to this site, start a thread, and then ignore everything that is written in response to their OP.  Only you're worse.

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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And what if one insists on

And what if one insists on using words you think they shouldn't use?

You say you don't advocate censorship?

So even if my humor is not in your taste, and since you say you won't outright ban it, then what is the solution?

So Richard Pryor and Stevie Wonder should be what? If all you are going to do is advise them not to joke about themselves? And if those outside their race partake in the stereotype they are poking fun at, it shouldn't be done because YOU ADVISE, without "dictating" that it shouldn't be done?

Ok, just like I would ask theists, if someone doesn't conform, and all appeals fail, and people don't reach the same conclusions you do, what should be done?


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Fuck, but you're a

Fuck, but you're a thickheaded idiot.

Brian37 wrote:
RIGHT, and my same opinion applies.

I understand what "nigger" "gay" mean. But I also know that it is important to be able to show the idiots who hate minorities how stupid they look.

Yeah ...

Brain37 wrote:
And when you say "atheist" isn't in the same category that is because blacks, women and gays have endured a much more public scale.
I never said that.  Nor is it my experience.  I am not American, Brian.  People in my country don't hate atheists, Brian.  They've not been polled as the leas trusted members of society.  They don't face outright harrassment for being atheist from religious fundies.

Brian37 wrote:
]If atheists had the same critical mass as at the same scale as to compete at their level I am quite sure we wouldn't have it so easy now.
I don't know what this means.

Brian37 wrote:
I do understand.
Really, because you haven't shown that you do.

Brian37 wrote:
But setting up taboos or loosing one's sense of humor IS EXACTLY what fuels idiots who are bigots.
Oh, that funny, because I specifically treated that statement of yours in my post, which I am finding it very difficult to believe you even read!

Thomathy wrote:
I'm not talking about making a word taboo, I'm talking about people not using words because they understand them.
As to comedy, I think I've covered how that'd be acceptable.

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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Brian37 wrote:And what if

Brian37 wrote:

And what if one insists on using words you think they shouldn't use?

You say you don't advocate censorship?

So even if my humor is not in your taste, and since you say you won't outright ban it, then what is the solution?

So Richard Pryor and Stevie Wonder should be what? If all you are going to do is advise them not to joke about themselves? And if those outside their race partake in the stereotype they are poking fun at, it shouldn't be done because YOU ADVISE, without "dictating" that it shouldn't be done?

Ok, just like I would ask theists, if someone doesn't conform, and all appeals fail, and people don't reach the same conclusions you do, what should be done?


Brian, that's not my position.  THIS IS A STRAW MAN FALLACY.  You aren't reading what I'm writing nor are you responding to what I've written.  I'm getting tired of repeating myself to you to try to get you to understand.

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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Quote:Yeah, Brian, everyone

Yeah, Brian, everyone is free to say what they want.  That's why people like you shouldn't be surprised that when someone says something stupid, they get slack for it.

Humn,,,,,,,I am quite sure Christians never use phrases like "people like you"

I say stupid things all the time. Is that what you want me to admit to? Sorry for being human.

You call what I say on THIS TOPIC  stupid because you don't agree with my tactic. I call that cherry picking.

You are comfortable in the library. I am comfortable in the boxing ring. You are not wrong, but neither am I.

If I am free to say what I want, IF "EVERYONE IS FREE TO SAY WHAT THEY WANT" then what are you, oopps dare I say it....."bitching" about? I might be putting down women.


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Wow, the stupidity that

Wow, the stupidity that issues forth from this tl;dr is mind boggling.

Brian37 wrote:

smartypants wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

If they want to take it that way, I cant stop them. But it is absurd to say that if one does they should stop, EVEN IF that is not the context the person saying it intends.

For fuck's sake.

Right, and if she didn't want to be raped, she wouldn't have worn that short skirt.

I really am trying to let this thread die because emotions are heated.

If you get anything from this please understand, and if you read the OP as heated as I myself was. I DO understand the passion of wanting people to get along and the good intent of getting rid of bigotry. I simply get upset when people take things out of context.

You cannot equate my useage of those words in this thread as being the same as that comment. 

Actually, and not unexpectedly, you completely missed the point of this comment. It's called "blaming the victim." In other words, just like rape victims are blamed for the horrible acts committed against them for ridiculous things like the way they dress, you're blaming the victims of your insensitive bigotry for being offended by your hate speech. Get it, Reverend Phelps? And if you can't see how hate speech leads to acts of violence, then you're a lost cause.

Brian37 wrote:
The perpose of this thread was to OPEN THE DOOR for disscussion. Your side says "never". I say that is impractical. You say I got it wrong. I am not even arguing that.

AND YET ANOTHER EXAMPLE of why "never" is not a good tactic.

I don't know who you're talking about, because this is a different fake quote you're using here. It wasn't mine.

Brian37 wrote:
One of the commercials in last night's Super Bowls depicted a car spotting game. The implication was that when you spotted a certain color car, you called it out. I used to do this with Corvetes as a kid. In this case red was the theme in this add. After several people spotting the red car, STEVIE WONDER CALLED OUT THE CAR AS IF HE HAD ACTUALLY SPOTTED IT! His friend standing next to him said, "How do you do that?"

So does that mean Stevie Wonder hates blind people? Does that mean he hates himself?

And if anyone else remembers the SNL skit where HE did a fake Cannon Camera commercial, where the implied photos he took were all out of focus and the slogan in the parody was, "A camera so easy even Stevie Wonder can us it".

The fact that you're a frat boy who gets his arguments from Super Bowl commercials is telling enough. But what kind of crack are you smoking? Stevie Wonder being in on the blindness joke is liberating and socially conscious. You, some loser straight boy, using the word "faggot" is an act of aggression. I don't care what kind of ironic spin you try to put on it. YOU'RE NOT GAY. Therefore, you using a word like "faggot" is disgusting except in the most limited "contexts" wherein you have proven yourself to not be a homophobe in the slightest bit which, NEWSFLASH, you have NOT, by any stretch of the imagination.

Brian37 wrote:


"Bitch" clearly a pejorative. Bart Simpson used it to describe a female dog. In real life we use it to describe wanting to complain. It is also used to discribe women who are mean. Women use it to describe other women. Does that mean women hate themselves if they say, "That woman is a bitch?"

Everyone who uses a pajorative is not nessearrally being a bigot. And since language changes and context matters you cannot assume someone is a bigot.

You introduce me to any woman even remotely versed in the principles of Feminism who would use the word "bitch" without some kind of serious theoretical or quite obviously ironic qualification and we can continue this discussion. Otherwise, this is a bullshit argument.

Brian37 wrote:

LOL Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words. Why don't you shut the fuck up and listen instead of spouting your bigoted macho bullshit for once?

Brian37 wrote:
But I disagree that words, even the ones we have a reaction to should never be used ever. It is impossible and does not solve the RIGHTFUL intent I see people here having. Including this response in this post.

But we cannot censor ourselves in every instance. This discussion is important, for you and for me.

I think the only way you can stop people from using words you dont like ANY WORD, is to pass laws banning them and fine people for using them. Not only do I think that is dangerous, it is impossible and even if you could, you'd also risk taking out lagit usage of those words, such as a discussion like this, or comedy that makes fun of bigots.

I think people who have known me since 01 on this board and elsewhere KNOW what I am doing here and know my intent.

There can be no black and white on this. YOU are right in wanting to end bigotry. And I have never said and I will repeat, I am not claiming I, or anyone, should have the right to say what I want wherever I want "just because".

 Now lets say that I am being an asshole. Or for others I am merely ignorant and misguided. A bigger point I am trying to make is ON ANY SUBJECT, you cant force people to be clones of you. Even if I am in the wrong. You have tried to appeal to me, and maybe I am wrong. The bigger view that I want you guys to take into account is that you cant always get what you want and force is not the way to get it.

And setting up a word as a taboo to me, without the ability for that word to change, or the ability to poke fun of it, give the word the power you say it shouldn't have. I AGREE certain words should not have power. I think a better tactic is to BE OUT IN THE OPEN WITH IT, discuss it without censorship, and even poke fun of it, and allow it to change, so it doesn't maintain the bigotry WE both want humanity to get away from.

You let someone or something have power over you, it will have power over you. All sweeping an issue under the rug does is create resentment and more missunderstanding.

Aw blah blah blah blah. Poooooor privileged straight white boy. Are your feewings hurt cuz we want you to stop talking shit on us? Are you feeling silenced because we won't put up with your shit anymore? Welcome to the fucking club. You motherfuckers have been doing that to me, blacks, lesbians, Latinos, name your minority, and most of all women for the past 5000 years. Get a fucking grip.

Yeah, I'm pissed off, and you know what? I have every right to be. Your privileged arrogance is a boil on the 21st century.






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smartypants wrote:Wow, the

smartypants wrote:

Wow, the stupidity that issues forth from this tl;dr is mind boggling.

Brian37 wrote:

smartypants wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

If they want to take it that way, I cant stop them. But it is absurd to say that if one does they should stop, EVEN IF that is not the context the person saying it intends.

For fuck's sake.

Right, and if she didn't want to be raped, she wouldn't have worn that short skirt.

I really am trying to let this thread die because emotions are heated.

If you get anything from this please understand, and if you read the OP as heated as I myself was. I DO understand the passion of wanting people to get along and the good intent of getting rid of bigotry. I simply get upset when people take things out of context.

You cannot equate my useage of those words in this thread as being the same as that comment. 

Actually, and not unexpectedly, you completely missed the point of this comment. It's called "blaming the victim." In other words, just like rape victims are blamed for the horrible acts committed against them for ridiculous things like the way they dress, you're blaming the victims of your insensitive bigotry for being offended by your hate speech. Get it, Reverend Phelps? And if you can't see how hate speech leads to acts of violence, then you're a lost cause.

Brian37 wrote:
The perpose of this thread was to OPEN THE DOOR for disscussion. Your side says "never". I say that is impractical. You say I got it wrong. I am not even arguing that.

AND YET ANOTHER EXAMPLE of why "never" is not a good tactic.

I don't know who you're talking about, because this is a different fake quote you're using here. It wasn't mine.

Brian37 wrote:
One of the commercials in last night's Super Bowls depicted a car spotting game. The implication was that when you spotted a certain color car, you called it out. I used to do this with Corvetes as a kid. In this case red was the theme in this add. After several people spotting the red car, STEVIE WONDER CALLED OUT THE CAR AS IF HE HAD ACTUALLY SPOTTED IT! His friend standing next to him said, "How do you do that?"

So does that mean Stevie Wonder hates blind people? Does that mean he hates himself?

And if anyone else remembers the SNL skit where HE did a fake Cannon Camera commercial, where the implied photos he took were all out of focus and the slogan in the parody was, "A camera so easy even Stevie Wonder can us it".

The fact that you're a frat boy who gets his arguments from Super Bowl commercials is telling enough. But what kind of crack are you smoking? Stevie Wonder being in on the blindness joke is liberating and socially conscious. You, some loser straight boy, using the word "faggot" is an act of aggression. I don't care what kind of ironic spin you try to put on it. YOU'RE NOT GAY. Therefore, you using a word like "faggot" is disgusting except in the most limited "contexts" wherein you have proven yourself to not be a homophobe in the slightest bit which, NEWSFLASH, you have NOT, by any stretch of the imagination.

Brian37 wrote:


"Bitch" clearly a pejorative. Bart Simpson used it to describe a female dog. In real life we use it to describe wanting to complain. It is also used to discribe women who are mean. Women use it to describe other women. Does that mean women hate themselves if they say, "That woman is a bitch?"

Everyone who uses a pajorative is not nessearrally being a bigot. And since language changes and context matters you cannot assume someone is a bigot.

You introduce me to any woman even remotely versed in the principles of Feminism who would use the word "bitch" without some kind of serious theoretical or quite obviously ironic qualification and we can continue this discussion. Otherwise, this is a bullshit argument.

Brian37 wrote:

LOL Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words. Why don't you shut the fuck up and listen instead of spouting your bigoted macho bullshit for once?

Brian37 wrote:
But I disagree that words, even the ones we have a reaction to should never be used ever. It is impossible and does not solve the RIGHTFUL intent I see people here having. Including this response in this post.

But we cannot censor ourselves in every instance. This discussion is important, for you and for me.

I think the only way you can stop people from using words you dont like ANY WORD, is to pass laws banning them and fine people for using them. Not only do I think that is dangerous, it is impossible and even if you could, you'd also risk taking out lagit usage of those words, such as a discussion like this, or comedy that makes fun of bigots.

I think people who have known me since 01 on this board and elsewhere KNOW what I am doing here and know my intent.

There can be no black and white on this. YOU are right in wanting to end bigotry. And I have never said and I will repeat, I am not claiming I, or anyone, should have the right to say what I want wherever I want "just because".

 Now lets say that I am being an asshole. Or for others I am merely ignorant and misguided. A bigger point I am trying to make is ON ANY SUBJECT, you cant force people to be clones of you. Even if I am in the wrong. You have tried to appeal to me, and maybe I am wrong. The bigger view that I want you guys to take into account is that you cant always get what you want and force is not the way to get it.

And setting up a word as a taboo to me, without the ability for that word to change, or the ability to poke fun of it, give the word the power you say it shouldn't have. I AGREE certain words should not have power. I think a better tactic is to BE OUT IN THE OPEN WITH IT, discuss it without censorship, and even poke fun of it, and allow it to change, so it doesn't maintain the bigotry WE both want humanity to get away from.

You let someone or something have power over you, it will have power over you. All sweeping an issue under the rug does is create resentment and more missunderstanding.

Aw blah blah blah blah. Poooooor privileged straight white boy. Are your feewings hurt cuz we want you to stop talking shit on us? Are you feeling silenced because we won't put up with your shit anymore? Welcome to the fucking club. You motherfuckers have been doing that to me, blacks, lesbians, Latinos, name your minority, and most of all women for the past 5000 years. Get a fucking grip.

Yeah, I'm pissed off, and you know what? I have every right to be. Your privileged arrogance is a boil on the 21st century.






Ok, so the only way I can prove that I am not a bigot is to always do things the way you want?

Sounds like the same utopia "us vs them" attitude that politics and religion can take.

I used the word "faggot" to poke fun of homophobes. I am sorry you don't understand that. If you did, you wouldn't be taking this "us vs them" attitude.

I'd simply say if you are not comfortable using that word, then dont. But do not decide for me HOW I fight biggotry. I do not expect you to be a clone of me, but do not assume what is in my head.

You are taking the same black and white approach we rightfully accuse theists of taking.

What I see you doing is giving the word "faggot" more power by demanding I don't use it to poke fun of homophobes. Setting up a taboo is not the solution.

If you want bigotry to end towards gays, I would say you are going about it the wrong way.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Quote:Poooooor privileged

Poooooor privileged straight white boy. Are your feewings hurt cuz we want you to stop talking shit on us? Are you feeling silenced because we won't put up with your shit anymore?

I am sure you know everything about me don't you? For someone who wants society not to be judgmental you seem to be jumping to conclusions yourself.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote:Quote:Yeah,

Brian37 wrote:

Yeah, Brian, everyone is free to say what they want.  That's why people like you shouldn't be surprised that when someone says something stupid, they get slack for it.

Humn,,,,,,,I am quite sure Christians never use phrases like "people like you"

Brian, do not try to pin on me a sort of tu quo que.  You're loosing credibility with every fallacy you employ (or wrongfully accuse me of) and with every ignorant statement you post.  When I say 'people like you', I mean, literally, those people who have the beliefs that you do.  You shouldn't be surpsied that Emanual's use of the word retard got him the derision it did.  See, he's free to say what he wants and what he said put him under the ire of people who understand what he said.  He has deservedly, if with overreaction, gotten the beat down for using a word he should have know better than to use.  Certainly, you can't object to that?  That's your free speech.  That's what I believe in.  Now the man should be better educated.  Maybe you'll take to your education eventually.  

Brian37 wrote:
I say stupid things all the time. Is that what you want me to admit to? Sorry for being human.
I know you say stupid things all the time.

Brian37 wrote:
You call what I say on THIS TOPIC  stupid because you don't agree with my tactic. I call that cherry picking.
What am I specially choosing in this topic to cherry pick from?  You ignorant sod, I haven't cherry picked anything.  And what tactic are you talking about?  I disagree with you, with your treatment of this issue.  I disaree with your ignorant, intellectually lazy understanding of what is being discussed.

Brian37 wrote:
You are comfortable in the library. I am comfortable in the boxing ring. You are not wrong, but neither am I.
No, Brian, you are wrong.  I've shown that already.  And, I'm clearly comfortable in your metaphorical boxing ring.  I'm here discussing this (unsuccessfully) with you, aren't I?  I've survived the real world.  Unless your metaphorical boxing ring is the boxing ring of the willfully ignorant in imagination land and the library is the real world where people can understand the words I write, then, yeah, I'm comfortable in the boxing ring.

Brian37 wrote:
If I am free to say what I want, IF "EVERYONE IS FREE TO SAY WHAT THEY WANT" then what are you, oopps dare I say it....."bitching" about? I might be putting down women.
Everyone is free to say what they want.  That doesn't mean it's consequence free.  I'm not bitching, Brian, about the ignorant flinging around of words that people use which hurt other people, I'm complaining essentially (and though I understand what you're trying to do using the word 'bitching', it just means an ineqloquent complaint and isn't an attack on women -hence my insistence that you simply don't understand the words you're using).  Those people, like you, deserve to be told that they're wrong to use the words as they have.  They deserve derision and contempt.  They should be made to understand what the words mean and what they do and why they shouldn't use them.  Surely, you understand that?  You use a word like faggot as you have and eventually someone is going to call you on it.  Eventually you are going to get an education in why that word's not appropriate for your use.

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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Brian37 wrote:Ok, so the

Brian37 wrote:
Ok, so the only way I can prove that I am not a bigot is to always do things the way you want?
Nope, it's to not use words that aren't appropriate for your use.  You have to understand the words first.  You're capable of learning, I'm sure.


Brian37 wrote:
Sounds like the same utopia "us vs them" attitude that politics and religion can take.
Nope, it's not.

Brian37 wrote:
I used the word "faggot" to poke fun of homophobes. I am sorry you don't understand that. If you did, you wouldn't be taking this "us vs them" attitude.

I'd simply say if you are not comfortable using that word, then dont. But do not decide for me HOW I fight biggotry. I do not expect you to be a clone of me, but do not assume what is in my head.

It's not an 'us vs them' attitude, Brian.  The fault is completely yours.  You must understand that when you write or do something you should make it explicit.  That is, if you were indeed trying to poke fun at homophobes, you need to remember that you're online and that your words speak for themselves and that statement you made, which reads exactly,

Brian37 wrote:
I am quite sure the first thing a fagot is thinking about while bullets wiz over their heads is sucking their fellow soldiers dick.
simply doesn't invoke the impression that you are poking fun at homophobes.  Rather, it gives the impression, considering I am acquainted with your posts, that you are using the term 'brotherly', as though you have some commoraderie with faggots.  You don't; you're not gay are you?  See, context is important, like you say, you're just piss poor at creating it or in delivering what you write well enough to invoke the context you want.  The point is exactly that we can't be in your head.  You need to make your head apparent.  You also need to admit that you mispoke.  You did.  I'm afriad you're going to have a very hard time convincing anyone, based on what you wrote, that you really did mean to be poking fun at homophobes.

Brian37 wrote:
You are taking the same black and white approach we rightfully accuse theists of taking.
No.  Smartypants, ClockCat and I have tried to show you the subtlety and nuance in this discussion.  You are mistaken.

What I see you doing is giving the word "faggot" more power by demanding I don't use it to poke fun of homophobes.
That's not what we're demanding.  Read above.

Brian37 wrote:
Setting up a taboo is not the solution.
I agree.  How many times do we have to tell you that that's not our intention?  No one here has said anything about setting up taboos except you.  You can stop telling us what you think.  We know what you think.  You've written it more than enough times.

Brian37 wrote:
If you want bigotry to end towards gays, I would say you are going about it the wrong way.
Thank you for your opinion, not-gay-person, but your mistaken as you seem to think that our tactic involves making a word a taboo.  Once afain, you're the one who's been saying that.  No one here has said they want to make a word taboo.  We know what you think, stop projecting what you think onto us so that you can tell us what you think about taboos again.  We don't want taboos and neither do you.  We get it.  You've written it many times.

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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Thomathy wrote:Brian37

Thomathy wrote:

Brian37 wrote:
Ok, so the only way I can prove that I am not a bigot is to always do things the way you want?
Nope, it's to not use words that aren't appropriate for your use.  You have to understand the words first.  You're capable of learning, I'm sure.


Brian37 wrote:
Sounds like the same utopia "us vs them" attitude that politics and religion can take.
Nope, it's not.

Brian37 wrote:
I used the word "faggot" to poke fun of homophobes. I am sorry you don't understand that. If you did, you wouldn't be taking this "us vs them" attitude.

I'd simply say if you are not comfortable using that word, then dont. But do not decide for me HOW I fight biggotry. I do not expect you to be a clone of me, but do not assume what is in my head.

It's not an 'us vs them' attitude, Brian.  The fault is completely yours.  You must understand that when you write or do something you should make it explicit.  That is, if you were indeed trying to poke fun at homophobes, you need to remember that you're online and that your words speak for themselves and that statement you made, which reads exactly,

Brian37 wrote:
I am quite sure the first thing a fagot is thinking about while bullets wiz over their heads is sucking their fellow soldiers dick.
simply doesn't invoke the impression that you are poking fun at homophobes.  Rather, it gives the impression, considering I am acquainted with your posts, that you are using the term 'brotherly', as though you have some commoraderie with faggots.  You don't; you're not gay are you?  See, context is important, like you say, you're just piss poor at creating it or in delivering what you write well enough to invoke the context you want.  The point is exactly that we can't be in your head.  You need to make your head apparent.  You also need to admit that you mispoke.  You did.  I'm afriad you're going to have a very hard time convincing anyone, based on what you wrote, that you really did mean to be poking fun at homophobes.

Brian37 wrote:
You are taking the same black and white approach we rightfully accuse theists of taking.
No.  Smartypants, ClockCat and I have tried to show you the subtlety and nuance in this discussion.  You are mistaken.

What I see you doing is giving the word "faggot" more power by demanding I don't use it to poke fun of homophobes.
That's not what we're demanding.  Read above.

Brian37 wrote:
Setting up a taboo is not the solution.
I agree.  How many times do we have to tell you that that's not our intention?  No one here has said anything about setting up taboos except you.  You can stop telling us what you think.  We know what you think.  You've written it more than enough times.

Brian37 wrote:
If you want bigotry to end towards gays, I would say you are going about it the wrong way.
Thank you for your opinion, not-gay-person, but your mistaken as you seem to think that our tactic involves making a word a taboo.  Once afain, you're the one who's been saying that.  No one here has said they want to make a word taboo.  We know what you think, stop projecting what you think onto us so that you can tell us what you think about taboos again.  We don't want taboos and neither do you.  We get it.  You've written it many times.

No you don't know what I think and I do know what "faggot" means. Now you have already admitted that under certain circumstances it has to be ok to use, otherwise "taboo" is an apt description.

We know what you think, stop projecting what you think onto us so that you can tell us what you think about taboos again.  We don't want taboos and neither do you.

Good, now we are getting somewhere.

"faggot", there, I just typed it out for the PURPOSE of this discussion.

Now your argument. Correct me if I am wrong. Is that I shouldn't use it because of it's meaning and knowing that meaning helps one decide what words to use? And if you know a word is hurtful to someone else you shouldn't  use it Right?

So, for example only, knowing that "nigger" is a hurtful pajoritive how does saying "the N word" change the meaning? And if this is a mere discussion, and none of us are racist, wouldn't this be one context where spelling out the word wouldn't have to be treated the same because it is only PART of a bigger picture on the discussion of HOW and when we use certain words?

Being aware that a word can be hurtful and that people have reactions to a word ANY WORD makes sense. But that doesn't mean it should "never" be used. Otherwise we couldn't even discuss this.

IN THIS CONTEXT for the purpose of this discussion i think it is silly to dance around a ANY WORD since we both KNOW the meaning.

Smartypants, ClockCat and I have tried to show you the subtlety and nuance in this discussion.  You are mistaken.

BINGO! You said it right there, "subtlety and nuance". Which is another way of saying CONTEXT which is another way of saying things are not black and white. Which makes things situational and not absolute.

If there were no other way but to assume bigotry when a negative pejorative is used because we know what the meaning is and we know it is hurtful, then there wouldn't be any "subltlety and nuance" and we couldn't and or shouldn't use it even for this purpose.


"subtlety and nuance" I AGREE

Since the purpose of this thread is to discuss negative pejoratives, and none of us are bigots, then the NEUANCE would change the use of a pejorative in this CONTEXT.


Alone it cant be understood because it has more than one meaning.

But, with the nuance of more words around it, it can be put into context.

"I got fined for speeding"


"That woman is so fine"

Same sequence of letters different contexts.


You would suggest this is a bad analogy and that negative pejoratives are different. "Subltey and nuance"

If I say "It is wrong to use the word nigger"

Is that different than, "It is wrong to use the "n" word"

There is no difference there so why dance around the word?


Now if I say FOR EXAMPLE ONLY: "I hate that nigger"

Again, same sequence of letters different contexts.

The subltey and nuance is that ONE usage was for the purpose of discussion. The other usage, WHICH I AGREE , would be inapropreate.

Otherwise what are you suggesting?

"We shoudn't use that word because of it's meaning"

WHEN, under what curcumstances is all I am adding to it.

If you are not saying anything about "taboos" then when is it ok? Because I think I have pointed out examples where it is ok to use certain words.







"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote:If you want

Brian37 wrote:
If you want bigotry to end towards gays, I would say you are going about it the wrong way.
Thank you for your opinion, not-gay-person, but your mistaken as you seem to think that our tactic involves making a word a taboo. Once afain, you're the one who's been saying that. No one here has said they want to make a word taboo. We know what you think, stop projecting what you think onto us so that you can tell us what you think about taboos again. We don't want taboos and neither do you. We get it. You've written it many times.
Brian37 wrote:
No you don't know what I think and I do know what "faggot" means.
Yes, we do know what you think. You've written it out many, many times now. You don't want words to be taboo.  Maybe you do know what faggot means.  Your actions will tell.
Brian37 wrote:
Now you have already admitted that under certain circumstances it has to be ok to use, otherwise "taboo" is an apt description.
Brian, that's not an admission; there is nothing wrong with using a word in a discussion about that word. I have never said that there is.
Brian37 wrote:
Good, now we are getting somewhere.
We'll see about that.
Brian37 wrote:
"faggot", there, I just typed it out for the PURPOSE of this discussion. Now your argument. Correct me if I am wrong. Is that I shouldn't use it because of it's meaning and knowing that meaning helps one decide what words to use? And if you know a word is hurtful to someone else you shouldn't use it Right?
That's correct. You shouldn't use the word faggot in the context that you have, as I have illustrated that your intent in using it was not clear. That is not to say that you can't use the word to have a discussion about it.
Brian37 wrote:
So, for example only, knowing that "nigger" is a hurtful pajoritive how does saying "the N word" change the meaning?
I don't know what you're talking about. If you are having a discussion about the word nigger, then it is appropriate and necessary to use the word nigger in the conversation.
Brian37 wrote:
And if this is a mere discussion, and none of us are racist, wouldn't this be one context where spelling out the word wouldn't have to be treated the same because it is only PART of a bigger picture on the discussion of HOW and when we use certain words?
That's correct. It's appropriate to use a word in a discussion of a word. I have never said that it isn't.
Brian37 wrote:
Being aware that a word can be hurtful and that people have reactions to a word ANY WORD makes sense. But that doesn't mean it should "never" be used. Otherwise we couldn't even discuss this.
Well, then, it's a good thing I've never suggested that there is no instance wherein a word could not be used.
Brian37 wrote:
IN THIS CONTEXT for the purpose of this discussion i think it is silly to dance around a ANY WORD since we both KNOW the meaning.
Brian, this has been covered ad nauseam. No on here has suggested that a word shouldn't be used in a conversation about that word. That's ridiculous. Where did you get the notion that anyone here has that idea?
Brian37 wrote:
Thomathy wrote:
Smartypants, ClockCat and I have tried to show you the subtlety and nuance in this discussion. You are mistaken.
BINGO! You said it right there, "subtlety and nuance". Which is another way of saying CONTEXT which is another way of saying things are not black and white. Which makes things situational and not absolute.
No, subtley and nuance are not other ways of saying context. They are ways of saying that the issues at the heart of this discussion are subtle and nuanced. In other words, they require a detailed understanding. Again, no one here has ever said that words should never be used or that context was not important or that there is no context in which any word cannot be used. Why do I have to repeat these things so many times to you?
Brian37 wrote:
If there were no other way but to assume bigotry when a negative pejorative is used because we know what the meaning is and we know it is hurtful, then there wouldn't be any "subltlety and nuance" and we couldn't and or shouldn't use it even for this purpose.
You are not using subtely and nuance as I did. I was referring to the issues in the discussion, not the context in which words are used. Please, stop miscontruing what I've written. Also, again, it's obvious that in a discussion about these words these words must be used.
Brian37 wrote:
"subtlety and nuance" I AGREE
You agree ignorantly, then. You mistook what I said to be referring to the context in which words are used, when I was referring to the issues about which we are talking. I did not mean that the context in which words are used is subtle and nuanced, but that the very issues at hand are subtle and nuanced. For instance, the difference between a theist being offended by an utterance of disbelief in their deity and the offense a gay person feels at being called a faggot.
Brian37 wrote:
Since the purpose of this thread is to discuss negative pejoratives, and none of us are bigots, then the NEUANCE would change the use of a pejorative in this CONTEXT.
This makes no sense as you have unwittingly created a straw man to talk about.
Brian37 wrote:
"fine" Alone it cant be understood because it has more than one meaning. But, with the nuance of more words around it, it can be put into context. "I got fined for speeding" Vs "That woman is so fine" Same sequence of letters different contexts.
No, Brian, I have explained to you before (and you obviously didn't read it) those are two different words. Precisely, they are two different lexical items.
Brian37 wrote:
You would suggest this is a bad analogy and that negative pejoratives are different. "Subltey and nuance"
Yes, I have contended that it's a bad example. It's a terrible example!
brian37 wrote:
]If I say "It is wrong to use the word nigger" Is that different than, "It is wrong to use the "n" word" There is no difference there so why dance around the word?
Brian, again, no one here has suggested that anyone dance around a word or never use it in a discussion about that word. Further, there is a difference between using the 'n word' and using the word 'nigger', it's a difference of ignorance and false understanding.
brian37 wrote:
Now if I say FOR EXAMPLE ONLY: "I hate that nigger" Again, same sequence of letters different contexts. The subltey and nuance is that ONE usage was for the purpose of discussion. The other usage, WHICH I AGREE , would be inapropreate.
First, Brian, stop using subtely and nuance as you didn't understand to what I was referring when I used it. If you're going to keep going on about context, then use the word context, don't hijack the words I used which you have mistaken to be about something else and use them in place of the word context. Now, you're right, calling someone a nigger would be wrong. Using the word nigger in a discussion about the word nigger, and using it in an example of racist speech, is not wrong. That's not hard to understand, is it?
Brian37 wrote:
Otherwise what are you suggesting? "We shoudn't use that word because of it's meaning" WHEN, under what curcumstances is all I am adding to it. If you are not saying anything about "taboos" then when is it ok? Because I think I have pointed out examples where it is ok to use certain words.
So, you're final question is under what circumstance it would be appropriate for you to use a word like nigger? Well, Brian, I'm not going to make an exhaustive list of circumstances in which it's appropriate for you to use the word. Essentially, the word is necessarily acceptable in academic discussions, discussions like the one we're having, particular comedy or specific/general social contracts whereby the use of the word is acceptable among people who aren't black (for instance in non-black 'thug' or 'gansta' culture). What are you getting at Brian? No one here has ever said that words should never be used under any and all circumstances. What I have said, and I'm repeating myself again, is that there are specific contexts in which certain words cannot be used without hurting people and an understanding of those words would help a person to know when their use is not appropriate. One specific context wherein you cannot use the word faggot is to refer, collectively, to gay people as faggots without making it expressely clear, either in context or explicitly, that you are making use of the word to show the absurdity of homophobes who would use the word to hurt. Once again, Brian (and in the hope that you'll at least read this one sentence), it is not my position that there is no context in which a word cannot be used and it is not my position that words should be stumbled around because of their meaning when used in discussions about them. It is not my position that any word should be a taboo. It is not my position that people should never use certain words.


BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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Quote:Using the word nigger

Using the word nigger in a discussion about the word nigger, and using it in an example of racist speech, is not wrong. That's not hard to understand, is it?

So we are on the same page on those contexts at least. GREAT!

it is not my position that there is no context in which a word cannot be used and it is not my position that words should be stumbled around because of their meaning when used in discussions about them. It is not my position that any word should be a taboo. It is not my position that people should never use certain words.

Ignor the editor here, I cant figure out how to change the text back............moiving on.

GREAT! Moving on.

So if knowing what a word means determines weither or not we use it, WHO gets to decide? You've already said right here right now that it IS NOT your position to make a taboo. GREAT

What about jokes? Are negitive pejoratives never to be used in jokes? If someone does do we use guilt by association because both the bigot and the non bigot use the same word? Assuming they have the same definitional meaning in both cases?




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Brian37 wrote:Thomathy

Brian37 wrote:

Thomathy wrote:

Brian37 wrote:
Ok, so the only way I can prove that I am not a bigot is to always do things the way you want?
Nope, it's to not use words that aren't appropriate for your use.  You have to understand the words first.  You're capable of learning, I'm sure.


Brian37 wrote:
Sounds like the same utopia "us vs them" attitude that politics and religion can take.
Nope, it's not.

Brian37 wrote:
I used the word "faggot" to poke fun of homophobes. I am sorry you don't understand that. If you did, you wouldn't be taking this "us vs them" attitude.

I'd simply say if you are not comfortable using that word, then dont. But do not decide for me HOW I fight biggotry. I do not expect you to be a clone of me, but do not assume what is in my head.

It's not an 'us vs them' attitude, Brian.  The fault is completely yours.  You must understand that when you write or do something you should make it explicit.  That is, if you were indeed trying to poke fun at homophobes, you need to remember that you're online and that your words speak for themselves and that statement you made, which reads exactly,

Brian37 wrote:
I am quite sure the first thing a fagot is thinking about while bullets wiz over their heads is sucking their fellow soldiers dick.
simply doesn't invoke the impression that you are poking fun at homophobes.  Rather, it gives the impression, considering I am acquainted with your posts, that you are using the term 'brotherly', as though you have some commoraderie with faggots.  You don't; you're not gay are you?  See, context is important, like you say, you're just piss poor at creating it or in delivering what you write well enough to invoke the context you want.  The point is exactly that we can't be in your head.  You need to make your head apparent.  You also need to admit that you mispoke.  You did.  I'm afriad you're going to have a very hard time convincing anyone, based on what you wrote, that you really did mean to be poking fun at homophobes.

Brian37 wrote:
You are taking the same black and white approach we rightfully accuse theists of taking.
No.  Smartypants, ClockCat and I have tried to show you the subtlety and nuance in this discussion.  You are mistaken.

Brian37 wrote:
What I see you doing is giving the word "faggot" more power by demanding I don't use it to poke fun of homophobes.
That's not what we're demanding.  Read above.

Brian37 wrote:
Setting up a taboo is not the solution.
I agree.  How many times do we have to tell you that that's not our intention?  No one here has said anything about setting up taboos except you.  You can stop telling us what you think.  We know what you think.  You've written it more than enough times.

Brian37 wrote:
If you want bigotry to end towards gays, I would say you are going about it the wrong way.
Thank you for your opinion, not-gay-person, but your mistaken as you seem to think that our tactic involves making a word a taboo.  Once afain, you're the one who's been saying that.  No one here has said they want to make a word taboo.  We know what you think, stop projecting what you think onto us so that you can tell us what you think about taboos again.  We don't want taboos and neither do you.  We get it.  You've written it many times.

No you don't know what I think and I do know what "faggot" means. Now you have already admitted that under certain circumstances it has to be ok to use, otherwise "taboo" is an apt description.

We know what you think, stop projecting what you think onto us so that you can tell us what you think about taboos again.  We don't want taboos and neither do you.

Good, now we are getting somewhere.

"faggot", there, I just typed it out for the PURPOSE of this discussion.

Now your argument. Correct me if I am wrong. Is that I shouldn't use it because of it's meaning and knowing that meaning helps one decide what words to use? And if you know a word is hurtful to someone else you shouldn't  use it Right?

So, for example only, knowing that "nigger" is a hurtful pajoritive how does saying "the N word" change the meaning? And if this is a mere discussion, and none of us are racist, wouldn't this be one context where spelling out the word wouldn't have to be treated the same because it is only PART of a bigger picture on the discussion of HOW and when we use certain words?

Being aware that a word can be hurtful and that people have reactions to a word ANY WORD makes sense. But that doesn't mean it should "never" be used. Otherwise we couldn't even discuss this.

IN THIS CONTEXT for the purpose of this discussion i think it is silly to dance around a ANY WORD since we both KNOW the meaning.

Smartypants, ClockCat and I have tried to show you the subtlety and nuance in this discussion.  You are mistaken.

BINGO! You said it right there, "subtlety and nuance". Which is another way of saying CONTEXT which is another way of saying things are not black and white. Which makes things situational and not absolute.

If there were no other way but to assume bigotry when a negative pejorative is used because we know what the meaning is and we know it is hurtful, then there wouldn't be any "subltlety and nuance" and we couldn't and or shouldn't use it even for this purpose.


"subtlety and nuance" I AGREE

Since the purpose of this thread is to discuss negative pejoratives, and none of us are bigots, then the NEUANCE would change the use of a pejorative in this CONTEXT.


Alone it cant be understood because it has more than one meaning.

But, with the nuance of more words around it, it can be put into context.

"I got fined for speeding"


"That woman is so fine"

Same sequence of letters different contexts.


You would suggest this is a bad analogy and that negative pejoratives are different. "Subltey and nuance"

If I say "It is wrong to use the word nigger"

Is that different than, "It is wrong to use the "n" word"

There is no difference there so why dance around the word?


Now if I say FOR EXAMPLE ONLY: "I hate that nigger"

Again, same sequence of letters different contexts.

The subltey and nuance is that ONE usage was for the purpose of discussion. The other usage, WHICH I AGREE , would be inapropreate.

Otherwise what are you suggesting?

"We shoudn't use that word because of it's meaning"

WHEN, under what curcumstances is all I am adding to it.

If you are not saying anything about "taboos" then when is it ok? Because I think I have pointed out examples where it is ok to use certain words.

Let me make this as easy as I can for you. The use of pejoratives like "faggot" or "nigger" is offensive UNLESS YOU ARE A MEMBER OF THE OPPRESSED SOCIAL GROUP THE WORDS DEMONIZE. Then and only then can the word take on an innocuous or at least entirely different meaning. The very words themselves ARE bigoted, whether you like it or not. Context makes no difference, the SPEAKER does. Yes, there are people who we may honorarily allow to get away with it, but let me tell you, they are few and far between, and that is OUR sole permission to grant. Furthermore, it's typically very well understood that they're using the word in the same way that we do, namely, as a term of endearment or a mere description of character without any oppression attached to it. Black people, for instance, can most certainly be racists, but they cannot be OPPRESSORS, that's the difference.

And for the record, since you love saying it, this isn't a "taboo." I'm just telling you how your words are heard by others. Your "intentions" behind your usage changes nothing of how the words are received by the listener. You're perfectly free to use them whenever and wherever you like. At best, I'll just think you're an ignorant jackass. At worst, someone else might kick the living shit out of you.

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 WTF with the Quote

 WTF with the Quote function, btw???

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Brian37 wrote:Quote:Using

Brian37 wrote:

Using the word nigger in a discussion about the word nigger, and using it in an example of racist speech, is not wrong. That's not hard to understand, is it?

So we are on the same page on those contexts at least. GREAT!

it is not my position that there is no context in which a word cannot be used and it is not my position that words should be stumbled around because of their meaning when used in discussions about them. It is not my position that any word should be a taboo. It is not my position that people should never use certain words.

Ignor the editor here, I cant figure out how to change the text back............moiving on.

GREAT! Moving on.

So if knowing what a word means determines weither or not we use it, WHO gets to decide? You've already said right here right now that it IS NOT your position to make a taboo. GREAT

What about jokes? Are negitive pejoratives never to be used in jokes? If someone does do we use guilt by association because both the bigot and the non bigot use the same word? Assuming they have the same definitional meaning in both cases?




Brian can you read?  I have answered that question before and so have others!  You are infuriating.  Why can't you read?

Thomathy wrote:
Well, Brian, I'm not going to make an exhaustive list of circumstances in which it's appropriate for you to use the word. Essentially, the word is necessarily acceptable in academic discussions, discussions like the one we're having, particular comedy or specific/general social contracts whereby the use of the word is acceptable among people who aren't black (for instance in non-black 'thug' or 'gansta' culture).

See, Brian, right there, in bold nd italics I wrote, 'comedy' (well, in certain comedy).  Yes, you can use pejoratives in jokes; I only gave an example using one word.  Obviously, comedic irony or comedic derision would require using the word.  Is this so hard to understand?  And why the fuck can't you read?

The people who decide who gets to use a pejorative are the people whom the pejorative is used against.  Smartypants gives a pretty concise explanation of that.  I already gave an explanation of that, if you could read!  And obviously, comedy would be a different scenario, which I've already addressed.

So, that really ought to be the end of this, since I can't see what you could possibly disagree with further unless you don't read what I've written!

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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Smartypants, you can fix it

Smartypants, you can fix it using Notepad.  Copy and past the source material and look for all the quote tags and find the one that is out of place or contains an error.  My guess is that there is an unclosed quote tag somewhere.  You can do this easily by using the find option and searching for the word quote.

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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Thomathy wrote:Smartypants,

Thomathy wrote:

Smartypants, you can fix it using Notepad.  Copy and past the source material and look for all the quote tags and find the one that is out of place or contains an error.  My guess is that there is an unclosed quote tag somewhere.  You can do this easily by using the find option and searching for the word quote.

I actually did go through all the quote tags one by one (none of which were mine), and tried to fix them, but there's clearly a problem I didn't catch. I'm too lazy to try to Notepad it. Thanks, though.