Three word proof that humans invented god

"God is love".
It's not a particularly cerebral argument and no doubt something we've all considered before but there's something so obviously anthropomorphic about the christian god when you consider that the greatest attribute assigned to this star-juggling, higgs boson-spouting creator of the meta-universe is his expression of the human bonding chemical, oxytocin, and associated endorphins, substances whose job it is to stimulate the opioid pathways in the human brain.
From the human perspective, this short term brain fix is god's big achievement. It's not only obviously contrived, it's also more than a bit pathetic that we define god with the thing that's most important to us - love of family and friends. I guess it's no surprise to hear we also 'love' our teddy bears, our motorcycles and our houses. We love our sports teams, our countries and ourselves. A penchant for feel-good, self-serving sacrifice is springloaded into us.
I'm always fascinated by a fundamental truth theists refuse to see - that their mighty god is forcibly restrained by the ability of the human experience to perceive him and the human imagination to invent him.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
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Well, it is simply a fact that there is a being who loves me unconditionally. Heck but he comes to the door to greet me when I come home and he curls up with me hen I go to bed. I call him my cat (although I suspect that I am really his human).
Seriously, I could have had the worst day of my life and when I get home, he is there for me. The only service that he requires is food, water and a clean litter box.
OTOH, god seems to want me to kill people and do other unpleasant stuff so that he will be glorified. Now I am probably unclear on the matter but if god is as cool as the theists claim he is, then why would he need glorification in the first place? Wouldn't it be easier to just surround himself with a spherical mirror so that any way he looks, he sees himself?
Trust me, cats are way better than gods.
Also proof that religion is the manifistation of human narcissism.
Once upon a time it came to me in a moment of introspection that god was simply the pinnacle of human selfishness and self focus. I saw that even god was forced to bow to our needs, forced to exist for our benefit. I thought religion was no more than a sock-pull on reality, a way to turn the truth inside-out in to make us the centre of our perceived reality. P'raps this is no great surprise. From the point of view of the preacher's son, there's something darkly humorous about the fact the 'greatest religion of all time' is no more than a morality cult wrapped up in a mortality parachute.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
So love is that warm fuzzy feeling we get when we are tripping on all those chemicals? Cool. That is a pretty accurate description of religion.
Atheism is not anti-religion, it is the absence of religion.