How do I deal with my Christian co-worker?
Whoever thinks Austin, Texas is full of atheists must have never come here. God's people are everywhere & churches are everywhere too. It seems these days, everyone is talking about Jesus. It's bothering me more then usual. Mostly the way people just assume everyone is a Christian. It's bad enough that it's in my family, but it's everywhere at my job too. I realize I live in the U.S.A., & am proud of it, but I'm getting tired of it. So do I just suck it up, & deal, or speak my mind more?
At my job, there's redneck trash everywhere, which means there's Christians everywhere. I've come out & told a few of my co-workers I'm not a Christian, yet one time a while back, a co-worker tells me...."We have God to thank." I did a VERY sarcastic laugh, then she said, "Well, I have God to thank." I just smiled, and said it was okay. Meaning it was okay she decided to attempt to include me. Then I had another co-worker ask me and her to pray for someone. I just ignored it, and acted like I wasn't listening.
Then today, she randomly tells me about her step-niece. This woman likes to talk to me a lot about random stuff, and talks my ear off, even though I give plenty of hints I don't care. Which thankfully keeps her talking to a decent limit, and lucky for me, she is retiring soon. I think she just talks for the sake of it. Anyhow, she tells me her step-niece is on the way to "hell", and made a comment about her step-niece "deciding" to be "gay". Now earlier in the year, I made a comment that you are born that way, and she said we would not agree on that. But getting back today: She also mentioned this woman being bi-polar, and I made a comment about how we cannot help what nature makes us. She got quiet after that. Day before that, she's rambling on about some show she watched which was all about nature, and then she talked about how pretty all of the world is.
So I mention not all of it is, and bring up deformed people and nature not always being so kind. Pretty much shut her up. I just hope she got the hint.
Anyhow, I admit, my nerves are starting to get to me with this woman. In general, I can't stand this 60-year old redneck Christian, and I am ready to open the gates of hell on her. We've gotten into arguments in the past, and I think if she keeps her nonsense up. I'm gonna treat her like the RRS treated the Way of the Master three years ago.
Like I typed, I've pretty much been ignoring it all. I have no problem telling anyone for the most part that I am not into the God thing. Nor do I have a problem debating Christians. Infact, that's easy as hell. No pun intended. I just don't go around doing it cause I get nothing out of it, and I am more worried that I'll end up losing my temper. Plus, it doesn't effect me if these people want to waste the only lives they have.
So, what do you guys think? Just ignore it like I have been with making slight little passive-aggressive comments, or take the gloves off, and come out and tell her I am not a Christian, and nicely debate her at first, but then if she starts getting an attitude, then verbally kick her ass?
The thing about me is, one of my faults is I sometimes allow people to walk over me, but if they do it more then a few times, I unload on them. I use to be a wimp, but for four years now, I have no problem standing up to people, and another thing is, I'll still be civil even when standing up to them, but it's not until *they* start trying to get tougher before I get tougher.
This woman and I have gotten into it before, and I think something like the topic of God would be quite easy for me since I've done it plenty of times online and offline.
One extra question: When people just assume I am Christian, how do I react? I'm thinking the way Kurt Russell did it is the best way, and is the way I often try to react.
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well, personally i can't stand passive-aggressiveness, regardless of what ideology it springs from, so my advice is either to let it all loose or shut up entirely.
personally, i would choose the latter. i was raised by my parents to be above all a well-mannered person, and part of that is awareness of time and place. i know i like to turn loose my argumentative side here, profanity and all, but that's because i consider this the place for it. you would never hear me challenge anyone's beliefs or ideology outside this forum, unless it's in a setting conducive to debate (i.e., a classroom or a bar), or unless i see the immediate consequences will be drastically negative if i don't. even if someone starts a debate with me, unless i know the person very well i will firmly but politely refuse to engage them on the subject.
i don't suffer fools or the hyper-religious anywhere in life, but the worst they'll usually get from me is the cold shoulder.
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
You should look into getting out of Austin. I know the economy there is better... but still. Maybe somewhere like Seattle, or San Francisco.
Relocation *IS* a solution. Consider it, if you can. Seriously, the environment you subject yourself to every day in your life is one of the most important factors in your ultimate satisfaction with this life... like even you said- you just have one of them, don't waste it surrounding yourself with these people.
Let me know if you want to relocate- you can send me your resume or something- and I can try to help you find somewhere better (not saying I'll be able to, depending on your skill sets and profession, but it's possible).
And if you would consider it, please don't say "some day"- you have to know some day usually never comes when people say that. I know sometimes it's really not an option... but set hard goals if it's possible. You won't regret moving to a better place in the long run.
Take the gloves off at any opportunity you get. It's not hard to manipulate a conversation to lead that way- make sure she thinks she brought it up, though.
That's the way to go. But you can learn what to say (as peacefully and meekly as you can) that will make them fly off the basket.
If there are spectators, stay cool; if you play it right, you can make your adversary look stark raving mad.
I give them a look, which I can't explain well in text, but which resembles a cross between sock and disgust, mixed with a bit of evident offense, and ask them in an accusatory way "why would you think that?", and explain that I am educated in science and respect logic.
If asked, I will explain that of course I don't believe in such things as that.
I don't like "Kurt Russell's" reaction; that was very ambiguous and political- it wasn't terribly dishonest, but it was a bit weak.
That is a sticky wicket. On my job no one preaches although I do overhear people talking about god and church. I am fortunate enough that my co-workers don't seem to have a double standard with me. I do talk about atheists and atheist topics.
In fact a co worker who didn't know I was an atheist asked me what I did for Easter, and I responded, "I am an atheist, what do you think I did". She responded. "That's retarded"(meaning everyone knows there is a god)
NOW, I could have been a politically correct dickhead and told her not to offend me, which it didn't. But knowing that she didn't hate me, and simply didn't know, or know my reasons for rejecting her position I said, "I don't mind that you said that, but would you like to know why I reject your claim?"
I am of the mindset that when your work environment is open, but where work always comes first, people should be free to be themselves AS LONG as the work is the focus. It becomes oppressive when it is one sided or where no one can discuss anything non-work related.
So at my particular job site, I don't freak out when others talk about church, but if they discuss it with me all I ask from them is to allow me to speak openly about it. I don't freak out when people bless others in front of me, but I don't like them blessing me. Just like I wouldn't serve a Jewish friend pork. We DO poke fun of each other's positions, but it is not done out of hate.
I often tease my Christian co-workers when our lazy boss's son actually shows up on time or actually does some work, "I'll see you in church on Sunday".
Or when I sneeze they bless me sarcastically. I don't mind.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
It all depends on the level of self-indulgent jizzbucket they are .... My day job is in construction, so I am not exactly surrounded by free thinkers are a few examples I have used...
I have told a Born again Christian that I hope his daughter winds up on a stripper pole... That seemed to shut him up...
I have suggested to another that his oppressive fundamentalism will ultimately send his wife my way... That did a pretty good job of ending the conversation...
But here is an idea for people who are not assholes... like me...
Ask what the first commandment is...Then when they respond counter with "Then why are *YOU* going out of your way to make this about *YOU*... we get it... you're a believer...try showing us by your example rather than taking advantage of every instance you can to let us all how pious you are?... isn't this suppossed to be about god and *NOT* about *YOU*?.....toss in a couple of 50 cents words like "Ego-Driven Dogmatism" and "cultural myopia"....and explain how their book looks down on those who preach for their own end, and his "his"..... Then throw in a "All Praise is Due to Allah"
@OP: Will you have trouble at your job if you really lay into her? Do you care?
Personally I would just tell her, "I'm not religious, please stop bothering me because it make me uncomfortable." and then ignore her. But I like my job more than I like the satisfaction of a verbal hazing.
Decide what your priorities are and then go from there.
Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.
When I talk about getting into it with her, I don't mean go off on her, even though I'd love to. Hell, sometimes, I just wanna hit her right in the face. But what I mean is just take the gloves off, talk about God, and pretty much tell her why there is no God. Pretty much if I do that, it's over, and she'll be left in silence, or left pissed off. Probably both. I can just hear her saying my name, and telling me she doesn't wanna talk about this anymore, and me telling her that's fine.
I have thought about moving. I think I'd either want to move to L.A., Vegas, or NYC. I've been to Vegas ten times, and been to areas there that remind me of Austin. I suspect a lot of large cities are overall just about the same, but the thing is, even though I am a loner already, I still have some family here, and I can barely make it on my own as far as $ and other support goes. So I'm not sure. Plus, I do enjoy Austin. Not all of it is redneck central. It has very artsy areas, and I like to think we evil atheist hippies are running the old redneck Christians out of town.
Like I typed, the old hag is retiring soon, and moving away, and I really hate to allow Christians to run me out of town. I rather run them out. I also truly believe and hope I will never see or hear her ever again. Plus, she's never going to change, and people like her will always be around. It's not just this whole God nonsense that annoys me about her. In general, she's just annoying the way she'll talk about stuff like I care, and will go on and on about her dogs. I always reply with short answers like: "Uh-huh. Yeah. No. Oh. Hmm. Nice. Cool. Haha."
I pretty much refuse to keep the chat going, which does slow it down in due time. She also seems to think because she's 60, and I'm 27 that she can boss me around, which she has tried to before, which lead to fights. I truly can't stand her. I know she means well for the most part, but she is a very annoying woman.
Earlier in the year, she made the comment that taking out trash was man's work, and cleaning dishes was woman's work. No sarcasm either. I told her work was work, and that you sweat all the same. She shut up after that. That's the thing...through out the year, she makes little comments like that, and I can always silence her in my responses.
Another time she joked about Austin being a "liberal town". I said it was just diverse. She laughed, and said, "No, it's a liberal town." And I said, "I prefer the term, "diverse". Then we got distracted with work before it could resume.
I also have longish hair, and she hints at me getting it cut a few times, but not too often. But she'll tell me I look better with it short since I cut it earlier in the year. What's odd is this same woman has very short hair herself. You figure someone like that would believe women "should" have long hair some nonsense. I'll probably keep my hair long just to bother her.
I am thinking if it keeps up, I do need to say something. I don't need to be rude or directly confrontational about it, and I also suppose the reason why I have not gotten into it with her over this is because she doesn't really directly talk about me. But I think some hints wouldn't hurt. I mean, this woman has no problem expressing her opinions, so I shouldn't either. But again, I it worth it?
It's her kinds way to try and force what they believe to everyone. So it's not shocking that these people do what they do. I'd like to be better then that.
Another concern is when little kids talk about God and such. No clue how to react to that. I usually ignore that too, or I don't directly say I don't believe or disbelieve in God.
Sometimes when people just talk about God, and assume I'm Christian, it's awkward sometimes to tell them I'm not. Especially if they are people that mean well, and it's not like they are asking me to go to their church, or pray with them. I've reached a point where even if God is real, I rather go to hell. I sometimes want to tell these people that, and just avoid a debate all together.Zeeboe, you must be really tired of the Christianity. I'm not yet tired, I'd take a little verbal exchange of opinions as a welcomed pastime. Specially if that woman is leaving soon, so you wouldn't have to bother with her if the fun goes the wrong way. Of course, your co-workers shouldn't be involved. Ask some hard questions innocently and watch her squirm. There are things in Christianity that nobody can understand, because they give no sense. You will probably get a response "you think too much."
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Fuck her
i do a combination of what was said earlier
actually, if she wasn't an old lady, i'd say that's a good idea (maybe it's a good idea anyway, if you got the stomach for it). i know from personal experience that nothing loosens up a high-strung christian girl like a damn good fuck. almost all of them want it deep down anyway, but still, the young promise-keeper virgins have no idea just how good it is until they do it, and there's nothing like watching the realization dawning in their eyes (sometimes it's verrrry obvious) that holy shit, this rocks! 9 times out of 10, it will trump any emotional jesus experience they've had. be prepared for the ever-present nylon-covered bible under the arm to disappear and the neckline to drop considerably. it doesn't it always happen immediately, but you'll be surprised how quickly it does happen. you'll also be surprised just how easy it can be to get these girls in the sack.
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
Please, don't make me sick. That woman is fuckin' ugly as hell. I don't see how anyone who looks like that could believe in God. Or if they do, I don't see how they could be another one of his ass-kissers. Given how nasty most old redneck Christians are, you'd think they'd be bitter.
Quick funny story: She was dropping me off one time, and as I leaned over to take off my seat belt, this dumb bitch thought I was leaning over to kiss her....she was all ready to say, "No!". That actually made me laugh. I told her she never had to worry about me kissing her. I hope that wasn't too mean, but I really hope she got the hint. Hell, she thought the same thing another time with another co-worker when he was just leaning over to get something. I'm thinking this is all wishful thinking on this old woman's part.
This is another topic, but I'll quickly say that I actually have been seeing this YOUNG Christian girl for a while. 19-years old. Freakin' Jesus is cockblocking me. She admits, at the moment, she is not interested in going further then what we have been going because of what she believes, and what I don't believe.
I tell ya, it's one of the saddest things in the world when people waste things all because of some figure they've never actuaklly seen or heard.
ok, sometimes it isn't so quick and easy. i never did go for the hard-to-get girls, christian or otherwise, because i often found that what was hard to get wasn't worth the effort. however, i had a friend who worked on a jesus girl for a good six months. the first step was convincing her to drink. once he cleared that obstacle, it was smooth sailing.
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
yes i can now say FUCK HER ooh shit cockblocked by an imaginary friend
my girl right now was a chritian but not a fundie
but we used to fuck like hell and now that we both are atheist more fucking oh and she loves it
if you can get her to drink kudos but it will be tough also i dont like the hard to get girls either its just not worth it
Back in Sweden we have a saying that goes something like this: "Are you christian because you're ugly, or ugly because you're christian?"
I think it's better to not discuss religion at work as a general rule.
Thankfully you have this forum to come and vent
Work situations are sticky ~ although I would like to think that all companies hold to their policies that promote a 'harassment free' workplace, the reality is many places of employment allow this to go on.
I believe that if one has to endure a co-workers endless droning about their god or gods, it is harassment. It causes stress, it creates an environment where an individual feels compelled to "shut up" because they are "afraid" to say the wrong thing and the outcome that response would cause.
Keep in mind that it goes both ways too, and if an atheist opens their mouth to disagree with someone's belief in a god, it is likely that believer may be even more offended than the atheist in the opposite example, and the theist will go crying to the boss that the atheist is being "hostile".
My advice would be to go to your Human Resources manager (if you have one available). Explain how you feel when you encounter these discussions or are 'forced into these conversations'. As an employee, you are looking for a team environment ~ an environment that makes it easy for you to collaborate with those on your team ~ it is difficult to feel comfortable going to (insert theist #1) and asking for help on a project..... blah blah blah...
What is your line of work?
Slowly building a blog at ~
I always want to ask the people who assert that homosexuality is a choice if they struggle with homosexual urges.
"Faith, Faith is an island in the setting sun,
but proof, proof is the bottom line for everyone."
Proof, Paul Simon
Nothing this hard should taste so beefy.
Work is tuff, its a professional environememt, she really shouldn't be going on about God anyways. But if she does, I would say it's fair game. I try my hardest aswell to stay away from debating with these types at places like work. The reason is I know I'm atleast a decade ahead of them in the debate topics, I can so easily debunk their religion and make them look so foolish its almost like abusing those who are mentally challenged. It has happened before, and I try to take a minute and remind myself these are mostly nice people who's beliefs are really just based on the fact they don't want to die, and I can somewhat understand that. But when they start getting to the "gays are an abomination" or "your immoral and going to hell" stuff, well that's when I dont feel bad anymore and I will verbally lay them to the ground, and so should you!!! We will not be rid of these types by allowing them to push their stupidity and weaknesses on others, that's where I draw the line, if someone else is potentially being indoctrinated I will enter the scene like a fu***ng dragon breathing fire as I will simply not allow "the crazies" to make other succeptable people "crazy" like them.
I agree to a point. Like Ken has pointed out, she's probably like my mom, lost, old, and far to set in her dellusional ways to make a debate worthwhile. However like I said if she is preaching to others and spreading her stupidity and dellusion around and about, then you should in good concience step in and protect the naive minds she might prey upon.
Sorry for the late response. To answer an earlier question, I work as a bus-aid for the local school district.
Gonna rant some more if you guys don't mind.
This woman actually ended up retiring before I had a chance to do something or not do something. Her replacement was sort of the same way, talking about Jesus and all this nonsense and I just honestly told her how I felt about it. I wasn't rude or anything. Just gave her my honest opinions. We'd be talking about bad people and she'd say stuff like...."All we can do is pray for people like that" and I'd say..."Yeah, you pray. I'm just gonna picture them blowing up." Of course, I say it with as much sarcasm as I can so she'd know I am joking cause you never know with these types of people.
Anyhow, she'd give credit to God for something and I'd say I think you just get lucky sometimes and she'd talk about what happens after death and I'd say I don't think anything happens and you just sleep forever and you don't wake up and you have no dreams and that for a lazy guy like me, getting to sleep in forever IS heaven.
She'd usually just give me the "you just offended me smile" and the subject would change and for a while, I was the one making that smile and being quiet about it with others. I guess it all depends how I feel that day if these people decide to discuss Jesus and every time it's brought up, it's because they brought it up first.
I recall a few years ago at a work Christmas party, my co-workers said a prayer at the start of it. That is why I know longer go to those parties. Even though all of us here know Christmas was actually a pagan thing that the Christians ripped off, these people would probably argue that if you're going to a Christmas party, you have to be prepared for some Jesus butt-kissing and since the parties are not actually on the job, I guess I can't complain.
I agree that at work, stuff like this God stuff should not be brought up. One of my biggest issues there is the lack of professionalism. I mean, those people gossip like teenagers and it ticks some of them off how little I care. I'm more annoyed by the fact that some of them want me to care.
For some of those people, their work life IS their social life. Not me. No thanks. Not my thing. They can have it and each other. There's like one dude there I sometimes hang with, but other then that.....heck no. I also think they think they are cooler then what they are and I just wanna tell them...."You're freakin' bus drivers....."
Enough typed in regards of that. Seriously, I don't need to type anymore then that very insult. I know what I am and I don't think I am better then anybody, but it does bother me when losers think they are so superior to other people when they're not.
But I figure....let them live in their little world if they want. They're sad people and they clearly need to think they are cool, but if they fudge with me, I'm gonna have to lightly push them back into their little loser parade, far away from me. I pretty much wanna be left alone for the most part and really don't want to be around these people when I don't have to be. I've been asked to attend different parties they've had and some have even had the nerve to ask me to help them move cause I'm one of the few young faces there and I'm 6'4, 230, so I guess they figure, I'd be useful. I pretty much turn them down everytime.
I wanna tell some of them that I'm not really a "nice guy". I only pretend to be to get through the day. I'm there for the $$$$. Nothing else.
I remember years ago, getting into it with another co-worker....she was some big, fat old-school church going black woman (hope that doesn't make me sound racist but even black guys I know make jokes about those kinds of black women) She wasn't old, but she dressed and looked like it was 1960-something and pretty much acted like those loud church types.
Anyhow, she's telling me junk like...."I can see now what some people meant about you!"
I told her...."Lady, I'm here to make beer money. Not friends. I have enough of those and I care very little about what those old rednecks in that break room think about me. I'd be more worried if they DID like me."
I remember during this little rant, I was thinking about saying "I'm here to make money so I can go bang some chicks"....or some type of sexual joke, but I knew that would be going too far and I was even thinking about pointing out how all those rednecks believe in a talking snake and that I shouldn't care, but I had to censor some of it so I wouldn't get into trouble.
And let me make this clear: I'm not some full-time anti-social guy. I just really don't want to be around "those" types of people. All they do is judge others and think they are better. I see how I act around them the same way a guy in prison rapes a rapist. In other words, I'm judging the judging and giving them back what they give others.
I'm down with the Devil now and just like most cats and dogs don't get along, Christians and we lovers of Satan won't get along either.
(NOTE: I don't actually believe Satan or worship him. I just like saying stuff like that to offend Christians.)
Anyhow, I think a lot of of those people think I AM Satan. I've been told by friends that in the past, I've had a rep of being a party animal and a man-whore. Some of that is true, but I'd go in the break room and I'd brag to others about how much I drank Friday night (even if I really didn't.).....or I'd go in there and talk about some date I had with one girl one night and another girl the next night. I pretty much do it to get under their skin and based on some looks I get, I can tell I do well.
Some of them even think I'm rich because I go to Vegas often and because I've gone on a few crusies, so I'd sometime go in there and loudly brag about how much money I have and all this stuff I'm gonna do with it, even though I'm not rich. I just don't give all my cash away on Sunday.
I think it truly tortures them because there's very little they can do to effect me other then annoy me, but I can never ever let it show. I want to be the cold-hearted and apathetic "I don't give a damn, pay me so I can go home" guy.
Actually Zeeboe, from what I've read so far it sounds as if you've achieved a proper balance toward your theist co-workers..... iow, to stand your ground but try to maintain a semblance of good will toward your adversaries ....would that be a fair assessment of your approach ? Anyway, good luck with the whole situation
Pretty much, yeah. In short, I'm never going to bring up religion (or lack of) in a working environment because I feel it's unprofessional. However, if they do bring it up to me in a way that I feel deserves a response, I'll tell them my honest opinion but will keep it on a mature level.....(even though it will be tempting to laugh at them for being scared of a talking snake.) I'm hoping if I do that enough times, words will finally get around that I'm not a believer and they will stop talking about it to me, but who knows, it may even get worst.
Perhaps you could try my approach although since your in Texas I think it might not work. I used to never say anything until my co-workers brought it up. I forgot exactly how it came up but when I was asked if I believed in god, I said 'I don't know what you mean by god." Which I later discovered is the position of "ignosticism." Which is to say a relevant discussion cannot be made until there is a definition for what god is. So I've kept this position of naivete for the past year, asking ridiculous questions which i know they have no answer for. So far it's opened up there minds a bit and some have even told me they had the same questions but still kept there faith because it's all they knew. SO you start to see their minds kind of unravel in a way I couldn't have if I had been a dick from the beggining and said "I'm atheist religion is bullshit!" Just the other day I asked which dimension heaven was in, I also asked if there was a managerial system in hell to organize all the demons into there respective levels. They found this funny and just laughed and said "humans arent meant to understand." What you find after asking these questions is that to most people (atleast here in Miami.) Religion plays a very small role in decision making and is really just a cultural thing, some people don't even bother to think about it. One girl said she has actually never thought about there being a god or not she simply was too absorbed in daily life to care.
Well, I've been all over the Union and have spoken to plenty of Americans from online and another thing I've discovered to be true is no matter where you're from, people are people. Good, bad, etc, etc. So what works in Miami will work in Austin.
It all depends on the person. Not the area code. But anyhow, I do like what you suggested and sounds like a good idea that I'll try if the chance ever comes up.
Wow you really think that people are born gay?????
It is sad that you feel the way you do about the one who created you. God bless you.
Are you gay? Because if you're not, how would you know anything about it?
I love this thread. I am a lot like you are about this kind of thing. Only difference is I would have probably lost it with this lady. I wonder if she's my mom lol. My mom is a lot of the reason I'm atheists.
If all the Christians who have called other Christians " not really a Christian " were to vanish, there'd be no Christians left.
Tell her Jesus is a myth and fairy tale who CLEARLY never existed if she did any historical research she would know that!! Then tell them you want to honor great Christian tradition and will burn her at the stake!!
Click here to find out why Christianity is the biggest fairy tale ever created!!
I've met many Christians like this. Prominently in the Bible belt which is where I grew up. I apologize for having this forced on you.
I've always tried to steer clear of the religious talk at work. It creates friction in an environment that functions on smooth relationships.
On a side ostentatious as this woman may be you could take it as a form of kindness. Much like a foreigner serving you some disgusting dish.
I've found that regardless of what viewpoint you hold answering someone with kindness gets the best results. Thats just the way we're all made.
Do both.
All Christians get the death penalty.
Did I miss something?
Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.
LOL...if you just look at history for CENTURIES and CENTURIES Christians didn't think twice about killing and/or torturing people who didn't agree with them. Hell, they WIPED OUT ENTIRE CITIES! Men, women, and children!!
The Church actually gave Knights permission to RAPE and MURDER!!
I'm fully aware that Christianity has changed and isn't violent anymore for the most part. It's just that it's their KARMA that they should one day get a taste of their own medicine. What comes around goes around you know?
And I don't mean the hit song by RATT!
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I'm not sure I follow...were Christians more violent or oppressive than their contemporaries in other cultures? And why is an atheist talking about karma?
Maybe it is just me, but I don't see anything productive about posts like that, it just looks like hate to me. Or maybe my laugh-o-meter is broken, but when an atheist writes about how they want theists to die, or be punished for the crimes of their ancestors, it makes me....well, I wince, then I'm disgusted, then I'm ashamed. Saying things like that isn't rational, it isn't skeptical, it isn't educational and it isn't thoughtful or helpful.
Or maybe I need to lighten up.
Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.
I know you said you didn't have time to watch the video Capt. posted but you really should.
Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.
I never said I was atheist. Agnostics and even theists are on these boards too. If you just read history you will see NO religion was more hateful or intolerant of other people than Christianity. Islamic terrorism is a relatively new practice but if you look at the dark ages and the like Christianity was much worse.
Just one example. When Christians overtook Jerusalem they killed off all men, women, and children just because they weren't Christian!! Yet when Muslims overtook Jerusalem they let the Christians live. Kind of opposite of what we see today. BTW, they talked about that on PBS.
There are many examples of Christian hatred, intolerance, and violence throughout history.
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You have an atheist tag, I assumed that meant you are an atheist. If you are not, we can remove it to avoid confusion, let me know.
Pillaging cities was sort of the way they did things back then. Plenty of cities were taken without pillaging, plenty of them were pillaged. Muslims have killed plenty of people and razed plenty of cities, so have Christians, so have atheists.
Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.
Ok, sorry about that. I guess you can change it to Agnostic or anti-Christian. LOL
Their HORRIBLY false religion that says the every culture on earth is a fraud except that tiny 2 percent of the world (Palestine) is a TOTAL FAIRY TALE!! I can't even believe such a religion exists in America where people of ALL backgrounds are treated fairly.
Actually it's only a quarter of that 2 percent area that applies to Christianity since there are 3 other religions there. Druze is one a lot of people haven't heard of. They are all mythical of course.
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@Jesus: Have you read through that?
About the rest, well have fun with that, I think you've either ignored or missed my original point.
Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.
No I already know about that and I am Agnostic and fervently anti-Christian. We have a right to be that way you know?
I don't think you're getting my point but I got yours.
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You hate religious people, especially Christians, and wish they would all die. I get it.
Edit: Although, now that I think about it, I guess you might be a reverse poe account.
Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.
Ok so today I found that my mother-in-law kinda one of these annoying religious types. She constantly sends out these e-mails with religious pics oh and republican crap ( my husband and I both are democrat ). So Jimmy sends her back some atheist pics and quotes along with everybody else she included in these e-mails.
She sends him an e-mail back saying " I didn't raise you to be without god " and nanana. I find this really annoying that she already knew he was atheist yet she sends this stuff to his e-mail and when he gets enough and takes action she gets pissed.
If all the Christians who have called other Christians " not really a Christian " were to vanish, there'd be no Christians left.
LOL...reverse poe account?? Elaboration?
I tried to change my tag from atheist to agnostic but there is nowhere I can do that in my account info.
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We have some accounts, like Billy Bob Jenkins, that are atheists from the site who create a fake account as a theist. They post ridiculous things in the guise of a theist to be funny. Sometimes it is hard to tell if they are really a poe though, because theists often say ridiculous things.
Reverse Poe: You often write like a cartoonish stereotype of a hateful nut-job atheist. So it made me think you might be a theist making fun of an atheistic stereotype.
Only high level mods can change a user tag. Your choice is probably limited to Atheist, Theist, Superfan or nothing. If you pick one of those, I'll ask someone to update your tag.
Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.
Can you please change me to Superfan? That is ideal since I'm a huge fan of the RRS.
I submitted your request.
Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.
I cut the spam from friends and family way back by pleading slow download speeds. It was true at the time, but isn't now. I still continue to whine about waiting for an hour for some email full of cute pictures to download.
-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.
"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken
"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.
Thanks. It's changed.
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