Poetry by Brian37 (poems by an atheist)

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Poetry by Brian37 (poems by an atheist)

I post all over the web, but I want a back up in case my computer or one particular website goes down.

I have decided to edit this post because I do not like giving people the wrong impression. I cannot read Shakespeare to save my life. I just remember this one line from act 5 scene 5 and put my own spin on it. I've had to explain this over and over so here I decided to put that in this post so there is no more presuming what I know or don't know. But the plot of MacBeth is the old lesson, you can have everything and nothing at all at the same time. And how did all that cruelty serve you in the end? But I do not like play summeries calling him a Nihisist, because it is possible to not do what he did, and accept life as being finite, and sitll have morals without religion. 


NEW EDIT 9/19/22 I got pissed at myself that I was scared to read MacBeth, so tonight, I forced myself to read it online. Now mind you, I did not understand it line for line, but basically Macbeth was an assdhole who murdered his way to the top, and did not believe the 3 witches prophcies. He murdered Duncan and had Banquo murdered. Banquo's ghost haunts Macbeth. And made the grave mistake of attacking McDuff's family and killing them(If I am reading this correctly) But Lady MacBeth has a guilty conscience and kills herself, upon finding out Macbeth basically says that life is not worth living and he should go down with a fight anyway, but refuses to fight  Macduff face to face and Macduff kills him as the hero. ( I SERIOUSLY read the entire play every line, tonight.  I even know where the famous line "double double, toil and trouble". comes from. The three witches, basically saying "look out Macbeth" your ass is in trouble. 

So basically the moral of the play, don't be a fucking asshole when trying to get to the top, or "the bigger they are the harder they fall". Reminds me of the movie Scarface and all the shitty things Tony did to get to the top and all for not. But Sosa in that case was not a good guy either.

QUOTE WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE MACBETH:"To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

Here is my spin on that wonderful and profound line:

Out, Out brief candle, By Brian37

To-deities, and to-gods, and to-God

Creeps in this petty tyrant from day to day

Until the extinction of humanity new ones will be invented

And all our yesterday's Gods have been created by fools

The way to tribal death. Out out brief myth

Claims are but a walking shadow, a poor reflection

That struts our narcissism upon the stage

And then is heard no more. It is a tale

Told by the credulous, full of sound and fury

Signifying nothing.


To all reading this thread, you may spread the link to this thread BUT YOU DO NOT HAVE MY PERMISSION TO POST INDIVIDUAL POEMS! Brian Sapient the owner of this website is full aware of my real name and my physical address. You will not get away with passing yourself off as me! ALL POEMS IN THIS THREAD ARE SOLE PROPERTY OF THE PERSON(ME) and may not be distributed without MY permission.

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"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Max Factor's Sow, By Brian37

Max Factor's Sow, By Brian37

A message in a web
Wont save you
You are not
"Some pig"

The pin prick
Parlor Trick
Of the fake suicide
On the cross

Is moral bankruptcy
Like a stalker
With a gun to their head
"Look at what I did for you"

I didn't ask you to
And what right do you have
To tell me
Who to forgive?

And if I don't accept you
My fate is sealed
Without my input
Or consent

The message
In that vile web
Isn't that
Of a silent spider

It is of selfishness
And self glory
Taking away
My mind and rights

Charlotte did not
Ask for fame
In the story
She went away

No one knew
What she did
Nor did she seek
The spotlight

But you
You aren't even dead
According to your fans
You still promote yourself

Doing the right thing
Is doing it
Even when
You get no recognition

"Look at me, look at me"
"I suffered for you"
But if you don't kiss my ass
I will torture you.

Charlotte has morals
And sought no personal fame
She wasn't promoting herself
Or making threats to follow her

If I chose to follow
That should be my choice
If I chose to forgive
That should be my choice

But to follow me
And shoot yourself
Is sick
A mental disease

And even after that
You don't stop there
You threaten me
If I leave

There are much better morals
In that children's book
Than in
That vile myth

"I love you"
That is why I killed myself
But if you try to leave me
I will kill you too.

Jesus is the pig
With whore ruby red
Lipstick on his lips
Spewing vile threats

My friend Bob Spense put it aptly that the "sacrifice" story in the magical death of Jesus is immoral.

He is a third party who takes away your personal right to associate with others and decided for you without your permission who you forgive or don't forgive. He commits suicide to get attention, not to your plight or suffering, but for his own self promotion. And if you chose to leave him or not believe in him, he follows you and tortures you forever.

Bob equated the death story of Jesus as rightfully "lipstick on a pig". I quite agree and this poem is a reflection of that sentiment.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Really? By Brian37 All

Really? By Brian37

All powerful
Can you manipulate
Every atom in the universe?


If I took a shotgun
And blew my head off
Would it magically
Instantly grow back?


Lack of blood flow
A spear in the side
Complete organ death
One can survive?


Geologist be damned
In six days
Is the way
The bible says it happened


Conversations with serpents
Conversations with shrubs
And all I can think is
What year is this?

You still believe
Using your IPOD
And watching shuttles launch?


On the playground
It was ok
To play soldier
And cops and robbers

But you are grown
Do you really need
And invisible friend
To converse with?


And since when
Has suffering ceased
In human history
Through your pretending


You know it is fiction
You just deny
That this is it
All there is


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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All This Time, By Brian37

All This Time, By Brian37

I am to believe
By proxy of brand
That you have the answers
All others have missed

Volcano's once gods
Today you scoff
Yet a sky daddy
You still peddle

If I only knew
Of seventy two
If I only knew
Of of virtue so true

All this time
This mystery
That humans fight over
And create misery

All this time
It was a simple matter
Of picking the right team
Instead of searching for answers

I am glad I accepted
The sun and the moon
Being the separate sources
Of light we see,......oh wait

I am glad I forced
Women to cover
Accepting submission
To stroke our ego

It matters not
In the least
On ancient myth
On which I feast

The sun a god
Must be true
For popularity
In no dispute

All this time
I had it wrong
For wishful thinking
Is all it takes

I am right
Because I claim
A super hero
Will save the day

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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This poem was a response to

This poem was a response to another poem someone posted on another website. It expressed agreement to our species all being the same.

AS A SEPARATE ISSUE, the first two lines of this poem are borrowed from a famous poem(don't know the artist) I am blasting the idea that one can "fight" death. It is a wishy washy claim. One can only look for ways to delay death or prevent certain things. But once someone is terminal it is futile to claim to be "fighting". Ultimately weather a quick death or slow death we still all die eventually. Found out that the line is from a Dylan Thomas poem.

Retort to Nightfall, By Brian37

"Rage against

The dying of the light"

Is a futile effort

In every sense

We are man

Yes we are

In our bluster

In our strife

In our conquests

We beat our chests

Build monuments

To our heros

Only to fall

To decay

Remembered by few

Replaced by others

And the future

What will we have

No mark, no monument

To our species

For of this rock

On which we ride

This so too

Also will die

Yes yes

We are man

We are the heros

We are the villains

And the paperus

In all it's forms

From marble to twitter

In which we record

Our complaints and beefs

Our sacrifice and needs

Our ultimate fate

Will end the same

And who will be

Around to hear

All of this

After it's done?

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Iran, Your Days Are

Iran, Your Days Are Numbered, By Brian37

Look to the Pyramids

Look to the future

Neda is still there

And humanity remembers

You will not win

In your absolutes

Your tyranny

Is obsolete

Before it is to late

Give it up

Scorched earth policies

Will doom us all

Allah Akbar

Is what you claim

But of bloodshed

Is your harvest

How petty

This hero you claim

To put dissent

Before humanity

His biggest worry

According to you

Is to kiss his ass

Or suffer his wrath

Yet of 7 billion

All do need

Food and shelter

And love of friends

Your days are numbered

Of dictation

Death to tyrants

Of any kind

Free free humanity

Neda will win

And over your pettiness

Our species will prevail

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Genocide, By Brian37

Genocide, By Brian37

The child cries

The child screams

The child dreams

The child has weapons

The sense of fair

Tossed aside

In the sandbox

Of selfish desires

Daddy promised me

This fictional utopia

I must defend his honor

To get my future reward

What ever it takes

Whom ever I kill

Is the blood

That must be shed

For it is mine

I am the chosen

I am special

In this 7 billion

I am the elite

I have the right

My book tells me

To continue to fight

I am the child

In the sandbox

Justifying horrors

At the expense of others

The final act

An orgy of violence

Daddy loves me best

Torture to the rest

Revenge is not corrective

Merely reflective

Of insecurity

And jealousy

The scorched earth

Is all you want

A fictional nipple

At the expense of the species

As long as you get

What you want

Who cares that genocide

Is the cost

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog

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Mohammad is not Ali,

Mohammad is not Ali, Fortunately, By Brian37

In the land windmills

And clogs

Her uppercut to misogyny

Is much needed

Her butterfly looks

Hold the sting of truth

No superstition

Can take her punch

She scoffs at subission

And the idea of such

Well behaved women

Penned not in history

Not made of Clay

Yet of that substance

In order to end

Submission of women

This prophet they hail

Is neither the boxer

Or Ali

And pale in comparison

Their men are weak

Their religion old

And will fall

To women so bold

To muster her strength

Just a mere fraction

Is to free humanity

From tribal pasts

They will not win

Women have voices

And your old ways

Will not be tolerated

She always has

A mighty right cross

Truth is her fist



This poem is an ode to one of my heros in Ayaan Hersi Ali.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog

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Eternal Narcissism, By

Eternal Narcissism, By Brian37

It is all about us


About how we


Fight and tussle

Thrash and slash

Blood to prove

Our rights of path

And all for what

An after life

That serves one

For humans to bow

Does this need a name

An ego stroked

To watch our division

For masturbation

For whom do we fight

A real being

A real boarder

Or our own selfish desires

The clock ticks

And death after death

Our toil and tussle

Is our own narcissism

Our fate the same

No matter the game

We shorten the ride

When we chose to divide

The chimp bares its teeth

The shark arches it's back

The hippo's tussle

To ward off competitors

And to what avail?

They rise and fail

Like every generation

In life's history

There is no mystery

There is no quarrel

Narcissism the enemy

That causes us harm

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog

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Anthropomorphism, By Brian37

Anthropomorphism, By Brian37

In early days

Of the sapient

Fear of earth

Made it god

Volcanos got mad

Shook them like fleas

Smothered them

Until they prayed

Angry clouds

Angry ocean


To bring migration

Then the gods

Grew limbs and faces

Became like us

In more places

Compete they did

In the family of kings

Tribal super heros

Have arrived

To many to count

Akanaton tried to scale down

He made the sun

The one true god

Then the Zoroaster

Then the Jews

Do they really believe

This is something new?


Even today

Makes the universe

A thinking being

Why do humans

Insist on a "who"

With magical powers

To provide protection

It is fingers crossed

It is lucky socks

Lucky numbers

With epic delusion

If horses had gods

Someone once said

We make up gods

And that is what is

Volcanos are not gods

And gods are not families

Cosmic dictators

Of monotheism

All of these

Are merely fiction

Of human desire

Of wanting protection


Is the projection of

Human qualities

And superstition

There was no god

And never will be

No mater the conjured


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog

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The Sitter, By Brian37

The Sitter, By Brian37

You go out

For the evening

And leave at home

Your toddler

In the hands

Of one who you pay

To protect

This precious life

But she Tweets

On her Blackberry

While toddler wonders

Finding poison in the kitchen

You come home

To find dead child

And the sitter says

It's not my fault

I can't interfere

It's not my place

The kid had a choice

That's why he's dead

I allowed it

To test you

To see if you would

Remain loyal to me

I can do what I want

That is my only promise

To you

I owe no explanation

You should be happy

That he's dead

A better place

Is his reward


Would fire me

And call me inept

Demanding my arrest

Holding credulity

In the face of this bankruptcy

You maintain the the staple

Of "faith"s fantasy

This is why

I get away with it

Why you wont fire me

Masterful ambiguity

I can demand

The mutilation

Of genitals

Calling it virtue

I watch you trapped


For months

And could have intervened

I watched

And did not stop

6 million cattle

Slaughtered by SS whims

And you still hire me

Because of my promise

Of fictional utopias

You so desperately want to believe

Call me next weekend

You have yet another

I will watch that one too

Trust me, I know what I'm doing.

If it suits my needs

I might, just might

Save that one

If I feel like it

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog

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Sic Semper Utopia, By

Sic Semper Utopia, By Brian37

Entropy screams out loud

At the whims of fraud

100% goes in

100% will not come out

Yet the utopia thinking

The scourge of thought

Leads the moth

To the light bulb

I am the driver

Do it my way

Do not question

It will be ok

Stalin's garden

Is as bloody

As the Inquisition

And Sharia Law

A man in a Palace

Protecting pedophiles

Claims the truth

From high above

Childish tribalism

Did not uncover

The truth of galaxies

Or Gamma rays

DNA has no politics

And cares not of our strife

Of whom we love

Or whom we hate

The universal

Is plain as day

That we are born

Only to die

Sic Semper Utopia

Perfection chased

Is futility

When all we have

Is humanity

Before is after

Both are the same

Atoms decay

And so too mythological claims

The lie of perfection

The futile utopia

Are the rants of tyrants

And insecurity

To be a Paine

Is to learn

To boldly question

Like Jefferson

To accept what is

And shades of gray

While seeking answers


One species

Are we all

Give up on utopias

Lest we fall

This poem is a challenge to humanity to give up on the idea that we must dominate each other in order to lead humanity in the right direction.

Utopias do not exist and we must, in order to extend our finite ride, give up on the idea that we can rid ourselves of each other. We can, however, use the free market to compete with each other with our ideas and marginalize absurdity by allowing for the scrutiny of any and all claims.

We have given up on bad claims in the past. We have given up on the claim that the earth is flat. We no longer think that epilepsy is a demon possession. We no longer think the sun is a thinking being.

That is not to say that cant believe what they want. Human empathy should transcend all labels in the right to make any claim one wants. But equally important is the quality control of such claims to be subject to scrutiny and blasphemy.

Human empathy is not a utopia. It is the recognition that we are all individuals and ALL OF US are capable of the same range of human emotions and actions, both good and bad.

Part of that empathy is our individual desire to complain or even ridicule that which we don't like. I do it, you do it, everyone does it. Avoiding hearing things one doesn't like, via force of law is the quickest road to fascism, be it the likes of a theocracy like Iran, or the fascism of worship of the state like Stalin.

We only have one planet to live on. Clubs will exist and all of us flock to like minded people, that is normal and part of our social evolution.

Our priorities however, are backwards. While accepting that differences occur, we must not make those differences our priority, but our common interest that we all have family, we all want love and peace, and we all want to complain about things we don't like.

What makes us human are the things we have in common, not the artificial labels we set up. Maximizing peace is not done out of force or squash of

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Divine War, Crimson

Divine War, Crimson Credulity, By Brian37

The splatter

Of gray

Matters of bullets


Would they do the same

If it were Harry Potter

Or Star Wars hero

Luke Skywalker?

Would they impale

The enemy

Over blasphemy

If done in fictional name?

To arms to arms

Defend green eggs and ham

Crush all those to speak ill

Of our Candyland

Disembodied brains

Toil in our thoughts

Claims of super powers

Suffer human loss

Why cant they see

It is merely Dawkin's moth

Our crimson credulity

A catastrophic loss

Emerald weeds

Numbered by four

Are as equal

To claims of Thor

Yet we make no plots

Or policies

We do not kill

Over these absurdities

Please bury Santa

In his blood drenched suit

And his tactic of fear

Blinding all from truth

Finite is ok

It is reality

Nothing to die for

Is our only noble goal


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog

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Paghman Gardens, By Brian37

Paghman Gardens, By Brian37

In the land
Of the Taliban
Before their rule
There was hope

Is not the label
But mundane behavior
Theism stifles
Progress in humans

For every advance
Our species makes
Superstition's grip
Holds us back

This beautiful park
Blown apart, along with
Buddhist statues
In this same country

Islamic Dark Ages
Thus they are stuck
Oppression the law
Protecting their god

Stay or go
Misses the point
Is the cause

To put tradition
Above human life
Just because
Some holds a belief

I am tired of
People pretending
Religion is good
And is not a weapon

Ask those burned
In Salem Mass
Ask the victims
Of the Inquisition

Ask the slaves
White Christians owned
Ask Native Americans
On the Trail of Tears

Martyrs are not heros
There is no such thing
They are merely bullies
Trying to claim

"Honor me"
Without question
Question not
My obsession

I fail not
To accept
Belief will happen
That I accept

But to avoid
Such destruction
Blasphemy laws
Must be questioned

Our civility
Cannot be built
On taboo laws
Of selfishness

To the Muslims
In the east
Lose your lust
Of forced submission

You will not get
Nor that of

When all you do
Are make demands
That your god
Of all commands

Bullies are tyrants
History be damned
Christian's tyranny
Results the same

In our age
Of Facebook
You will not win
Blowing things up

There are those
Under your rule
Who will no longer
Be played the fool

There are those
In the East
Who really do
Want world peace

You will not win
In the age of Twitter
Of making threats
Of killing others

Far to many
Around the world
Are wise to the scam
Of theocratic power

What you can do
For yourself
And move forward

Islam not be
Of 7 billion
And never was

Our species owes it
To this acceptance
To rid itself
Of childish tribalism

NOW TO ANY MUSLIM READING THIS, most in the west value the human right to believe what you want. BUT there is a huge difference between the right to hold a religion, and setting up a taboo where that religion can never be questioned.

A TABOO is a taboo, no mater who sets it up, be it Christians or a state such as China or the Former Soviet Union. TABOOS only piss off the outsider and minorties and create more human division.

THERE IS NO ALPHA MALE deity on a planet of 7 billion. OTHERWISE this pictures you see in that link create the garbage dump you prop up. If you don't want to be treated like human garbage, or live in a dump, then don't act like you deserve it.

http://www.atheistforums.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=33130 Scroll down to see what religion does to progress.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog

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Miss Piggy, By Brian37 A

Miss Piggy, By Brian37

A sign has gone up
At a grocery store
That of named

Call it Krogers
Or Food Lion
Stumped still
I am of it's logic

The sign says
That there are now
Special lines
For Muslim employees

If you have pork
Or alcohol
Please avoid
This employees line

But logic fails me
Because countless times
I pick up an item
And put it back

So if one arrives
Without pork or booze
How does this woman
Know they haven't touched it?

They'll hand her cash
Or a credit card
After touching
Those items

Our species eats meat
And always has
All sorts
All kinds

In reading Penn's book
"God No"
It was nice to know
A former Jew got it

After meeting Penn
They went out to eat
And the former Jew
Ate a bacon cheeseburger

Our species was around
Long before our current labels
No silly laws
Stop evolution

I just read a post on another website about a new politically correct rule going up at Wegmans super market.

HOW THE HELL do you enforce that? I touch all sorts of shit and put it back before I get to the line. Not to mention that our species has always eaten meat.

AND there was a case where a radio station was sued because of the death of a woman who participated in a radio contest "who could drink the most water"


Under cooking pork can kill you. But so can drinking too much of ANYTHING in a short period of time.

I AM SORRY LADY, your vagina will not fall off if you handle pork.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog

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Virtue Of The Oppressed, By

Virtue Of The Oppressed, By Brian37

Christian in
The coliseum
Via death of lion

China's strong arm
Over Tibet
Buddhist monks
Burn themselves

Sunni's and Shiites
Do the same
Point the finger
And falsely claim

And the beef
In Ireland
Is no different
Than Palestine

It stems from
Our empathy
For the under dog
Forgetting the harm

Forgetting the harm
In evolution
When we finally win
We do the same

Virtue long term
Has no meaning
In a species
That keeps forgetting

We oppress
For the same reason
We don't want
To be oppressed

In group out group
Us vs them
The underdog
Can go on to be dangerous

The other guy
Always wrong
Is our mistake
When our past the same

Is what we have
Our wants and needs
Always transcend

Power shifts
Over time
Once on the bottom
We climb to the top

We climb to the top
And do the same
Often forgetting
What was done to us

The rational conclusion
We must all accept
To avoid the past
There can be no virtue of the oppressed.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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How Deities Are Born, By

How Deities Are Born, By Brian37

No religion
Is revealed
Thy are invented
Merely marketed

Christians and Muslims
And even Hebrews
Fail to consider
Reality's truth

Projecting backwards
Is what they do
Pick up older writings
Inventing something new

Just as Coke
Makes a cherry soda
Pepsi sees that
And creates it's own

They talk of Prophets
Greeks had them too
Oracles by name
Apollo they proclaim

Yet no one today
Buys that god
Failing to realize
They believed just as fervently

The major three
Causing the most strife
Started in Canaan
In polytheism

Just like Frasier
Came from Cheers
Just like McDonalds
Competes with Burger King

And the reason
For all of this
From polytheism
To monotheism

Is very simple
Humans like sugar pills
We've always invented them
To placate our emotions

It is evolutions flaw
In our false perceptions
Gap filling for comfort
Is all we are doing

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Worship, By Brian37 The

Worship, By Brian37

The futile exercise
Of defaulting to emotions
Throwing pragmatism
Under the bus

In many forms
Thus it takes
To that of gods
And that of states

From politicians
To celebrities
To our parents
And our friends

To exalt
With out question
Can and does
Lead to destruction

The cruelty
Of evolution
Has us born
As mere sponges

Our heads get filled
With cultural memes
Grow up with hormones
Leading to division

Worship must die
And be replaced
With that of reason
And ability to question

The idea of perfect
Does not exist
No human is special
None ever were

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Ink, By Brian37 Not being

Ink, By Brian37

Not being one
For utopias
A suggestion

To our history
In all its strife
Consider the option
Of human life

Is it better
To use a quill
Than to break a limb
Which no one wants

Panzer tanks
And Roman ranks
Gods and states
Eventually fall

All this drama
And for what
To ignore
Our finite existence

Ink the cure
In place of sword
Common condition
All desire

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Sans Souci, By Brian37 He

Sans Souci, By Brian37

He could
In his limo
Drive through
The ghetto

Thinking to himself
How cleaver he was
On his own
All by himself

Sans Souci
On his private jet
Flying over
The empty factories

Off to fronds
At the 18th hole
Gloating about
Becoming CEO

And his labor
Left to toil
No health care
No livable wage

How long
Can this sustain
Before he looses
His market base?

Sans Souci
He will not be
When no one can buy
What he sells

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Kony Island Jesus, By

Kony Island Jesus, By Brian37

Stop claiming
It isn't a weapon
Stop claiming
It doesn't cause harm

Tender ones
Forced sex slaves
Forced to slit
Their parents throats

Africa's Dark Age
Neo Witch Hunt
Same weapon
Different generation

It is
The reason
Gays are murdered
In Iran

It is the reason
Women to this day
Cannot vote
In Saudi Arabia

Little ones
In the grips
Of a madman
Who reads this book

And it's head character
Just as ruthless
Infanticide, genocide
Incest and slavery

My word
You need not take
At face

If such horrors
Are to cease
In our progress
Holy books must be treated like weapons

I do not
Fool myself
In thinking
Religion will go away

But we need
Paine and Jefferson
To put a leash on it
To minimize the harm

Put the safety lock
On the trigger
Read your book
Without head in sand

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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19 Hundred And 84 Animals,

19 Hundred And 84 Animals, By Brian37

Winston's daily grind
Was solitary
The hole
Of every prison

Political propaganda
Kept him from his love
And the pigs on the farm
Fought for power

With double speak
Your walking limbs
Were a litmus test
Determined by numbers

Having 2,
The enemy
Having 4
All must fight

Orwell's message
Blindly buying
Blindly following

Plato's utopia
In those books
Are what he warned of
When we don't question

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Suddenly Last Summer, By

Suddenly Last Summer, By Brian47

The turtles
Laid eggs in the sand
Hatched they scramble
To the sea

To avoid
The swirling birds
So numerous
To block out the sun

They swoop down
Like rising suns
At Peril Harbor
They turn them over

Pecking their guts
The cruel reality
Sebastian's poem
Was his last

Carcass shells
Left after the feast
Rot in the cruel sun
Abandoned by mothers

Cathrine's witness
Drove her mad
How could we do this
To each other

To cure this bane
We must accept
That of reality
Instead of ignoring it

The doctor rightfully
Made her face
These evil birds
Eating the turtles

The sun not cruel
Nor the birds
Nor the mothers
Who abandon them

There is only
Imperfect life
Both good and bad
And human strife

But if one thing
Williams taught me
Is be yourself
Face adversity

Indictment surely
Of humanity
Feed we do
On human cruelty

This poem is an ode to Tennessee Williams and the play and movie "Suddenly Last Summer". I just watched it this morning. Ironically Williams hated it. I loved it. Hepburn's character was twisted and drew you in so deeply yoo hung on every word. Taylor too was awesome. The metaphor about the baby turtles on the beach as a metaphor being eaten REALLY IS the harsh reality of evolution and nature.

While this play was an emotional appeal to try to treat others better. I think the bigger message is in that trying to do that, we cant ignore reality, because by doing such we can and far to often do, in doing such, create more cruelty.

And more so today, I think older movies that depend on acting rather than special affects take far much more talent and depth than the quick fix action crap done on computers.

This has to be one of my top ten favorites of all time. Up there with Shindler's List, Malcolm X and Key Largo.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Hostage, By Brian37 The

Hostage, By Brian37

The phone rings
Inside the house
Blue and red lights

And shaky
He picks up
The phone

The voice asks
"What are your demands
What will it take
For you to let them go"

The phone rings
Inside the bank
Sweaty and shaky
He answers the phone

Crouching in fear
Or prone face down
The victims think
Of their loved ones

Will they make it
Out of the house
Will they make it
Out of the bank

The Swat Team
Can only be reason
Aimed at a god
Who holds us hostage

Deities shake in fear
In the face of reason
Our mental placebos
Hold us hostage

Putting guns to heads
Is no way to rule
If they cannot leave
On their own

If they cant leave
And must obey
That all you are
Is a hostage taker

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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The First Person, By Brian37

The First Person, By Brian37

In such words
We place false value

The first person
To demand a taboo
Was the first
To to react in violence

Words like tradition
Words like honor
Are bonds
Which stifle progress

In our history
Where progress
Was made
Someone dared to question

As Freud said
"The first person
To hurl and insult instead of a stone
Started civilization"

I am glad
Galileo insulted the church
I am glad Suffragettes
Insulted biblical men

I am glad blacks
Insulted white Christians
I am glad Ayaan
Insulted Islam

We are not children
This is no playground
Words do have meaning
But should not come to harm

Lead by example
Not by force
Lead through voice
Not through fists

No more taboos
No more honor
Lets just agree
To none come harm

It will allow us
To say what we want
Hurt feelings
Are better than death

I see no use
In modern age
To force people to like me
And only say nice things

But I do
See the same need
That all humans want
Freedom from fear

The world could have peace
Quite easily
If there were no weapons
Just middle fingers

If one is offended
Sure raise your voice
But remember that too
When you want to offend

We all like to bitch
To some degree
But we also want
To be free

Free from fear
Free from violence
Free from force
Submitting to others

Common law
The only way
Not common taboos
That only create

North Korea
Dont offend the state
Or that of Iran's
Don't pick on my god

All must be free
And able to vent
Lest fascism rise
In any form

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Halliburton Transplant, By

Halliburton Transplant, By Brian37

Our former VP
Was in need
Of a transplant
But did he wait?

Did the doctors do
The right thing
And make him wait
On the list?

Were those in need
Of lesser means
Without the power
He yielded?

Did Cheney
Get his wish
By proxy of money
By proxy of title?

For those who don't know former VP Dick Cheney got a heart transplant. I would love to think he got it the fair way on a list, but we are talking about the same party that wants health insurance companies to be the death panels because their attitude is "fuck you if you cant pay"

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Sic Semper Boxes, By Brian37

Sic Semper Boxes, By Brian37

When we buy
Things like cars
There are many
Different colors and brands

When we play
Things like sports
There are many
Different games and teams

When we read
Things like books
There is everything
From biographies to fiction

But for some reason
Our tribalism
Needlessly persists
In politics and religion

A label
Is a horrible shortcut
Often not taking on
Claims as individual claims

One can be a Republican
And not like sports
One can be a Democrat
And own a gun

And personally
I know of
An atheist
Who is a Libertarian

Our Constitution
And Bill Of Rights
Was a recognition
Of such

We are not cliches
We are not labels
We are not one sport
Or one car, or one claim

We are individuals
Much more than
Simple pejoratives
We hurl at each other out of fear

We are humans first
Our issues as complex
As our entire species
We are not clones

We can collectively
Minimize our phobias
By putting the common
First, as our priority

Differences will happen
And we cannot avoid
But we must avoid

Sic Semper Boxes

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Pruning Roses, By Brian37

Pruning Roses, By Brian37

On every stem
We seek to avoid
While amorous thoughts
Well in our heads

Pine and pine
Offerings we give
Ignoring the prick
Of cognitive dissonance

It is the thorn
That draws blood
It is the thorn
Humanity scoffs

It is the thorn
Of the finite
It is the thorn
Of ignorant plight

It is our refusal
To face reality
Roses die
Like all of life

It is a thorn
If one is to face
Give up on fantasy
Give up on myth

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Tyson, By Brian37 In the

Tyson, By Brian37

In the ring
In contemplation
Without tatoos
Or brawn

Took on a dog
Without gloves
With the admiration
Of this dog's discovery

The Mid West's files
Who put the dog
On the map
Held no umbrage

To Tyson's findings
That this dog
Was smaller
Than prior claimed

Scientists do box
As they should
It is how
We learn and grow

Tyson punched reality
And made Pluto
The rightful dwarf
It should be

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Popularity Clause, By

Popularity Clause, By Brian37

What if
Your dwellings
Were subject
To subjugation

In Tehran
This certainty
Is the life
Of non Shiites

But still yet so
Thus some falsely insist
That the greatest numbers
Are to be favored here

This false curry
And retrofitted
To claim a pecking order

Not such
Can this curry be found
In the words
Of written prudence

In that law
Signed on December 15
17 hundred
And 91

That is when
Jefferson's wall
Took form
At Madison's hand

Try as they do
With zealous fervor
To see words
That are not there

With such ease
The founders could have
Put quill to papyrus
And wrote "Christian" or "Jesus"

Not such the case
As all can see
There never was
A popularity clause

Ask Lieberman
Ask Keith Ellison
Ask Pete Stark
Ask all of them

Where would they be
If the intent of the founders
Was a litmus test
An oath to Jesus

Those non Christians
ARE citizens
And serve because
Insistence of neutrality

And beyond our boarders
What of humanity
Are we individuals
Or lemmings?

If not lemmings
Then that of law
Must reflect what is common
Not sectarian dogma


This poem is about the First Amendment and that it does not protect a label in the form of pecking orders based on popularity. There is no "popularity" protection in the First Amendment. It is basically an anti-trust law banning monopolies of power via the concept of neutrality.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Cogito Ergo, By Brian37

Cogito Ergo, By Brian37

Fog lifts
Dusty mist
Burned off
By scrutiny

Die rightfully
The future here
Cogito ergo

Cogito ergo
I leave behind
The child's mind
Thoughts mature

He's not there
Cogito ergo
Material required
For thoughts to occur

Egyptians were wrong
Mount Olympus
Apollo too
Cogito ergo

Cogito ergo
Thus monotheism
Meets the same fate
Darwin won

Dawkins too
Because of them
Cogito ergo
All must do

The fog has lost
To scrutiny
Cogito ergo
Is my duty

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Regent University, By

Regent University, By Brian37

His softball mantra
"Bring it on"
Wont debate
Face to face with scientists

Attacking Darwin
Is as futile
As claiming
The earth to be flat

Yet this money whore
Glory whore
Spews his nonsense
To keep power

He gives me
700 reasons
To bitch slap
His absurdities

It is a desperate act
Like that of Capone
When the tax man
Finally caught up with him

You lost Pat
The truth
Cannot be
Put back in the dark

When one sits
On a jury
In a murder case
They accept DNA

Science is why
We know
The solar system
Is heliocentric

Science is why
You can sell
Your steamy pile
Via microwave technology

Adenine, Guanine
Thymine, Cytosine
Back up

Your dirt theory
Of poof logic
Is debunked garbage
Childish fantasy

You are a hack
A thorn to human progress
A lech and needless anchor
On discovery and advancement

This poem was inspired by the ass hat and enemy of science Pat Robertson.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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They Must Be Giant

They Must Be Giant Homophobes, By Brian37

The Super Bowl winners
Of this year
Played not even
In proclaimed city

Ann Coulter
Rightfully predicted
If Cris Cristie did not enter
The presidential race

The right would lose
And they will
Because of bigotry

Because of Ann
Because of fear
That anything different
That does not conform

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Veracity, By Brian37 In

Veracity, By Brian37

In my tender years
With the mind
Of a sponge
And full of fancy

My mother did
Once take me
To a nature film
In balcony theater

In it
A fawn was born
To the camera angle

So my impression
Was that birth
Falsely the same way

Armed with my senses
Of that film
I proudly proclaimed
My sudden knowledge

On the school bus
My peers just as ignorant
Started speaking
About sex

Of the two exits
In reality
Because of the profile
Camera angle

I proudly,
And falsely
Proclaimed with certainty
That birth

Took the same path
As that of such
In which we
Fertilize fields

I really thought
That the same path
Was that the same
Organs producing methane

You giggle now
At such innocence
Yet still far worse
Are the blood of the certain

I was corrected
By the bus driver
When she pointed to her crotch
And stated the truth

Yet in this world
With all our technology
Our myths override
Our ability to test

I was certain
As certain
As those
Who proclaim deities

Our senses
Our only guide
Is to challenge them

I was just a kid
It was not politics
It was not borders
It was not religion

If I can
Get that so wrong
What of thee above
To a much greater degree

If humans make claims
Of certainty, of certainty
Of politics, and deities
Of class and status and economies

I assert such
The label "adult"
Is nothing more
Than collection of years

Oh ,we do get wise
And also learn
But still seek
To dominate

Our patterns and placebos
In latter years
Do not change
Our secret desires

To be on top
To be right
Even when evidence
In our face, flies

Adults built pyramids
Isis still dead
Adults pray to Allah
And Jesus and Vishnu

What if
Upon the challenge
To my assertion
Of the wrong birth canal

What if
I had behaved
Like an adult
Who would have I killed?


This poem was about my own youth guessing, and a bad guess at that, on how I thought babies were born. Upon seeing a nature movie in a theater, I saw a baby deer being born. But the shot was profile, so I ended up falsely believing that babies came out of the ass. I made my proclamation on the school bus the next day, and was RIGHTFULLY laughed at. Religion is far worse because it teaches you to be satisfied with mere guesses, and it infects those guesses into politics and creates global division.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Sic Semper 2.0, Death To

Sic Semper 2.0, Death To Pedestals, By Brian37

Sic Semper Utopia
A poem I wrote
Now again
I expound upon

7 billion
Our planet has
To demand taboos
And think we are special

Our common law
Is all we have
Not our interests
In what we favor

I have no right
To say to you
I am special
By proxy of label

Pedestals are demands
Of insecurity
Ones based on
Ego and credulity

The morgues of humanity
Are filled with the chosen
The martyrs of nationalism
Political party and theocracy

And deaths call
Beats us all
In every province
In every state

In every country
All meet this fate
Of such
None will escape

Sic Semper pedestals
Question blind loyalty
To both
Church and state

Question China
And their abuse
Question Iran
And their theocracy

Question class warfare
Waged by the rich
Not the free market
Just it's monopoly

Jefferson Jefferson
Call from your grave
That no one is special
We all are the same

Sic Semper Pedestals
Through common law
We are all humans first
If we wish not to fall

I want our morgues empty
And no more plights
No more dogmas
Of any kind

Old age old age
The only real honor
Of our species
Worth fighting for

Sic Semper pedestals
Question with boldness
All taboos
That seek special status

Arms are arms
Legs are legs
Blood is blood
No mater where one lives

Sic Semper pedestals
Through reason and compassion
Through understanding
All human suffering

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Scoliosis, By Brian37 A

Scoliosis, By Brian37

A huge beef
This entity has
With human behavior
And what we do bad

But what of what
I heard on the news
A black and white mammal
Who swims in a tank

What did it do
To curry neglect
To end up with such
A debilitating affect?

And what of my dog
Whom I had put down
Who suffered arthritis
No fault of it's own.

If PETA were god
Would it do the same?
Should animals suffer
If they cannot sin?

If such the case
When Vick did his bit
This entity watched
As the dogs were slaughtered

Marine biologists
Try to solve the problem
With a brace
Not a myth

No human or mammal
Nor blade of grass
Get harmed or protected
By fictitious gaps

This animal
Merely suffered
Flaws in evolution
Nothing more

I just wrote this poem after seeing a story on CNN, no link, just wrote this in response to the story. But I might have even gotten the mammal wrong, the story flew by fast, but the intent is still the same. It WAS a swimming mammal with scoliosis. The marine biologists built a rack to correct the curve in it's spine. They don't know if it will work, but that certainly is better than some superstitious prayer to a non existent god who doesn't even give a shit to care about an animal that had no choice in it's condition. So take the Killer Whale as poetic license if I got the animal wrong. Doesn't change the message in the poem.

Often we debate as atheists in terms of human existence, but what of the suffering of animals under this alleged beings watch? If we are to be held up to neglect standards to the pets and animals under our own control, what excuse would an all powerful god have?

The reality is that this mammal is just a victim of evolution. Vic hurt the dogs because humans are capable of doing harm to animals, much less other human beings. This is another indictment of the concept of an all loving all powerful god as a claim.

The bottom line is that neither the good or bad in life need a fictional super hero to explain. It becomes that much more absurd when you are talking about animals who have no capability of knowing better.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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This poem I wrote shortly

This poem I wrote shortly after 9/11 back in 01. I read it at a Unitarian Church where I used to live and it got loud applause and cheers. While I have grown more cynical of religion and it's divisions, the them of the poem I still agree with that humanity was the victim in our tribalism that leads to such events. It also reflects the selfish nature of Christianity at the time that they falsely put forth the idea that only they were victims. The beauty of those towers and is not that religion exists, but in spite of religion, they stood as monuments that people of diversity could live in peace which is why the towers were aptly named "The World Trade Center". I consider this my best poem ever. A copy of it still sits in that church.

Ego Divinely Inspired, By Brian37


The Twin accordions,

Burned and crumbled like match sticks,

No longer playing the music,

Of the briefcase.


3,000 ways,

To say, "I hate you"

But on that day,

None of the quad-Kamikazes

Shouted "Bonsai"

But Allah had his say.


Yet the burning Bush,

In the Marlboro Mansion,

Prays 1600 times,

To guide the bombs,

That maim and kill,

Creating massive tombs.


Do they think,

They are back in school,

Swinging on monkey bars,

Bragging about the biceps

Of their origins?


Is this what humanity has been reduced to?


I don't remember,

Those accordions,

Ever playing monochromatic music,

Jesus, yet be,

The only Icon,

Displayed in their absence.


That day,

Is not the ulcer of Genesis,

Or the embarrassment of Mohammed,

It is the manifestation of shame,

That humanity doesn't listen,

To the music of the accordions.


One side attacks,

The other points the finger,

But no one listens to the screams,

The screams of history.



It is not your day, Christians,

It is not your Jihad, Muslims.

It is your stupidity,

In claiming the monopoly,

Of self-righteousness.


Those accordions,

Played the music of desire,

Of those of the Mosque,

Those in the pew,

The music of the Yammica,

And long earlobes too.


The forecast that day,

Called for morning snow,

Each flake a fragment,

Of invoices, and resumes,

Of proposals, and payrolls.


This was a ticker tape parade,

Where loathing sat in the convertable,

Waving his fist maniacally at the by-standers,

Daring history to repeat itself.

Screaming of divine intervention.


And the burning Bush,

Responded in kind,

And prayed to his absolute,

Screaming for divine inspiration.


The memory of the music,

The accordions used to play,

Should not be lost in selfish idealism.

Demanding only one way.


Jesus was not the only victim,

Nor Bush, nor me,

The attack on the towers,

Was an attack on humanity.


The cross is the only,

Outlined in chalk,

Crime scene investigators,

Step over the corpses,

Of Yahweh and Allah,

Visnu and Buddha too.

The white cards,

Never marked their graves,

Ever to be photographed.


Still today,

We want Moore Religion,

Massive stones marking our territory,

Like a lion pissing on a bush,

And wonder why we are attacked.


You fools,

It's not the book you read,

It is your arrogance,

In loading the 3:57

And praying for divine guidance,

For the bullets to hit their mark,

So you can maintain your selfish status qoe.


I can give you nine hundred and eleven,

Reasons in human history,

Ego divinely inspired,

Will lead to the human pyre.


Or kin of past,

Or so we claim,

Have past discretions,

We're not to blame.


My index,

Is not aimed at you,

It is of lessons not learned,

Wisdom not earned.


Socrates was in those towers,

He too was a victim,

Made to drink the hemlock,

And jump from the accordion,

Grasping at the last notes of life.

Vainly clawing at the sky,

A victim of pantheistic zealots,

Ending in a gruesome thump.


Galileo too,

Crashed into the marble walls,

Numbering in five.

Because of the ego,

Of the cross,

The world is flat,

And I'm the boss.


Yet in modern day,

The accordions play,

Morbid notes of ego's say,

It will continue to our dismay.


Yes, it will continue,

Least religious ego,

Give up it's venue.



Note, "Moore" is judge Roy Moore who refused to have a monument of the 10 commandments removed from his court building.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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A Stone, By Brian37 I wish

A Stone, By Brian37


I wish I were a stone,

Hard and enduring,

It doesn't blink,

Like me,

At the thought of snow.


I wish I were a stone,

Tough and firm,

It doesn't care,

Like me,

If mud soils it.


I wish I were a stone,

Unyielding to blows,

Unlike me,

It needs no defenses.


I am glad,

I am not a stone,

For a stone,

Does not care.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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This poem is about a guy

This poem is about a guy named Stewart, whom I knew in a poetry group. At my first meeting back in 91 he criticized another poet, who's poem I loved. Art can only be subjective and this was my "fuck you", to him.

Free My Words, By Brian37


If you cannot see the colors

In a rainbow,

Then the rainbow has appeared

Has appeared in vain.


When I find my strength,

My energy does not come from you.

You say you are a mechanic,

But of troubles,

My car is free,

So of your services,

I do not need.


You consider me raw,

So you must be refined,

Elitist bastard!

Refined not so of you,

Just cluttered eyes,

That are nearly closed.


Rhythm is for songs,

Do we need rhythm,

To convey emotion?

Do you cry in couplets?

If a tear comes out square,

It is still a tear,

With as much beauty.


So tip your pinky,

Sip your tea of poems,

While I share the rainbow.







"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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This poem was my fancy a

This poem was my fancy a "what if" Jerry Falwell had debated Thomas Jefferson on the roll of government and religion, vs if I had debated Jefferson on the existence of any deity.

Boldness By Candle Light, By Brian37


They sat one night

By the candle light

Engaged in the important

Philosophical fight


Oh the blustery man

With book in hand

Shouts of tradition

In a magic land


Slamming fist on table

Accused of a label

Condemning us to hell

As the candle flickered

From the table's wake.


The echo's of Jerry's screams

Through Independence hall

Were not enough to convince

Dear Tom of his magical dreams


"Oh yes, Jesus did do good"

Tom responded

But of his birth he equated to Minerva

Leaving Jerry despondent


In a bellowing voice

With a furrowed brow

Jerry thumped his book

"If not a miracle, then how"?


Calmly Tom stated

"I like what he did

But of magic it not be

I also like the works

Of Plato and Socrates"


Jerry sat down

And put elbow on table

Fist to chin

To formulate his next question


He jumped up

In excitement

Shouting "Creator, divine providence



Tom rolled his eyes

And looked him in the face

Like a stern teacher, said

"Jesus is not our government's leader"


"Jerry, did you not head my warnings

In my letters to my friends?

History furnishes no example

Of a free civil society,

When the priests run rampant"


The waning wax as the candle burned

The theocrat's mind churned and churned

"I will have my way" Jerry thought to himself

Despite the objections of the master philosopher


Scratching his face in nervousness

Clinging to theocratic selfishness

Knowing he had no case

Trying to figure out how to have his say


Tom noticed the fear on his face

And tried to console him

In a comforting way

"I have no objection to your right to believe

Merely to religious pressures that any one group

Would conceive"


"Didn't I make it clear to all

Religious freedom is paramount

But of our government

No deity shall mount"



My dear friend

Singed a treaty

Confirming this"


"Did you not read

The signer's plume

"No religious test"

Prevents theocratic doom"


Flustered and agitated

The Bush funder left

Thundering footsteps

Of selfishness


Tom had sent me a letter

Early in the day

Requesting my presence

At Monticello

I was looking forward

To meeting this infidel fellow


I knocked on the door

With anticipation

Wanting to thank him

For his "rule" of question


He opened the door

My eyes were a bright

Shaking his hand

With intellectual delight


"Brian" he smiled

"We're in for an interesting night"


He lead me to the table

Kindly offered me a seat

And in the spirit of debate

"I will leave you in defeat"


"Oh really, "I smiled

And retorted

"Not even of this deism

Has evidence ever supported"


"Brian, look around you

Are you nuts?

The complexity, the wonder

How could you not believe"


"Well" I asked sarcastically

"Did you not say yourself

Question with boldness

Or was that just lip service"?


He knew I had him on that

But did not back off

Of my denial he did scoff

I saw in him, what he saw in me

The braveness to reason

Without theocratic treason


As I tipped my glass

As a toast to him

The friendly debate

Left nothing to trim

"What about the paradox

Of god's omnipotence"


Tom responded

"That is the importance

How did all this happen

Without divine accordance?"


"Tom, I know you disagree

And that is ok

Nay, Zeus, Jesus, or Yahweh

In my opinion

Are rational explanations"


"I see your point

But I have to believe"

I responded

"And for your right

I will fight"


"Brian" He laughed

"You are a fool

But yea in agreement

Of this sacred rule"


"Our minds of this subject

Are matters alone

Of the individual

Void of theocratic throne"


The twilight long past

Of the debate we did feast

The blasphemous banter

No hate in the least


Consumed that night

Many a candle

Welcoming questioning

To get a handle


With no demands

Of absolutes

We agreed to protect

Our individual roots


The dawn had broken

We both had spoken

In agreement

No opinion a token.



NOW MIND YOU This poem is strictly about government neutrality AND the right to make any claim you want. But not all claims are equal, by proxy of utterence. So when I say "no opinion a token", I am strictly speaking about the governmental protection to make any claim you want. BUT that does not make the claim itself credible and I do have the right to question, even god claims.






"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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This following poem is my

This following poem is my "what if" Mrs Vorhees from the Friday the 13th series had a bitch fest with Medea of the Greek play. I have to shorten the original title "The Art of Good Housekeeping PMS On The Couch".

The Art Of Good Housekeeping, By Brian37


One at a camp

A lake of Crystal

Sex while he drowned

Vengeance her missile


She picked them off

One by one

With arrow or axe

Defiled their fun



Long before

Crippled Jason

For making a whore


The comic book bible

On the waiting table

In Freud's office

I created this fable


In his room

Both awaited

The therapy session

Discussing reasons why they hated


"My son, my son"

Mrs V exclaimed

"They let him drown

Made him a clown"


To this Medea

Did so scoff

"Jason abandon me

And ran off"


"I had no choice

And every reason

To make him pay

To get even"


"I killed his wife

The King so too

And our kids

To tell him we're through"


The whistle of hot water

Piercing through her kettle

Killing your own kids

Made Mrs V unsettled




"YOUR KIDS" She screamed



Medea retorted

"Look who is bitching

You slaughtered others

Leaving limbs twitching"


"That's not the same

Mrs V did claim

"Of sex and drugs

All shall abstain"


"With every last breath

I did so for lesson

To teach the young ones

To avoid distraction"


"Oh on your horse, aimed so high

Your righteous virtue"

Medea laughed

"Don't make me cry"



Was about to erupt

Contempt for Medea

Mrs V deemed corrupt


"How dare you compare

My pain to yours

You slaughtered innocence

Of that I abhor"


Both stood up

Face to face

Nose to nose

Defending their case


"Collateral damage"

Medea responded

"In the war of love

He left me despondent"


Medea not wanting

To take any blows

From Mrs Voorhees

A trap instead, she would throw


In a deceptively conciliatory voice

Medea stated

"I understand

You didn't like my choice"


Mrs V sat back down

Picked up a magazine

Crossed her legs

On fidgeting


Medea went on

To explain

"To let it go

Would have been insane"


While the pages

Mrs V was agitatedly flipping

Medea turned aside out of her view

For in poison, a peppermint she was dipping


Medea turned back

Smiled while offering the trap

"Cut me some slack

Perhaps you are right, I deserve the flap"


"It just makes no sense"

Mrs V queried, accepting the peppermint

"To kill your own kid

Is beyond my reason"


As she unwrapped it

It did crinkle

Upon her tongue

It started to tingle


She rolled it around

From cheek to cheek

Medea a waiting

For the poison to peak


With a muffle

In her voice

Mrs V conceded and nodded

"Maybe you had no choice"


The numbness began to set in

First her tongue, then her chin

Then the panic of realization

She knew her life was about to end


Nay would she ever let on

To Medea, she knew she was gone

"If I go down

I'll be strong"


"Would you kindly retrieve for me

On that counter over there that magazine"

Medea did so, not observing

The lamp that Mrs V was procuring


With a home run swing

And sharp crack

The scull of Medea

Gushed blood from the back


Both stammered and stumbled

In vile admiration both were humbled

The evil smiles and piercing glances

Reminded both of the end of Hamlet


They collapsed as they gasped

Smashing the table end ending this fable

In timeless imagination

The gory enable



I wrote this as an ode to the classics of ancient times that without, none of our modern culture could contain the  monsters and bad guys  the Stephen King types or the dreamers of the Friday the 13th characters would have happened.







"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Subordinate, By Brian37

Subordinate, By Brian37

Hollow words
Are uttered
Honor and glory
And even of crime

Power and control
Are all we seek
Cooperative leading
Or via force

Seeking affirmation
Protecting the ego
Inventing reasons
To justify actions

We do so to give
And do so to harm
All to fill gaps
In our existence

We deny
That we want
To influence

We deny
We want dominance
We deny
It is about self

Our actions mostly
Seeking the same thing
Finding self, by harmony or hurt

To stop the harm
We must see range
We must see actions
Of being mundane

The motive the same
To be on top
Sense of control
To have power

It is why humans rape
It is why we invent
Labels of politics
And religion

Crime and compassion
Both lead by this
Politics and envy
Lack of food

Abused kids
Grow up to abuse
Abused generations
Grow up to abuse

Until we realize
Our goal the same
Harm will repeat

It will take form
In violent crime
It will take form
In global war

When will we see
It is both nature and nurture
When will we see
Above not none are?

We are one species
And must give up
On ideas of subordinates
Or making clones of others

Crime must be seen
For what it is
Desperate acts
Or mental illness

We must see
Other nations
Not as nations
But of our own species

Until we do
Conflict will rise
Creating more poverty
Creating more crime

Creating more war
Because we collectively ignore
Evolution does not care
Who we are.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog

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Subordinate, By Brian37

Subordinate, By Brian37

Hollow words
Are uttered
Honor and glory
And even of crime

Power and control
Are all we seek
Cooperative leading
Or via force

Seeking affirmation
Protecting the ego
Inventing reasons
To justify actions

We do so to give
And do so to harm
All to fill gaps
In our existence

We deny
That we want
To influence

We deny
We want dominance
We deny
It is about self

Our actions mostly
Seeking the same thing
Finding self, by harmony or hurt

To stop the harm
We must see range
We must see actions
Of being mundane

The motive the same
To be on top
Sense of control
To have power

It is why humans rape
It is why we invent
Labels of politics
And religion

Crime and compassion
Both lead by this
Politics and envy
Lack of food

Abused kids
Grow up to abuse
Abused generations
Grow up to abuse

Until we realize
Our goal the same
Harm will repeat

It will take form
In violent crime
It will take form
In global war

When will we see
It is both nature and nurture
When will we see
Above not none are?

We are one species
And must give up
On ideas of subordinates
Or making clones of others

Crime must be seen
For what it is
Desperate acts
Or mental illness

We must see
Other nations
Not as nations
But of our own species

Until we do
Conflict will rise
Creating more poverty
Creating more crime

Creating more war
Because we collectively ignore
Evolution does not care
Who we are.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Godwin's Mao Contents, By

Godwin's Mao Contents, By Brian37


While Newt suggests

The purge of gambling

And even porn

With consenting adults


Some still today

Love to proclaim

That the godless

Can have no morals


It does not matter

Religion never left Russia

Nor the amount of pictures

Hitler is in with clergy


It matters not

To the ilk of this lot

That we can be good

Without a god


It is the desperate action

Of those without evidence

To demonize

Those who dare to question


I submit

Your proclaimed hero

Has the same attribute

To that of dictators


The rule by one

Who cannot be removed

Where you are the property

He can do with as he wills


You can bargain

In futility

But in the end

You cannot leave


We are not fascists

For simply saying

Your claims make no sense

And have no evidence


I value Vegas

And Playboy

I value your right

To make absurd claims


But you will not

Any longer

Get away

With your ignorant fodder


Hitler and Stalin

Mao and Po Pot

Were human garbage

Not reflecting us


To demonize questioning

Then to be consistent

Demonize Jefferson

For he too valued questioning


Your right to believe

Is not our issue

It is the credibility

Of what you utter


No more no more

Can you dodge with this

Childish fear mongering

No longer will work





"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Mega Millions, By

Mega Millions, By Brian37


The tally of a decade

Of those who get taken

By the poly mortis sickle

The jackpot 50 million


5 million a year

From young to old

Die from everything

From disaster, disease, hunger, old age, or war.


Thus the word

That of "Miracle"

Is the ignorant refrain

In selection bias and sample rate error


And the objection

Stated long ago

By Epicurus

Still holds true


If he is watching

And protecting

Then one can only conclude

He sucks at his job


5 million a year

50 million a decade

Stillborns to heart attacks

Cancer to car accidents


Gang murder

Bombs in war

And you dare to assert

A super hero?


How about

Some reason

How about

A little reality


That neither the good

Or bad in life

Need gap answers

Of superstitious strain


That which harms us

We try to avoid

We can only delay

But cant avoid


We are not

Nor ever were

The product of magic

Or folklore


4 billion years

Our home has existed

Always with violence

Always with death


Meteor strikes

And will again

It's molten core

So too will end


No magic needed

For good or bad

Its only been nature

When we die or survive.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Time, By Brian37 SadnessCan

Time, By Brian37



Can be all consuming

Disparity fuels



A force stands mighty


Never changing

Ever moving


Though it can be and enemy

It is also a friend

To realize this

Is the only true weapon


If it is the only thing

To do

Look for the sun

To rise

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Now while this next poem is

Now while this next poem is a bit cliche, I like the flow of it, and it IT IS OLD, it was when I was an agnostic theist. But it reflects my youthful pining of a woman I wanted to date and did date for a brief time. She was a redhead, like orange blond, with green eyes. She will never know I wrote a poem about her. I will type it exactly as I typed it back then.

The Peach Tree, By Brian37


The peach

with auburn hair,

The peach

with hazel eyes,

Smooth and tender,

is her skin,

A touch I would surmise.


So sweet,

is the sound,

of your voice,

Caressing my ears,

tempting my mind,

Fondling my soul.


Within the peach,

lies a vixen,

coaxing me,

with her nectar.


So little,

of this peach,

knowledge I do know,

So much,

Of this peach,

I wait for her

to show.


Dance with me peach,

dace with my soul,

no need of sheets,

To make this whole.


Find me peach,

let me search for you,

Predict only time will,

if this can be true.


The peach,

with auburn hair,

The peach,

with hazel eyes,

Let us take it,

as it goes,

to see what will arise.


Divine are so,

your branches,

on which I wish to climb.

Your leaves,

show your spirit,

bright, playful, green,

Shading other's worries,

caring you have seen.


Loose not,

the sight of the sun,

Expand your leaves,

to soak up the nourishing rays,

Raise your branches,

higher and higher,

Dig your roots,

Deeper and deeper.


Nourish others,

with your smile,

brighter than the sun,

Open your hazel eyes

So all should see them sparkle.


You are,

your own strength peach,

We are,

a minute in infinity,

I will cherish any minute,

that you spend with me.



Oh my raging hormones. She turned out to be a hypocondriac(sp) ended up dumping me in any case.





"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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What is it? By Brian37 A

What is it? By Brian37


A perfection,

An innovation,

A complex thing,

What is it?


A marvelous thing,

A mass produced thing,

An intricate thing,

What is it?


A flawed thing,

An old thing,

A simple thing,

What is it?


A hideous thing,

A mass produced thing,

An intricate thing,

What is it?


A human.


Another old one. Now in this poem I use the word "perfection". I no longer see humans as a "perfection", much less an innovation.  so you can take that word now as people viewing our species as a "perfection", like I falsely wished when I wrote this. And you can view "innovation" to mean humans can and do invent things.



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog

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I wrote this about the tv

I wrote this about the tv movie "The Burning Bed" a story based on real life woman who killed her abusive husband.

Violent Vows, By Brian37


"I love you"

Or so he said,

So she seeks affection

In his bed



The affection and love

Is a beast

Seeking violence above.


"Marry me"

"Yes I will,

You are just the spirit

I want to kill"


So the vows exchange,


"With this ring

I thee wed'

"With this fist,

I thee tread"


Screams of terror

Ring out loud,

But there still is silence,

In the crowd.


Let us defuse

This dynamite,

Care for the hurt,

And end their fright.


Now while spousal abuse is far less tolerated, at least in the west, it still goes on. But in less developed countries and even women in Islam, still suffer at the hands of male bullies and sexist social norms. Unfortunately it still applies today.

I did change the last line today.  It did read "and end this fight". It seems more appropriate to tell all women that love should not involve hitting and no man should be feared.




"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog

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This is another old poem. It

This is another old poem. It describes waiting by the phone hoping for anyone to call me to comfort me after being dumped and the hope of the future. Again, foolish youth and hormones.

Waiting, By Brian37


An instrument

For communication

One line going out

No one to receive


The messages

That do arive

Bring no conformation

Or comfort



Is a haunting symbol

Of a future

That wont happen


It is cold to the touch

Simulating sad emotions

The keys are a shadowy grey

With nurse white letters and numbers


An eerie sound

Will echo through my mind

Like a flatliner

When I am compelled to reach out


As do the seasons change

So will the device

That was once an adversary

And a new sound will emanate hope.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog