Religion associated with Higher crime rates!!
Posted on: January 25, 2008 - 4:22pm

Religion associated with Higher crime rates!!
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Religion associated with Higher crime rates!!
Posted on: January 25, 2008 - 4:22pm
Religion associated with Higher crime rates!!
Copyright Rational Response Squad 2006-2024.
Damn you Satan for making better societies!
It appears Ruth Gledhill didn't have the guts to mention islam in her article about the study.
Well, I guess journals will publish studies that piss off religious people as long as the facts match up. Funny that.
Oh look, Cpt_pineapple is defending islam. That is strange.
That was a shot at a certain someone, and it wasn't defending Islam.
c wat i did thar? eh? eh?
Ah nevermind.
I am not really following??
"Those who think they know don't know. Those that know they don't know, know."
Journalists tend to avoid topics that annoy the religious. He's expressing his surprise that apparently they will post things that annoy the faithful.
Captain's just mad because he doesn't want to admit that the fervor of atheists in the last few years may be contributing to a larger number of these studies being done.
I've noticed over the last few months that he's been defending theism less and less as more studies demonstrate rather conclusively that it's bad.
Now, he's bitching at us about how we've bitched about not being represented. It would never occur to him that our bitching is contributing to us being better represented.
That's what happens when you're bound and determined to believe what you want, no matter what the evidence says.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
I was refering to you saying that they won't publish your view that Theism is a mind disorder because you said they don't want to piss of the religious.
Well, specifically, I was talking about America, but if more and more of these studies hit the big papers, I'll happily admit that times are changing.
After all, I don't mind admitting that what we're doing is having an impact.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Has anyone actually read the report and know how solid the conclusions are? I've been reading "How To Lie With Statistics," and I'm beginning an Introduction To Statistics course at WSU, and one thing that I've already learned is that there is a difference between showing a genuine correlation (...which is tricky enough, all by itself...) and demonstrating an actual causal relationship between any two events. Does anyone have anything on this?
"Faith does not fear reason."--Pope Pius XII
"But it should!"--Me
You bring up good points. The name of the journal is in the article. The article was peer reviewed by people who are trained in stats (I would imagine). Always a good idea to review it yourself.
"Those who think they know don't know. Those that know they don't know, know."
Here is a link to the study. It looks like they used Pearson Correlations. They didn't due any regression equations due to multicolinearity. I think the study is not suggesting that religion leads or causes crime. This just debunks the notion that evolution has caused social strife and crime.
Sidenote, it is actually pretty easy to have something correlate. Whether it is highly significant or important is the tough question. The importance of this study is that there is no positive correlation between evolution beliefs and crime.
"Those who think they know don't know. Those that know they don't know, know."
Ha yeah I remember seeing this article before....fantastic. Makes you wanna say SUCK ON THAT theists....make me wanna anyways.
---George Carlin---
I think this is probably an ice-cream murders statistic: as sales of ice-cream increase, murder rates increase - this is actually true. The causal third factor is hot weather. I think there is a third variable here, in this case poor education. These people are badly educated and so poor, which makes them both more likely to turn to God and to commit crimes.
Well, there is a third factor - The poor and socially set-aside are both more prone to crime and more likely to join a religion.
Still, it invalidates the whole concept of religious people holding moral superiority over non-believers, which is a welcome setback to pro-theists rampages across the world.