I have been banned from YouTube for "innapropriate content" -- you decide

My YouTube account (http://www.youtube.com/socratesone) has been "permanently disabled".
Here's the video that got me banned, in case anybody wants to watch it or upload it:
I think that the official reason might have been the images of poop. However, I don't know. I know one thing: had I not been talking about the Bible or the Koran, it would not have been "offensive".
"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful"
-- Seneca
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I watched it ...
I'm sorry it seems to be more inappropiate than anything else and I don't really understand the point you are trying to get across.
: Freedom - The opportunity to have responsibility.
: Liberty is about protecting the right of others to disagree with you.
I see nothing wrong with it.
That's some bullshit, man. There is nothing wrong with those videos. What the fuck is wrong with YouTube these days? Apparently, all you have do is bitch just one time to get an account removed. Can't YouTube at least remove the videos if they are so abhorrent. Even that is stupid, but it makes a lot more sense than banning someone. Whoever mods for YouTube must be one power-hungry motherfucker. "I'll allow hours upon hours of actually copyrighted material, but if someone so much as scratches their pubes at a picture of Jesus, they are so fucking banned!"
EDIT: I just made a video in your support. I'll upload it and post it here soon.
http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=SnerdWilliams Independent Atheist Movement Forums
Man, that is fucking ridiculous. I really like your stuff and was wondering why I hadn't seen any vids from you lately.
It was probably something like that cartoon picture with Jesus and a nude Satan. It's no secret those Christians hate your videos and its no surprise that they would jump at any opportunity to flag or report you
Flying Spaghetti Monster -- Great Almighty God? Or GREATEST Almighty God?
I do not think the way you used (just for an example as you've used many) the picture of pinocchio (copy right material - Disney) would come under the "fair use" clause.
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
Here's the link to the video I made about this injustice:
Here is the embed for people that just want to watch it here:
http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=SnerdWilliams Independent Atheist Movement Forums
Doesn't YouTube give you an explanation when they ban your account and/or pull your videos...?
Their explanation was "innapropriate content"
"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful"
-- Seneca
Good video socrateone. Nicely done.
You don't suppose Comfort or Cameron has something to do with the ban, do you?
If not, why not just have it so you'd have to go to the "proof of age" button whenever a video is flagged. They have all manner of suggestive sex and profanity on the Tube. I've seen videos on there that make fun of the mentally handicapped for crying out loud.
There's more to it than just "inappropriate content." There's a shitload of that on Tube. My hunch is that Way of the Master was involved.
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I'm not surprised YouTube banned you for that video. The pictures of shit and the sexual images would be more than enough reason as far as their censors are concerned. As for whether they "should" have banned you for it, I would say no, but as I understand it, if they don't censor videos they run the risk of facing criminal charges.